Thursday, February 16, 1995 • Vol. XXVI No. 88 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S National politics cause for concern By EDWARD IMBUS lle said that Republicans Associare News Ediwr were able to tap into the basic American fear of big, bloated Americans have good reason government, which have to be extremely eoncerned with intensified over past several the direction of national poli­ years by being perceived as tics, said wasteful. too big, and too intru­ Government sive into people's lives. Professor By taking advantage of these Peri Arnold beliefs and promising to cut in a lecture spending and making a bal­ entitled. "Do anced budget, Hepublicans also We Heally tapped into "American hyper­ Need Govern­ individualism, with the image ment" in a St. of everyone being Daniel Boone Edward's Arnold with a pigeon rifle, coon cap, Hall forum and hunting something." last night. Arnold said he has noticed a Arnold said that the many sense of powerlessness from Republican victories last Americans, "like the colonists November in federal elections and an imperial government came primarily from a dissatis­ seemingly unwilling to listen to The ObserverfT"ricia Wagner faction of government which them." He said democracy is continues, although different sliding because talk shows and Singing His praises representatives and senators "focus groups," like those The Victory and Praise Choir performed last night as a part of Gospel Fest '95. now hold the reins of power. which helped make the Con­ "By looking at the language of tract with America are portray­ Americans can then actively individual bureaucrats, accord­ role of the national gov­ the Contract with America," he ing the public opinion of Ameri­ participate with calm, in­ ing to Arnold, which is why Re­ ernment, or else many pro­ said. "and the speeches of not cans, which may or may not be formed, and reasonable discus- publicans have been reluctant grams which help Americans only Newt Gingrich and Dick accurate. sion. to delineate cuts made neces­ are in severe jeopardy of being Armey but the freshman rep­ He also criticized the media, Currently, Americans have a sary by the balanced budget cut if an attitude of disillusion­ resentatives as well, it seems which he said has a re­ dichotomy of beliefs saying they amendment. ment continues. that people no longer want or sponsibility to inform Ameri­ both despise federal govern­ Arnold said that positive lead­ "Unfortunately, we have a see a need for government." cans about public policy so that ment, especially bureaucrats, ership would be needed for cre­ crisis in leadership right now," but hold favorable opinions of ating and outlining the proper Arnold sadly said. Efforts to end war continue in former Yugoslavia Reprieve used to encourage Bosnian Serbs into settling conflict UN convoy By BARRY SCHWEID "That's not an odds-on Christopher told the Senate the governments of Britain, Associarcd Press proposition for us," Secretary Budget Committee of his con­ France, Germany and Russia provides aid, of State Warren Christopher cerns that an ethnic conflict in could undercut those as­ WASlllNGTON told Congress today. "If he Croatia may be imminent. pirations. tests Serbs Shifting gears, the United would do it, it would be a huge Making the same point Tues­ "I don't have any indication States and four partners are step forward." day to the Senate Foreign Rela­ he will accept this, I don't have By LIAM MCDOWALL proposing to ease curbs on Christopher said the overall tions Committee, he said it any indication he won't," said a Associared Press trade and fuel shipments to aim was to try to prod Bosnian would be a mistake for Croatian senior U.S. official in divulging SARAJEVO Serbia in a new effort to end Serbs "with additional lever­ President Franco Tudjman to the proposal Tuesday. the war in Bosnia and prevent age" into accepting a settle­ implement a threat to expel Fighting in Bosnia has sub­ A U.N. convoy headed today its spillover into Croatia. ment in the 34-month war. U.N. peacekeepers at the end of sided, except in the Bihac en­ for Bosnia's famished north­ In return for a temporary re­ He credited France with March. clave, under a four-month west, testing Serb promises of prieve from devastating U.N. "part of the initiative" and said Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia cease-fire that began Jan. 1. unhindered passage in the re­ sanctions, Serbian President sanctions on Serbia would be harbor hope of establishing in­ The proposal is designed to gion, where government forces Slobodan Milosevic would have eased initially for two months if dependent states that would be make the cease-tim permanent have made sizable gains. to recognize Bosnia, Croatia Milosevic accepted the propos­ joined with Belgrade to form a and to prevent "an all-out U.N. aid agency spokesman al, disclosed Tuesday by a Greater Serbia. Milosevic's ac­ war," said the official, speaking Kris Janowski said the 10- and two other former Yugoslav truck convoy carrying 94 tons republies as sovereign coun­ senior U.S. official at the State ceptance of the proposal ap­ on condition of anonymity. of aid had entered territories tries. Department. proved by President Clinton and The plan will be presented to Milosevic in the next few days, controlled by rebel Serbs in the official said. neighboring Croatia. Other Christopher, meanwhile, said U.N. officials said a second Tudjman may have "unrealistic convoy, resupplying U.N. expectations" of the Croatian peacekeepers in the northwest, army's capabilities against in­ also had moved into Serb-held dependence-minded Serbs. lands. In Bosnia, an estimated In the past month, Croatian 200,000 people have died or Serbs and renegade Bosnian are missing in the war. Serb Muslims allied with Bosnian forces, supplied with artillery Serbs have been clashing with and other weapons by Bel­ government troops in the grade, are in control of about northwestern area known as two-thirds of Bosnia. the "Bihac pocket." A plan proposed by the five The Croatian Serbs and Mus­ countries to establish two zones lim rebels are not parties to - one controlled by the Serbs the Jan. 1 truce signed by and the other by a Muslim­ Bosnian Serbs and the Muslim­ Croat federation - has been led government, and they have rejected r.epeatedly by the repeatedly blocked aid ship­ Serbs. ments. On Tuesday, however, Even an offer in December they gave permission for four that they would be free to nego­ convoys to pass. tiate new terms after accepting Janowski, a spokesman for the map did not persuade the the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, called the per­ Serbs to agree to hold 49 per­ cent of the country. mission a "breakthrough. at least on paper." He cautioned ~· . ~) The main lure of the new of­ fer for Milosevic would be at that the convoy must go ~/''· *' through a "lot of (Serb) check­ he ObserverfT"ricia Wagner least temporary renewal of points ahead" before it reach­ trade and fuel supplies. Health nut es its destination. Therese Galinski of Herbs & More vends her wares at the Women's Health Fair. page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, February 16, 1995 •INSIDE COLUMN • WORlD AT A GLANCE Fire at packed Taiwan nightclub kills at least 67 ND's strange TAICHUNG, Taiwan Yung-chuan. He said firefighters were Fire roared through a crowded three­ exhausted from carrying bodies out of the story nightclub Wednesday night, killing at building. A manager of the club, Wu Che.n­ sense of least 67 people and injuring 11 in seng, was being held for questioning. Some Taiwan's deadliest fire on record. The witnesses told police the fire broke out cause of the fire that gutted the popular behind the first-floor bar of the Weierkang family Weierkang Club, a karaoke bar and Club. National television also quoted sur­ restaurant, wasn't immediately known. vivors who said they heard an explosion, Some survivors said it broke out in a stair­ possibly on the second floor. Other sur­ well, while others reported hearing an vivors told Associated Press Television the explosion on the second floor. News fire started in the stairwell between the Family: "the ties that Eth H d reports said more than 100 customers first and second floors. One witness said a bind." Catholic: "univer- an aywar sal." It seems that the News Copy Editor were inside when the fire broke out. Police waiter tried to use a fire extinguisher, but said iron bars on the windows prevented the fire was too big. Police said firefighters meanings of these two many from escaping. Newspapers said it extinguished the blaze in an hour. words are undergoing was the highest fire death toll in Taiwan's Taichung Mayor Lin Po-jung and Taiwan severe changes at this university. history. Badly burned bodies were taken to provincial Gov. James Soong visited the I realize that the GLND/SMC issue is proba­ a makeshift morgue, where crying rela­ scene of the fire and expressed condo­ bly overexposed, but it seems to me that it tives tried to identify them. One woman lences to the families of the dead. Taiwan's ought to be viewed in the light in which Notre collapsed when she recognized the body of karaoke clubs, many of which operate Dame professes to view all things, namely the a family member. Many of the bodies were without government permission or quali­ view of this institution as Catholic and as a found on the second floor, "packed in like fied safety facilities, have been the site of family.
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