ews Vol. LVII WELLESLEY COLLEGE NEWS, WELLESLEY, MASS., FEB. 14, 1964 No.14 World-Famous Evangelist will Lecture; Forum To Explore Creativity Graham To Analyze Meaning of Life Religious Forum will present vices will feature selections from Director of the Theatre, "The Ab­ "Creativity and Religion" this Sia: Scenes f rom the Protevangel­ solute Speechlessness of God." They week-end, February 14-16. ion, by Hut.;ert Lamb, Professor will be presented at 8 p.m. Satur­ The aim of the forum is "to pre­ of Musii:: and a commentary by day in Jewett Auditorium. sent a kaleidoscopic view of the Margaret Elsemore '64. Coffee will Mr. Denbeaux will present a relationship between creativity and be served in the Jewett Art Gal­ summation of the forum in Hough­ religion through the viewpoints of lery following Chapel. An exhibi· ton Chapel at 11 a.m. Sunday. pyschoanalysis, theology, drama, tion of contemporary religious art, and art." representing the artistic viewpoint, Dr. Rollo May Psychoanalytic Viewpoint will be on display there through­ The series of programs will be· out the weekend. The exhibit will gin with the psychoanalytic view­ include the work of several Bos· Speaks Tonight point, presented by Dr. Rollo May, ton artists. A practicing psychoanalyst and in a lecture entitled "Creativity The theological point of view author, Dr. Rollo May articulates and Being," at 8 p.m. tonight in of creativity and religion will be the theories of the neo-Freudian Alumnae Hall. Dr. May a grad· presented in a panel discussion Sat- school of existential psychology, uate of Oberlin College, Colum­ urday morning at 9 a.m. in Jewett which centers on "man as the bia University, and Union Theo­ Auditorium. Members of the panel being who can be conscious of and logical Seminary, is a practicing will be Fred Denbeaux, professor therefore responsible for his exis­ psychotherapist and author. He is of Biblical History; Benjamin Mil- tence." currently writing a book on crea· ner and Wayne Rollins, Assistant A former president of the New tivity. A panel discussion will follow Professor of Biblical History; John ~ork State Psychological. Associa· Dr. May's lecture. Panel members Crawford, Assistant Professor of tion, Dr. MaY: ho~ds P.osts m ~ num­ BILLY GRAHAM will include two practicing Boston music; and David Gallant, research b~r .of orgamzabons m the field of psychiatrists: Dr. Ralph Kahama, associate at Harvard M e d i c a 1 climcal psy~hology and mental "The Real Meaning of Life" will Author of several evangelistic School and Boston Lying-In-Hospi- health, .and 1s as ~ell a F~ll~w ~f associated with Beth Israel Hospi­ t the National Councll of Religion m be the subject of the speech that books, Dr. Graham conducts a tal, and Dr. Peter Sifneos, Chief 1 evangelist B'illy Graham will de· weekly radio and television pro­ a Higher Education. In T ime Maga- of Outpatients at Massachusetts Dramatic Viewpoint zine's article on modern attitudes liver on February 17 at 4:40 p.m. gram on national networks, "Hour General Hospital; Roger Johnson, at Alumnae Hall. of Decision," and writes a syndi· The dramatic viewpoint will be toward sex in the ';January 24 issue assistant professor of Biblical His· expressed through the presentation Dr. May was quoted a<i a represen­ The Wellesley Christian Fellow­ cated daily newspaper column, "My tory, and J &.."les Rayen, instructor ship, under the direction of Betsy Answer." of selected scenes of Camus' Le tative of psychoanalytical view· in art. Malentendu and a speech by Paul point toward today's social mores. Loutrel '65, is sponsoring Dr. Continued on Page Sia: Saturday morning chapel ser- Graham's visit. Barstow, lecturer in speech and Teacher and Writer Religious Crusader Dr. May graduated from Ober­ Dr. Graham, an ordained Baptist Wellesley Republicans To Sponsor Mock Convention lin College and Union Theological minister, decided to be an evan­ Seminary, and received his doctor­ gelist after World War II, but in sured and other newspapers and A nationally known figure, at this al degree from Columbia Univer· 1949, at the turning point of his Collegians To Pick magazines responding favora~ly. t~me not definitely confirmed, will sity. For several years a teacher at career, his crusade in Los Angeles Valerie Raymond '64 chamnan give the keynote address at noon. the American College in Saloniki, drew a relatively small crowd of of registration and hosting, expects Actual balloting will begin at Greece, he has served also as a 3000 people. When he returned to '64 GOP Candidate an estimated 400 ~tudents from 50 1:00 p.m., wit~ adjournment . at counsellor to students at Michigan the city last September, approxi· colleges in the six New England 5:00 p.m. If time allows, a Vice State College and the College of States to participate in the event. Presidential candidate will also be mately 36,000 people heard him With the New Hampshire prim­ the City of New York. He is at preach each day. His first fame ary at their heels, New England Wellesley Has 80 Delegates chosen. present an Adjunct Professor of came when newspaperman William college students will be expressing About eighty members of the Preliminary Events Planned Clinical Psychology at New York Randolph Hearst Sr. noticed him their choice for the GOP Presi­ Wellesley Club, headed by Missy In anticipation for the mock con- University. in Los Angeles and began to give dential candidate Feb. 29 at the Hutchins '65, will be delegates. vention, many New England col­ An author of books for laymen, him wide-spread publicity. Mock Republican Convention to be The Club has a total membership lege students, including numerous as well as for psychologists, his The evangelist made news recent· held on campus. of 260 and has been recognized as Wellesley YR members, are plan· works include among others The ly when The Houston Press re· The convention, sponsored by a leader among YR clubs since its ning to attend the New England Meaning of Anxiety, Man's ported that he was considering the Wellesley Young Republicans active participation in 1962 Massa- Council of Republicans' meeting Search for Himself, and Existen· running for President. While he Club in cooperation with the Mas­ chusetts elections. in Manchester, N.H., Feb. 22, where tied Psychology. He is editor of admitted that leaders in both sachusetts Caucus of College Young Colleges will be assigned dele· most of the major Republican can­ Existence: A N ew Dimen8ion in parties, especially Republicans, Republicans and the New England' gates according to the number of didates for the nomination will be Psychiatry and Psychology; and had urged him to do so, he said, Council of College Young Repub­ members they send, with large speaking. is at present writing a book on "For me to enter politics, the Lord lican Clubs, will be the first in the groups such as the Wellesley con· Continued on Page Three creativity. would have to tell me, as clearly country for the 1964 election year. tingent being assigned more than as he did Moses with the burning National Coverage Planned one state. Students wishing to re· bush." At this point, as he made National press coverage is antici­ present states other than the one SIDI.th Will Adm1·t Men to Grad School cl.~ar, he has no intention of enter­ pated with considerable space in or more assigned to their college NORTHAMPTON-Smith College outcome of the Smith experiment." ing politics. the New York Times already as· group will be able to apply for announced January 17 that the -~~~--~~~~~~~~.....:....~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The trend which Smith's move changes, with home state requests graduate school would admit male toward coeducation reflects receiv· Writer Saul Bellow To Lecture Here being the first filled. students. This move was explained ed its greatest attention when Rad· Voting To Reflect Individual by college president Thomas C. cliffe girls gained the privilege of On Novelist's Moral, Religious Role However, voting will be on the Mendenhall as a way of "increasing Harvard diplomas. The movement Saul Bellow, acclaimea as novel­ city - studying Longfellow while basis of individual preference the number of promising candid­ has had no effect on Wellesley's ist, teacher, and critic, will speak gang murders constituted reality. rather than estimations as to how ates" for the presently small grad· policies. Miss Jean Glasscock, Di· on "The Religious Novel" in Readers approach fiction with an particular states will actually be uate program in social work. rector of Publicity, comments that Alumnae Hall at 7:45 p.m. next appetite for religion, Mr. Bellow's voting in the national convention. The school, though founded pri- the reason for this is "geography." Wednesday. article stated, and see the writer In most other respects the con- marily for the "higher education of She states that Wellesley has no Mr. Bellow has been called the as a moralist. vention will follow the rules of the young women", has been participa­ plans to follow Smith's example. best novelist of his generation. He Moral Servants national convention, with certain ting in a program of joint classes won the National Book Award in Mr. Bellow recognizes the appetite exceptions for voting due to the with Amherst, the University of . McGeorge Bundy has .ccepted 1953 for his third and most famous of his readers. "The public never smaller number of delegates, and, Massachusetts, and Mount Holy· an Invitation to speak at Wei· novel, The Adventures of Augie hesitates to demand an inordinate with no platform drafted due to oke. The last time that Smith lesley's Commencement Exer· March, and has written a play amount of goodness from writers.
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