Applying Scrum Methods to ITS Projects www.its.dot.gov/index.htm Final Report — August 2017 Publication Number: FHWA-JPO-17-508 Produced by Noblis, Inc. U.S. Department of Transportation ITS Joint Program Office Notice This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. The U.S. Government is not endorsing any manufacturers, products, or services cited herein and any trade name that may appear in the work has been included only because it is essential to the contents of the work. Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. FHWA-JPO-17-508 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date August 2017 Applying Scrum Methods to ITS Projects 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Barbara Staples, Dawn Hardesty, Blake Christie, Taylor Deurbrouck, and Josh Seder (Noblis), and Manny Insignares and Patrick Chan (ConSysTec) 9. Performing Organization Name And Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) Noblis 600 Maryland Ave., SW, Suite 755 11. Contract or Grant No. Washington, DC 20024 DTFH61-12-D-00042 T-5010 Consensus Systems Technologies Corporation (ConSysTec) 301 East 87th Street, Suite 7A New York, NY, USA 10128-4807 Under contract to Cambridge Systematics, Inc. 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered ITS-Joint Program Office Final Report 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 14. Sponsoring Agency Code HOIT-1 15. Supplementary Notes Kingsley Azubike (FHWA, Office of Operations), Ed Fok (FHWA Resource Center), Jesse Glazer (FHWA, California Division) 16. Abstract The introduction of new technology generally brings new challenges and new methods to help with deployments. Agile methodologies have been introduced in the information technology industry to potentially speed up development. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed this document to help those interested in learning about Scrum Methods, one of the Agile Methodologies, and how to incorporate Scrum into ITS project development. The FHWA wants stakeholders that choose to develop ITS projects using Scrum methods, to have appropriate information and assistance for successful implementation. The two primary audiences for this document are State and local transportation agencies, and FHWA Division Office staff. For state and local agencies, this document will provide descriptions of Agile development and how it might be used on ITS projects. For FHWA staff, this document offers information on providing assistance for ITS projects that use Agile development. Within these two primary audiences there are decision makers that need to be aware of Agile development and combining it with systems engineering only at a high level. In addition, there is also useful information for contractors who are interested in using Agile development for federally funded ITS projects. The more detailed information in this document is geared toward the technical reader. Readers unfamiliar with systems engineering or agile development should first review the resources and tutorial videos identified in APPENDIX A. These are considered recommended reading and training before proceeding to read this document. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Agile, Scrum, Systems Engineering, Vee Model, 23 No restrictions CFR 940.11 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 87 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 6 List of Acronyms ..................................................................................................................... 8 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 INTENDED AUDIENCE ............................................................................................................. 11 1.2 COMPATIBILITY WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS ........................................................................ 11 1.3 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT .............................................................................................. 11 2 Fundamentals of Agile and Scrum ............................................................................. 13 2.1 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROCESS IN ITS ............................................................................ 14 2.2 AGILE METHODOLOGIES ....................................................................................................... 15 2.2.1 Scrum Roles ..................................................................................... 16 2.2.2 Scrum Ceremonies ........................................................................... 16 2.2.3 Scrum Artifacts .................................................................................. 17 2.2.4 Scrum with Large Teams .................................................................. 18 2.3 COMBINING SCRUM WITH SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ............................................................... 19 2.3.1 The Release Phase .......................................................................... 21 2.3.2 The Increment Phase ....................................................................... 21 2.3.3 The Sprint Phase .............................................................................. 22 2.3.4 The Integration Phase ...................................................................... 22 2.3.5 The Retrospective Phase ................................................................. 22 2.3.6 Example Documentation .................................................................. 22 3 Getting Started - Why and When to Use Scrum ........................................................ 24 3.1 WHY CHOOSE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ONLY? ..................................................................... 25 3.2 WHY CHOOSE THE COMBINATION OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING WITH SCRUM? ....................... 25 3.3 WHEN TO USE AND NOT USE SCRUM ..................................................................................... 26 3.4 INITIAL SCRUM CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................................... 27 3.5 SUGGESTIONS FOR GETTING STARTED WITH AGILE METHODOLOGIES .................................. 28 3.6 CHALLENGES WITH APPLYING AGILE PRACTICES .................................................................. 29 4 Combining Scrum and Systems Engineering ........................................................... 30 4.1 OVERVIEW OF HOW SCRUM FITS INTO THE VEE MODEL ........................................................ 30 4.2 THE APPLICATION OF SCRUM AND THE VEE MODEL .............................................................. 33 4.2.1 Bike Sharing Example ...................................................................... 33 4.2.2 Examples of Steps Taken when using the Vee Model Only vs. Scrum Combined with the Vee Model ........................................................... 37 5 Cross-Comparison Between Systems Engineering and Scrum ............................. 42 6 Roles and Responsibilities when using Scrum Combined with Systems Engineering .................................................................................................................... 47 6.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 47 6.2 COMBINED SCRUM AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........ 49 6.3 EXPANDED COMBINED SCRUM AND SYSTEM ENGINEERING TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................................... 52 7 Considerations for Federal Oversight When Applying Scrum Methods ............... 54 7.1 OVERVIEW OF 23 CFR 940.11 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION .................................................. 54 U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation System Joint Program Office Applying Scrum Methods to ITS Projects – Final| iii 7.2 APPROACH TO ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF SCRUM METHODS ON FEDERAL OVERSIGHT ................................................................................................................................. 55 7.3 SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF SCRUM METHODS ON FEDERAL OVERSIGHT ............. 57 8 Procurement Options/Contracting .............................................................................. 59 8.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 59 8.2 PROCUREMENT CONTRACT TYPES ....................................................................................... 60 8.3 TIPS AND GUIDELINES FOR PROCUREMENT WHEN USING SCRUM OR SCRUM COMBINED WITH SYSTEMS ENGINEERING .............................................................................................................. 62 9 Recommendations and Next Steps ............................................................................ 66 9.1 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................. 66 9.2 NEXT STEPS
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