AGM Plants July 2021 © RHS – ORNAMENTAL Abelia – Acer Abelia 12 megapotamicum ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H3) 93 × milleri hort. (H3) 09 chinensis ‘China Rose’ (H5) 93 ‘Nabob’ (H2) 09 ‘Edward Goucher’ (H5) 93 ‘Orange Glow’ (v) (H2) 11 × grandiflora ‘Canyon Creek’ (H5) 12 pictum ‘Thompsonii’ (v) (H2) 09 × grandiflora ‘Hopleys’ (v) (H4) 99 ‘Savitzii’ (v) (H2) 09 × grandiflora ‘Lake Maggiore’ (H5) 93 ‘Souvenir de Bonn’ (v) (H2) 09 mosanensis ‘Korean Spring’ (H6) Abies Acacia 93 baileyana (H3) 12 balsamea (Hudsonia Group) ‘Hudsonia’ (H7) 93 baileyana ‘Purpurea’ (H3) 93 concolor ‘Compacta’ (H7) 93 dealbata (H3) 12 concolor (Violacea Group) ‘Violacea’ (H7) 02 pravissima (H3) 12 concolor (Violacea Group) ‘Violacea 16 retinodes (H2) Prostrate’ (H7) 12 koreana (H7) Acalypha 12 koreana ‘Blauer Eskimo’ (H7) 93 hispida (H1b) 12 koreana ‘Cis’ (H7) 21 ‘Mini Reds’ (H1b) 12 koreana ‘Kohout’s Ice Breaker’ (H7) 12 wilkesiana (H1b) 93 koreana ‘Silberlocke’ (H7) 93 lasiocarpa var. arizonica ‘Compacta’ Hornibr. Acanthus (H7) 16 mollis (Latifolius Group) ‘Rue Ledan’ (H6) 12 nordmanniana subsp. nordmanniana (H7) 93 nordmanniana subsp. nordmanniana Acer ‘Golden Spreader’ (H7) 93 campestre (H6) 12 pinsapo ‘Aurea’ (H6) 12 campestre ‘Carnival’ (v) (H6) 93 pinsapo ‘Glauca’ (H6) 12 campestre ‘Ruby Glow’ (H6) 12 procera (Glauca Group) ‘Glauca’ (H7) 93 cappadocicum ‘Aureum’ (H6) 12 procera (Glauca Group) ‘Glauca Prostrata’ 93 cappadocicum ‘Rubrum’ (H6) (H7) 93 davidii ‘George Forrest’ (H5) 12 × freemanii Autumn Blaze (‘Jeffersred’) (H6) Abutilon 93 griseum (H5) 93 ‘Canary Bird’ (H2) 93 japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ (H6) 93 ‘Cannington Carol’ (v) (H2) 12 japonicum ‘Green Cascade’ (H6) 93 ‘Cannington Peter’ (v) (H2) 93 japonicum ‘Vitifolium’ (H6) 93 ‘Kentish Belle’ (H3) 12 micranthum (H6) 99 ‘Linda Vista Peach’ (H2) 12 negundo var. violaceum (H6) 99 ‘Marion’ (H2) 12 negundo ‘Winter Lightning’ (H6) 93 megapotamicum (H3) Key to hardiness ratings H1a tropical: heated greenhouse; more than 15C H4 hardy: average winter; -10°C to -5°C H1b subtropical: heated greenhouse; 10°C to 15°C H5 hardy: cold winter; -15°C to -10°C H1c warm temperate: heated greenhouse; 5°C to 10°C H6 hardy: very cold winter; -20°C to -15°C H2 tender: cool or frost-free greenhouse; 1°C to 5°C H7 very hardy; less than -20°C H3 half-hardy: unheated greenhouse or mild winter; -5°C to 1°C Figures before the name give the year of the award. For key to codes after names, go to https://bit.ly/2xFsEhw. For an Excel version of this document, including rescinded AGMs, email [email protected] Page 1 of 118 AGM Plants July 2021 © RHS – ORNAMENTAL Achillea – Aconitum 12 palmatum ‘Ariadne’ (M/v) (H6) Achillea 12 palmatum ‘Beni-maiko’ (P) (H6) 93 ageratifolia (H5) 12 palmatum ‘Beni-tsukasa’ (P/v) (H6) 93 ‘Coronation Gold’ (H7) 93 palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ (A) (H6) 99 ‘Credo’ (H7) 93 palmatum ‘Burgundy Lace’ (M) (H6) 99 filipendulina ‘Cloth of Gold’ (H7) 93 palmatum ‘Chitose-yama’ (M) (H6) 93 filipendulina ‘Gold Plate’ (H7) 12 palmatum ‘Corallinum’ (P) (H5) 99 ‘Heidi’ (H7) 93 palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’ (D) (H6) 99 ‘Hella Glashoff’ (H7) 12 palmatum ‘Eddisbury’ (P) (H6) 99 ‘Lachsschönheit’ (Galaxy Series) (H7) 12 palmatum ‘Elegans’ (M) (H6) 93 × lewisii ‘King Edward’ (H5) 12 palmatum ‘Emerald Lace’ (D) (H6) 99 ‘Lucky Break’ (H7) 93 palmatum ‘Garnet’ (D) (H6) 99 ‘Martina’ (H7) 93 palmatum ‘Inaba-shidare’ (D) (H6) 99 millefolium ‘Lansdorferglut’ (H7) 02 palmatum ‘Katsura’ (P) (H6) 14 millefolium ‘Red Velvet’ (H7) 12 palmatum ‘Kinshi’ (L) (H6) 99 ‘Mondpagode’ (H7) 12 palmatum ‘Kiyohime’ (Dw) (H6) 93 ‘Moonshine’ (H7) 12 palmatum ‘Orange Dream’ (P) (H5) 99 ‘Summerwine’ (H7) 12 palmatum ‘Orangeola’ (D) (H6) 93 tomentosa (H5) 12 palmatum ‘Ornatum’ (D) (H6) 93 palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ (A) (H6) x Achimenantha 93 palmatum ‘Red Pygmy’ (L) (H6) 02 ‘Inferno’ (H1b) 93 palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’ (P) (H6) 93 palmatum ‘Seiryu’ (D) (H6) Achimenes 12 palmatum ‘Shin-deshojo’ (P) (H5) 02 ‘Ambroise Verschaffelt’ (H1c) 12 palmatum ‘Shishi-gashira’ (P) (H6) 02 ‘Hilda Michelssen’ (H1c) 02 palmatum ‘Trompenburg’ (M) (H6) 02 ‘Paul Arnold’ (H1c) 12 palmatum ‘Villa Taranto’ (L) (H6) 02 ‘Stan’s Delight’ (d) (H1c) 93 platanoides ‘Crimson King’ (H7) 12 platanoides Princeton Gold (‘Prigo’) (H7) Acis 93 platanoides ‘Schwedleri’ (H7) 93 autumnalis (H5) 93 pseudoplatanus ‘Brilliantissimum’ (H7) Aconitum 93 rubrum ‘October Glory’ (H6) 12 rubrum Red Sunset (‘Franksred’) (H6) 93 ‘Bressingham Spire’ (H7) 93 shirasawanum ‘Aureum’ (H6) 93 × cammarum ‘Bicolor’ (H7) 12 sieboldianum (H6) 02 carmichaelii (Arendsii Group) ‘Arendsii’ (H7) 12 tegmentosum (H5) 93 carmichaelii (Wilsonii Group) ‘Kelmscott’ 02 triflorum (H7) (H7) 93 ‘Spark’s Variety’ (H7) Key to hardiness ratings H1a tropical: heated greenhouse; more than 15C H4 hardy: average winter; -10°C to -5°C H1b subtropical: heated greenhouse; 10°C to 15°C H5 hardy: cold winter; -15°C to -10°C H1c warm temperate: heated greenhouse; 5°C to 10°C H6 hardy: very cold winter; -20°C to -15°C H2 tender: cool or frost-free greenhouse; 1°C to 5°C H7 very hardy; less than -20°C H3 half-hardy: unheated greenhouse or mild winter; -5°C to 1°C Figures before the name give the year of the award. For key to codes after names, go to https://bit.ly/2xFsEhw. For an Excel version of this document, including rescinded AGMs, email [email protected] Page 2 of 118 AGM Plants July 2021 © RHS – ORNAMENTAL Actaea – Agapanthus 12 ‘Stainless Steel’ (H7) 12 haworthii ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H1c) 12 ‘Sunburst’ (v) (H1c) Actaea 93 tabuliforme (H1c) 93 matsumurae ‘Elstead Variety’ (H7) 93 ‘Zwartkop’ (H1c) 14 matsumurae ‘White Pearl’ (H7) 93 racemosa (H7) Aeschynanthus 02 simplex (Atropurpurea Group) ‘Brunette’ (H7) 93 longicaulis (H1a) 14 simplex (Atropurpurea Group) ‘Hillside Black 93 pulcher (H1a) Beauty’ (H7) 02 radicans (H1a) 12 simplex (Atropurpurea Group) ‘James 93 speciosus (H1a) Compton’ (H7) Aesculus Actinidia 93 flava (H5) 93 kolomikta (H5) 02 indica ‘Sydney Pearce’ (H5) 12 tetramera var. maloides (H5) 93 × neglecta ‘Erythroblastos’ (H5) 93 parviflora (H5) Adenium 02 obesum (H1a) Aethionema 93 grandiflorum (H5) Adiantum 93 grandiflorum Pulchellum Group (H5) 97 aleuticum (H6) 93 ‘Warley Rose’ (H5) 97 aleuticum ‘Subpumilum’ (H5) 17 hispidulum (H4) Agapanthus 97 × mairisii (H5) 17 ‘African Skies’ (H3) 97 raddianum ‘Brilliantelse’ (H1c) 17 ‘Alan Street’ (H4) 93 raddianum ‘Kensington Gem’ (H1c) 17 ‘Arctic Star’ (H4) 93 venustum (H7) 17 ‘Ballerina’ (H3) 17 ‘Blue Ice’ (H4) Adromischus 17 ‘Blue Magic’ (H5) 12 cooperi (H2) 17 ‘Bray Valley’ (H4) 12 maculatus (H2) 17 ‘Celebration’ (H4) 17 Double Diamond (‘Rfdd’) (H3) Aechmea 17 ‘Eggesford Sky’ (H4) 15 ‘Del Mar’ (H1b) 17 Ever White (‘Wp001’) (H3) 15 fasciata ‘Primera’ (H1b) 17 ‘Exmoor’ (H4) Aeonium 17 Fireworks (‘Mdb001’) (H3) 17 ‘Flower of Love’ (H4) 12 ‘Blushing Beauty’ (H1c) 17 ‘Full Moon’ (H3) 93 haworthii (H1c) Key to hardiness ratings H1a tropical: heated greenhouse; more than 15C H4 hardy: average winter; -10°C to -5°C H1b subtropical: heated greenhouse; 10°C to 15°C H5 hardy: cold winter; -15°C to -10°C H1c warm temperate: heated greenhouse; 5°C to 10°C H6 hardy: very cold winter; -20°C to -15°C H2 tender: cool or frost-free greenhouse; 1°C to 5°C H7 very hardy; less than -20°C H3 half-hardy: unheated greenhouse or mild winter; -5°C to 1°C Figures before the name give the year of the award. For key to codes after names, go to https://bit.ly/2xFsEhw. For an Excel version of this document, including rescinded AGMs, email [email protected] Page 3 of 118 AGM Plants July 2021 © RHS – ORNAMENTAL Agapetes – Aglaonema 17 ‘Happy Blue’ (H4) Agapetes 17 ‘Hoyland Blue’ (H3) 02 ‘Ludgvan Cross’ (H2) 17 ‘Hoyland Chelsea Blue’ (H3) 93 serpens (H2) 17 ‘Ice Blue Star’ (H5) 17 inapertus ‘Avalanche’ (H4) Agastache 17 inapertus subsp. hollandii ‘Sky’ (H4) 04 ‘Blue Fortune’ (H6) 17 ‘Jacaranda’ (H3) 17 ‘Jessica’ (H4) Agave 17 ‘Jonie’ (H3) 94 americana (H2) 17 ‘Jonny’s White’ (H4) 03 americana ‘Marginata’ (v) (H2) 17 ‘Leicester’ (H4) 94 americana ‘Mediopicta’ (v) (H2) 93 ‘Loch Hope’ (H5) 94 americana ‘Mediopicta Alba’ (v) (H2) 17 ‘Luly’ (H4) 94 americana ‘Variegata’ (v) (H2) 17 ‘Marjorie’ (H5) 94 filifera (H2) 17 ‘Marnie’ (H4) 12 leopoldii (H2) 17 ‘Maureen’ (H5) 12 macroacantha (H1c) 17 ‘Megan’s Mauve’ (H3) 12 parrasana (H2) 17 ‘Midnight Star’ (H5) 12 parryi (H2) 17 ‘Monique’ (H4) 94 parviflora (H2) 17 ‘Northern Star’ (H4) 94 potatorum (H2) 17 ‘Peter Franklin’ (H3) 94 stricta (H2) 17 ‘Pino’ (H4) 12 titanota (H1c) 17 ‘Purple Delight’ (H3) 12 toumeyana (H2) 17 ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ (H4) 16 univittata ‘Quadricolor’ (v) (H2) 17 ‘Royal Blue’ (H5) 02 utahensis (H3) 17 ‘Royal Velvet’ (H4) 94 victoriae-reginae (H2) 17 ‘Sandringham’ (H5) 17 ‘Sandy’ (H4) Ageratum 17 ‘Silver Baby’ (H3) 95 houstonianum ‘Blue Danube’ (H2) 17 Silver Moon (‘Notfred’) (v) (H5) 95 houstonianum ‘Blue Horizon’ (H2) 17 ‘Snow Cloud’ (H4) Aglaomorpha 17 ‘Snow Crystal’ (H3) 17 ‘Summer Days’ (H4) 17 coronans (H1b) 17 ‘Summer Delight’ (H4) Aglaonema 17 Twister (‘Ambic001’) (H4) 02 costatum f. immaculatum (H1b) 17 ‘Zigzag White’ (H3) 93 modestum (H1b) 93 ‘Silver Queen’ (H1b) Key to hardiness ratings H1a tropical: heated greenhouse; more than 15C H4 hardy: average winter; -10°C to -5°C H1b subtropical: heated greenhouse; 10°C to 15°C H5 hardy: cold winter; -15°C to -10°C H1c warm temperate: heated greenhouse; 5°C to 10°C H6 hardy: very cold winter; -20°C to -15°C H2 tender: cool or frost-free greenhouse; 1°C to 5°C H7 very hardy; less than -20°C H3 half-hardy: unheated greenhouse or mild winter; -5°C to 1°C Figures before the name give the year of the award. For key to codes after names, go to https://bit.ly/2xFsEhw. For an Excel version of this document, including rescinded AGMs, email [email protected] Page 4 of 118 AGM Plants July 2021 © RHS – ORNAMENTAL Aichryson – Aloe Aichryson 16 jesdianum ‘Akbulak’ (H5) 16 jesdianum ‘Early Emperor’ (H5) 93 × aizoides var.
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