January 2002 Vol. 27, No. 1 The Book and Paper Group: 30th Two Decades Young Anniversary ment, which has helped enlighten our col- LESLIE PAISLEY leagues in other disciplines. This is also true Inside with respect to developments in the area of n the eve of the 30th anniversary of the public service since many of our regional Continuing Education OAmerican Institute for Conservation, centers are made up primarily of BPG mem- Survey Summary the BPG specialty group reflects on its own bers specializing not only in the library and 8 past, present, and future. archives areas, but in art on paper as well. I Qualifications Task BPG members should be proud of the think that this diversity of professionalism in Force Update accomplishments and example it has set for our group—the pulling together of on-going 9 our national professional organization. In the developments in the fields of archives, words of Dianne van der Reyden,“The Book libraries, fine arts, research collections, and Annual Meeting News and Paper Group has been a role model. It is private practice—is what make our group 9 the largest specialty group in AIC and with such a strong, progressive, accomplished and FAIC Awards the high level of activity of its members, has cooperative sector of AIC.” 11 made it one of AIC’s most productive (and As BPG enters the next quarter century, forward thinking) groups. Its members— we have a strong foundation of accomplish- AIC Board Elections especially the Library and Archives areas—are ment upon which to build. 12 on the cusp of developments in the technol- Call for Posters ogy of collections management, scientific 14 research, and now in information manage- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 In Memoriam 15 AIC Names PA and Preserving AIC’s Past Fellow Members 15 building a family or career, making a large Letter to the Editor HILARY A. KAPLAN 18 financial commitment to something like a new car or mortgage, or simply beginning to AIC/FAIC Award n June 2002, AIC will celebrates its 30th have a clearer view of how you see yourself Deadlines Iannual meeting. By almost any measure- in the world. And like any individual 19 ment, this is a milestone. Not much more approaching a significant decade marker, it AIC Index than thirty years ago, those of us not yet behooves us as an organization to also reflect 20 thirty were warned not to trust anyone over on how far we have traveled before thinking the age of thirty. “Thirty” generally meant about all the new good things we will do. It AIC 2002 Directory “washed-up” or certainly “over the hill,” is an opportunity to evaluate our collective Corrections especially from those looking up from a experiences and bring renewed confidence to 21 decade or more away. charting where it is we still want to go. Health and Safety In hindsight, such admonitions were really On December 7, 1972, Lawrence J. News on HEPA as much acknowledgments of the changes in Majewski, Sheldon Keck, Clements L. 24 responsibilities that come with age as they Robertson, Elizabeth W. FitzHugh, and Dr. were declarations against a particular view- Robert L. Feller officially signed on as AIC’s Report on Polyolefin Foams point or gain in years. Thirty years conveys initial board of directors. Formerly in leader- 26 longevity with a concomitant level of matu- ship positions within the International Insti- rity and wisdom. For individuals, that may tute for Conservation’s American Group mean settling down in a relationship or job, CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Table of Contents AIC NEWS AIC News (ISSN 0887-705X) is published bi-monthly by the American Institute for Conservation of Historic & AIC Index . .20 Artistic Works, 1717 K Street, NW,Ste. 200,Washington, DC 20006, (202) 452–9545; Fax: (202) 452–9328; AIC News . .8 [email protected] Website: http://aic.stanford.edu AIC/FAIC Deadlines . .19 Periodicals postage paid at Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC. Postmaster: Send address changes to AIC News, Allied Organization News . .18 1717 K Street, NW,Ste. 200, Washington, DC 20006. Annual Meeting News . .9 AIC News is mailed to members for $18 per year as a portion of annual membership dues. Conference Report . .23 Opinions expressed in the AIC News are those of the contributors and not official statements of the AIC. Responsibility for the materials/methods described herein Courses, Conferences, and Seminars . .41 rests solely with the contributors. Deadline for March Editorial Submissions: February 1, 2002 FAIC News . .11 We reserve the right to edit for brevity and clarity. Advertising From the Executive Director . .8 AIC accepts position-available ads only from equal opportunity employers.All position ads must conform to Grants, Awards, and Fellowships . .25 the standards for equal opportunity employment.The cost of Internships and Fellowships, Position Available, and Classified Ads is: $.95 per word for members and $2 per Health and Safety News . .24 word for nonmembers; the minimum charge is $50. The cost of advertising in Supplier’s Corner is $150 for 100 words.The cost of display ads is: 1/6 page $200; 1/3 In Memoriam . .15 page $335; 1/2 page $415; 2/3 page $470; full page $650. Deadlines for advertising copy are February 10,April 10, June 10,August 10, October 10, and December 10. Letter to the Editor . .18 All ads should be submitted to Mary E. Seng at New Materials & Research . .26 AIC News Staff Lisa Goldberg Editor David Harvey New Materials & Research Editor People . .14 Elizabeth F.“Penny” Jones Managing Editor Nora A. McElfish Production Editor Positions, Internships, and Fellowships . .46 Mary E. Seng Meetings & Marketing Manager Robert Treadway Administrative & Publications Assistant Recent Publications . .35 © Copyright 2002. AIC News cannot be reproduced in its entirety without permission from AIC. Individual articles may be reproduced if permission has been granted by the owner Specialty Groups . .36 of copyright and proper citation attributed.The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences— Worth Noting . .28 Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives,ANSI/ NISO Z39.48–1992. 2 AIC NEWS,JANUARY 2002 BOOK AND PAPER days. The first chair of cept for a SIG for con- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 BPG, Deborah Evetts servators of library (1981), led the first offi- materials developed to THE PAST cial BPG meeting held form better communi- at the AIC annual meet- cation with the broader Organization ing in Philadelphia. The library community Since the early days after the for- early meetings were a including programs at mation of AIC from the IIC-AG cooperative group effort the American Library (American Group), paper conservators and included art and Association. This group in the U.S. felt the need to organize archive special interest officially formed in themselves. The goal of the BPG was tours, presentations, and 1991 and named itself to increase professional awareness of discussions. The written BPG guide- the Library Collections Care Discus- paper conservation practice by facili- lines were formulated in 1988. Early sion Group (LCCDG). That year the tating communication among its drafts of these guidelines stated the concept for the (ADG) Archive Dis- membership and the general conser- purpose was “to provide an organiza- cussion group developed and that vation community and to provide tion for persons engaged (or inter- group officially formed in 1992. The more in-depth discussions and activi- ested) in the conservation of historic name was later changed to the ties at the annual meeting. The spe- and artistic works in order that they Archive Conservator’s Discussion cialty interest groups (SIG) first began may exchange, coordinate, and Group (ACDG). More detailed infor- to organize at the 7th Annual Meeting advance knowledge and improve mation co-authored by Meg Brown in Toronto, Canada, in 1979. A steer- methods of the conservation of art on and Ethel Hellman, on the history of ing committee was formed in 1980 paper, books and archival and manu- the LCCDG will be published in the led by Ellen McCrady. Don Ethering- script materials.” 20th BPG Annual. It is important to ton chaired the first program at the In 1990, ten years after its begin- note that both these groups con- 7th Annual AIC Meeting in San Fran- nings, the BPG membership (which sciously chose not to become splinter cisco with about 150 members present includes many international mem- groups of the BPG and serve prima- and activities scheduled over three bers), became more active. The con- rily as discussion groups within the AIC NEWS, JANUARY 2002 3 BPG. The development of discussion nificantly to the dissemination of Book and Paper Group Annual is groups perhaps reflects the feelings of practical and philosophical informa- planning a celebration on the upcom- the membership who were looking tion about the work of its members. ing anniversary of its 25th issue. for dissemination of information in The BPG publications committee was The concept for the Paper Conser- formats other than slide lectures. formed to oversee the creation and vation Catalogue was initiated in 1983 Various officers have attempted to dissemination of member work.These with the first edition published in serve as archivists over the years to publications include The Book and 1984. The goal was to research, com- organize the BPG archive. However, Paper Annual, the Paper Conservation pile, and disseminate comprehensive some history has gone missing. In Catalogue, and the Book Conserva- information about current conserva- 2000, Stephanie Watkins, secretary/ tion Catalogue, as well as the BPG tion treatments, technical examina- treasurer (1999–2001), prepared an website.
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