Complete News, Pictures Our Family o! over 35,000 Presented Fairly, Clearly Readers is a Valuable Market uil Impartially Each Week enbent - leaber for All Our Advertisers. XI.VIII—NO. 30 Entered as flewrtilt Cllta Matter WOODBRIDGE, N. J , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1956 Published I»»»y Thuradiy t the Po«t OfHc«. WoodbrMge, N. J, «t 18 Orwn HtrMt. Woodhridne, M J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS iweetness Town Loses Building Incomplete,* and Plant, Land Light Title Vague Desks Lacking, WHS; E. GREGORY $2,O()O,O(M) Industry ,,iiiy-finished, part- Seen Abandoning Plan For Big Factory Here Opening Is Postponed |,,d $3,100,000 high ,,. nrd the other day WOODBRTDOE~~- TWO title :, vv moments. companies, after pouring over pld Township records, have refused'to Mayor Sees Parley Tonight |students Sent guarantee title to lands believed • as so much confu- to hav? been owned all these l.s Start on Revaluation years by the Trustees of Free Home to Waitj I ;o fdw chairs that School Lands with the result that WOODBRIDOE—The mayor Mayor ciulgley said yesterday iv had to go home, it now appears as If a large plant and Town Committee will meet he hoped to gain a great deal tonight with Martin Miller, i three janitors are which was to have been construct- of Information at tonight's Board Silent ed by the 'American Homes representative of J. L. Jacobs conference and expressed confi- & Co., 53 West Jackson Boule- in ported and nine Products Company in Iselln will dence it would mark the begin- WOODBRIDOE - A series of, vard, Chlcaigo, 111,, to discuss unexplained circumstances hat who are still mlsa- not materialize. ning of the revaluation pro- thr possibilities of the firm be- resulted in the postponement o< Andrew Desmond, local coun- gram In the Township. iiopncl to have been in? engaged to conduct a the opening of, the $3,100,000 High sel for the company, said the revaluation program In the The Department of Local :;. by a fishing boat title companies have been School. de- Government has Informed the pending upon the findings of Township. Students arriving for th* flrtt i; no radio. This is municipality It need not apply George Miller, State historian, It is understood the com- day of school Monday found theirs) for the right to float further tmppens, however, who claims the land is not owned pany haa already reeelved a were no chairs In the classroom! bond issues until a revaluation try to build a by the Trustees but by the Town- comprehensive report from the and after spending a school left* program is completed. This ship. Township, outlining types and slon making a tour of the building in three short classes of property Including meahs no further schools may A member of The Independent- and cheering and singing in the" residential, commercial, indus- be constructed unless the a really don't have Leader staff, now writing a his- gymnasium the; were dismiss** trial and undeveloped lots. Township acts at once. time to get In the tory of Woodbridge, came across! until next Monday morning when The firm requested the re- ' Dilly-dallying over the sub- several accounts In which reports Board of Education members saj- . All you can really port, according to Commlttee- ject for several years, It is un- were made to the Town Com- there will be sufficient desks awt mnn George Mroz, chairman of doubtedly this edict that Is now i, such a vast area mittee regularly In the 1700's by chairs. Shipments, they say, arf administration, before sitting forcing the committee to act. the trustee. The Town Commit- arriving dally. , i space that there down in conference. Ifi Mr. The mayor promised the De- tee also Inpsected the site regu- The students not only found classrooms enough Miller Is given a "go ahead" partment of Local govern- larly and authorized repairs. 1 that they could .not sit down but IT HAPPENED HERE . John "I'M Wee" Colemai, whose confession led to the indictment of four signal another survey will un- ment a program would be start- vour school popula- Mr, Desmond said at present tlmt the auditorium, used for as- others besides himself for the brutal sluying of ,Umes Quackenbush, July 20, is shown, center, doubtedly be made before a ed in three months or he would his client Is only interested In sembly and extra-ourricuter «• : 1 at $3,100,000, yet pointing to the spot wlierp the cnginrer-wntchm in surprised thorn while carting out a safe from proposal ts submitted to the resign. The three months were thl return to them of a ?5,000 tlvltles, Is no where near ready. the office of Hoppers Co., l'ort Reading, The safe was dragged through the door in the back- Town Committee. up Saturday. deposit. ground. Others in the picture left to right are M s. Eleanor Wanlell, stenographer, Assistant Prose- In fact it Is no nearer ready than when Independent-Leader repre- iwover, Is good for There appears to be a question cutor Edward J. Dolan and Acting Sgrh' Daniel p.tticoni of the Woodbridge Police Department. With now as to whether the trustees his back to the camera is Kobert Vigilante, lndintUlcatlon Officer of }he Prosecutor's Office. sentatives visited the school two business — and have sold other portions of the Observance of Ydm Kippur weeks ago. At that time eane»{<f was still to.be poured and elec- id for the bus bust land illegally. Part ot it was sold to the State for the Parkway and Man Accused in Slaying Appeal on County tric wiring completed before ood for—well, it's another portion was sold to the By Jews Begins Tomorrowthe floor could be completed for Port Reading Railroad. WOODBRIDGE — When the sun sets tomorrow night, the seating and the stage completed. In the late 1800's and early Retraces Crime for Police Tax Rule to Wait Jewish residents of the Township together with their co-religlonlsts The site work was far from be- 49001, the Township, paid rent all over the World will begin the observance of Yom Klppur~The ing done, although during the WOODBRIDQE — A re-enactment of the brutal slaying of James Day of Atonement—the most solemn day in the Hebrew calendar. past few days the Middlesex Con- i events, I am no to ,the trustees of Free School Quackenbush, Koppers Co., watchman-engineer In Port Reading, July WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge The high holiday is marked by a complete fast from sundown crete Products Co., has completed Lands for the use of a house on 20 took place at the site of the murder yesterday afternoon with Township will not take an appeal M get my blood cor- to sundown. quite a bit of the roadways and its property as a poor farm. If nsslstant Prosecutor Edwaid J. Dolan in Chargs. to the Superior Court at the pre- out of balance by At Congregation Adath Israel, parking areas. the land is legally the Town- Going through the entire procedure, John. ''Pee Wee" Coleman, sent time on the decision of the the Kol Nidre service, one of the On Monday, there were not :^ over the fiasco ship's, the committee now finds 9 Essex Street, Carteret, whose confession implicated four others State Division of Tax Appeals ap- giveness has been granted. At most beautiful prayers In the re- even numbers on the classroom that It has paid rent to itself. iow in custody, led county and i proving the current county equal- the end the one blast is sounded, was Monday's opening ligion will be sung by Rabbi Sam- doors. Little guide maps, however, Mr. Desmond said he had tried ocal police through a step by step ization table on the basis of 100 on the Shofar (ram's horn) which departmente the braak t he y uel Newberger at 7 o'clock Fri- will be provided the pupils. three million dollars to Interest the firm in other sites ccount of the murder. per cent of true valuations, Mayor is mingled with repeated promises needed t0 solvs the case Hugh B. Quigley and Township day night. His sermon topic will Although an attempt had been in the Township, but has been of affirmation of Jalth in the of inadequacy, even Attorney Nathan OuS a*M*«eter- te "Taking OH Our Make-up." made by the Janitors to clean th* unsuccessful. The American Horn*. Lord, •••' • .... i I concede it ts lug: *«*?. S»t. DaJtifl Pancani, Colemfln askwl hto w] to ji^, Will school workmen ate still traaptBfl ;MW begin* at 8:30 o'clock and the Yiz- dirt' and mud in. loori for the'ejo of ceu.tttaJs and had planned to ment, who has betn handling trie Continuing, Mr. Duff said It see a clergyman. Ooleman a(iked fcor, or memorial service, will be- It Ml goes back to April when specialize on a deoedorant here. case locally: Sgt. Peter Mortsea would be be3t for the Township ixnird and its archi- for a Baptist minister and Mr. gin at 8:30 o'clock affll topic on Garage-Dwellers the Board of Education received; Mr. Desmond said they had plans and Detective V J. Sheridan, of j called. to await the outcome of similar Bikacsar l was Saturday will be "Remembrance bids for furniture. It was expected , The mere fact that th tor a $2,000,000 plant at the Be- he Carteret Police Department; cases now before the court. In ad- After talking to Coleman, the dition; to Woodbridge, Edison, that Redeems from Death." at that time that the contracts viii get only half a high ginning and had prospects for tobert Vigilante, County Indent!- lsoner told his story to the'min.
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