(),ir Family of over 35,000 Complete Newi, Picture* riidrra i» a Valuable Market Presented Fairly, dearly for All Our Advertisers, 3nkpentient - leaber And Impartially Each XIJX-NO. 17 Published S»ery Thursday PRICE WOHT CENTO WOODBRIDGE, N J., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1957 «t ll Or«n atrwt, WoodhfldK*. N J. _^ 11 i -^ $500 Wage US Studies Kit Hike Police Yet House Objective Complaints on Subject uiifrressioual Proben Visit Loral Areas .to Requested; PrcHcnt Pay Learn if V\ Erred I Is (^llcd 'Inadequate' WOODBRIDGE — A four-nAn WOODBRIDGE — Petitions are team has already visited Lynn ! being circulated throughout the Oaks development in Colonlft and j Township by members of the Pa- Wentbury Park. Iselln, as part ef I trolmcn's Benevolent Association the Investigation of the Newark ' in order to place a referendum be- office of the Veterans Admlnlstra* fore the voters ot the Township lion by the House Veteran*'AIT; ' seeking a $500 yearly raise (airs Committee. ncrosfi the board" for all mem- bers of the Police Department. Congressman Peter Frelinghuy- ?en reached by telephone In In order to place the referen- Washington by Tht Independent' dum on the ballot in the Novem- Leader thta weak said a four- L\|\ nnVAVTlftit "BAREBACK KIOKKS" The klniltTKaricn circus featured the« girls In billowing crepe paper costumes, ber election, the officers must get man team ls visiting all develop- i.ni'iml <olors and riding hobby-horses, (iirls In the number were Anne Herron, Brenda, Anderson, Anita Wasilck, Jonn Kandor, signatures of 20 per cent of the ments in which complaints Karon Panek, Dianr Hutching, Valerie Adameiyk. 30,780 voters in the Township or against the regional office of the' 6,156 signers. Veteran's Administration haVe This will be the third time the developed and their report Will Circus Business Shaky?Not police department has turned to decide whether' or not there will the voters for a raise In salary HE'S MY FRIENO: "Scamp," the squirrel, is perched on the be a full-scale formal Congres- since the formation of an orga- shoulder of 13-year-old JCarl Toft, who raised the animal and his sional Investigation. To Sewaren Kindergarten nized police department. Twice four brothers after the mother squirrel was hit and killed by a "There have been quite a lot [the voters,went along with them ' car, Although a "bin fellow" now, "Scamp" insists on following of complaints from your area," By BARBARA BALFOUR and once the referendum was de- Karl wherever he goes. {Another photo rate B.) Congressman Frellnghuyaen said, SEWAREN — The circus business may be in a shaky condition fefctad. All other raises were "and I am still making Inquiries In the rest of the country, but in Sewaren it's stronger than ever. granted voluntarily by the Town of my own." :i For the 11th year the kindergarten class of the Sewaren School (Committee. Other developments nearby that put on its annual "Biggest Little Show on Earth," and for the The members of the PBA de-AvenelLad, Animal World have been visited are Shorecrest first time it gave two public performances, one last week for "Pa-clare that a man with a family In Carteret; Cherry Tfee Terrace, afternoon for the whole school cannot make ends meet on the thers' Niuht" and one Tuesday Mlddletown Township; Lawrence I -I and pre-schoolers. present salary, the first class pa- Find Wide, Mutual AffinityBrook, New Brunswick; Old Man- "I didn't have a kid in the kin- trolman receives $5,000 a year. The By RUTH WOLK or, Rarltan Township and Flor- dergarten this year," said one average police officer of 35 years WOODBRIDGE — "A kind heart Is a fountain Of gladness, ham Park. ' t II! father. "So I thought I could DriveJn Theatre tifage however, has dedocted from making everything in Its vicinity freshen into smiles." —Washington Congressman Freltaghuysen re- duck In and out pretty fast', but his salary $27- » m«nth< iw pen- vealed tKal trie Howe CowmntFe," sion, $30 a month for withholding Irvin"16g. it was so good I stayed to jsee Ruling Faces Test In Avenel there is a 13-year-old boy who Ls not only kind to of which he was a former mem- ,tl the whole thing!" tax and $3.95 for hospitalization ber, Is cooperating with the Wash- *y \, or a total of (60.95 a month de- fellow human-beings, but practically to every living thing. Things started off with the par- He is Karl Toft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toft, 490 Jansen lngton headquarters of the VA to w; j WOODBRIDGE — The -Township ductions. determine whether the Newark ',- ; ade of all 42 performers Into the i faced with another court action Avenue. A Seventh Grade student'— * • Police officers are paid twice a 0 office Of the VA has been properly ^: auditorium led by Steven Gortvay, ue to the passage of an ordinance at Barron Avenue School, Wood- ringmaster, replendent in a high month and each check for the Public Duties Follow protecting home-buying veterans. I:! uesday limiting the hours that average first class patrolman is bridge, Karl has always shown silk hat. The stage and hall were _ keen Interest in animalsil , so Farrell into Retirement In each of the developments .;:*/ •ive-in theatres may operate In '$154.11 or about $77 a week, or visited, Investigators questioned ' , draped with colored streamers le municipality. much so that his parents aie donated by the Shell Oil Com- less when there are more than convinced he will in some way home owners, took statements and ' v There is only one drive-in thea- four weeks In the month. 1 "WOODBRIDaE — Samuel C. shot pictures. pany, cages for lions and tigers make animals his life's work. Farrell, formerly Town Com- 1 e In the Township, that operated At the present time there are lined the stage ,and two bare- "Somehow, Karl seems to un- mitteeman from. the Third Oliver E. Meadows, staff dlrec- j r the Walter Reade Theatres. 84 police officers in the depart- back riders rode in on the huge, derstand animals and they seem Ward and retired bank ac- tor of the House Veterans Affairs j Bernard Green, counsel for thement and if the raise ls granted It papier-mache tiger and giraffe in turn to understand hkn," his countant, who now resides in Committee, said this week that ! ,heatre, told The Independent- will mean an additional $42,000 in that the children had made. mother said Monday when the Florida, was appointed a mem- a written Interim report is ex- • ' jeader Tuesday night that im- the budget. pected within a wek weeks. He ; After the opening chorus of mediate action will be taken to photographer and I called on the ber of ,f\ ftye-ttian citizens' ad- 1 ediate ato The PBA has had petitions would ntit reveal any of the find- • : "Come, See the Circus, ' which isk the courts to declare the mea- Tofta. , visory committee selected by the whole cast lined up to sing printed and each member will Pass-a-GriUe Beach town com Ings by the probers to date as. ? unconstitutional. also Karl's latest WndnesS ,tb the he sajjl he "had only received1,^ Ringmaster aortvay tnnauneed ?rien<ft to obtain the ne rof! signatunssV: "^ ••••••••-•- one verbal report from them." j "The-Seven • Beautiful Bareback five little squirrels whose mother bus line operations there. s iibein In Florham Park,' veterans in . Riders" who galloped their steeds if the committee individually will evidently had been killed by - Mayor E, Balnbridge Toppin, development homes reported at a around at a dizzy pace. They were be held accountablebl . Alert Policeman Averts car. The Tofts are so used to In making the announcement Anne Herron, Brenda Anderson Borough Council meeting that al- The ordinance calls for the the- Karl's way with "beasties" they of Mr. Farrell's appointment, though they had not complained Anita Wasilek, Joan Kondor, Kar Serious Main St. Fire itre to close, no later than 12:30 offered no protest when he walked said that the former Township to their, congressman or sought \tn Panek, Diane Hutchins and A.. M. With three showings night- In with the five baby squirrels In man would be an asset to the WOODBRIDGE — A fire in the the committee out. the Investiga- (Valerie Adamezyk. ly, and the fact that daylight sav- a box and proceeded to feed them commission as he Is well versed tors had visited their homes. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, kindei ing time does not permit the show business section of Woodbridge warm milk. In a short time, the in Municipal operations." was averted Sunday by an alert Many Complaints Made .: sarten teacher and circus "Impre to start much before nine o'clock, squirrels began to know Karl and* The committee will make a sarlo," who plays the piano, dl ;he theatre interests say It wlllbe patrolman. In Wegtbury Park, complaints followed him all over the house study of all departments of the have been long-standing, and >,, rects the performance, hops up t financially impossible to run the Officer Felix Galasso was pa- : Finally, when they began to grow bus line and make recommen- Congressman Frelinghuyaen him- \' run the lights, opens umbrellas theatre, trolling the Main Stret when he the weather became warmer, thr dations as to possible sale to |J1K. A HAS: Litd-en and Gentle-mm!! Donald Morau as the saw smoke coming from the cel- self inspected the development at r •strmis man" of Hie Stwaren Kiiideerarten fircus. toots horns, and quiets bedlam Mr, Green was the first speaker squirrels were put out In the yari private operators or retention one time.
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