DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 37, NUMBER 6 PAID NM Permit 8 ® CIMARRON T HE M AGAZI N E OF T HE P HILMO nt S TAFF A ss OCIAT IO N® U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization HIGH COUNTRY check us out! www.philstaff.com ® Mission unites (PSA) Association Staff Philmont The and present— staff—past Philmont the adventure, purpose of serving the the for Ranch Scout Philmont of experience and heritage Boy Scouts of America. and the 17 DEER RUN ROAD CIMARRON NM 87714 Our Mission HIGH COUNTRY®—VOLUME 37, NUMBER 6 PHILMONT STAFF ASSOCIATION® DECEMBER 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ED PEASE, EDITOR MARK DIERKER, LAYOUT EDITOR JOHN MURPHY, PRESIDENT COLLEEN NUTTER, VICE PRESIDENT, MEMBERSHIP RAndY SAUndERS, AssOCIATE EDITOR TIM ROSSEISEN, VICE PRESIDENT, SERVICE in this issue BILL CAss, COPY EDITOR WARREN SMITH, VICE PRESIDENT, DEVELOPMENT DAVE KEnnEKE, STAFF COntRIBUTOR ADAM FROMM, SECRETARY KEVIN “LEVI” THOMAS, CARTOONIst MATT LINDSEY, TREASURER columns COntRIBUTING EDITORS NATIONAL DIRECTORS 4 from the prez ROBERT BIRKBY DAVID CAFFEY AMY BOYLE BILL CAss GREGORY HOBBS KEN DAVIS 12 ranch roundup - document archive WARREN SMITH MARK STInnEtt BRYAN DELANEY MARY STUEVER STEPHEN ZIMMER CATHERINE HUBBARD 12 ranch roundup - 2015 treks LEE HUCKSTEP 22 from the editor HIGH COUNTRY® IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DR. DAN MILLER PHILMOnt STAFF AssOCIATION® And IS PUBLISHED SIX STEVE RICK 39 good campsite TIMES PER YEAR AS A BENEFIT TO Its MEMBERS. REGIONAL DIRECTORS © 2014, THE PHILMOnt STAFF AssOCIATION, INC. NORTHEAST ALL RIGHts RESERVED. NO COPYRIGHT CLAIMED FOR KATHLEEN SEITZ articles PREVIOUSLY COPYRIGHTED OR PUBLIC MATERIAL. RICK TOUCHETTE PERMIssION GRAntED FOR NON-COMMERCIAL REPRIntING 6 psa news - copyrights donated OR REDIstRIBUTION WITH PROPER AttRIBUTION. CENTRAL MITCH STANDARD 7 psa news - ‘65 rangers HIGH COUNTRY®, PHILMOnt STAFF AssOCIATION®, PHIL WINEGARDNER PSA® And THE OFFICIAL PSA LOGO® 8 psa news - new year’s at psr ARE ALL REGIstERED TRADEMARks OF: SOUTHERN ANNE MARIE PINKENBURG 9 psa news - 2015 psa trek THE PHILMOnt STAFF AssOCIATION, INC. DOUG WAHL 13 seasonal staff scholarships 17 DEER RUN ROAD CIMARRON, NEW MEXICO 87714 WESTERN 19 whiteman vega 575-376-1138 NANCY STICKELMAN MICHAEL WAGGONER 20 psr acquires cimarroncita FOR MEMBERSHIP And SUBSCRIptION INFORMATION, On the cover: Philmont acquires the 23 C4P hits goal VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: JIM LYNCH, IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT historic Cimarroncita Ranch Camp. 31 ptc news WWW.PHILSTAFF.COM MARK ANDERSON, PHILMONT STAFF ADVISOR Article on page 20. Photo by Bryan 36 philmont history EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Hayek. EMERY CORLEY, LEGAL ADVISOR HIGH COUNTRY® WELCOMES ARTICLES, PHOTOS And DOUGLAS FASCHING, TECHNOLOGY MANAGER other LEttERS FOR COnsIDERATION FOR FUTURE IssUES. SUBMIssION DOES NOT GUARAntEE PUBLICATION. 5 bulletin board THE EDITORS And PUBLISHER RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SELECT And EDIT MATERIALS TO BE PUBLISHED. RAndY SAUndERS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 24 87714 pride DOLLIE O’NIELL, OFFICE MANAGER SEnd SUBMIssIOns, LEttERS OR COMMEnts TO 38 trail talk “ HIGH COUNTRY” AT THE ABOVE AddREss OR E-MAIL: PSA® FELLOWS [email protected] BOB HARVEY FELLOW PAUL AND MARY JANE HARVEY ® IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE HIGH COUNTRY GLENN A. FOWLER FELLOW IN ELECTRONIC RATHER THAN PAPER FORMAT, PLEASE BRUCE BARNES COntACT THE PSA OFFICE AT [email protected] GEORGE A. BULLOCK FELLOW MEMBERS ONLY ACCESS WILLIAM D. BRYCE CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ® OPINIOns EXPREssED IN HIGH COUNTRY ARE THOSE OF JAN GIMAR LEE HUCKSTEP JOE DAVIS FELLOW USER NAME: BUCKCREEK THE WRITERS And, UNLEss OTHERWISE stATED, BILL CASS DAVID KENNEKE LARRY MURPHY DO NOT NECEssARILY REFLECT THE VIEws OF THE JOHN A. MAXBAUER, JR. FELLOW HIL UNKER HILMOnt TAFF ssOCIATION® HILMOnt PASSWORD: phillipsjunction P Y P S A , P ANONYMOUS SCOUT RANCH, OR THE BOY SCOUts OF AMERICA. VOLUME 37, NUMBER 6— DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 37, NUMBER 6— DECEMBER 2014 3 from the president ise you that PSA has some great ideas Saunders in the PSA office and he will for upcoming events both at the Ranch pass those on. In the meantime, have a and around the country - more on those great holiday season and I wish you all Thankful for 2014 in later editions of High Country. The a great end to the year. Service Committee is always looking for new ideas, so if you have some - John Murphy It’s the holiday season and you are to make Philmont the experience of a to share please email or call Randy President probably already busy spending quality lifetime for those that pass through the time with friends and family members, gates. going to holiday events, and running Philmont Management – Their around shopping with everyone else. eagerness to welcome former staff back, We tend to speed up, when we should make weekend events at the Ranch BULLETIN BOARD be slowing down. Take a break and possible, provide slots for summer Upcoming PSA® Events consider all the good things that hap- reunion treks and Autumn Adventure Houston Philmont Christmas Party – Saturday, December 20, 2014 @ 5:00PM pened in 2014. is so appreciated. They graciously pro- Home of PSA National Director Lee Huckstep What are you thankful for this time vide the PSA with office space and that Contact: [email protected] of year? We all get busy with our lives just scratches the surface of how they support us. Thank you John Clark and New Year’s at Philmont – December 31, 2014-January 1, 2015 and if you are like me we sometimes Philmont Scout Ranch just forget to stop and reflect on what Mark Anderson for all you do. Contact: Randy Saunders at [email protected] has been meaningful and impactful Fall weather - I can’t help it. I am always thankful to get away from the PSA Summer Reunion – July 10-12, 2015 throughout the year. I decided to do Philmont Scout Ranch just that over the weekend. Now, of heat of a Texas summer, especially course, I am thankful for family and when I get the chance to take in the cool PSA Summer Trek – July 12-18, 2015 Philmont Scout Ranch faith, but here is my list of Philmont fall evenings of northern New Mexico. related blessings: PSA – What a thrill it is to be part Thankful for Waite Phillips and of this dynamic association. Year after his family - Their willingness to share year, PSA continues to support and the land with the BSA gave me a place serve the Ranch, and if 2014 is any to work three incredible summers in the indication, we are poised for new ad- mountains. Mr. Phillips was impressed ventures in 2015 and the coming years. enough with the conservation values of I am especially thankful for all the new the Boy Scouts that he felt no reserva- friendships I have made in the PSA. tion in turning over such beautiful As we near the end of the year, resources to their care. How incredible let’s remember to keep Philmont and is that? the PSA on our minds. Support them Philmont Staff – What can I say… where you can through attendance at the collection of hard-working people reunions, become a Staff Amigo, serve astound me with their ability to operate on committees, donate to the Annual such a complex organization with lots Fund, send notes of encouragement; of moving pieces. I am thankful for whatever it is that you can offer. 2015 is the part that each staff member plays right around the corner and I can prom- VOLUME 37, NUMBER 6— DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 37, NUMBER 6— DECEMBER 2014 4 from the prez bulletin board 5 ® psa news logue, but retains the timeless foreword by Joe Davis. The Last Flight of Liberator 41-1133 is Copyrights to Two Books Donated To PSA currently in revision. There is a con- nection between Bill’s current book project and The Last Flight since Captain Former National Director Bill Cass has Blackburn was the superintendent donated the copyrights to Return to the of the four-engine bomber school in Summit of Scouting and The last Flight of Albuquerque from which the ill-fated Liberator 41-1133 to the Philmont Staff Liberator (serial number 41-1133) flew Association. Return to the Summit of on a roundtrip training mission to Scouting, a Philmont staff adventure Kansas City. Had he not stayed behind narrative including a 1991 “return” on a in Kansas City for meetings, Blackburn regular expedition, was first published would have been on the bomber when in 1993 by Michigan-based Wilderness it flew into the fateful storm on April Adventure Books. The Last Flight of 22, 1942. Liberator 41-1133 is the detailed analysis The updated second edition of The of a flying accident – one very familiar Last Flight contains several new photo- to the Philmont community since it graphs, including photos of the wreck- is about the Trail Peak B-24 Liberator age itself and of Blackburn during the crash. The contractual agreement with recovery of bodies from Trail Peak. The The Last Flight of Liberator 41-1133, second Wilderness Adventure Books expired at book will be available for sale through of two book copyrights donated to the PSA. the end of 2012 just before both books PSA by the end of the year. went out of print. Previous to that, Wilderness Calling Rangers of ‘65 Adventure Books moved away from narratives of National Park Service Dennis DuBois reminds our readers group, or if you have any contact infor- Rangers, wilderness canoe and back- Return to the Summit of Scouting, one of that he and his team of ’65 Philmont mation for others who were Rangers in packing narratives, and other outdoor two book copyrights donated to the PSA. Rangers are well into the planning 1965, please contact Denny at dennis- stage for a reunion commemorating [email protected] or 703-786-4772.
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