Use of Data in Guiding High Jump Development Cliff Rovelto Kansas State University I. Genesis of thought process II. Foundational Beliefs a. Embrace the process Myopic thinking can be an obstacle to continued growth b. You are what you average c. Train at the level of aspiration d. Perform best at the competitions that matter the most III. Quantify Goals For example for a male high jumper: To have the opportunity to rank in the world top ten you must average 2.29 To have the opportunity to rank number 1 in the world you must average 2.32+ IV. Emphasis in Our Program a. First attempt makes, particularly opening bar in the competition b. Strive for 80% success rate at bars prior to exiting height in competition c. Strive for 66% success rate in practice d. Strive to jump at high bars in practice Erik Kynard Collegiate Profile – as of 1/1/14 2010 – 2013 # of Competitions Average Average USA Rank World Place (T&FN) Rank (T&FN) 2010 ID 5 2.19 / 7’ 2 ¼” 3.4 - - 2010 OD 6 2.19 / 7’ 2 ¼” 2.5 NR - 2011 ID 6 2.26 / 7’ 5” 1.3 - - 2011 OD 9 2.26 / 7’ 5” 4.0 3 - 2012 ID 5 2.27 / 7’ 5 ¼” 1.6 - - 2012 OD 10 2.26 / 7’ 5” 1.7 2 6 2013 ID 6 2.29 / 7’ 6” 1.3 - - 2013 OD 11 2.32 / 7’ 7 ¼” 1.9 1 4 Average Big 12 Indoor: 2.26 (2.23, 2.24, 2.27, 2.31) (2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st) Average Big 12 Outdoor: 2.23 (2.14, 2.27, 2.21, 2.30) (2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st) Average NCAA Indoor: 2.22 (2.14, 2.23, 2.20, 2.29) (11th, 3rd, T 4th, 3rd) Average NCAA Outdoor: 2.28 (2.17, 2.29, 2.34, 2.31) (6th, 1st, 1st, 2nd) Collegiate Competitions = 45 Won 34 or 76% Career Competitions (Finals) = 55 < 2.14 / 7’ ¼” – 0 < 2.20 / 7’ 2 ½” – 8 (15%) > 2.20 / 7’ 2 ½” – 47 (85%) > 2.25 / 7’ 4 ½” – 36 (65%) > 2.27 / 7’ 5 ¼” – 32 (58%) > 2.30 / 7’ 6 ½” – 17 (31%) Average Starting Height Opening Height % 1st Attempt Make 2010 ID 2.09 / 6’ 10 ¼” 5 meets – 80% 2010 OD 2.05 / 6’ 8 ¾” 7 meets – 86% 2011 ID 2.11 / 6’ 11” 6 meets – 100% 2011 OD 2.10 / 6’ 10 ½” 11 meets – 100% 2012 ID 2.10 / 6’ 10 ½” 5 meets – 80% 2012 OD 2.12 / 6’ 11 ½” 10 meets – 100% 2013 ID 2.12 / 6’ 11 ½” 6 meets – 83% 2013 OD 2.15 / 7’ ½” 12 meets – 100% Erik Kynard Collegiate Profile – as of 1/1/14 2010 – 2013 Success Rate Prior to Exiting Height # Jumps Misses Success Rate 2010 ID 22 7 68% 2010 OD 34 5 85% 2011 ID 37 8 78% 2011 OD 58 10 83% 2012 ID 26 5 81% 2012 OD 51 8 84% 2013 ID 44 14 68% 2013 OD 80 14 85% Scott Sellers Collegiate Profile 2006 – 2009 Indoor and Outdoor Average Jump 2.22 / 7’ 3 ¼” Average Big Twelve Indoor: 2.23 / 7’ 3 ¾” (3rd, 2nd, 1st, 2nd) Average Big Twelve Outdoor: 2.23 / 7’ 3 ¾” (2nd, 1st, 2nd, 4th) Average NCAA Indoor: 2.23 / 7’ 3 ¾” (9th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st) Average NCAA Outdoor: 2.25 / 7’ 4 ½” (3rd, 1st, 4th, 1st) 53 Collegiate Competitions < 2.15 / 7’ ½” – 1 < 2.20 / 7’ 2 ½” – 15 ≥ 2.20 / 7’ 2 ½” – 38 (72%) ≥ 2.25 / 7’ 4 ½” – 17 (32%) ≥ 2.27 / 7’ 5 ¼” – 7 (13%) Average Starting Height Opening Height % 1st Attempt Make 2007 ID 2.06 / 6’ 9” 6 meets – 100% 2007 OD 2.07 / 6’ 9 ½” 8 meets – 100% 2008 ID 2.12 / 6’ 11 ½” 7 meets – 83% 2008 OD 2.11 / 6’ 11” 12 meets – 91% 2009 ID 2.07 / 6’ 9 ½” 5 meets – 100% 2009 OD 2.08 / 6’ 9 ¾” 9 meets – 78% Success Rate Prior to Exiting Height # of Jumps Misses Success Rate 2007 ID 23 3 87% 2007 OD 52 15 71% 2008 ID 31 8 74% 2008 OD 53 17 68% 2009 ID 18 2 89% 2009 OD 35 7 80% Tejaswin Shankar Collegiate Profile – as of 11/16/20 2018 – 2020 # of Competitions Average Average Place 2018 ID 3 2.22 2.3 2018 OD 6 2.25 2.7 2019 ID 5 2.22 3.2 2019 OD 6 2.24 1.2 2020 ID 4 2.23 1.8 Average Big 12 Indoor: 2.26 (2.28, 2.28, 2.23) (3rd, 1st, 1st) Average Big 12 Outdoor: 2.23 (2.19, 2.26) (3rd, 1st) Average NCAA Indoor: 2.20 (DNC, 2.20) (DNC, T 9th) Average NCAA Outdoor: 2.26 (2.24, 2.27) (1st, 2nd) Collegiate Competitions = 24 Won 17 or 71% Career Competitions (Finals) = 26 < 2.15 / 7’ ½” – 1 (6 step – Pent) (4%) > 2.20 / 7’ 2 ½” – 19 (73%) > 2.25 / 7’ 4 ½” – 10 (38%) > 2.27 / 7’ 5 ¼” – 5 (19%) Average Starting Height Opening Height % 1st Attempt Make 2018 ID 2.06 / 6’ 9” 100% 2018 OD 2.10 / 6’ 10 ½” 63% 2019 ID 2.09 / 6’ 10 ¼” 100% 2019 OD 2.09 / 6’ 10 ¼” 80% 2020 ID 2.09 / 6’ 10 ¼” 100% 2020 OD No Competitions - Success Rate Prior to Exiting Height # Jumps Misses Success Rate 2018 ID 21 6 71% 2018 OD 45 11 76% 2019 ID 33 10 70% 2019 OD 39 14 74% 2020 ID 21 4 81% 2020 OD No Competitions - - Jesse Williams 2008 Indoor 2.28 (9) 2008 Outdoor 2.26 (14) World Athletics Final – 3rd PR 2.32, WR – 6th 2009 Indoor 2.31 (6) 2009 Outdoor 2.27 (16) (All competitions including rain) World Athletics Final – 3rd 2.29 (13) (minus rain) PR 2.36, WR – 4th 2010 Indoor 2.30 (4) 2010 Outdoor 2.25 (13) (Including 2 100+ Body temp and 2 rain) Diamond League Rank – 2nd Yearly Best 2.34, WR – 2nd 2011 Indoor 2.29 (5) 2011 Outside 2.32 (12) Diamond League Rank – 1st Gold Medalist WC – Daegu Ave Starting Height 2.19 94% 1st Attempt Makes PR 2.37, WR – 1st 2012 Indoor 2.29 (7) Ave Starting Height 2.19 – 100% 2012 Outdoor 2.28 (9) Diamond League Rank – 2nd Olympic Finals – 9th Ave Starting Height 2.18 – 89% Yearly Best 2.36 WR – 4th Tejaswin Shankar Practice Jumps 2019 – 2020 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 # of Jumps 50 40 30 20 10 0 1/2 Ground (115) Full Ground (81) 1/2 Ramp (11) Full Ramp (57) Type of Jump Total number of jump sessions = 25 (11/4/19 – 3/23/20 = 18; 9/7/20 – 10/22/20 = 7) Total number of jumps in practice = 264 Range of jumps per session = 5 – 16 Typical range of jumps per session = 6 – 10 Max jumps in a session = 16 (1/23/20) Tejaswin Shankar Practice Jumps 2019 - 2020 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 % of Successful Jumps 20 10 0 1/2 Ground Full Ground 1/2 Ramp Full Ramp All Jumps (85 or 74%) (32 or 40%) (4 or 30%) (32 or 56%) (153 or 60%) Type of Jump Vertical Jump – 3 Step Vertical Jump Differentials PR Date VJ 3 Step VJ Differential Erik Kynard 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist 2.37 10/09 29” 43.5” +14.5” Jesse Williams 2011 World Outdoor Champion 2.37 12/09 29” 41.5” +12.5” Kyle Lancaster 2005 World Champ USA Team 2.31 10/05 29.5” 41.5” +12.0” Scott Sellers 3 x NCAA Champion 2.32 5/07 34.5” 45” +10.5” Matt Hemingway 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist 2.38 10/05 32.5” 42” +9.5” Tejaswin Shankar NCAA Champion 2.28 12/17 31” 40.5” +9.5” Gwen Wentland 2 x USA National Champion 1.96 1/06 21.5” 32” +10.5” Kaylene Wagner NCAA Scorer 1.92 2/07 22” 32” +10.0” Alyx Treasure 2016 Olympic Finalist 1.94 11/15 24” 33” +9.0” Karol Rovelto 2000 Olympian 1.97 12/02 21” 29.5” +8.5” Austra Skujyte 2 x Olympic Hep Medalist 1.92 12/03 21.5” 29.5” +8.0” Overback Shot Throw PR Date Mark Matt Hemingway 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist 2.38 6/05 19.00 / 62’ 4” Jamie Nieto 2004 & 2012 Olympian (4th & 6th) 2.34 7/04 18.11 / 59’ 5” Erik Kynard 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist 2.37 7/16 17.61 / 57’ 9 ½” Tejaswin Shankar NCAA Champion 2.28 2/20 17.35 / 56’ 11 ¼” Scott Sellers 3 x NCAA Champion 2.32 6/07 17.13 / 56’ 2 ½” Jesse Williams 2011 World Outdoor Champion 2.37 7/16 17.08 / 56’ ½” Kyle Lancaster 2005 World Champ USA Team 2.31 6/07 16.63 / 54’ 6 ¾” Akela Jones NCAA Champion 1.98 6/16 19.13 / 62’ 9 ¼” Kim Williamson NCAA Champion 1.91 2/17 17.87 / 58’ 7 ½” Alyx Treasure 2016 Olympic Finalist 1.94 3/12 15.55 / 51’ ¼” Gwen Wentland 2 x USA National Champion 1.96 2/08 15.37 / 59’ 5 ¾” Standing Long Jump PR Date Mark Scott Sellers 3 x NCAA Champion 2.32 5/07 3.49 / 11’ 5 ¼” Jamie Nieto 2004 & 2012 Olympian (4th & 6th) 2.34 6/13 3.30 / 10’ 10” Jesse Williams 2011 World Outdoor Champion 2.37 6/15 3.25 / 10’ 8” Erik Kynard 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist 2.37 4/13 3.25 / 10’ 8” Tejaswin Shankar NCAA Champion 2.28 10/17 3.16 / 10’ 4 ¼” Akela Jones NCAA Champion 1.98 3/16 2.84 / 9’ 3 ¾” Kim Williamson NCAA Champion 1.91 5/16 2.71 / 8’ 10 ¾” Standing Triple Jump PR Date Mark Scott Sellers 3 x NCAA Champion 2.32 6/08 10.54 / 34’ 7” Jamie Nieto 2004 & 2012 Olympian (4th & 6th) 2.34 6/13 10.26 / 33’ 8” Tejaswin Shankar NCAA Champion 2.28 10/17 10.19 / 33’ 5 ¼” Gwen Wentland 2 x USA National Champion 1.96 6/06 8.43 / 27’ 8” Kaylene Wagner NCAA Scorer 1.92 6/06 7.92 / 26’ 0” Clean PR Date Mark Nathan Leeper 2000 Olympic Finalist 2.35 4/01 300 lbs (1.62) Erik Kynard 2012 Olympic Silver Medalist 2.37 4/16 292 lbs (1.50) Jamie Nieto 2004 & 2012 Olympian (4th & 6th) 2.34 1/05 271 lbs (1.48) Scott Sellers 3 x NCAA Champion 2.32 12/08 240 lbs (1.48) Tejaswin Shankar NCAA Champion 2.28 12/19 275 lbs (1.48) Austra Skuyte 2 x Olympic Hep Medalist 1.92 12/05 249 lbs (1.38) Alyx Treasure 2016 Olympic Finalist 1.94 11/17 175 lbs (1.18) Karol Rovelto 2000 Olympian 1.97 12/05 139 lbs (1.16) Kim Williamson NCAA Champion 1.91 11/17 170 lbs (1.10) Akela Jones NCAA Champion, Olympian Hep, HJ 1.98 12/15 192 lbs (1.09) .
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