REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Senat:e Pasay City Journal SESSION NO. 23 Wednesday, September 18,2013 SIXTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST REGULAR SESSION SESSION NO. 23 Wednesday, September 18,2013 CALL TO ORDER Angara, S. Lapid, M. L. M. Binay, M. L. N. S. Legarda, L. At 3:02 p.m., the Senate President, Hon. franklin Cayetano, A. P. C. S. Osmefia III, S. R. M. Drilon, called the session to order. Drilon, F. M. Pimentel 1Il, A. K. Ejercito, J. V. G. Recto, R. G. PRAYER Escudero, F. J. G. Revilla Jr., R. B. Estrada, J. Sotto III, V. C. Sen. Cynthia A. Villar read the prayer of Honasan, G. B. Villar, C. A. St. Francis of Assisi, to wit: Lord, we pray to make us an instrument With 16 senators present, the Chair declared of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let us the presence of a quorum. sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is Senators Aquino and Poe arrived after the despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; roll call. and where there is sadness, joy. Senators Cayetano (P) and Guingona were on o Divine Master, grant that we may not official mission. so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we Senators Defensor Santiago and Enrile were receive; it is in pardoning that we are on sick leave. pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. Senators Marcos and Trillanes were absent. Amen. APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL ROLL CALL Upon motion of Senator Cayetano (A), there Upon direction of the Chair, the Secretary ofthe being no objection, the Body dispensed with the Senate, Atty. Oscar G. Yabes, called the roll, to reading of the Journal of Session No. 22 (September which the following senators responded: 17, 2013) and considered it approved. 444 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 REFERENCE OF BUSINESS Senate Bill No. 1634, entitled The Secretary of the Senate read the following AN ACT FURTHER AMENDING SECTION matters and the Chair made the corresponding ONE OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 53, referrals: OTHERWISE KNOWN AS AN ACT TO EXEMPT THE PUBLISHER, BILLS ON FIRST READING EDITOR, COLUMNIST OR REPORTER OF ANY PUBLICATION FROM Senate Bill No. 1631, entitled REVEALING THE SOURCE OF PUBLISHED NEWS OR INFORM­ AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE USE ATION OBTAINED IN CONFIDENCE OF MOBILE UNITS SERVING MEDICAL, DIAGNOSTIC, AND Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada TREATMENT SERVICES, IN ORDER TO ENSURE THE AVAILABILITY To the Committee on Public Information OF QUALITY HEALTH CARE and Mass Media SERVICES FOR PATIENTS WHO RECEIVE CARE IN REMOTE OR Senate Bill No. 1635, entitled RURAL AREAS AND FOR PATIENTS WHO NEED SPECIALIZED TYPE OF AN ACT REPEALING SECTION 90 OF MEDICAL CARE PROVIDED IN A REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7160, OTHER­ COST-EFFECTIVE WAY WISE KNOWN AS THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE OF 1991, Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada PROHIBITING AND LIMITING THE PRACTICE OF PROFESSION BY To the Committee on Health and Demo­ ELECTED LOCAL GOVERNMENT graphy OFFICIALS Senate Bill No. 1632, entitled Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada AN ACT REQUIRING ALL PUBLIC To the Committee on Local Government HEALTH CENTERS TO BE OPEN AT ALL TIMES TO PROVIDE Senate Bill No. 1636, entitled CONTINUOUS HEAL TH AND MEDICAL SERVICES TO THE AN ACT AMENDING SECTION 144 OF PUBLIC BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 68, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada CORPORATION CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES BY INCREASING To the Committees on Health and Demo­ THE RANGE OF PENALTIES FOR graphy; and Finance VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Senate Bill No. 1633, entitled Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada AN ACT LIMITING EXPOSURE OF CHILDREN TO VIOLENT PROGRAM­ To the Committee on Trade, Commerce MING ON TELEVISION AND CABLE and Entrepreneurship SYSTEMS Senate Bill No. 1637, entitled Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada AN ACT REQUIRING MANDA­ To the Committee on Public Information TORY REPORTING OF MARINE and Mass Media CASUALTIES r TWEDNESDA y, SEPTEMBER 18,2013 445 Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada Senate Bill No. 1641, entitled To the Committees on Public Services; and AN ACT REQUIRING MOVIE, TELE­ Justice and Human Rights VISION, AND RADIO PRODUCERS, INCLUDING PROMOTION AND Senate Bill No. 1638, entitled ADVERTISING AGENCIES, AND OTHER LIKE ENTITIES, EMPLOY­ AN ACT FIXING THE MINIMUM ING UNEMANCIPATED MINORS STANDARD FOR DEATH BENE­ TO DEPOSIT THEIR TALENT FEES FITS TO FILIPINO SEAFARERS OR INCOME IN A TRUST FUND, EMPLOYED OVERSEAS AND IMPOSING PENALTIES FOR ESTABLISHING A MECHANISM AT VIOLATION THEREOF AND FOR THE PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS OTHER PURPOSES EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION FOR ITS REGULAR REVIEW AND Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada REALIGNMENT TO PREVAILING INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS To the Committees on Public Iuformatiou AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES and Mass Media; and Youth Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada Senate Bill No. 1642, entitled To the Committees on Labor, Employment AN ACT AMENDING REPUBLIC ACT and Human Resources Development; and NO. 8479, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development THE DOWNSTREAM OIL INDUSTRY DEREGULATION ACT Senate Bill No. 1639, entitled Introduced by Senator ~ercito Estrada AN ACT AUTHORIZING BARANGAYS TO ENTER INTO OFFICIAL CON­ To the Committees on Energy; Trade, TRACTS WITH NATIONAL GOVERN­ Commerce and Entrepreneurship; and Finance MENT AGENCIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS TO UNDER­ Senate Bill No. 1643, entitled TAKE THE DELIVERY OF BASIC SERVICES FOR THE PURPOSE OF AN ACT DECLARING THE MT. PROVIDING EMPLOYMENT TO BALATUKAN RANGE LOCATED IN BARANGAY RESIDENTS AND FOR THE CITY OF GINGOOG AND IN THE OTHER PURPOSES MUNICIPALITIES OF CLA VERlA, MEDINA AND BALINGASAG, ALL Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada IN THE PROVINCE OF MISAMIS ORIENT AL, AS A PROTECTED To the Committee on Local Government AREA AND ITS PERIPHERAL AREAS AS BUFFER ZONE, PROVID­ Senate Bill No. 1640, entitled ING FOR ITS MANAGEMENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BARANGAY Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada DRUGSTORES, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS "BOTICA SA BARANGA Y," AND To the Committees on Environment and FOR OTHER PURPOSES Natural Resources; and Finance Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada Senate Bill No. 1644, entitled To the Committees on Health and Demo­ AN ACT PROVIDING FOR SUSTAIN­ graphy; and Local Government ABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT r 446 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 2013 Introduced by Senator Ejercito Estrada WOMEN ON LAWS RELATING TO CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY, To the Committees on Environment and AMENDING FOR THIS PURPOSE Natural Resources; Local Government; Ways ARTICLE 333 AND REPEALING and Means; and Finance ARTICLE 334 OF ACT 3815, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE Senate Bill No. 1645, entitled REVISED PENAL CODE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES AN ACT REQUIRING EMPLOYERS TO PAY 14th MONTH PAY Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy S. Binay Introduced by Senator Sotto '" To tbe Committee on Women, Family To the Committees on Civil Service and Relations and Gender Eq uality Government Reorganization; and Labor, Employ­ ment and Hnman Resonrces Development Senate Bill No. 1649, entitled Senate Bill No. 1646, entitled AN ACT ENSURING THE SECURITY OF WOMEN CONFINED IN AN ACT MAKING I-lEAL TH CARE DISTRICT, CITY, AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES ACCES;O;lBLE BY JAILS BY REQUIRING THE MANDATING THE DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE OF SEP ARA TE OF HEALTH TO PROVIDE AT DETENTION FACILITIES FOR LEAST ONE (I) HEALTH WORKER WOMEN PRISONERS, AMENDING OR SUCH OTHER NECESSARY FOR THIS PURPOSE SECTION 63 OF HEALTH PERSONNEL IN EVERY REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6975, OTHER­ BARANGAY AND FOR OTHER WISE KNOWN AS THE DEPARTMENT PURPOSES OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT OF 1990, AND Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy FOR OTHER PURPOSES S. Binay Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy To tbe Committees on Healtb and Demo­ S. Binay grapby; Local Government; and Finance To tbe Committees on Pnblic Order and Senate Bill No. 1647, entitled Dangerous Drugs; and Women, Family Relations and Gender Eq uality AN ACT REPEALING THE CRIME OF PREMATURE MARRIAGE UNDER Senate Bill No. 1650, entitled ARTICLE 351 OF ACT NO. 3815, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE AN ACT FURTHER STRENGTHENING REVISED PENAL CODE REPUBLIC ACT 9160 OR THE ANTI­ MONEY LAUNDERING ACT AS Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy AMENDED BY REPUBLIC ACT 9194, S. Binay REPUBLIC ACT 10167 AND REPUBLIC ACT 10365 To the Committee on Women, Family Relations and Gender Equality Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy S. Binay Senate Bill No. 1648, entitled To the Committees on Banks, Financial AN ACT ENSURING THE FUNDA­ Institutions and Currencies; and Justice and MENTAL EQUALITY OF MEN AND Human Rights r TWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER \8, 20\3 447 Senate Bill No. 1651, entitled PROVINCE OF AKLAN, AND IN THE MUNICIPALITIES OF LIBERTAD AN ACT ENHANCING PROTECTION AND PANDAN, PROVINCE OF FOR LEGITIMATE OWNERS or ANTIQUE AS A PROTECTED AREA REAL PROPERTY AND PROVIDING UNDER THE CATEGORY OF PENALTIES FOR FRAUDULENT NATURAL PARK, PROVIDING FOR ACTS IN REAL ESTATE TRANSAC­ ITS MANAGEMENT AND FOR TIONS OTHER PURPOSES Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy S. Binay S. Binay To the Committee on Justice and Hnman To the Committees on Environment and Rights Natural Resources; and Finance Senate Bill No. 1652, entitled Senate Bill No. 1655, entitled AN ACT PROHIBITING COURTS FROM AN ACT PUNISHING ANY PERSON ISSUING RESTRAINING ORDERS WHO SHALL PROMOTE, FACILITATE, OR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTIONS INDUCE ANOTHER TO ENGAGE IN IN CERTAIN CASES INVOLVING THE ACT OF PROSTITUTION AND EXTRA-JUDICIAL AND JUDICIAL PUNISHING ANY PERSON WHO FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE SHALL DERIVE MONEY OR PROFIT MORTGAGES, AND FOR OTHER FROM PROSTITUTION, PROVIDING PURPOSES PENAL TIES THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Introduced by Senator Maria Lourdes Nancy S.
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