Eastleigh House Upper Market Street Eastleigh SO50 9YN 25 June 2015 NOTICE OF MEETING EASTLEIGH LOCAL AREA COMMITTEE will meet on Tuesday, 30 June 2015 beginning at 7:00 pm at Main Hall, Eastleigh College, Chestnut Avenue TO: Councillor Paul Bicknell (Chairman) Councillor Steve Sollitt (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Sarah Bain Councillor Simon Bancroft Councillor Wayne Irish Councillor Darshan Mann Councillor Mrs Maureen A Sollitt Councillor Chris Thomas Councillor Keith Trenchard Staff Contacts: Amy Thorne, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 023 8068 8361 Email: [email protected] Guy Riddoch, Area Co-ordinator Tel: 023 8068 3369; Email: [email protected] RICHARD WARD Head of Legal and Democratic Services Copies of this and all other agendas can be accessed via the Council's website - http://www.eastleigh.gov.uk/meetings as well as in other formats, including Braille, audio, large print and other languages, upon request. Members of the public are invited to speak on general items at the start of the meeting, and on individual agenda items at the time the item is discussed. To register please contact the Democratic Services Officer above. Please be aware that Eastleigh Borough Council permits filming, sound recording and photography at meetings open to the public. AGENDA 1. Chairman's Report 2. Public Participation (Pages 1 - 2) 3. Apologies 4. Declarations of Interest Members are invited to declare interests in relation to items of business on the agenda. Any interests declared will be recorded in the Minutes. 5. Presentation on Planning Guidelines 6. Planning Application - Land south of Chestnut Avenue north Stoneham Park, Chestnut Avenue, Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh (Pages 3 - 78) Ref. O/15/76023 - Outline application with all matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings/structures and the development of: 1) on land south of Chestnut Avenue (North Stoneham Park) - 1100 dwellings (use class C3); - residential care home (use class C2); - creation of a new local centre - including a new primary school (2FE), children's pre-school nursery, community building, retail, office and other buildings and car parking (use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1a, D1, D2); - public open space, children's play equipment, associated hard and soft landscaping and works; - foul and surface water drainage measures including pumping stations; access from Chestnut Avenue and Stoneham Lane (with new accesses/works to Chestnut Avenue (existing), Chestnut Avenue/Nightingale Avenue, Chestnut Avenue/Stoneham Lane, Stoneham Lane/Stoneham Way Junctions and new accesses onto Stoneham Lane); new footway/cycleway links; 2) extension to Lakeside Country Park on land east of Stoneham Lane, including new pedestrian links, landscaping and associated works; 3) construction of a new cycleway/footway along Stoneham Lane (from north/east of St Nicolas Church, southwards to the administrative boundary with Southampton City); 4) use of land south of Junction 5 of the M27 motorway for playing pitches and construction of associated facilities (including changing pavilion/hub building, spectator stands, enclosures, all-weather playing surfaces; floodlighting); with new accesses onto Stoneham Lane; parking; new footway/cycleway; landscaping and associated works; and 5) associated engineering operations; on and off-site supporting infrastructure necessary to facilitate development of the site. This application is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment and is a departure from the development plan, and affects the setting of a listed building, and affects Public Rights of Way. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 22 September 2015 at 7:00 pm at Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh, SO50 9YN Agenda Item 2 Guidelines for Public Participation at meetings - This is a meeting of Eastleigh Borough Council that is open to the public – although it is not a ‘public meeting’. There are dedicated public participation slots before Councillors debate & vote on each item. - If you wish to register to speak in public participation, please ensure you do so with one of the Democratic or Area Co-ordinator officers here tonight, ideally before the meeting starts. - There is a general ‘open’ public participation session at the start of the meeting and then, on each agenda item, 5 minutes in total for objectors and 5 minutes in total for supporters. The Chair may use their discretion to extend the time available to the public before Member debate if there is significant public interest in an item. 1 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 6 30/06/2015 APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR DECISION EASTLEIGH Tuesday 30 June 2015 Case Officer Dawn Errington SITE: Land south of Chestnut Avenue north Stoneham Park, Chestnut Avenue, Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh Ref. O/15/76023 Received: 17/02/2015 (31/08/2015) APPLICANT: Highwood Land LLP PROPOSAL: Outline application with all matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings/structures and the development of: 1) on land south of Chestnut Avenue (North Stoneham Park) - 1100 dwellings (use class C3); - residential care home (use class C2); - creation of a new local centre - including a new primary school (2FE), children's pre- school nursery, community building, retail, office and other buildings and car parking (use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1a, D1, D2); - public open space, children's play equipment, associated hard and soft landscaping and works; - foul and surface water drainage measures including pumping stations; access from Chestnut Avenue and Stoneham Lane (with new accesses/works to Chestnut Avenue (existing), Chestnut Avenue/Nightingale Avenue, Chestnut Avenue/Stoneham Lane, Stoneham Lane/Stoneham Way Junctions and new accesses onto Stoneham Lane); new footway/cycleway links; 2) extension to Lakeside Country Park on land east of Stoneham Lane, including new pedestrian links, landscaping and associated works; 3) construction of a new cycleway/footway along Stoneham Lane (from north/east of St Nicolas Church, southwards to the administrative boundary with Southampton City); 4) use of land south of Junction 5 of the M27 motorway for playing pitches and construction of associated facilities (including changing pavilion/hub building, spectator stands, enclosures, all-weather playing surfaces; floodlighting); with new accesses onto Stoneham Lane; parking; new footway/cycleway; landscaping and associated works; and 5) associated engineering operations; on and off-site supporting infrastructure necessary to facilitate development of the site. This application is subject to an 3 Environmental Impact Assessment and is a departure from the development plan, and affects the setting of a listed building, and affects Public Rights of Way. AMENDMENTS: 3 June 15, 18 June 15 RECOMMENDATION: Subject to the consideration of outstanding consultee responses and any further resident comments received in respect of the press notice period (expires 3.7.15); and subject to the recommended conditions/any necessary condition additions or amendments and the Section 106 agreement terms specificed, delegate to Head of Development Management (in consultation with Chair and Ward Members) to: GRANT OUTLINE PERMISSION CONDITIONS AND REASONS: (1) The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the following plans numbered: 34NS002A Sheets 1-10, 024.0013.102 Rev P6, 024.0013.107 RevP3, 024.0013.108 RevP6, 024.0013.109 RevP4, 024.0013.110 RevP3, 024.0013.111 RevP3, 024.0013.121 RevP1, 1135.P01A, 1135.P02B, 1135.P03B, 1135.P04A, 1135.P05B, 1135.P05A, 15002 .AP 004 Rev B, 15002 .AP 006 Rev B Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. (2) The permission hereby granted in an outline permission and an application for the approval by the Local Planning Authority of the following reserved matters (for at least the first phase of development) must be made no later than the expiration of one year beginning with the date of this permission: a) layout b) scale c) appearance d) landscaping of the site The development shall accord with the approved details. Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to control the development in detail, encourage delivery and comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) (3) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 1 year from the date of the approval of the first Reserved Matters 4 Application. Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to control the development in detail, encourage delivery and comply with Section92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) (4) Prior to the approval of the first reserved matters application for housing a detailed design code for the development shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The detailed design code shall demonstrate how the objectives of the Design and Access Statement will be met, and shall take account of the drawings referred to in Condition 1 above. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved design code unless otherwise agreed, in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The design code shall include the following : a) principles for determining quality, colour and texture of external materials and facing finishes for roofing and walls of buildings and structures including opportunities for using locally sourced, low embodied carbon and recycled construction materials; b) sustainable design
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