88 BULG Apokalipsis 10 18 OLD BLACK METAL 44,23 ACCLAIM

88 BULG Apokalipsis 10 18 OLD BLACK METAL 44,23 ACCLAIM

NOM NATION TITRE nbre AN GENRE OBS DUREE EDITION 88 BULG Apokalipsis 10 18 OLD BLACK METAL 44,23 ACCLAIM REC 88 BULG Black metal kampf 8 17 OLD BLACK METAL 37,49 ACCLAIM REC 88 BULG Early years 15 / 88 5 17 compilation digip 30,46 DIRLEWANGER division 88 BULG Failed brainwasher / 500 10 16 OLD BLACK METAL digip 35,42 BLACK METAL CULT REC 88 BULG Loumterattack 8 18 OLD BLACK METAL 35,11 ACCLAIM REC 88 BULG Power against propagande 8 20 OLD BLACK METAL 33,35 ACCLAIM REC 88 BULG Ultimate aryan warfront 20 10 OLD BLACK METAL compil 68,16 DIVISION PANZER 88 BULG War eagle 6 14 OLD BLACK METAL 27,55 WINTER SOLACE PROD 359 FINL Denied virginity of mary / 30 4 O8 OLD BLACK METAL digA5 13,44 SLAVA SATAN RECORDS 359 FINL The past of ayin / 500 3 16 OLD BLACK METAL mcd 18,52 SCHATTENKULT PROD 1349 NOR 1349 4 O1 BLACK METAL BRUTAL mcd 17,52 HOLYCAUST RECORDS 1349 NOR Beyond the apocalypse 9 O4 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 47,38 CANDLELIGHT 1349 NOR Demonoir +patch+poster rééd 11 30 10 BLACK METAL BRUTAL box INDIE RECORDING 1349 NOR Hellfire 8 O6 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 52,15 CANDLELIGHT 1349 NOR Hellvetia fire 12 11 BLACK METAL BRUTAL DVD CANDLELIGHT 1349 NOR liberation 10 O3 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 38,28 CANDLELIGHT 1349 NOR Massive cauldron of chaos + patch 10 14 BLACK METAL digip 45,22 INDIE RECORDING 1349 NOR Révélations of the…/ Work of fire 9 O9 BLACK ATMO 2cd 44,59 CANDLELIGHT 1349 NOR The infernal pathway 12 19 OLD BLACK METAL LP SEASON OF MIST 1349 NOR The infernal pathway 12 19 patch + drapeau box 49,15 SEASON OF MIST 1349 NOR Though eye of stone 2 19 OLD BLACK METAL 7" 88 / SILENTIUM / TOTENKREUZ / BULG Wir nehmen tod, wir teilen tod aus 20 17 OLD BLACK METAL split 78,53 BLACK METAL CULT REC A BROODING BODY FRAN A brooding body 6 / 40 4 17 OLD BLACK METAL mcd 26,29 SHARE YOUR PAIN REC AASFRESSER ALLE Rise of the black scythe 9 12 OLD BLACK METAL CDr 53,21 AUTOPRODUCTION AASFRESSER ALLE Under the black scythe 53 / 500 13 13 OLD BLACK METAL 72,41 A FINE DAY TO DIE AASFRESSER ALLE Verwesung 8 10 OLD BLACK METAL CDr 59,06 AUTOPRODUCTION AASFRESSER ALLE Vogelscheuche 6 O9 OLD BLACK METAL CDr 46,55 AUTOPRODUCTION AASFRESSER ALLE Where the sun never … 110 / 500 13 19 OLD BLACK METAL 63,28 ANTI-POSER AASGARD GRE Morbid celestial desecration 8 12 OLD BLACK METAL 37,58 WOLFMOND PROD AASGARD GRE Nekriki mistagogia 6 11 OLD BLACK METAL 22,42 UNDERGROUND MUSIC PR AASGARD GRE Nyx 212 / 500 5 O8 OLD BLACK METAL 23,42 HEAVEN ABLAZE AASGARD GRE Obscurantist purification 9 15 OLD BLACK METAL 43,31 UNEXPLODED REC AASGARD GRE Raven's hymns foreshadows the end 8 11 OLD BLACK METAL 35,11 NEKROGOAT HERESY PR AASGARD / AK11 GRE Unto heretic flames 8 17 OLD BLACK METAL split 42,13 FROZEN BLOOD INSDUSTR AASGARD / BRIARGH GRE Restoration 8 12 OLD BLACK METAL split 33,41 DARKER THAN BLACK AASGARD / CAEDES CRUENTA GRE Pervenit nobis regnum dei 372 / 500 7 13 OLD BLACK METAL split 39,11 SATANIC RECORDS ABAZAGORATH USA Abazagorath 5 12 OLD BLACK METAL mcd 22,59 NOVOSIBLE SCARS ABAZAGORATH USA Channelling the eternal moons / 500 3 96 OLD BLACK METAL mcd 13,51 ANCIENT MUSIC ABAZAGORATH USA Enshrined blasphemer 246 / 500 5 O3 OLD BLACK METAL 24,42 AGONIA RECORDS ABAZAGORATH USA Sacraments of the final 9 O4 OLD BLACK METAL 54,51 MORBID WRATH ABAZAGORATH USA Tenebrarum cadent … 1995 / 2005 19 O5 OLD BLACK METAL compil 72,03 HELLS ATTACKS ABAZAGORATH USA The satanis verses 10 14 OLD BLACK METAL 52,04 ETERNAL DEATH ABAZAGORATH / BLOODSTORM USA Ancient entites arise 6 O8 OLD BLACK METAL 31,39 ELEGY RECORDS ABBATH NOR Outstrider 9 19 OLD BLACK METAL boite 38,53 SEASON OF MIST ABBATH NOR Abbath 10 16 OLD BLACK METAL boite 48,18 SEASON OF MIST ABIGAIL WILLIAMS USA Becoming 6 12 BLACK METAL 55,08 CANDLELIGHT ABIGAIL WILLIAMS USA In the absence of light 8 10 BLACK METAL SYMPHO étui 49,57 CANDLELIGHT ABIGAIL WILLIAMS USA In the shadows thousand 2CDs+vidéo 15 O9 BLACK METAL SYMPHO étui 71,21 CANDLELIGHT ABIGAIL WILLIAMS USA Legend 5 O6 BLACK METAL SYMPHO 21,46 CANDLELIGHT ABIGOR AUTR Apokalypse 6 97 OLD BLACK METAL mcd NAPALM RECORDS ABIGOR AUTR Nachthymnen ( from the twilight kingdom 9 95 OLD BLACK METAL 49,07 NAPALM RECORDS ABIGOR AUTR Opus IV 8 96 OLD BLACK METAL 42,28 NAPALM RECORDS ABIGOR AUTR Origo regium 1993 - 1994 8 98 OLD BLACK METAL 38,37 NAPALM RECORDS ABIGOR AUTR Quintessence rééd 2012 / 950 23 99 OLD BLACK METAL A5dig 44+65 END ALL LIFE PROD ABIGOR AUTR Verwustung …+ Orkblut … ( mcd ) 20 94 OLD BLACK METAL compil 73,35 NAPALM RECORDS ABIGOR AUTR Verwustung / Opus IV rééd 2004 17 94 OLD BLACK METAL 2 CDs 42 / 42 NAPALM RECORDS ABIME FRAN Echos de gloire 8 O5 41,48 OAKEN SHIELD ABORIORTH ESPA Anchorite 303 / 500 2 12 OLD BLACK METAL mcd 26,37 BLACK SEED PROD ABORIORTH ESPA Far away from hateful 8 O7 OLD BLACK METAL 41,15 ANTICHRISTIAN FRONT ABORIORTH ESPA The austère perpetuity of nothingnes 6 11 OLD BLACK METAL 44,05 BLACK SEED PROD ABSOLUTUS BELG Ostendit onam nihil sumus 4 O5 40,17 GOATOWAREX ABYSMAL FALL USA A decade of desecration rééd O8 11 99 BLACK DEATH METAL compil 49,49 GOING POSTAL RECORDS ABYSMAL FALL USA Immaculate deception 9 O8 BLACK DEATH METAL 43,02 DYSTOPIC TRIAD RECORD ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE 15 years anniversary of 11 OLD BLACK METAL digip DARKER THAN BLACK ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Amenti - 9 13 OLD BLACK METAL digip 62,29 WORLD TERROR COMMITTE ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE And cosmos from ashes to dust 6 O5 OLD BLACK METAL 55,47 BLAZING PROD ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Black blood ceremony 8 14 OLD BLACK METAL live 45,53 NEW AERA PROD ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Deutscland ritual ( live ) 9 19 3 digipaks+bougies + box 55,27 STURMGLANZ PROD ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Faustian rites over Brazil ( live ) / 300 9 19 OLD BLACK METAL digip 52,31 HAMMER OF DAMNATION ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Hermeticism + patch 3 11 OLD BLACK METAL digimcd 16,08 AGONIA RECORDS ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE MA.I.O.N fomulas of reptilian … / 500 11 15 OLD BLACK METAL envA5 70,16 W T C ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Psychic death / 500 8 20 OLD BLACK METAL box 53,49 AGONIA RECORDS ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Tat tvam asi 8 O7 OLD BLACK METAL digip ZYKLON B PROD ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Theosis 31 / 100 10 10 OLD BLACK METAL A5dig 57,39 DARK SIDE RECORDS ACHERONTAS ( Stutthof ) GRE Vamachara 7 11 OLD BLACK METAL digip 45,11 AGONIA RECORDS ACHERONTAS / HORNA FINL Atavistic resurgence 5 15 OLD BLACK METAL split 25,18 World Trade Committee ACHERONTAS / Legion of Doom GRE Brotherhood of draffonion 10 O7 OLD BLACK METAL split HADES PROD ACHERONTAS / LEVIATHAN gr.us Sic luceat lux 10 O9 OLD BLACK METAL digiA5 58,32 ZYKLON B PROD ACHERONTAS / NIGHTBRINGER GRE The ruins of edon 6 12 OLD BLACK METAL digip 30,44 AGONIA RECORDS ACTUM INFERNI POL The embodiment of death 6 11 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 35,48 SOCIETAS Oculorum AD HOMINEN FRAN Antitheist 13 15 BLACK METAL BRUTAL digip 52,47 OSMOSE PRODUCTION AD HOMINEN FRAN Climax of hatred O5 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 36,23 AVANT GARDE AD HOMINEN FRAN Dictator-a moment of glory 9 O9 BLACK BRUTAL INDUS digip 46,56 DARKER THAN BLACK AD HOMINEN FRAN For a new world O4 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 32,36 UNDERCOVER AD HOMINEN FRAN Napalm for all 11 18 BLACK METAL BRUTAL digip 43,17 OSMOSE PRODUCTION AD HOMINEN FRAN Planet zog - the end O2 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 34,26 Musique et tradition AD HOMINEN FRAN Planet zog - the end… for a new world 18 O8 boitier DVD compil 67,21 ELEGY RECORDS AD HOMINEN FRAN Theory:O +video 5 O8 BLACK METAL BRUTAL mcd AVANT GARDE AD MORTEM ALLE Supreme pestilence / 300 5 18 OLD BLACK METAL 23,17 PURITY-THROUGH-FIRE AD MORTEM / MAVORIM ALLE Iudicium ultimum / 99 9 20 OLD BLACK METAL digiA5 50,31 PURITY-THROUGH-FIRE AD NOCTEM FUNERIIS ITAL …of evil and torment / 150 8 O9 OLD BLACK METAL 36,31 SALUTE RECORDS AD NOCTEM FUNERIIS ITAL Satan's march black metal 8 15 OLD BLACK METAL 38,37 VACULA / SATANATH AD NOCTEM FUNERIIS / Infernal ITAL Italian black metal assault 66 / 100 9 17 split digip 39,32 ADIMERE REC AD NOCTUM DANE Arrogance 8 O8 OLD BLACK METAL 42,46 UNDERCOVER AD NOCTUM DANE The excellence …/ jus promae noctis 12 O4 OLD BLACK METAL compil 49,42 ANCIENT DARKNESS PROD AD VITAM AD MORTEM FRAN Une histoire … 9 / 20 1 18 OLD BLACK METAL 16,56 AUTOPRODUCTION AD VITAM AD MORTEM FRAN 18 ans d'existence 8 / 18 6 19 OLD BLACK METAL digip 44,07 BLACK SHADOW LEGIONS ADAMUS EXUL AUST Adamus exul 5 O9 BLACK METAL BRUTAL CDr 19,26 FREE DOWNLOAD ADAMUS EXUL AUST Arsenic idols 7 14 BLACK METAL BRUTAL 48,24 A T M F ADAMUS EXUL AUST Death , paint a vision 7 10 BLACK METAL BRUTAL digip 37,11 AUTOPRODUCTION ADUMUS USA Besieging abominations 5 OO BLACK METAL MELODIQ 22,08 AUTOPRODUCTION ADUMUS USA Invincible black horde 9 O8 BLACK METAL MELODIQ 37,12 AURAL OFFERING ADUMUS USA To heed the call of war rééd 2011 11 O4 BLACK METAL MELODIQ 43,14 AZERMEDOTH REC ADUSTUM BELG Searing fires and lucid visions 4 11 digip 31,18 W T C ADVERSUS SEMITA NOR Ad mortem cunae agitantur 6 19 OLD BLACK METAL 46,04 ASROV NIGHTMARE P ADVERSUS SEMITA NOR Hopeless melancholy / 500 4 10 OLD BLACK METAL 37,03 SELF MUTILATION SERVIC ADVERSUS SEMITA NOR The ecstasy of sin / 500 5 O9 OLD BLACK METAL 41,05 SELF MUTILATION SERVICE AEBA ALL Flammennmanifest 8 99 BLACK METAL SYMPHO 48,46 LAST EPISODE AEBA ALL Im schattenreich 7 98 BLACK METAL SYMPHO 41,46 LAST EPISODE AEBA ALL Kodex V 11 O8 BLACK METAL SYMPHO digip 66,08 TWILIGHT AEBA ALL Nemesys decay god's grandeur 8 12 BLACK METAL SYMPHO digip 43,17 INFERNAL DARK ABYSS AEBA ALL Rebellion 10 O1 BLACK METAL SYMPHO 66,37 LAST EPISODE AEBA ALL Shemhamforath 10 O4 BLACK METAL SYMPHO 55,15 TWILIGHT AEGEON FINL Devouring the sun 6 16 39,31 ELEGY RECORDS

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