THE TEESDALE MERCURY. Wednesd ay. 4„1 4.1111 . 1938. Telephone : 45. SOLE AGENT FOR "WETHERDAIR" RAINCOATS. TH E GE NERAL NOTICES. Zbe Zeobate Ifiercurp. •I • 11541::& iLl\T SILAIN D D E9r SoNY_ N T IEN E s t)E •E• it TRIPS DURHAM, NORTH YORK, AND SOU I H THE LEADING CLOTHIER AND OUTFITTER. ,Monday to Friday,at 2, 6. 5 ro VS, ESTMORLAND ADVERTISER. Saturday sUNr',\'. ', CA. JULY TO APPLEBY Office :—Market Place, Barnard Castle. The Largest and Best Stock in the Town. \ N \a\'11d11:11.1i.‘1"ilitSti Suits to Measure- Fit GiteatratrAteseaci. Ca,II.• I I- ■ • ■ POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES. " MICHAEL STROCOFF,! BISHOP AUCKLAAn The TEESDALE MERCURY can be posted 31 & 33, MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. Phone 177. Aron. and Trues., July 11h ; T 0 every week to any address in the Kingdom NI ICE . F:110 'EN. ITIITH EZ and 11 British Possessions at the following lAltlty atirntifit rates :— 13:\ltl'tIEli in 2s. 9d. 13 weeks ... TO DARLINGTON 26 weeks ... 5s. 6d. DARLINGTON CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY, LTD. \NE 52 weeks ... Ils. Od. e\d‘.411'lliLn.t JAN Castle to LI Nliain & I-1 anal Cheques and Postal Orders to be made i; ckleton Payable to the Teesdale Mercury Limited. Barnard Castle Branch. ;olerstone 10-1 & 0.50 I " CAN THIS BE DIXI E l'alahiltirk 9-56 Betty Furness and J Ethvat.1 11i'-iax,-1,41-in-T. 9-47 am & Revised Advertisement Scale. SALE TO DURHAM • FOR SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED, Castle 1-1 7.! I;ar t;Hd 1.;11 ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND, Commencing THURSDAY, JULY 7th. N 110111:1 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS AND SALES, UPPER TEES1u 1 ULLSWATE APARTMENTS WANTED AND To LET, DRAPERY SECTION MEN'S WEAR TO LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE AND To LET, Usual SECTION Bail. Motor and Steano•I It The following are the PREPAID Rates: Price j'110N1 OCR OWN Cotillist.ci,,, ONE THREE SIX Coats ' 47/6 25/- Mecprhizaenmi itooald Castle It-t". am I; ,. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. ,„,Men's Suits - 65/6 30//- 25 - -cisiMWershiasti the Meeliate s. d. s. d. s. d. TO MARSKE 12 words 1 0 2 6 4 0 35/11 20/- „ Flannels 4 11 Middleton-in-Teesdale, werldv Wednesday evening v.,. 13 to 18 words ... 1 6 3 9 6 0 0/6 25/- on Ballard Castle 10-14 ant & 19 to 24 words ... 2 0 5 0 8 0 Youths' „ - 3/11 Miss D. Watson ; 2, Mt, \\ !- tlickleton 9-51, CotlierstUlle ... 2 6 6 3 10 0 45/6 20 Gentlemen-1 , Mr Baum ; )l 25 to 30 words Men's. Raincoats 17/11 Boinaldkirk 9-56 ant & When not consecutive EACH insertion will 47/6 20/ - Outings. Trousers -M:1'. 9-47 ant & 1.2-43 be charged for at the rate given for one. 7 55/6 30/- ft 6/6 Scholars from Forest-in-Tee-H Middleton This Scale does not apply to Advertise- TO MIDDLESBROUC Costumes 47/6 20/- If Tunic Shirts.- 3 111 Schools, accompanied by ments from Public Bodies nor to Trade „ - - - 39/11 15/- teachers, went on Saturday to Advertisements, or any other class than ,, Pyjamas 3/11 by motor bus. The fine weigh., Barnard .Castle 10-14 am & these specified.' Cardigan Suits - 22/6 10/- one heavy shower, contributed Mickleton 9-51. Cotherstotte If Interlock Singlets Dresses, Silk, All Colours 10/ - 15/ - able day. Twenty-live scholar, honialdkirl: 9-56 am & Special line - 5/- and Drawers, 1i- each ton Council School, accainpaili,-, bliddleton-In-T. 9-47 ant & i:t PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED BY EXPERT Millinery Hats - 1/., 3 5/- the staff, visited the Glasgow I TAILORING SECTION Friday ill conjunction with TO PENRITH TUNERS. Blouses SS. - - - Z 3/- Schools. Au interesting day Castle ant s. :: TEESDALE REGULARLY VISITED :: Silk Knickers 1/6, assorted colours Suits made to measure the return home was ceint ,1,.. Silk Sets - 3/., all colours on Saturday. Special line 50/- TO REDCAR BROTH ERTON'S Wool - - - - 24d. oz. No Corncrakes in Teesdale. PIANO AND RADIO WAREHOUSE Castle 10-14 atti & 1-1 Su far as can be asc•rtain,,, Barnard 221, Newgate St., Bishop Auckland. Tel. 137 9-51, Cotlierstot DRESS MATERIALS, HALF PRICE. crake has yet to be heard in.: . Mickleton This 1‘,.„, Middleton-in-Teesdale. iddleton-in-T. 9-47 am & It! RUBBER MACS, HALF PRICE. mer visitor has notably (It::: Benialtlkirk 9-56 and & 1:!-50 p REMNANTS HALF PRICE. numbers of late years. and 1 ,.;,;-• GARDEN TOOLS AND expressed. that the bird is be,- TO SALTBURN LAWN MOWERS 'Phis is also the fear in most Barnard Castle 10-14 am & and the theory put forwani 10-1 & Itednaldkir SPOORS, LTD. fur the railway station, and on the way haymaking season (.'oincidia;, tb•rstone 1.:-5o pm 3/8, Middleton-in- ;Phone 1561 MIDDLETON TRAGEDY. roused Dr. Dawson and asked him to go and ing period of the birds. thi- & Mickleton 9-51 a see Robinson, and told him what Robin- eggs to be destroyed or the II. Horse Market, Barnard Castle. son had said. Witness went to Station by the reaping machine. \I SUNDERLAND ACED WOMAN FOUND DEAD IN BED. Terrace and found the doors of the cottage be felt if this advanceinei•• TO locked. His brother climbed into the back- does lead to the extincti , Barnard' Castle 1-1. Middl HER HUSBAND CHARGED WITH WILFUL yard and opened the yard gate, and they migrant. 0-43 & Romaldkirk 12-5o MURDER. got a ladder and looked into the back bed room. There mitriess saw the de eased Holwick Sports. "GREAT with a length of rope round her neck lied to We are asked to sill The Middleton-in-Teesdale district was the foot of the bed. Dr. Dawson calm sports on Saturday, .1 stirred on Sunday morning by the news shortly afterwards and witness told him prizes for the shoot v REGULA YORKSHIRE" what he had seen. They forced the kitchen Chas. Hellis and S that Mrs Margaret Agnes . Robinson. aged Imperial Chemical halm DONCASTER window open and entered the hous'e. Going DAY TRI SHOW AT 66, of 4, Station Terrace, had beets found upstairs witness found the deceased lying Mr Horner, Stockton-on- July 13th, 14th & 15th, 1938 dead in bed and that her husband, William on the bed with the rope tied tightly round were : Gatemen, Mr J, v • from BARNARD CA TRICK & MUSICAL RIDING DISPLAYS Robinson, . aged 63, a foreman platelayer her neck, apparently quite dead. Dr. Daw- Young ; shoot stewards. N1 Mondays & Thur by the 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards son made an examination and found life Raine, G. Bell, H. E. U. employed on the L.N.E.R., had been judges of comic and fairy H • Ss • August Bank Holiday on each day of the Show. (By kind permis- detained by the police. extinct. Dr. Dawson telephoned for the sion of Lt.-Col. E. S. D. Martin, D.S.O., police. Witness added that he last saw his Dawson and Mrs Smith ; ban - M.C., and Officers). It is understood that Mrs Robinson had aunt about a month ago, before she was Nurse Smith, Romaldkirii; Recker ... 8 57 THE BAND OF THE 5th ROYAL INNIS- recently suffered a paralytic stroke which taken W. tion judge, Dr. N. Coombs: Saltbisro 8 S7 KILLING DRAGOON GUARDS will play at rendered her quite helpless, and during her The Coroner then formally closed the keepers, Messrs, S. Shield al.. Tyoentouth 8 37 intervals on each day of the Show. (By kind illness her husband had been her constant inquiry sine die after giving a certificate of M.G.'s, Messrs J. Ennuerson %- Whitley Boy ... 8 37 permission of Lt.-Col. E. S. D. Martin, DAD.; attendant, he being unable to obtain assist- burial. Refreshments were provided . Mrs T.1;: M.C., and Officers). ance until the end of last week, \viten he Accused' Remanded. Robson, Mrs G. Bell, Bandmaster : Mr N. M. RICHARDSON, arranged for someone to come in on Sunday, Hobson, and Miss A. • the day of the .tragedy, to look after her. William Robinson (63), •L.N.E.R. plate- For details see bills at L.R.A.M., A.R C.M. are grateful to all who - tad Exhibits of Live Stock, Implements, Hives and Mr and Mrs Robinson had lived in Middle- layer, was brought up before Mr J. H. to make the event sac , "Cheap Rail Travel" Honey, Wool, Cheese, Rabbits, Forestry, ton for many' years and were well known, Armory at Startforth police station on, Alors- day afternoon and charged with the wilful Women's Institute. Poultry and Pigeons, Rural Industries, Horse and much sorrow has been occasioned by „ at ,..• Shoeing Competitions, Jumping, Foxhounds, the sad affair. murder of his wife, Margaret Agnes Robin- Mrs Newton preside Flower Show, Butter Making, Young Judges' The son. Inquest. The proceedings were purely formal: N11\17eoentiiel's .lonfstitutitiee Competition. • Dr. A. N. Hansel', Deputy Coroner for the PRICES OF ADMISSION: First Day, 51-; Second Supt. Ventress, Richmond, who has charge An interesting desci. Day, 216; Third Day, 2/- (Children under 12 Half-Price). North Riding, opened au inquest at Station- of the case, informed the magistrate that N.F.W.1. annual ineefi ADDIS"N & WOO Reduced rates forTickets purchased before day of open- master's house, Middleton-in-Teesdale, OH , Robinson had been taken into custody at given by Mrs A. Johnsee Ei ing from the borough Treasurer, Hallgate, Doncaster. Monday morning, and after certain evidence 5-50 a.m. on, the previous day and charged Newton was appointed kND w.
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