Vol. 590 Wednesday, No. 5 20 October 2004 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DA´ IL E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Wednesday, 20 October 2004. Leaders’ Questions ………………………………1197 Ceisteanna—Questions Taoiseach …………………………………1205 Visit of Secretary of State for Northern Ireland ……………………1211 Ceisteanna—Questions (resumed) …………………………1212 Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 31 ………………1221 Order of Business ………………………………1222 Membership of Committees: Motion …………………………1230 Water Services Bill 2003 [Seanad]: Second Stage (resumed) …………………1231 Allocation of Time: Motion ……………………………1251 Ceisteanna—Questions (resumed) Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism Priority Questions ……………………………1251 Other Questions ……………………………1263 Adjournment Debate Matters ……………………………1275 Kidnapping of Irish Citizen: Motion …………………………1276 Water Services Bill 2003 [Seanad]: Second Stage (resumed) …………………1289 Private Members’ Business Special Educational Needs: Motion (resumed) ……………………1325 Adjournment Debate Health Board Services ……………………………1355 Pension Provisions ……………………………1357 FA´ S Training Programmes …………………………1360 Constituency Commission Report ………………………1363 Questions: Written Answers ……………………………1369 1197 1198 DA´ IL E´ IREANN direct links to Margaret’s husband and to her family here in Ireland. ———— It is not yet known what group is directly involved but, as with a number of recent cases, De´ Ce´adaoin, 20 Deireadh Fo´mhair 2004. there is a range of organisations and it is probably Wednesday, 20 October 2004. within that grouping. Late into the night and early this morning, efforts continued to be made ———— by the Department of Foreign Affairs, the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Jack Straw, and others in Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 10.30 a.m. Baghdad to try to form a contact link. All recent kidnap victims have been decent and ———— innocent people. Margaret Hassan did not take any precautions and was engaged at all times in Paidir. working for the Iraqi people through her humani- Prayer. tarian work in Baghdad. She is a part of the biggest humanitarian organisation in the world, ———— which is working to provide relief measures and promote co-operation. She was involved in organ- Leaders’ Questions. ising medical relief for Basra and other areas, and is well known on the ground through her humani- Mr. Kenny: I want to raise an issue which tarian work. She is also well known for her should unite and not divide the House. Yester- mobility because, in spite of everything that has day, we learned of the kidnapping in Baghdad of been happening, she continued to act as a link. an Irish citizen, Mrs. Margaret Hassan. Mrs. She is not just a person working as part of an Hassan, as the House will know, is the chief in aid team but is well known because she has been Iraq of the British based charity, CARE Inter- working in this area for over 20 years, and is national. Mrs. Hassan has shown absolute com- known by most of the activist groups in the area. mitment and selfless generosity towards the Iraqi This is why people are baffled that she should be people for many years. Her kidnapping is an appalling crime against a woman who has given taken. I assure the House that, for our part, we years of service to her adopted country. will do everything we can to assist in her early In saying this and in uniting the House, I have release. several questions for the Taoiseach. What is the current level of diplomatic contact between Mr. Kenny: I thank the Taoiseach for outlining Ireland and Iraq? Is it known to Government the efforts the Government has made to date in sources what organisation or body is responsible this regard. Does the Government intend to issue for the kidnap of Mrs. Hassan? Is it known to a statement in respect of the presence of other Government whether contacts exist between the Irish citizens in Iraq indicating concern that other provisional Iraqi Government and this group, or unfortunate kidnappings might take place? Is it are there unofficial contacts with or lines of com- intended, for instance, that the Minister for For- munication to this group? In that sense, the eign Affairs might consider issuing an Irish pass- Taoiseach might outline the efforts being made port if that were so desired by the Hassan family, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the and to which Mrs. Hassan is properly entitled? I Government to secure the safe and early release was struck by the words of her husband when he of Margaret Hassan. said that Margaret was and is loved by all the Iraqi people. I share the Taoiseach’s view of the The Taoiseach: I and the House join with validity of the great work she has done in Iraq Deputy Kenny in expressing sympathy to the over many years. family of Margaret Hassan. This is a terrible deed This is not an issue to divide the House but a against her family, the CARE International com- matter of Irish unity on an issue that concerns us munity and all of her friends, of which she has all. In that respect, I suggest that the House be many in this country as well as her family in suspended at some time during the day so that all Kerry and London. Margaret Hassan was born in Members, of all parties and none, could send a Dublin but also has British citizenship and under statement of absolute, unanimous support for the the law in Iraq 20 years ago, when working in diplomatic efforts of the Government, by what- Baghdad, she had to take Iraqi citizenship also. ever contact, to secure the safe and early release All three countries, therefore, will work to assist of Margaret Hassan. It would strengthen the call, her. which the Irish people and we, their representa- We have spoken directly to the family and our tives, can validly say is in everybody’s interest. officials have spoken to her husband. All diplo- We had a very unfortunate experience recently. matic channels are being used, in particular those In that context I respectfully suggest that the in the British system as they have links to the Taoiseach suspend business at an appropriate authorities in Baghdad. However, we also have time during the day for a very short debate by 1199 Leaders’ 20 October 2004. Questions 1200 [Mr. Kenny.] in the west Tallaght report are replicated in sev- which we could get unanimous support for the eral other major urban areas. That report shows efforts of Government to secure Mrs. Hassan’s that a total of 90% of children live in fear of anti- early release to her husband and family. social activity, that 25% of children live in damp and unheated housing, and that there is a serious The Taoiseach: Let me reassure Deputy Kenny level of educational deprivation. It also refers to that diplomatic efforts will continue. The Minister a number of other matters that demonstrate that for Foreign Affairs will be meeting the Secretary after all the years of prosperity no impact has of State, Mr. Paul Murphy, later today on other been made in terms of improving the condition business and will also deal with this issue. We will of people on the bottom rung of the economic also keep in touch with the British authorities ladder. who have people on the ground. What is the Taoiseach’s response to the recom- On the question of Irish citizens in the area, mendations in these reports? What is his response since the conflict began instructions have been to the aggravating impact of the 16 social welfare given regarding the safety of Irish citizens in Iraq. cuts that are, for example, causing lone parents However, many of the Irish citizens there are to leave the workforce and stay at home? What married to Iraqis and do not wish to leave. Iraq is the Government’s response to the impact of is their home, their life, and we must understand inadequate policing and of the failure to expand and appreciate that. early school intervention or act on a host of other It has been stated in international circles that recommendations in the west Tallaght report? this action is unusual in terms of the recent actions against workers and contractors. While The Taoiseach: I welcome the report of the they were 100% wrong and everybody every- Childhood Development Initiative in west where condemns them, it represents a change in Tallaght. It is an excellent report which I had the emphasis to take somebody who would almost opportunity to examine last night. I thank the certainly have been known to the people community in west Tallaght for highlighting the involved. Most of these groups would know Mrs. issues. The Government is keenly aware of some Hassan because she is a key activist and has been of the issues but they have been highlighted in openly engaged in the movement of medicines such a way that we must now take action. Our and other issues in the past few years. Perhaps focus is not just on that community but on the 25 that is the reason they questioned her. She had communities represented in the areas of disad- not taken any security precautions and continued vantage that are being targeted in a number of to do this work. That is what makes this action programmes set up to assist them. I also welcome all the more grave. the engagement of the west Tallaght community I agree with the proposal that we should have in this process. a short debate and pass a unanimous resolution All of the houses in this area, which includes of the House which we can then get into the Jobstown, Fettercairn, Killinarden, Brookfield, Middle East network where it will at least be have been built within the past 20 years.
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