SaintSaint MaryMary ofof thethe ImmaculateImmaculate ConceptionConception SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 17, 2021 340 UNION STREET PARISH STAFF BEDFORD, OHIO 44146 Fr. Joseph Seebauer, Pastor [email protected] PHONE: 440R359R8205 Fr. Isidore Munishi, Pastoral Associate Rev. Mr. Bill Starkey, Deacon WEBSITE: www.saintmarybedford.org Louise Marn, Pastoral Associate OFFICE HOURS: WED. & THURS. 8:30 a.m.V2:30 p.m. Bob Cooke, Maintenance Coordinator Music Director Verna Hudak, Secretary Robert Vano, Business Manager Kathy Yurichak, Bullen Editor MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday9:15 a.m. WednesdayTThursday 8:00 a.m. RECONCILIATION Confessions will be heard on Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. before the 4:00 p.m. Mass and also by appointment. BAPTISM For informaon, please contact the rectory at 440R359R8205 Monday‒ Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. MARRIAGE For informaon, please contact the Rectory at 440R359R8205 MondayRFriday Between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. SAINT MARY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BEDFORD, OH Mass IntentionsNSaint Mary Mass IntentionsNOur Lady of Hope Saturday, January 16th Monday, January 18th 4:00 p.m. ….……………………. Robert & Pat Ribovich 8:00 a.m. ……....…...……..…… Fr. Daniel Louis Begin Sunday, January 17th Tuesday, January 19th 9:15 a.m.………...................................... Martha Janosko 8:00 a.m. ……....…...… Living & Deceased Parishioners Wednesday, January 20th Friday, January 22nd 7:30 a.m. Rosary 8:00 a.m. ……....…...… Living & Deceased Parishioners 8:00 a.m. ………………....…...……….. Victoria Duever Sunday, January 24th Thursday, January 21st 11:00 a.m. …......…...… Living & Deceased Parishioners 7:30 a.m. Rosary 8:00 a.m. ……....………………………. John Stowinsky SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL Novena to the Miraculous Medal In the Gospel today, Jesus asks “What are you looking for?” Saturday, January 23rd 4:00 p.m. ….……………………….……… Mirta Karlak Often, we are looking for happi- ness in very selfish ways, but Sunday, January 24th we find that when we look for 9:15 a.m.……….............................. Mary & Peter Dudak ways to make others happy, it is then that we truly become hap- py. As you place your gift in Please Remember In Your Prayers . the Society of St. Vincent de Paul envelope, know that you are a sign of God’s Sam Alesci, Gen Cannella, Pat Christian JoAnn love to those who are suffering, and you give them Conway, Alice Cotter, Deb David, Robin Davis, Dick reason to believe and to trust. Dolan, Dominic Flauto, Jim Goersmeyer, Darillinn Grubbs, Mary Hills, Dolores P. Hovan, Ken Hudak, If you are a parishioner of Our Lady of Hope or Helen Husky, Leonard Iacco, Carlotta Jones, Carol St. Mary and in need of help, please call the office Kainec, Matt Kish, Judy Kobus, Fr. Andrew Krafcik, and leave a message on our St. Vincent de Paul Ken Krawczyk, Corey Kurilko, Ryleeann Kurilko, Lucy Society voicemail. All information is kept confi- Lagaza, Cindy Lowe, Wiletta Lynch, Ryan Martin, dential Gertrude McBeath, Nicole Murphy, Marcy Nero, Donna Noble, Delores Nose, Lucille Novak, Dolores Parker, Virginia Pfeffer, Conner Press, Casimina Radicelli, Sister Patricia Raelene, Eileen Salupo, Charles Saraniti, Emma Sarkissian, Jonathan Sedor, David Shostek, Anna Marie Slaby, Deacon Bill Starkey, LueRean Talley, Mary Ann Taylor, Rose Tribuzzo, Please remember in your prayers the repose of the Diane Whitelaw, Carl Wilson Jr., Loretta Yarish, Gwen soul of Donna Noble who was buried from our Yates, Patricia Zak, Special Intention and all those church this past week. May her soul and all the souls affected by the coronavirus throughout the world of the faithful departed rest in the arms of Jesus and Please get permission from the family before asking Mary. us to add someone to the Prayer List. IT’S TAX TIME ONCE AGAIN Parish Support Please send a copy of my 2020 contribution for 1/10/2021 statement for St. Mary to: Regular Collection $2716.50 NAME: __________________________________ Parish Improvement $1152.50 TOTAL $3869.00 ADDRESS:_______________________________ MASS COUNTS CITY:____________________ ZIP:___________ SM: 4 pmN65; 9:15 amN49 TotalN114 OLH: 4 pmN62; 11 amN46 TotalN108 Please fill out and send back to the rectory. If you can include a first class stamp we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued generosity SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 17, 2021 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK LATIN AMERICA COLLECTION Next week we will take up the Collection for the Dear Parishioners, Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, a rising Our parish secretary, Verna Hudak, is currently re- secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage covering from her bout with coronavirus, but her of ministers all present obstacles to practicing the husband Ken had to be admitted into the Bedford faith. Your support for the collection provides lay Hospital ICU last week with worsening symptoms. leadership training, catechesis, priestly and religious We continue to keep both of them in our prayers. formation, and other programs to share our Catholic My mom remains in hospice in her assisted living faith with those who long to hear the Good News of apartment in New Albany, Ohio. She doesn’t eat Christ. To learn more about how your gifts make a much and she does not get out of bed, but she can difference, visit www.usccb.org/latinamerica. talk a little and still knows her three sons. Thanks for your prayers. This week has many momentous MASS FOR LIFE events. This Monday is a federal holiday as we cele- The Diocese of Cleveland will celebrate the annual brate Martin Luther King Jr. Day as we work and Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn pray for an end to racial discrimination and injustice Children with a Mass for Life on Friday, January throughout our country. On Wednesday we celebrate 22nd at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral. Fr. Don Oleksiak the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president of will be the celebrant. Due to the pandemic re- the United States, and we continue to pray for a strictions, attendance will be limited to only six reg- istered attendees from each parish or institution to the peaceful transition of power. On Friday, January maximum pandemic seating capacity of the Cathe- 22nd, we remember the 48th anniversary of the Roe dral. To register, please go to: https://2021mass4 vs. Wade decision at the Supreme Court that legal- lifecle.eventbrite.com. ized abortion. As a Church, we continue to pray that this ruling is overturned through the courts or through a constitutional amendment and that the THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION sanctity of life from conception through natural St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception will be cele- death is protected. brating its 100th anniversary in 2021! The committee Thursday, January 21st we celebrate the Me- is looking for past students, teachers, faculty, staff, parishioners, and priests to share their memories. morial of Saint Agnes. She is called Agnes of Rome, Please send or drop off your memories to: St. Mary and she died around the year 304 as a virgin martyr. Church, 340 Union St., Bedford, OH 44146, atten- Saint Ambrose stated that Agnes was only 12 years tion: 100 years. If you choose to send your memories old when she died, and Constantine the Great built a via email, please mail to: marybedford@dioceseof basilica over her grave. Legend has it that Agnes cleveland.org. A box is provided in the church if you was a beautiful girl whom many young men wanted wish to drop off your memories after Mass. Memo- to marry. Among those she refused, one reported her ries will be gathered and shared throughout the Cen- to the authorities for being Christian. She was arrest- tennial year. All pictures will be returned. Please la- ed and confined to a house of prostitution. The leg- bel your pictures with a return address. Thank you. end continues that a man who looked at her lustfully lost his sight and had it restored by her prayer. Ag- A CLOSER WALK WITH THEE nes is the patron saint of engaged couples, and she is Don’t forget to subscribe to the Catholic Cemeteries named in the Roman Canon (the First Eucharistic Association’s monthly grief support enewsletter, “A Prayer). Agnes is the Latin word for lamb, and she is Closer Walk With Thee”. This enewsletter is emailed frequently depicted with a lamb by her side. In to- the first Tuesday of each month to anyone who is in- day’s Gospel, John the Baptist saw Jesus walking by terested in our bereavement programs. To signup go and said, “Behold the Lamb of God.” The two disci- to https://bit.ly/ccabereavementbulletin. ples of John heard this and immediately followed Jesus. After the “Lamb of God” during Mass, the THE HOUR OF PRAYER priest holds up the consecrated host and says, The Ladies Guild sponsors the hour of prayer on “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes Wednesdays from 23 p.m. for those of us who can- away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called not gather in person. We would like to pray as one to the supper of the Lamb.” May we always look community at this time every week. upon the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and resolve to be his true disciples. Christ’s peace, Father Joe ST. JOHN FUNERAL HOME Experience the Barnabas Difference Originated in the Buckeye Community of Cleveland in 1913 A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence NOW ENROLLING PRESCHOOL - 8TH GRADE PRE-NEED FUNERAL PLANNING Technology Enhanced Curriculum (STEM) • Extended Care (Before & After) 16381 Chillicothe Rd. 923 Broadway Ave. Auxiliary Staff & Classroom Aids • Flexible Preschool for 3’s and 4’s Bainbridge Twp, OH Bedford, OH Catholic/Christian Traditions are Cultivated and Celebrated www.stjohnfh.com Email us for a tour: [email protected] (440) 708-1855 (440) 232-1155 9200 Olde 8 Rd., Northfield, OH | www.sbcatholicschool.com | 330-467-7921 The Law Office of www.johnsonromito.com Carol A.
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