Breeding for Resistance to nfectious Diseases in Small Ruminants G.D. Gray, R.R. Woolaston and B.T. Eaton Breeding for Resistance to Infectious Diseases in Small Ruminants G.D. Gray, R.R. Woolaston and B.T. Eaton ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) Canberra AUSTRALIA 1995 TIoo ........... c--. ... ' ' ~ __ (Aa,o,a)... '" h d I. ,_ 1M2 by ....... tI. .. .....,..,~ '" _ io .. IooIp"'-"l' .~p""'_bo., '.' ,_ ........... __ ...... __ ,_....... --....... lOon, ,001 rio •• ' , -..., ~Iou. '" r_ -. .........Iio .... Wha. ~ ......_ , .. _ , ~ lr oIoro .... _ .....,. " ......_, .r _ "'.... lmUt.odooo ....... " ,;-Ir<.>« by ""'Cent... ACLU MONOGaArn 5 •• ,[ 5 ' ..___ ...... _doo_tl....... _. dby AClr\&, .. _.,;.) __ ,_ .. AGlAR', _ ........ do • I oIofe<tl_""" __ i. di>o.h ...ocd I.. " ... ,_.ry. wl,' ..... pil .... .. rio II ' .... i ... 0t0J. Go.. r-. "T. 1-' "'-.. ibr, <co. L\ -·uw..,w_ .. IloorrrIlR_ .... """ .. AC .... il~No.:I<, , .UZpp." r... I9IiN , _,.,. £4 ...... __"" P:w.Lyodrr T~ .... iro& .... I)'lI<J<Uinc: I 8< B 1'lrbI;"''''~ r .. tOor" ......,,,,U. P, ...... by:w...... " .._P1yL,, '. _ ....... _ Preface n.;. O>ilcaion of popen repr ......... bmad <>VCn'io:. of ... owr-Io 1tD ___ ..DlU~1 UVUClJelr. d"""'" ""hich ba, txcn .....x. Wl'laideIMIOfI fOr '''''''' holr. <:en • ...,. buI ... bich tu .. in ".ft ... rima, ottoocred ",1ICO'I'Cd ........... In lheory 01 luSt, .nimol> bled r.. ,... ilo ..nao "'MO Of more <heo~ do ... I""","ny CO>II .uoci" ed "";Ih clu.mko! ...., men' Of v<evcnl;"" Inri ,h.. luocilted ritJu nl 11Ulcily .",1 coo ..m i.... tion of ..u".. l pooducu. Uk.... i'" , hCf,. ill nu r;, ~ ,h• • thcI'lI peuti<: chcm;eoll OIn do,,,.&. ,b. «:OIIy... m ~r whi(h the live_ .rode .... pi". Ne;"'er is ","",.ny risIt 01 dcwlo~ reo ...""" 10 cbe"';­ ",I" "Ir~ ... ;d.'p'•• d in helmin,hs Ind btctCfio. On , II<> (It,," bolld, btudin,( is 1 ",,,,ively.1o\o pmceo" .,uch .krwu ,bon .4 in""""",,,_ oro new r:hemat Of dr.... II iI dilf.aok 10 ,mpI._ ,. "'"fly ,Mud"",_ ~ ..em. ond emly ""'" or... '" ""'lui';... ~ ;nlOnno';"" ... cIcooi", boftdi.'11 P'QI1" .... .,;m pr~bk ..... , .q... _ Pooch choP'"' ill dl4 ....urne tcpr_ 1 difl'M\tIt JCOlCnphiool vicwpoino (alIocoted roup.!, ... 0 ..,.,.;""' ....1 bait). t ·: , Wool .pprooch <w- .....&cc:u. II. re....ua 10 ......""'*'1:1) ... p<lUp or pMfooter\a (frnno v...... "' ........ p<><b). AClAR~ object;"" In btin"", ruccthc, ,,,- 0Pl_1Ieo i. 10 revi ..... tho: ",pC iq • • ;,we ."Iu_ ..... ide. booU lOt lUe<U.iall\n> edlab<od",. ,u.,.,ch pmJ...... nd • ""'. fer .ni.... 1 Ilnhb .nd prooh"""a pl ........ ,,, ....... me, poc ...';'1 or 8cnerlc oWIOltd>tt 10 dj..,.Je """"01. It is nne. a)1II- plete pktute. hue .... hope ,hat ,he pi!'""> ond .he J"et1I ....c cited by ,IW:U . ,,1110 .....; 11 provido """'plehens;"., """"',." ,Ire rocld. We ... "";'0 .., ..Ill ACIAIl p""icultrly John Corlno:! of .he Animal Sd<:IICCI Pro"lm ond P•• ", l)"II(h ut ,he Oxnmunica.ion. Uni •. would lilte '" .hank On ... h" OOf\tJibuted the.i, lime, eft.h",... "", ,Mullt .. imll inMiorr inri i~"" which i. mdcn. In <hoe popen.. All tho: plpen ill ,hi..... ,,_ ho"" been ,.vi_cdl>? .cic""" ......... ~flOrtl are much opprccio<al. M..,winI!he ,_ oK. publlcorion io _ c-y buc _OOOICOme ,hat _":d portic.s.rly pi"", ....bort" ,.f_ edi ..... and ACIAR -.lid be d,,, ,~ ...ion off..,,,",, In.e, ...tio ... 1....nat"" .. ;.. ·. efbu.o upIore . .......ill", ICIICric -"cion Sur im ...... ed, ........... bIe n-cd poOOlICboe. TM. has . Ir" ..ly hoppc:ncd ."""" """" WMI bo~e ro ... ribu.cd to.1us -r:Dph ond ... "-ely Ioope 01."" <:oI!oboool;'" I.'OGtinIOCl """"'" its ~ l'i ..1 tho ..... are due CO l ... JopoOn and Do!'" Blokdy fnr IhdI oonuibu­ ,ion ... d,;. P""i<:cL C.D.ODT a. T. f.o."., Contents Preface iii Contributors ix Genetic Variation in Resistance to Viruses 1 B. T. Eaton and GD. Gray Host Cell Control of the Virus-Cell Interaction 3 Genetic Variation in Resistance of Mice to Virus Infection 5 Selection for Immune Responsiveness and Disease Resistance 9 Intracellular Immunisation and Genetic Engineering 11 References 12 Genetic Variation in Resistance to Bacteria 15 H. W. Raadsma Bacterial Diseases of Potential Significance in Breeding Programs 16 Resistance and Potential Sources of Genetic Variation 19 Genetic Variation in Important Bacterial Diseases 21 Vaccine Responsiveness 32 Conclusion 35 References 36 Genetic Variation in Resistance to Parasites 43 G.D. Gray Genetic Differences Between Hosts 43 Consequences of BreC"ding Nematode-resistant Sheep 45 References 51 Australian Research on Genetic Resistance to 53 Nematode Parasites R.R. Woo/aston and S.I. Eady Resistance and Resilience 53 Within-flock Variation in Resistance 55 CSIRO HoemoncAus Selection Flock 55 University of New England 'Golden Ram' flock 56 CSIRO TridlOstronglus Selection Lines 59 Armidale Nucleus Flock 61 Hamilton Selection Lines 61 Rylington Flock 63 Summary of Within-flock Variation 63 Between-flock Variation 64 Feasibility of a Breeding Program 70 References 74 iv Breeding Sheep in New Zealand for Resistance or 77 Resilience to Nematode Parasites c.A. Morris, T.G. Watson, S.A. Bisset, A. Vlassoff and P.G.c. Douch Genetic Parameters 79 Selection Experiments for Faecal Egg Counts 83 Selection for Resistance in Different Environments 87 Correlated Responses in Flocks Selected for Production 88 Studies on Resilience 89 Facial Eczema 91 Application in Commercial or Stud Sheep Flocks in New Zealand 91 Unresolved Issues and Possible Future Research Directions 94 References 95 Breeding for Resistance to Infectious Diseases of 99 Small Ruminants in Europe L. Gruner and F. Lantier Resistance to Parasites 101 Measurement of Resistance 102 Resistance to Infectious Diseases 107 Conclusions: the Main Topics Developed in Europe 112 References 113 Genetics of Disease Resistance in Small Ruminants 119 in Africa R.L. Baker Why Breed for Disease Resistance? 120 Economic Impact of Disease 120 Genetic Variation in Disease Resistance 122 Breeding Programs for Disease Resistance 127 Genetic Markers and Marker-assisted Selection 129 Concluding Comments 130 References 130 Genetic Variation in Resistance to Infectious Disease 139 in Small Ruminants in India C. Nimbkar and B.V. Nimbkar Sheep 140 Goats 145 Conclusions 149 References 149 Genetic Resistance to Infectious Disease in Small 153 Ruminants: North America and the Caribbean A.M. Zajac Genetic Resistance to Gastrointestinal Nematodes 153 Other Parasites 162 v Other Diseases 162 Goats 163 Future Directions 163 References 164 Helminth Infections of Sheep in Rubber Plantations in Sumatra R.M. Gatenby, A./. Wilson, E. Romjali, V.S. Pandey, L.P. Batubara and G.E. Bradford Sheep and Management 168 Worm Burdens in Purebred and Crossbred Ewes 168 Total Worm Counts of Rams 169 Discussion 169 References 170 Studies on Genetic Resistance to Infectious 173 Diseases of Small Ruminants in Southeast Asia V.S. Pandey Malaysia 174 Indonesia 175 Thailand and the Philippines 176 General Remarks 176 References 177 Breeding to Assist Control of Gastrointestinal 179 Parasites of Small Ruminants in the Pacific Islands R.R. Woolaston, P. Manueli, R. Singh, N. Tabunakawai and L.F. Le lambre Resistance in Goats 180 Resistance in Sheep 183 References 185 Phenotypic and Genetic Indicators of Resistance to Ectopathogens T.I. O'Meara and H.W. Raadsma Phenotypic versus Genetic Indicators of Resistance 188 General Mechanisms of Resistance to Ectopathogens 190 Acquired Resistance to Ectopathogens 193 Systemic versus Local Immunity 197 Indicators for Resistance to Specific Ectopathogens 198 Dermatophilosis 204 Footrot 205 Ectoparasites excluding Diptera 207 Conclusion 209 References 209 vi Phenotypic Traits Associated with Resistance to Internal Parasites S.I. Eady Defining Resistance 220 Direct and Indirect Selection 220 Candidate Indicator Traits 221 Characteristics Required of Indicator Traits 226 Practical Requirements 228 Assessment of Resistance 229 Incorporating Disease Resistance into a Breeding Program 232 References 233 Genetic Markers for Disease Resistance 237 A.N. Blattman and K.I. Beh DNA Markers 239 Hypervariable DNA Markers 241 Searches for Genetic Markers for Disease Resistance 247 Conclusion 251 References 252 Application of Genetic Markers F.W. Nicholas and A.N. Blattman Direct Selection for Resistance 260 The Moral Dilemma 260 The Nature of Disease Resistance in Small Ruminants 261 Markers 261 The Need for Genetic Maps 262 The Short-term Use of DNA Markers 263 Searching for Associations 264 Pitfalls in Searching for Markers 265 More Pitfalls 268 Conclusion 270 References 270 Incorporating Disease Resistance in Breeding Programs 275 S. Sivarajasingam Why Select for Disease Resistance? 276 Relative Importance of Disease Resistance 276 Genetic Variation 277 Direct Response to Selection 278 Relationship with Production Traits 279 Selection for Disease Resistance 280 Breeding Program 285 Conclusions 287 References 287 vii Methods of Using Genetic Variation-a Primer on Selection, Nucleus Flocks, and Crossbreeding B.P. Kinghorn Selection 291 Crossbreeding 300 Choice of Crossing System 306 References 306 Assessing the Importance of Infectious and Non-infectious Disease in Small Ruminants in Australia D.B. Adams Preliminary Considerations 310 The Nature and Spectrum of Disease 311 Assessment of Diseases 313 Importance of Sheep and Goats in Australia 315 Infectious Diseases 317 Diseases Caused by Metazoan Parasites 318 Non-infectious Diseases 319 Conclusions 321 References 322 viii Genetic Variation in Resistance
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