THE ST. JdfflJS NEWS. VOLUME XVIU—Na 38. THE ST. JOHNS ^NEWS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Maj 2. PAGES. ONE DOUJM A TBAB. BURIED LAST FRIDAY IMV M me SOCIAL EVENTS mSTALUTNW BONN lDMRi m I Hl VimKR.\i« HKRVIC’ES <IF l^\TIC NAI>PE:NIN€4H tiE THE WEEK IN MELD TFKSDAY BY 'THE NATIUK- I IE MlUi. .RARV Mc<liKK. IN HT. 4€»HNH WMTETl'. FUKIlin .AL PRflTKCTYVK UBOfON. lit*. Mftry A. McKee, whose death \l4»Hk ON THE CHAPMAN P.YC- MUs Anna Kyan and Miss MInnis AIMIII. KNDN BTITN THt^NDMR The new officers of the local lodge YKAK IMY WWUi MB OD April It. was related In last week's Harrinston entertained the teachers of National ProtectIre Laglon were C'RliUNAL AND CIVIL MA*] 111 m. JOHNS. laana, buried Friday. The fun- 1(;||Y TO BE ItCMHEII. of the city schiMds PrUlay evenInK In NWIRM AND PRRieBE. Installed Tuesday eeenlng by suite OP THE PART WEB erml aanrfces were conducted at the a ver>' pleasant an«l nx»vel manner. deputy J. It. Wyckoff of Grand Rap­ raaUMlce of her eon K. M> K«*e by At 7:10 the guests all In costume as­ ids as follows: Raw. O. 8. Northrop, the Iniermeni be- sembled at the home of Ml«s Ityan. Past president. Gserge O. Wilson: READY m THE HDUDAYS Um m*de In the Victor cemetery be- BY THE FIRST OF HIRE corner of Ottawa gnd Baldwin streets, THE COLDEST IN » YEARS pres.. Rosetta M. Drake; rice pram., it. NNSm B OONNi OVBt akla her husl»and who |uiee«-«l swax where they were ushered Into a room Herton K, Clark; eec'y. Walter Q. thirty years uco, appropriate!)' Atted up for playinv Wyckoff; treas.. Robert J. Kelley: WORK ON OjmOLR' chvhom lira McKee, whose maiden name WAiMlN f'OMPANV'H PliANT WHX M-hool. Mere a pr«»gram was gl%*en AVEK.\€4E 'IT'lMPKRATtTRE ONLY chaplain. Elisabeth Tret per; conduc ­ HIM EXAMINATION WAS COB- w*a Mary A, Valentine, was born In under the direction of the hostesses tor. 41 race V. Losey; guard. Prank E. wmx COMMBNrE HOON. re: IN>fN€. RI’MfNRWi. ABIN'T NM DK4$RICKK WorthInpton. Jackson couni>. N. Y., xx'ho were also In costume. Classe* liaumgardner: sentinel, J. Leon Wheat fliukd riiBniBiin I March M. ls3L Hhe was matried to In history. ge«>graphy and music, fol- degree master. Frank W. Knapp: or ­ Charles It. McKee on .Mn> 3T. 1861, lowetl hy a literary and musical pro- PtoNi Vl'lll I'oMsr Hrrr Hy • Hperial ganist. Ethyl E. Finch, trueiee for Hfncral iMMtd llrwUriM^ mmI and the> immediately came to Micb- cram furnished much amusement. The Mrasy Dasssagr Dossr Hy IJghtaliSK .All three years. J. Earle Brosm. ail ff'grsi ai tT.f fiail lo H*« AoB Add lo llw Actlvllir la Icun. airlvln* at their farnt In Vic­ Traill •<— f’liaiMnaii E*««*tc»r>' amt part assigned to the guests were rrn- (Mrr Use N«ai«* isaaMay Niglil — Through the efforts of the local Derxl 'PoMMT HotH f*|gH< in Jail tor on June 1, There she I'ontlnued dere«| to |>erfectlon and reflected great deputy. Ilosetta M. Drake, a class of E'(NHMlr> I'xc liiM’ail»m<i. <'Nni«Mt €*i»wnl) liiinsrx.. Tt>r halltflac IWmIp. to reside for fifty xears. until she came credit to laith ptifdls and teachers of eight a-ere Initiated, increasing the —49llw^ Conn .\rwi>. to Johns six anti a half yeara apo the M'hool. Alxtut HI o'clock the class membership to fifty. The contracts for the construction Th(^ teaBon ttiat !• just oi»^nlnK to make her home wrlth her son. In astrnnomx* was called, .ind conduced The vx eat her this spring has i>een The society lias been In existence The examination of Dr. I*. H. Banta. of the Chapman factor.x* have lu-en promiii^n much to St. Johns In the .^he was one of the early membam uniler the stars to the home of .Miss fuM .if surprises, and the a*ealher for about sixteen years and has a which was bagun last week Wednas- way of public Improvement, a num* of the Haptlsi « hurch of Lainpaburv. let. the work hae bepvn and from noxv Barrlnicton. where u lesson In domestic iiiHti kept his biggest surprise for the membership In the United States of day, was resumed yesterday morning. l-rr of hulMtnics will eonn l».- com ­ if which she remained a conslatant on It will be pushed as rapidly as |k >«- science w;is Kiveii. and the art of taffy last, the month of April w'inding up $20.08 and their assets are placed Rosa Fedewa was again upon the pleted and others that are now lon- and honored meml>er till the day of slble. 'The plans call for a htilldlnK puIllnK XXH* thormighlv mastered, aft­ xxlth a thumler storm, snow storm apd at $3,500,000. The home office is lo ­ stand and when her cross-examina ­ teinplated will he i-imment hei death. A woRtan of more than 88 by 98 feet, with 18 foot hrick xralls. er which refre-hmenis xvere ..erx'ed freexe-up cated at NVaverly, New York. tion xs'as concluded the people «lid not The plant of the old Taf ;«• <*>»nipan>' oidinary Intellicence and *'ultura. she On account of the irreat cost of a self- and school dlsmlsseil promptly at The .spring starte*! (»iit xvlth^ every The local lodge was organised offer any other testimony. ha?* of late been iind« - K'dni: repalr- took a broad and Intelligent Interest supporting roof ox*er the entire shop, 11:10. The school lns|>e« tor was pres­ l•l^lmlse *if It \*erx early season, and about eighteen months ago, and dur ­ Justice Woodruff l>ound over Dr. |irei*Hra!or> to the In-lallat •m ••( lh« In utl that pertained to the kingdom the plan was modifled s«» as to permit ent at part of the session and ex­ iurtn XX.irk lieg.m In '••me part- of-the ing the past six months has paid $210 Banta to the circuit court for trial, Mb hiitan W’atC'O) a’lii .Miinufa< iui ttt^ .if tJod. two rows of posts which would leave pressed hlms«^ as well please«i with . .ttinty. XX her*- th** .'**11 xx.».' favorable, In sick Iwneflt*. fixing his bail at $2,000. The doctor (’ *. These are in arl> < •inplei* «l .*nd .‘<he Is survived by two dauifhters a clear space about 40 feet wide and the school and its management. at an earlier «laie than In any recent The I^eglon pays cash dividends had his bondsmen ready and the bond already ear ••.»d« «> inaieii.i ha\e Mr:-.. Martha S. Osborn of Owoseo 26 feet hlirh which will allow amide year. The latter part *if .March every five year* and $16 per week for WBK at once furnished and accepted. l»e:*n re.ei\» in«l -'H»n • » wheels anti Mrs. Mar>’ Kniaht of I.Alnirsbura. space for erectlnr bulldimr'. It is The E. A. O. of the M E. church extraordinarily xvarni, and the month sickness or accident for the time the Frank Nantell, formerly clerk at tha will he tui'iiiiK '* :i«lliit' iJ' :h. hum anti two sons. James McKee of Colo- bellex’ed that the factory will be well idanned a "keeping contest" last Fri­ xvent out like a lamb. But there was member Is Incapacitated. Steel hotel, who wa* arrested some • •f lndii> ’!> ratlo anti E. C. McKee of 8t. Johns. suited to the neejis of the business. day evening. Mrs. L. Webster and nothing lamblike about April. In fact -\fter the ceremonies Tuesday even­ weeks ago on account of dlfflcultie* Preparatboi' f >i !!? • of a .*<he also leaves thirteen rrantlrhlld- l»esides beinK an attractlx'e bulldlna. .Miss Bessie Pulfrey were elected lead ­ it h.'i- l»een the coldest April for 28 ing .Mr. Wyckoff, the state deputy, with I..andIord Porter, but was sub­ hulldlnir for the .■-! .to ;n;- I'ortable ren. The < ost will he 13.200. the ma«on ers anti they In turn chose sides. This years, the ax'erage temperature being gave a very Interesting talk on the sequently released without any crim­ Ituildint; ‘'o are . under way and work amvuntInK to 11,182 .in«1 the I- for the purpose of securing large only 38.73 degrees, or 7.8 degrees atlvantages to he derlx'ed from the inal charge. Is again in jail. He and - »li .1 HtriJi tut* b> feet will he l arpenter xvork to 12.088. F. I*ul- ittendum e and the Arst x%eek In June •older than the mean ax'erage since order. a young woman were arretted on the nip- red Till IfilildinK w in cost HIRAM JAMES WORDEN frey was axx-arded the contract for the the losing “Ide xvlll provide an ex'en- 1^79, and 2.31 degrees colder than charge of unlawfully living together tle.ur f n.tMi .iini ii. der* rihed In :in- mas.in xvork. and M. F. Washburn iuK* ent.-rtidnmenl for the winners. the average for any April during that and both are in custody. HI* examin­ •-'he • UM J. for the lonstrucilon of the buildlnK. .\t a bii-iue-- meeting nf the E. A. perlo*l. DIED IN DETROIT ation xvas set for Tuesday, but xs'as Tc> i'> -.rtful National Hank huild- .Mil.lilKIt tiE' Till. Civil. W.\ll For a time the que.stion of sidetrai'k «», last Fridax e\enlng at the home of The total precipitation for the adjourned till a later date.
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