Sophisticated professional typesetting LATEX for business and academic publishing The ideal solution for your document formatting and database or XML publishing requirements The ultimate in portable F you need to produce a document for publication you want typesetting: LAT X runs on robust, professional software which won’t let you down — E whether it’s an annual report, a manual for your customers, any computer and produces I a business plan or white paper for your investors, an article for timely, accurate output in a journal, a book for a publisher, a newsletter for your club or publication quality on your society, or a leaflet or brochure for a product, event, or venue. desktop printer or business k LATEX is a document preparation system for producing typesetter. high-quality output, based on Don Knuth’s revolutionary TEX typesetting program. It’s been used by millions since A LTEX is completely free, and its launch in 1985, and has been continuously updated to has been the tried and tested bring you the state of the art in accuracy and flexibility. solution for over 25 years. k More powerful than a wordprocessor or desktop publish- ing system, LATEX has a host of unique features which can LATEX is in use by leading dramatically cut time and cost for any publishing project, publishers, documentation especially for long or complex documents. k Itssecretisprogrammability: hundredsofprewrittentem- specialists, and technical and plates (packages) to handle almost any formatting task — academic users worldwide. or you can define your own with the underlying style lan- guage. You only have to define a pattern once, and all fur- What they say about LATEX ther occurrences then follow that style, giving it unrivalled I was getting increasingly exasperated with the limi- consistency: the key to professional-looking output. tations presented by wordprocessing programs when LATEX came into my life and allowed me to do all those things I previously could only dream of, from unusual symbols to complicated layout. I strongly recommend it to anybody interested in producing a professional- looking document! Petra Hellmuth, Language Specialist I use pdfLATEX and METAFONT not only because I need them to create my presentations, lecture notes and pa- pers but also because it’s fun! Entering a math equa- tion in Powerpoint is a pain in the neck: with pdfLATEX and METAPOST it is a lot easier because you can change the style of what is to be displayed. I have a lecture class from which I generate a lecture presen- tation and lecture notes all from the same source: I can add text which appears in one or both of the docu- ments. Marc van Dongen, Computer Scientist LATEX is available in Ireland from Silmaril Consultants UCC Computer Centre Bishopstown, Cork Electronic Publishing Unit Ifyou’reconvinced, orifyouarenot, getintouchwithyournear- [email protected] 3.19 Kane Building est supplier, or contact your local User Group (see addresses http://silmaril.ie http://epu.ucc.ie/latex/ in panel). They will be happy to discuss your requirements. The Irish TEX And LATEX Interest Community (ITALIC) has a mailing list which you can join at You’re also very welcome to come to any of the User Group http://listserv.heanet.ie/italic-l.html events and meet other users. Publishing with LATEX Typefaces Could your next report, white paper, Whether you’re using Windows or Unix (including Apple Mac OS X and GNU/Linux article, book, paper, review, or essay ben- systems), standard LATEX works with any Type 1 outline (PostScript) or Type 3 bitmap efit from using LATEX? Do you need to be (METAFONT). Using the X E LATEX processor (included on the DVD), you can also use able to exchange documents with col- all your TrueType and OpenType fonts. This gives you access to tens of thousands leagues using other types of computer, of typefaces, both free and commercial. without loss of formatting? The standard Adobe ‘35’ core PostScript fonts (Times, Palatino, Century School- k Default styles give you immediate, au- book, Helvetica, Zapf Calligraphic. etc) are provided by default; with the math- tomatic draft formatting for common ematics fonts of Computer Modern, Euler, Concrete, and Times; and a range of types of document. decorative and specialist typefaces for technical, linguistic, and literary typeset- k Powerful automation features handle ting. vw ¦§¤ ¨¥© £ ¨¥©¦ ¨¤ ¦ !"$#% cross-references, bibliographic cita- ¢¡£¡¥¤ tions, tables of contents, indexes, and &('£)+*-,/.021435,/6§748:9;18 8 )4602, 1=< y glossaries with ease. x >@? A ¨ ¦ BDCE=FHGHIDJHE=KLHJNMIDOPMIDQ=LHRHSUTHSV=LHRHSUWHFHV=ODXHIDYJHQ=IDLHZ k Automated formatting of formulae, ¤ [ #$\ ] ^©£© _] `ba a a a c@dfeDgihkj@lmhnj@o eDhqpreDsrtugwv@lmhnj@o eDhyx oilmh # designed by one of the world’s leading z|{ ¦§z§_= ^© {u|¥}w~u¥u|¥ u¥u¥uwwu}wu¥u¥uu@ ©] -¢ uf^+4uu^^uDu NDu¡uu¢u£¤^£¦¥^u¢u£ §uu¥^ u¨uu©uu¡uuuª computer scientists. ¤ _¤ ^© ¬:­¥®w¯u°¥±u­¥²³± ´u°¥µ¶´u°¥·¢³¸¹w¸wº³¸®wºuµu»u°¥¼u±u·:°@³ k «( ¨¥ ©^¤ ~ Industry-standard Acrobat (PDF) and } _ ¾¥¿uÀuÁuÂuÃ¥ÄuÀuÅÆÄÇÄuÃ¥ÈÄuÃ¥¾@ÆÉuʶÁuÊuË@ÆÉuÊ Áu˥ȥÌuÃ¥Äu¾¥Ã@ÆÍ PostScript (PS) output. ½(£©^¤ _ Î5ÏÐ=Ñ$ÒÔÓÖÕ×Ð=Ø+Ù/ÕÛÚÜÓ+Ý×ÚÜÓuÞ4Ùàßâáäã;áæå¦ÙmßâáèçnÑÔåÝ^é5ÓêëÕìÞíÓÙmî k Available in Open Source and com- ½(¦§¤ ; ¡ ïið;ñ:òôó(õ:ö÷ñ:øfù5ö úwõ@ûüúwõ@ýù5þôÿ wÿ¢¡ù5þôÿ £iò¤¡:û¦¥;õ¨§@öôý(õù © ¢© _¤ ¨! "#$&%'$()#$+*,(-/."0" 132 mercial versions. ^ 7'8:9";=<?>3@BADCFEHGDI?JDK6LNM?ONPRQSRT=UWVYXDZ=[ k Strongly supported via the Internet, 465 \=] _^ `babcbdfebgbhbifjbkblbmfnbobpbqfrbsbtbu with user groups in many countries, ] > ¤ ¦§¤ _ £©¤ ¨H^ Rb¤-b- -¡ 1bb and by business-level consultants and £¢|¤¥¦$18:9;18 8 )4602, 1=< vendors. &('£) k È/ÉÅÈËÊNÈ/É Ì/Í ÎÏÍ/Ì/Í ] > §Y¨-©«ª-¬®­¯&° ± ²´³1²´³²b³²b³ ; _Á _^Â^ ¨¥© Ã/ÄÅÃ/ÄÇÆÄ Huge range of fonts and languages µ·¶bµ¶bµ·¶¸µ·¶ ¹1º®»¼½ ¾Y¿)À ÐÒѨÐ/Ó/Ð/Ó ÖØ× ÙÚÕ ÛÚ× ÜÚÕ Ý supported, with floating and fixed Ô/Õ u¦§¨¥© ¨Þ^¤ _= ßáà£âäãäåäæDçDèäéëêäì)íîðïñóò«ôöõð÷ùøúû¸ü ] > A ? ýDþÒÿ¡ £¢¥¤¥¦¨§ © ¥! #"%$'&!(*),+.-0/21£3547698:<;>=?@BA¡C accents, hyphenation, and language- ¦¨ ]ED 4¤ © ]¦ F GIHKJL MN'OQPSRUTWVWXZYU[]\¡^K_.`UabUcedfSg hUiUjlkQmUnUo¡p>q based typographic rules. ¢ rtststutv k Journal and book style files available ; _=¨i¡^ ] D ? ¨ ¤ _¦ ^ ¨£ wyx{zy|~}yl{y~ y{yl~ llS# from leading publishers. ] ? BBZB! ©] ¨ k Available on almost all platforms: ¥-1=<%$7í02, <×9;18 8 )4602, 1=< PDAs, smartphones, and tablets; lap- &('£) m«^ ¡£¢%¤¦¥¨§ª©E«£¬®­ ¯±°0²£³´¨µª¶¸·º¹¼»,½ª¾¨¿£À¥Á0Â%ÃÅÄÇÆ0ÈtÉtʨ˺ÌEÍ¨Î¸Ï ÐѱÒ%Ó¥ÔºÕªÖ¸×¨Ø ÙÚªÛ®ÜÅÝÞ0ߪà¦á ÷ ÷ ¡ õ ì â ? ã ã çºèé#ê ã ê ã ã çºèôèöõ ã ê ã ã çºèûú0üã ã ê è ã ê ê © ü5õ ã ê tops and desktops; minicomputers, äÿ äæå ëíì î ïWðñóò äæå î ïùø äæå ñ î ïWðñóò ì ë9ý þ ñ î ï > £¢ ©£?Á=¦§¤ ¦¦ ¤¦¥¨§¦©¦§ © ©¦ ¨©¦¦¦© mainframes, and supercomputers. k Completely portable between sys- n0z'£)3£¢ 635, £0.9;18 8 )4602, 1=< tems — document files are all plain &('£) ] > A ¤ ^¤ _ !#"%$ &£' $)(*" + (*"-, ' .0/21#/435' .0/76¨38+%9:":;<$=,>">' ? _Á=¦^ ACB B D>EFGD>HIKJ IOB P QRDSP T HVD>P B D>P Q P Y#Z4[ E]\ B J IOB P QRDG_P D>HV`5P H%a<b E]c5H:D>P I P E<d Unicode and can be edited and pro- @ LNM MKU MXW M L MK^%U LNM M e D _]u _] plqNn-r m<s r plnVt=r n-quXr qNvRw hyxRn:z:gik {4f¦gih]|]uXr xR} ~n-r m<s r plnV:r n-tzV8k8ht=r k8gik cessed on any supported platform. f¦gihXjlk8m<n-o ¨ ¦^¤ _ C N : ONX i % O CKG 5> yOSNOS # ClNO > ¡ £K K :¢ Mathematics 4¢]_=¨ ]¦§¤ £. ©^¤ ¦§¤ Automated mathematical formatting uses a symbolic notation, regardless of complexity. Spacing and sizing is done to Non-Latin types include Japanese, Chinese, Devanagari, Urdu, Thai, Vietnamese, mathematicians’ standards, so this: Coptic, Cyrillic, Greek, and many other languages and alphabets, including mixed E(n_{g+1}’|n_i’,n_i’’;\,1\le i\le g)=(N’- bi-directional Arabic and Hebrew. Extensive user group coverage world-wide N_g’)\left[1-\left\{\left(1-\frac{c} {cN’+N’’}\right)^{n_g’d}\left(1-\frac{c} provides native-language support for non-Latin typesetting. {cN’’+N’}\right)^{n_g’’d}\right\}\right] The fontmaking programs METAFONT and METAPOST come with all TEX sys- results in the equation below. Graphical tems for designing and implementing your own typefaces or special symbols. LAT X-based systems such as L X and E Y The calculations of the underlying TEX formatting engine are very precise: Scientific Word have built-in equation it works internally in microunits smaller than the wavelength of visible light editors for constructing expressions with (≈53.6Å), resulting in great accuracy in positioning. LATEX can use any mixture the mouse and menus. of Anglo-American, Didot, or Adobe points, or metric or imperial units. " ( n0 d n00d)# c g c g E(n0 jn0 ; n00; 1 ≤ i ≤ g) = (N 0 − N 0 ) 1 − 1 − 1 − (10.57) g+1 i i g cN 0 + N 00 cN 00 + N 0 After Rapoport (in Bartholomew, D.J. Stochastic Models for Social Processes, 2nd. ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1973, p. 368.) Tables captioned, labelled, crossreferenced, and Figures and illustrations included in a List of Tables and List of LATEX’s tables and figures follow the stan- Figures can contain textual or graphical il- Figures. dard publishers’ practice of ‘floating’, so lustrations. Pictures can be included with if there is no room on the current page, Complex tabular matter can span pages scaling, rotation, and clipping, using in- they automatically float to the next. Au- andcanbeprintedlandscapewhileretain- dustry standard PDF or EPS vector for- tomated crossreferencing means that ta- ing the portrait orientation of the caption matsfordiagrams, orPNGorJPGbitmaps bles and figures can be moved around and pagenumber.
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