Bro. John E. Rakar Made a Mason at Sight in Penn Township, to call a special meeting so that he could cause the several degrees to be conferred on Bro. Rakar. More than 200 persons, officers and members of Tyrian Lodge, officers and members of the lodges in the 54th Masonic District, and officers of the Grand Lodge, were present. The Grand Master had arranged the special meeting without revealing the name of the person being honored. Those who were to confer the degrees did not know who was to be the candidate, adding an effective element of drama to the occasion. At the appropriate time Bro. Williamson explained that Bro. Rakar was the man who had taught him to fly. "I have spent more than a thousand hours with this young man in the confined space of the cockpit of an airplan e," he said, adding, "Wh ile he was teaching me to fly, I believe he was learning a little about Freemasonry." "He asked about membership, and because I know him to Grand Master Samuel C. Williamson congratulates Bro. John E. Rakar on be a fine young man who will be a credit to the fraternity, I being made a mason at sight. The degrees were conferred at a special chose this way to make him a Mason," the Grand Master said. meeting of the Grand Master's lodge, Tyrian Lodge No. 612. Bro. James L. Ernette, Senior Grand Deacon, conferred the John E. Rakar, a professional pilot and personal friend of the first degree; Bro. Vern A. Henery, District Deputy Grand Master R.W. Grand Master, Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, was made a for the 54th Masonic District, the second, and Bro. Roy A. mason at sight on Saturday, August 28. McCullough, Aide to the Grand Master, the third. The authority to make a mason at sight rests exclusively with Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, R.W. Junior Grand Warden, delivered the Grand Master. the charge at the conclusion of the first degree; Bro. Carl W. The last time the honor was granted was in 1976 when then Stenberg, Jr., the R.W. Senior Grand Warden, delivered the Grand Master, Bro. John L. McCain, caused Bro. F. Eugene charge following the second degree, and the R.W. Grand Master Dixon, Jr. to receive all three degrees on the same day. gave the charge after the third degree. Bro. Earl F. Herold, while Grand Master in 1964-65, made Bro. William A. Carpenter, R.W. Deputy Grand Master, served Bros. F. William Sunderman, Robert J. Lamont and John S. as the Guide for the candidate for all three degrees. \VI LLL\i\1 RUSH Campbell, Jr. masons at sight. 0 ne who is made a mason at sight becomes a mason at large A study of Grand Lodge records, conducted in 1978, revealed until he successfully petitions a lodge for membership. \ \IEHH \'\ '"'( CLPTOH that 62 men had been made masons at sight; the practice dating Bro. Rakar has petitioned for membership in Tyrian Lodge to 1885. No. 612. In the current case, Grand Master Williamson asked the mem­ He is married to the former Darlene Thompson . They reside bers of his own lodge, Tyrian Lodge No. 612 held at Level Green in Ligonier. Officers' Itinerary (Continued from Page 4) February 5, 1983 - Grand Master to attend Junior-Senior Wardens Night, THE PENNSYLVAN IA FREEMASON Second Class Pennsylvania Consistory, Valley of Distribution Office POSTAGE Pittsburgh. MASONIC TEMPLE PA ID AT One North Broad Street Philadelphia February 8, 1983- Grand Master, accom­ Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 Pennsy lvania panied by Grand Lodge Officers, will Postmaster: Send address ch anges to above attend an informal visitation to Valley Lodge No. 613, Turtle Creek. February 20, 1983 - Grand Master, accompanied by Grand Lodge Officers, will attend the Conference of Grand Masters in Dallas, Texas. February 25, 1983 - Grand Lodge Com­ mittee on Masonic Homes Meeting, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown . February 26, 1983 - Grand Master, accompanied by Grand Lod ge Officers, wi ll attend the 125th Anniversary of Myrtle Lodge No . 316, Franklin. POSTMASTER : Please include comp lete imprint of address on your postal return clipping. 12 THE PENNSYLVANIA FREE MAS ON Publ ication No. 426-140 Bro. Harold A. Dunkelberger Made a Grand Chaplain Family Members Welcome Issued Quarterly Fe bru ary, May, August and November at Grand Master's Days Scheduled for July and August Masonic Temple , Philadelp hia, Pennsyl­ Bro. Harold A. Dunkelberger, Grand van ia, by The Right Worsh ipful Grand King of the Grand Hol y Ro yal Arch Six consecutive Saturdays in July and mitting, at 5:00 or 5:30p.m. 7, 19,20,34,41,42and60. Lod ge of The Most Ancient and Honorable Ch apter of Pennsylvania, has been ap­ August have been set aside in the 1983 It is expected the children will be August 6 - Masonic Districts 23, 24, Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons pointed a Grand Chaplain of the Grand in Pennsylvania and Mason ic Jurisdiction calendar as Grand Master's Days when the entertained and fed in less formal cir­ 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 37, 39, 52, 53 and 56 . Thereun to Belong ing. Lodge of Penn sy lvania by the R.W. Grand officers of the lodges, along with the cumstances through use of the Patton August 13- Masonic Districts6,8,9, Master, Bro. Samuel C. William son. complex facilities and under the super­ 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15,40,45and 50. Grand Lodge Officers members of their families, will be invited A member of Eureka Lodg e No. 302, to visit the Masonic Homes at Elizabeth­ vision of members of the masonic youth August 20 - Masonic Districts 16, 17, Samuel C. Wil liamson, R.W. Grand Maste r Bro. Dunkelbe rger 's latest se rvice to the Will iam A. Carpenter, town. organizations. 18, 21, 22, 33, 35, 44, 46, 58 and 59. R.W. Deputy Grand Master Grand Lo dge was in the capacity of chair­ Grand Master Samuel C. Williamson, Use of the Patton facilities may be The dates and district assignments are Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. , ma n of th e highly successful Patriotic in announcing the schedule, said he ex­ restricted if the various youth groups are firm and a complete schedule of activities R.W. Senior Grand Wa rden Pilgrimage celebration held last June in Arthur J. Kurtz, R.W. Junior Grand Warden pects the program will provide a first Gettysburg. contact with the Homes for many of the Arthur R. Diamond, R.W. Grand Treasurer Born in Bangalore, Ind ia of missionary SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE ... Thomas W. Jackson, R.W. Grand Secretary lodge officers. parents, he is the son of the late Dr. Ray Statistics from similar meetings con­ Distributio n Office - Mail ing Ad dress JULY 16 Districts28, 29,32,38, 43, AUGUST 6 Districts 23, 24, 25, 26,27 M. Dunkelberger and the grandson of ducted in 1971 by then Grand Master, MASON IC TEMPLE Dr. John Aberly, who had also served as 47, 48, 49, 51 , 54, 55 and 57 30, 31, 37, 39, 52,53 and 56 One North Broad Street, Ph iladelphia, Pa. Bro. Hiram P. Ball, revealed that more 19107 a mission ary to Ind ia and as presid ent of than 80 per cent of those attending were JULY 23 Districts A, B, C, D, E, F, AUGUST 13 Districts 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Postmaster: Send add ress changes to above the Gettysburg Seminary from 1926 making their first trip to Elizabethtown. G, H, I,J, 5 and 36 13, 14, 15, 40,45 and 50 to 1940. The Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Secon d Class Postage Pa id at JULY 30 Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 19, AUGUST 20 Districts 16, 17, 18, 21 , 22 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bro. Dunkelberger graduated from William A. Carpenter, who helped plan 20, 34, 41,42 and 60 33, 35, 44, 46, 58 and 59 Gettysburg Col lege in 1936; received a the 1971 meetings, has been assigned as Vol. XXIX November 1982 No.4 bachelor of divi nity degree from the Pennsylvania Synod, Lutheran Church in chairman of the 1983 program. Lutheran Theol ogical Seminary at Gettys­ Ame rica, beginn ing with its fo rmation "I am honored to serve as chairman engaged in summer programs during for each day will be made available as burg in 1939, and earned his doctorate in 1938. for these six Grand Master's Days, par­ certain Saturdays in July and August. soon as possible. Concerning the cover ... (Ph.D.) at Columbia Unive rsity in 1950. Bro. Dunkelbe rger holds membership ticularly because this time we will involve Exhibits, amusements, entertainment, It is suggested the District Deputy Susquehann a University, in 1979, in Samuel Perkins Chapter No. 209, Penn the families, the ladies and children, of craft displays, concerts and an open Grand Masters call meetings of their "The Cherubim", a pair of carved awarded him an honorary doctor of Council No. 67 and Gettysburg Com­ our lodge officers," he said. house of the newly-renovated residential lodges and then consider interdistrict angels, each with one wing outspread, divi nity degree . ma nd ery No. 79, and the Scottish Rite " It is fitting that we use the grounds buildings as well as tours of the grounds meetings to coordinate their efforts. grace the exhibition of the works of Ordained by the Central Pennsylvan ia bodies of the Valley of Harrisburg. of this great masonic shrine of charity in and hospital buildings will be the order It will be necessary to advise the William Ru sh at the Pennsylvania Acad­ Sy nod, Bro.
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