THE WINTER PARK *•«. VOLUME WINTER PARK, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1918 NUMBER OMMUNITY EXHIBIT NEW OFFICERS IN THE COUNTRY CLUB SMILEAGE BOOKS WELL KNOWN WINTER A MARKED SUCCESS THE WOMAN'S CLUB RED CROSS REPORT SALE HERE RESIDENT AT REST BORN OF A CYGLON ADMIRING CftOWiDS VIEW VARI- ANNUAL ELECTION PUTS REPRE- MRS. JAMES DICKSON TELLS OF MRS. MACDONALD, CHAIRMAN DEATH OF WADSWORTH SMITH GIVES PROMISE OF BECOMING! A OUS EXHIBITS SHOWN AT WIN- SENTATIVE WOMEN ON GOV FINE WORiK DONE — TRAINED FOR THE ESYSTEM WHICH PRO- AT BURLINGTON, VT.—WELL WELL ESTABLISHED TOWW TER PARK BOOTH—WILL DRAW ERNMENT BOARD—WILL START INSTRUCTORS IN CHARGE — VIDES ENTERTAINMENT IN KNOWN AND BELOVED HERE- AND COLLEGE ENTERPRISE MANY PEOPLE TO OUR TOWN. DRIVE FOR CLUB HOME—BRIL- DEMONSTRATION TODAY AT CAMPS, WILL DISPOSE OF ONE BURIED IN WASHINGTON, D. C. LIANT PAPER BY E. NELSON COUNTY FAIR. HUNDRED HERE>AT ONE DOL- Through the Tomakin fund of $25f), • The Community exhibit in the Win- FELL. LAR EACH. Winter Park people are grieved to a printing outfit has been bought ter Park department at the Fair in The Winter Park Country Club learn of the death of Mr. .Wadsworth from a printing plant formerly oper* Orlando has been seen by thousands At the Woman's Club annual meet- Auxiliary of the Orlando Chapter of The ^mileage books are making Ramsay Smith, which occurred at Bur- ating in Apopka; ibut put out of busi- and today and tomorrow many more ing on Friday at the Library, Mrs. the American Red 'Cross meets in ! the soldiers smile and Mrs. R. D. lington, Vt., on February 4th, at his ness toy the cyclone. The press is "will admire the various exhibits in the Charles H. Morse was elected! honor- the club house on Monday and Fri- ! Macdonald of this place, chairman for late residence, 326 College street. now stored in the house on the Boute" Fine Arts and' Horticultural build- ary president; Mrs. George L. Dyer, day mornings of each week, from 9:30 : Winter Park, is selling them at a dol- Mr, Smih had a 'genial personality, vard owned by Mr. C. H. Morse, to ing. president; Mrs. Barley B. Gibbs and until 12:30. The Auxiliary is in ' Iar each and has already disposed of which won friends to him everywhere which an addition is being built for J. O. Hale and Percy Hale have done Mrs. Calvin French, vice presidents, charge of Mrs. James T. Dickson, a twenty-nine books. Mrs. James Lin- and many hearts here were saddened housing the plant and equipment to •wonders in arranging the display, and and Miss Grace Edwards and Mrs. graduate of the Chicago Chapter of en and the Misses Jfi'elene Chevrelot, at this sequel to the tragic motor ac- be added later. the American Red Cross, with her Ibe- magnolia leaves and bunting have W. A. Burr, secretary-treasurer and Dorothy Chess and Rose Powers are cident last spring, which caused the Thus has been- born the "Rollins ibeen used with studied care as to assistant secretary-treasurer. ing other graduate insructors of the acting with Mrs. Macdonald, and death of his dearly loved relative, same and other chapters. Press," which, is still only in its in- the best affect in decoration. The club is fortunate in having wo- | after the hundred are sold, more will Miss Abbott,, and has now brought fancy, but gives promise of growing The clever idea of reproducing the men so representative of. the town's Miss Towner, Mrs. X I. Marshall and be sent from headquarters at Jack- this courteous Christian gentleman to into an active and lively enterprise. Rollins seal on a large scale in the ibest activities and interests as offi- Miss Rafferty of the Chicago Chap- '. sonville. an untimely end. His heart had be- It is hoped that a well established college colors, makes an effective cers and with such leaders and a menv ter, Mrs. Harry Green and) Mrs. Ed- The smileage book system of pro- come weakened by the shock of this •college and town press may be devel- ^background and the color scheme is bershipi nearing th"#hundred mark, its ward iH. Ratftburn of Woonsocket, R. viding entertainments in the army accident and it also aggravated an oped for not only job work, but fop carried out in the decoration of the success is more than assured. I. Mrs. Marshall has also devoted camps will start the operation of asthmatic condition from which he printing the Winter Park Post, the college exhibit and the Winter Park An item of special interest in the some time to the work in headquar- more than sixteen large theaters in could not rally, so that the end was Rollins Sandspur and college bulletins quite sadden. "Post." Purple and yellow pansies report was that the club now has one ters of the American Red Cross in the cantonments where the drafted and publications. in profuse abundance accentuate the colored boy at the Hungerford School, Washington, D. C. men were placed. Smileage will also Mr. Smith came from a fine old It is proposed that this press, which, •color note which is Telieved by the who is being partly provided for .by We hpve with us also several others take care of approximately • twenty- Virginia family of English descent, is to be a Winter Park institution, in- snowy display of the Surgical Dress- the Emma Myers fund for the educa- who have taken the course, but who, five large tent theaters located in the and army traditions, his father, Henry directly owned by Rollins College, be ings and: the white garb and coifs tion of colored boys. :• . having been in tne work all summer Southern camps. Warren Smith, belonging to the Third named the "Rollins Press." An or* worn by the workers in charge of that It was also arranged for the club in the North, are in need of rest from Cavalry and his uncle being Brig. Gen. ganization is being perfected for its department of which Mrs. W. C. Tem-to take measures to have credit for too active a part this winter. Joseph R. Smith. promotion and an advisory committee ple is chairman. the llarge amount of- war work being Acting as assistants in instructing TALK ON BELGIUM He had Jong been a winter resident consisting of interested and promi- The Fruit Exchange and Daetwyler done iby its members. are Mrs. Nathan Pollett and Mrs. of this place, marrying Miss Margaret nent men of the town met last week 'Fruit Company, both show a splendid "Hie movement for a club house to James Illsley of Milwaukee, who, L. Holbrook, of Burlington, Vt., in at the office of the Winter Park 1 ENJOYED BY ALL array of oranges and the grapefruit •be ibmlt on the attractive site on New though not having taken the graduate 1896. Mr. and Mrs. Smith traveled Lang Company to discuss plans for branch bearing 15 grapefruit frozen avenue, given by Mrs. course, have had long experience in In his method of lecturing on a extensively .through Europe and! thethe raising of $1,000 with which to , in a block of ice is a centre of attrac- Morse, gained new impetus at this the work. country or people, Dr. William Elliot Orient of late years, but for the past put the plant in working order and .' tion with its companion -piece o£ the meeting and it was agreed that ac- In charge of inspection of the fin- Griffis, the distinguished traveler and two seasons had occupied their bunga- add to its equipment. It is thought large pansy wreath also frozen in ice. tive measures be taken at once by ished work is Mrs. Harry Green, who author, who is spending the month of low near the campus in order to be that a campaign will be made to raise The vegetables and flowers displayed a committee appointed for that pur- has acted in that capacity the past February in Winter Park, forms his near Mrs. Smith's aunt, Miss Abbot, these funds so that the outfit will "by C. H. Ward are always exclaimed pose, chairman, Mrs. Hiram Powers. year in the Bast. She has as assist- audience into a company o£ merry who lived opposite. Mr. Smith was Ibe installed shortly. over. Mr. H. Siewert has a. fine dis- ants in inspecting Mrs. William H. a cultivated gentleman with expert The literary program lor the after- 1 tourists who are invited to see the There is a call for $100 at once to play of his portrait work, which does noon took the form of a most in- Deming , who is a graduate physician land and its people with their own knowledge on many subjects. He was pay expenses of removing the press credit to our local photographer. teresting and instructive paper on of Hartford, Connecticut; Miss Tay- eyes. In the conversational lecture an enthusiastic philatelist and coin from Apopka to Winter Park and for The Kindergarten collection made Russia, by the accomplished author, lor and Miss Harriet Taylor, of Cleve- at the High School - auditorium on collector, as well as amateur photog- repairing machinery damaged in the by the "kiddies" in the public school Mr. E. Nelson Fell, brother-in-law of land, O., Miss Ratfferty of Chicago, and Wednesday evening, February 6th, he rapher. His occupation as an orange storm and' the first step in the cam- is a very complete and commendable Mrs. Dyer, who read the paper. A Mrs. Walter Nettleton, of New Ha- said in substance: grower and later as proprietor of a paign is scheduled for nest Monday, ven.
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