Etn1959 Vol05 22 USA Ch

Etn1959 Vol05 22 USA Ch

' I ) .c J ' ( 1 I \ ' \ Vol. 5, No~ 22, July i, 1959 S'emi-Monthly $6 per year byfirst clas~ mail NEWS NATIONAL A.A. U. , Boulder,Colo: Friday, June 19: · trr· Connolly 216'10", Law- . lor 208'½!', ·Ba9kus 19713", Hall 196'1½, Mc Williams 18l>'l0,, Thomson 181 •.s.· S~•-O'Brie~ \ 62'2¼'\ meet record; ' Davis 60'4i; Long 60'1¼; Nieder 60'¾"; Lindsay 58'2; Butt57'11¾. · · fil·Dumas 619; Williams, San Jose, 6'7; Gardner 6'7; tie, Moss, _Richnrdson, 6'7; 6, Lane, 6'7 (Wyom·mg). _fil-- Bell 26'1¼i W~~y 25'11½; Roberson 25'6;t; Boston 25'3; Shelby 25'¼; Baird 24'il; 400mH Howard 50.'7; Davis 50. 9; Culbreath 51. 7; Cushman 51. 7; Arlt 51. 8; Cawley· 51~9.' llOmH Calhoun 14. O; Jones 1_4. O; Gilbert 14. 1, May 14. 4; Cawley 14. 5; McNulty 14. 6. 10, O00m Truex 31:22. 4; Lawrence 31:35. 5; Soth 32:12. 6; J3reckenridge 32:40. 6; Bennett; · McArdl~ .• · Saturday, Jwie 20 36 lb WT- Backus 44'3½; -Connolly 43'7; Thomson 41'11; · Hall 41'; Engel 39'4; Dillon 3912½; 5000m Dellingcx; 14:47. 6; Sti~glitz 14:48,. 8; Truex 14:50 •.2; Tabori 14:51.8; Eisenman 14:52.4; :Smartt 15:25.2. 1500mBurleson 3:47.5; G~elle 3;48.4; r,· · Moran 3:48. 0; Hodgson 3:51. 9; Seaman 3:54.-2; Marden 3:58. s. 400m Southern ~6.1, Mills 46. 4; Yerm.:ui .46. 6; Dodds 46.1; tie, Spence ;md Davis '46. a. Discus Oerter 186'5; O'Brien 180'9½; Cochra.n 180'8; Silvester 178'9; Babka' 177'10½; Eilis 1721. 3000m Walk Denman 13:. 52. 2; Humcke 14:06. 7; Haluza 14:17~ 5; Macdon3ld 14:31.1 Kulik 15:32. 6; Yarcllo 15:33. 5. 200mLH T,dwell ,22. 6; Jo~cs 22. 7; Cawley 23. O; Gilbert 23. 4; Arlt 23~ 5; May 23. 7; world record around-a turn; 3000m St. Coleman 9: 19. 3, Young,Ariz. 1 9:36. 7; Jones 9:38,. 5; · Crawford 9:46.8; Sargent 9:51.0; Zwolak 9:54.5. 809m Murphy 1:47.9; Walters .1:48;5; Cunliffe 1:50. 0; Spence 1:50.1; Katterman 1:50. 2; Carroll 1:50. 3. 200m Non.on 20. 8,Robin· son 21. 0; Carney21. 2; Hall 21. 3; Poynter 21. 3; Givens 21. 4; H.§1_.. Davis 50'6½;Stokes l 50'2¾; Sharpe 49'11; Floerke 49'7!; Andrews 49'6; Lawson 49'; IT Cantcllo 246'9; Quist 238' - · 2; _Conley 235'10; F.romm 233'9-; Seymour 232'11½; Kovalkides 227'11½; PVBragg 15'3; Morris " 15'3; Graham 15'-3; Schwarz /15.~3; Gutowski 15'; tic,Dooley and Mattos 14'9. Team: Striders - 144; NYAC 76½; Santa Clara Valley Youth Village 35½; U9TC 24¼; NYPC 22, Phil PC 22. · . NATIONAL A.A. U. DECATHLON Kingsburg, Calif., Jwie 26•27: 1, Yang,For- mosa, '1549; 2, Edstrom, Oregon, "7544; 3, Herman, NYU, 67,60; 4, Mulkey, _Mepbis, 6346; 5, Wotruba, Worcester, Mass., 6~5; 6, Paul Herman, Canoga Park , Calif., H~S., 6082; · 7c# Farmer, Miramonte,Calif., H.S., 6059; 8, Klein, Dinuba,Cal., 605'4; 9,Mince,Bakers.J,028. METRO. A.A.U., Yonkers. N.Y., JWlC13•-Fernandez 9.8, 21.8; Herman 14.8, . 22'6"; Robert Davis 47.5; Bright 53.9, 440H; Murphy 1:51.2; 6mile, Laris 31:09:6; Backus, 199'6; Hall 103'10½; Engel 182'3; B14ckus 43'11!; Thomson 41:1½; Octter 182'Q½; Ellis 172'2; . 1 · Bantum 53'6¼; Korn 52'7; NYPC 102, NYAC 92½. , , , r O'BRIEN EXHI13ITIONMEE.T, -Mt. 84n Antonio, Calif., J\Ulc 16: · Parxy O'Brien 63'8", Humphreys 57'4; Wade 54'9!. O'Brien 117'10, Humphrey~ 174'7½, Wade 167'9½. 2 events only. HARVARD-YALE a, OXFQRD-CAMBRIDGE 7, London, Jwic 6 -~Taylor, OC, 9. 8w; Taylor "21~9; Carroll HY 1:51.a; ·ttall, oo; 1:5,2.5; Blythe, OC, 1:62.5; Jnmes, qc, 4:06-.3; 1 . Gilligan, QC, 8:57. O; Parker, OOl '14.8w; L~dau., H¥, 23.9w; ~OR, HY 42.4; Markle,HY, 52'2; Exh. Ha~mcr, Ellis, _2 .oa•sa-;• \ __ , Dl)BLIN, June 16 : Luck, Yale, 9.; 9; HT ,Cross, Yale, 17•1'5; McClean ; lreland, , • , c'l:52.4:, Slowik, Y, ' 1!53.4; 4-mile, Mcssctt, Ireland, ·is:40.4; Benjamin,H, 18:48.4, new 1 Amer~ean rcco;-}!; Landau 21.8; _ Dublin, June 11 Benjamin 8:~5.2; Evcrett,Scotland, 4:06.8; / Markle, Y, 52'7½; Pyle. Y, 52'; . ,~ , · ) ' -· { ' ' :, ',\ . - ~ ' . ' ) I \ i', I . '. ' ' .~ ; , . ( . .'. 1 ; MENDEN, Germany, June 27: U• .s. team: Cunliffe 1:49. 6m;. Woodhouse 10. 5; Babka 182'; Carlson 47~ 2; )May 14, 5; Schwarz 14'3½. HELSINKf Poynter 2~. 3 from Agostini and Can,,.ey;,Connolly .214 '7". · / · · · · - ; . KUSOCINSKI MEMORIAL ,Warsaw, June 13: Batschvarov, Bulg, 10. 5, Polle, Pol, 10.5; Delecour,Fr, 10.6; Orywal, "Pol, 3:46,4; Lewandowski,P, 3:47.7; Jochman,P, 3:48.3; . '.) .j Ua,ran,'P, 3: 48. 7; Baraldi, Italy, 3: 50. s; Sokolov, USSR, 3: 50. 9 . ...Plonka, ,P, 14: 36. 8; Zsivot- ,....,sky, H, 210'5"; Krivonosov 206'; CRut, P~ ~03'4½"; , June 14 Berruti, It, 2()e.0; Ba!schvarov · 21. o; Mandlilc,P, · 21.1; Foik 21. 2; Konovalov ~·R, 21 •.3'; 2ndr~ce: Bartneye~,R, 21.1; Schmidt,P, 21. 3; Seye, F, 47.s; W~gli,Swi~z, 1:50, 5~ Rozsavolgyi,H, 1:50. 9; Jalcubowslq, -P, 1:51. 5;- · ' .,,. 2nd race: Barnldi, It, 1:,51'. 7; aoopm :-Qrodotzki, p, 7:58. ~• NR; Zimny, P, 7: 58. 4; H~:rmann, G, 8:Q0.0; Ibbotson,GB, 8:00.4; ArtynJuk,R, 8:00.8; Bolotnlkov,R, 8:04.0; Hoyklnpuro,Fin, · 8: 04~O; Jo~chman, P, 8: 08:. 6, Janke, G, 8: 09. 6; Bernard, Fr, 8: 10. 2; Ozog, P, 8: lt. 4; lUzzo, It, 8: 14. 2; Chromik, P, 8: 15. 2; Jurek, Czech, . 8: 18. 8. Lorger 1-4.4; F abrykowsld, P, 6'·7¼; I . · 1 ) ; Petrenko,R, i4'3¼; Ter-Ovanesyan 26'3". witli wincl; (also 2s•2t!'w and 25'111"). ' G~abow,- (- 1 e si,P, 25~7}; Valkama,F ·, 25'7iW; Kropidlowski,P, !,25 ; Franszak,P, 24'111; Bravi;It { 24'10; •r ,, I Malcherczyk,P, , 53'11¼; Cavalli,lt, 52'9t, NR; Gurguschinow,Bul, 50'51; Nieder, us, 62'41; Meconi,It, 59'&1; Skobla '58'2; Varju,H, 57'8¼, NR; Sosgornik,P, 57'3f; Tsakanikas,Gr, 55'1; Piatkowski,P, , 196'6¼, ,vrorld record; Grieser,G, 179'5", 'NRrBegicr,P, 177'½"; Koch, Holland, 1 }; 175·'~½;, Si9!0,P, 255'; 1;Kul9s,ar, H, 252'; G.Licvore,~~' ,247la,1; Ditschev,Bulg, 245'4; 1 Poland 41. 5; USSR 41~8; , .1 ... · • , 1' RCSidKY MEMORIAL, Prague; June 19: Ruzieka,.,1-0~-s; 'Orywal,P, 1:49.5; Salinger ;-'"' 1 ' " 1:50. 5; Sawen~o,.R, 1:50. 7; Jurek 13_:59. o, Ozog,P, 14:06. 0; Pai,utldvi, R, 14:11. 0; Borutty 14; 14. 8. , Prague 40. 9; Valkama 25'½"; Merta 175'2; Cihak 174'5:l; ~ut,P, 210'3½; Nikulin,R, 1 200'10". June 120: l\,fundlik 20.a; Kynos 21.0; Batschva:rov,Bul~ 21.~; Zvolensky 3:49.8; , Liska. 3:50.1; Hellmich 3:50.7. 3000mSt-Zlumal 8:49.4,Brilica 8:51.4; 1 Dschou ·-jen·li,China, 1 - 14. 5, NR; .Fcdosseyev,R, 52'1¼" HSJ; Chcn,R, 51'6-k; Rehak, 51'3; .. Skobla 58'8f; Lipsnis, R, y55'4}; Plihal 54''9!; . .. · · .. .. : HANNOVER, Germany ,, June 20: Bcrruti,It, 10.5; Hnry,G ·, 21.4; Quantz 47.3; A;tllim 47\5; Kl:wa_n,~u~ria, 1:50._3:_Bre~er ~:50.3; Barri~,Spain, 1:50.~; Cegl~di,Austria, 1.51. o. Laufer 8.18. 6, Saloranta, Fm, 8.19. 9, Lauer 14. l, Lorger, Yugo, 14. 4, Mazza,It, . i4. 6; ASV Koln 40. 6; Bayer Q4, 40. 8; Pull 618¼; Asiala, .F, 24 13; ' Wegmann 56'1!; Lingnau 55'1,0i; Will 239,'9!; , · ' . - . BERLIN, June 21: Hary 10. 4, µiuer 10. 5; Berruti 10. 5; l3crruti 21.1; Kaufmann 47 •.6; Adam ,1.:4.0.5 LSchmidt 1:49.9; Hey~kc 1:50~3; Ostaoh 1:50.7; 1 Barris,Sp, .-3:51.9 ·; Muller 14: 14. 8; Lauer 13. 7; Mazza, ~ 1;, 14. 2, NR; ,Lorfcr, Yugo, 14. 3; Pensberger 14. 4; · Pul~ 6'8¼; Kruger 24'6ii . Wegmann 56'1!; Lingnau 155~10i; ~ · , . Other German meets: Grieser 181 '3"; Riede 21. 4; Kruse 1: 50. 8; Janke 8: 09. 8; Stamer 8:15~4; Pfeil ~•EJ¾;Valentin 1:47,6; , ,Jal}r..c13:59.8; Kuhl 177'8; Burg; · FINLAND Strand l 0, 6; R~kola '47 ~ 8; J(rus,r, G, 1: ,w.1; Saloncn 3; 42;. 9 from VuorM ' I, ;isalo 3:45. s. Salornrita: 3:47 .'o~Dorner ,G, '3:4,8. 'i; Waem •, S, 3:40. 3; Frost, 247'l½; Salminen (- -a'B!; Landstrom 14 '7¼; Wo.ern, S, 1: 51. 8; Hoykinpuro 8: 10. 0 from Saloranta '8>15. 6; Salonen , r 3:49. 8 from\Vaern 3: 50. 4, Vuorisalo 3:50. 4 and Kruse,G, 3:51. 3. Huttuncn. 14:19. 6. OTliER Ef.JROPEAN marks: ·oepasta,Gr, , 1:51. 6, 1:51. 3; Fredriksson,S~ 258'6½; 1 ',' , 11 Pettersson,S, 6 8!; Dahl,$, 6'8£; Pettersson, 6'9!; Asplund,S, 210'4¼; 'Higgins,GB, 48,.4; ' Parkes, ~~4: 10.

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