Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress Washmgton, D.C. 20540 TRILATERAL COMMISSION IP0092 In response to numerous inquiries relating to the Trilateral Commission, we have assembled the enclosed materials. This packet includes background information on the Commission, a listing of its members, articles regarding the influence of the Commission, and a bibliography of publications by and about the Commission. Many of the items in the bibliography may be available at a local public or school library. We hope this information is helpful. Congressional Reference Division All materials are reprinted with permission of the copyright claimants. We've Been Asked Who serves on the commission? Among the 76 U.S. members are 8 congressmen, 3 state and local gov- ernment officials, 17 businessmen, 13 academicians, 7 bankers and finan- ciers, 10 officials of nonprofit organi- zations and institutes, 7 lawyers, 4 trade-union officials, 3 journalists or Campaign attacks on George Bush The full commission gathers once a media executives and 1 representa- and John Anderson for membership year for several days, rotating the tive of agriculture interests. Cornrnis- on the Trilateral Commission again meetings among the three areas rep- sion members who join the executive are putting the spotlight on a contro- resented. The annual meetings are branch of government must resign, versial international organization. closed to the media and public and but they often rejoin when their offi- Conservative critics claim that the are reported in a quarterly magazine cial service ends. commission constitutes a conspiracy published by the commission. What .bout conspiracy charges? seeking to gain control of the US. This year's meeting was held in George Bush, who resigned from government and to create a new London March 23-25. The program, the organization in 1978, says: "To world order. underscoring the importance the suggest that those that belong to the Bush and Anderson are not the British attach to the group, included commission . are involved in a con- only presidential aspirants with Trila- dinner with Prince Philip, a recep- spiracy is absurd." Reagan loyalist teralist links. An adviser on Ronald tion with Prime Minister Margaret Weinberger, who describes himself Reagan's team, former Secretary of Thatcher and speeches by former as "very conservative," says "the Tri- Health, Education and Welfare Cas- Prime Minister James (Lhghan and lateral Commission is performing a par Weinberger, is a member. Presi- Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington. very valuable service in strengthen- dent Carter also was in the organiza- Who finances the commbrion? ing ties between the U.S. and our tion before. his election, as were The North Americaxi share of the natural allies." nearly 20 present or former top current three-year budget totals 1.67 How influenthl is the commission members of his administration. million dollars. Of this, $644,000 in shaping go- policy? What is the commission? comes from foundations, $530,000 Its voice is undoubtedly heard. Be- It is a group of 275 prominent busi- from corporations, $220,000 from in- sides Carter, former Trilateralists in- nessmen, labor leaders, scholars, dividuals and $84,000 from invest- clude Vice President Mondale, Sec- statesmen and politicians from the ment income. The Rockefeller name retary of State Cyrus Vance, world's three major non-Communist is conspicuous on the list of donors: Secretary of Defense Harold Brown industrialized regions-North Arneri- $180,000 from the Rockefeller and Brzezinski-the entire foreign- ca, Western Europe and Japan. Brothers Fund, $100,000 from the policy and national-security team. What are its goals? Rockefeller Foundation, $150,000 Still, foreign-affairs experts make The commission's avowed aim is to from David Rockefeller's personal this argument: The policies pursued increase political and economic co- funds. There is no government mon- by the Carter administration have operation among the three regions. ey involved. produced results that conflict with This is done by analyzing major is- How are members of the commls- the commission's goals of closer coop- sues of common interest and devel- don chosen? eration among the non-Communist oping practical proposals to deal with An 11-member American execu- industrial regions and between this these problems. The commission has tive committee nominates candi- group and the Third World. Rela- published 20 reports, covering such dates for the North American delega- tions between the U.S. and its indus- topics as energy, East-West relations tion. Nominations are made on the trialized allies, these experts say, and economics. basis of interest in international af- have frayed seriously over the past When and how did it start? fairs but with an attempt to strike a three years, and ties with a number David Rockefeller, head of Sew balance among areas of the country of Third World nations-such as York's Chase Manhattan Bank, con- and professions. Iran-have rarely been worse. vened a meeting of leaders from the three regions in 1972 to discuss a Three Trilateralists in the Presidential Race plan "to bring the best brains in the world to bear on problems of the fu- ture." As an upshot of the meeting, the Trilateral Commission was founded 1.1 1973. Its first full-time di- rector: Zbigniew Brzezinski, now Carter's national-security adviser. How is it organized? A 35-member executive commit- tee manages the group's activities between annual meetings. There are three headquarters-New York, Par- is and Tokyo-each with a small, full- time staff. Rockefeller is chairman of Bush "" Anderson ? Carter the North American section. Republican candidates George Bush and John Anderson md Democrat Jimmy Car- When and where does it meet? ter are present or fonnew mbonof the Trilateral Comrnlssion. U.S.NEWS & WORLD REPORT. Apr~l7. 1980 2 Big Tycoons A Plan for How the By William Greida ~~or(onPMIt.iiOMtg When David Rockefeller's Tri- i: lateral Cornmiasion came to Ou&t to RUII,If Only . .. Washington lost week and called upon the Cartu admini, TRILATERAL, From A1 first place. The members are drawn tration, it was like the nest re promising politiciw and a light from the leading industrial and finan- turning to the SPMIRI. spri~ikling of trade unionists drawn cial and intellectual empires of the President Carter, an la-% from three continent& This has stirnu- noncommunist world - Citibank and lateralist himself, pmted hir Fiat md Nippon Steel, Oxford and former brethren in the East lattd much spooky theorizing about Room with praise so generous a Rockefeller shadow world govern- Harvard and Tokyo Univemity, Coca- . that it was mildly tmbarraab ment, a floating establishment con- Cola and Barclays of London and Mit- fng to some. Sptracy to run everything. In some subishi. Their meetings are all in pri- "I was dumbfounded by same circles of fervid political imagination, vate, presumably to stimulate franker of the things he said," said a . discussion, but perhaps also to en- Trilateral srecutiva "I would the "Trilateral connection" is short- love to get permission to quota hand for ~uomtson a string, respond- hance the mystique of importance. him in our fund-nirinp." ing to a secret agenda. At the Washington sessions, a num- This ir taiibly off-th- The reality, alas, is less dramatic. ber d participants noted how re like all Trilateral discuaaiona. On paper, they run the world. But. in strained and defensive the Trilateral- but Carter, told the 200 moven the flesh, the Trilateralists get tp b were with one another, tiptoeing and sheken from America, ac+ gether and mostly talk about how tbe around the mains and differences tan Europe and Jaw that, Sf world out to run, if oqly the world among themselver would moperate. the Trilateral Commission had The Japanese were defensive about. been in businem after World This humble little secret slipped out their trade surpluses. The' Americans War I, the world might have from under the mirror-paneled doors about their growlng oil imports. The celed World War XI. at L'Enfant Plaza where the Trilattd British and French about their import Thus encouraged, the Trilat- btr met for three days last week: the barriers. The Germans about ther eralists he& from three other heavyweight members, despite their low rate of growth. alumni, the Cabinet officen who ammeeconomlc clout, feel defen- sive, uneasy, unloved. This is not exactly what weryone count most in global matters- cxpecttd when "Trilatmalism" was co- State, Deferw and lYmsury. A "It's surprising," said one putid. ined five years ago by Bnezhski as fourth star canceled his briefing paht, "that these big, powerful, hefty the new catch phrase of global think- because of illnesx-Carter's nr. ' tycoons would be so defensiua They ing. It may have a short shelf life, as tional security affairs adviser. are not terribly confident." catch phrases go, because the Trila- Zbigniew Bnednski. th intel- At the White Hause, even the presi- teral agenda has not exactly swept the lectual father of the Trilateral dent lectured them on their bad im- world. idea. age. Three foreign leaders from Third "Poor Zbtg, he was sir! u a NeitHer the Carter administration World countries. Carter said. have in pup," said Tril.teral coordinrtur told him personally that the Trilateral nor its counterparts Europe or Ja- George S. Franklin. "He caught Commission is nothing but "a rich . pan have been able to move very far the Russian flu in ChiM." man's club" that doesn't care about on the monetary revisions proposed ~t least 18 toplevtl executivu the rest of the world. The Trilateral- . by a Trilateral study. Nor have they of the Carter administration ists, Carter urged, should demonstrate dweloped the unified energy strategy were dream from the Trilateral to the poor nations of the world that urged by the commission Nor have memberlip, Sa was the foreign the commission "has a heart" they worked out a consolidated bar- gaining approach to those underdevel- minister of Jam SO metho "Ninety percent of th8 questions," prime mfnista of France md .oped nations that are demanding a one informed witnesa mid, "wen: new economic order in the world.
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