• ■ P tf* Eight THE jllLLSlPE TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1927 Board adjourned to meet on Thure- ley as clerk to the Commissioner of construction o f storm water drain adopted: Approving of agreement and bond Registration was receievd and filed. day, February 3rd, 1927, at 2 :8 0 High School Hands Linden Team Hillside. Authorizing the issuing of tem­ of the New York Telephone Company A notice from Sheriff Tool of the The Road Committee were author­ for placing conduits on County roads p.-m. 1 porary notes or bonds fo r the con­ S e NJ. ipte, Clerk- appointment of four additional court ized to purchase land at the corner struction of bridge over Woodruff and bridge* attendants was received and filed:------ of—Mountain avenue and Shuppik^ Creek, Elizabeth and fo r ne\y pumps Unexpected Setback; Win 34-29 The annual report of the Sinking road for $500; also to purchase and dram at C ourt TTouser- Fund Commissioners and the report new car fo r use of road supervisor Appointing F. E. Day at perma Linden’s chance for the Class The Linden Girls lost to the Hill­ of the audit by the auditors of tbe and Road Committee. v j nent position o f steam rollerman. AND NOW— “ B” court championship was dimmed side Girls in a fast and interesting sinking fund account was received ThVCfimmittee on Engineer’s Of­ Authorizing the committee on en­ n one o f the mbst unexpected upsets contest by the score of 31 to 23. and filed- fice were^authorized to hire extra gineer’s office to purchase a new ofthe current season when they were This game was closely fought for The report of the engineer, road help when required. Buick sedan for use of engineer’s WE HAVE YOUR * defeated Friday for the first time this three quarters, and then the Hillside supervisor and chairman of Road The follow ing resolutions were force. winter on their own court by a re­ lassies drew awa^ from the local com ­ Committee o f the convention held at juvenated Hillside combination which bine to win by a substantial majority. Chicago was received and filed- The Finance Committee recom­ ATWATER KENT gave a sparkling exhibition. The The playing of Miss Sellick was a mended that A. L. Johnson, superin­ score was 34 to 29 in favor of the feature, while Miss Margaret Molson tendent of schools, be allowed to at­ $ 6 0 and U p Hillsiders. The Linden five was off starred for the home group. tend the convention at Dallas, Texas, AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE form and it lost its chance of staging The boys’ second team fared a lit­ on February 2.5. 1927.wind that $250 Steinite Atwater Kent t late rally when Captain Bouska tle better than the other two teams, be appropriated fo r expenses. Be sure your policy give, you adequate protection. ■ and “ Liss” Givens were banished when it defeated the Hillside seconds The Hospital Committee recom­ " - " l o from the game in the third quar­ by the score of 23 to 10. mended that changes be made in the Consult ter on fouls when the homesters The scores follow: refrigeration plant at Botfnie Burn j were within two points o f tying Hill­ HILLSIDE Sanatorium- H. J. CASEY side- The following contracts were J GF P awarded : SMALLEY & RACE, Inc. The Radio and Electrical Shop The accurate foul shooting of Sam Winters, f. 4 3 11 Bridge over W oodruff Creejc, E liz-; “ Insurance Advisors,” 1326 No. Broad St. Tel. Wav. 4063 HilUide, N. J. 2 HOLLYWOOD AVE. PHONE EMERSON 1965 Dubow’s cohorts, who took advantage De Rose, f. .3 4 10 abeth, to Williams & Cacchione, for of the many free throws, defeated Buzalski, c- 2 4 8 $1,900. he Lindenifles. Both teams were Zilahy, g. 1 2 4 For equipment of room for County 1 guilty of many fouls and the visitors Kay, g. 0 1 1 Board of Elections, to L. M- Hicks lad two pf® their players, Zilahy and Zimmerman, g. 0 0 0 for $2,910-12- Kay, both guards, put out of the Johnson, g. 0 0 0 For pumps and drains for court 1 ?pme in the second half for four house to Jaehnig & Peoples, for! $2,300. W a ys ©f H©sst©“istmMxig Sarow lim p l© r personal fouls. Totals 10 14 34 De Rose, a Freshman and his cap­ f LINDEN The Finance Committee approved the appropriation of $2,500 for the tain, Graham Winters, both gave can­ Jf GF P ny exHlhithms o f basket shooting, Murawski, f 3 3 9 Gas Holders Now Where Appliances Are Let the Dinner Cook the later making several of the one Bouska( f 4 2 10 IN NEW YORK TOWN Tested hand variety. Although “ Rosie” Giv­ Babitsky, f. 0 0 0 Fuel Bins for br LEON M. DICK The Test ino Laboratories of While the Cook’s Away ens played * good game and out- Roifcwald, f. 0 0 0 CASINO — SMh Street n 4 Broalway the American Gas Association, M any Homes jumped puzalski, his teammates were RI Givens, c 2 2 6 Evenings, 8.30 recently established at Cleve­ off and/did not display their usual j/S. Givens, g. 0 0 0 “THE DESERT SONG" The hours of ease and relaxa­ Vivienne Beegal A Rob*t Halliday land. Ohio, are doing good teamwork which has won many games AVadel, g. 1 0 2 tion spent at home are too few. fp fth em this’ year. AMBASSADOR THEATRE work in testing gas ranges for 48th W. of B’way. Mata., Wed. & Sat. prayer gas combustion. People are turning with distaste “ Rosie” Givens, Bouska and Mur- Totals 10 9 29 “QUEEN HIGH” Whev purchasi. <j a gas aWski did practically all of the scor- with Chas. Ruggles, Frank McIntyre, 11 from the petty household tasks Referee— Gardell, Battin Higlf range, it wise to buy only ingTor; the homesters Luella Gear that intrude themselves on their School. those prod lifts that hare been RIT* THEA.— 48St„ W. of Broadway leisure. Eves. 8.30— Mata., Wed. Sc Sat., 2.30 appro red by these laborato­ Lawrence Weber’s Musical Bon Bon Gas can be applied to steam, _________“BYE BYE BONNIE** / ries. In doing so, the pur­ Synopsis of Minutes of chaser ran, be a s s u r e d of hot water, warm air on vapor COMEDY Thea.— 44th E. of B*way. Eves., 8.30 Mats., Thurs. Sc Sat., 2.30 proper gas combustion, long- ‘ heating syrlems. A thermostat, Board of Freeholders “THE SCARLET LILY** nearing materials and satis­ Church Services Must a girl who has sinned once suffer conveniently placed controls the factory results from the use A regular meeting of the Union ___________ always? gas boiler or furnace air of the appliances. County Board of Chosen Freeholders CHANIN’S 4«TH STREET Moves the householder of woi* Eves. livery gas range sold-by was held at the Court House, Eliza­ , 8.30. Mats., Wed. A Sat., and work. This device main­ “SAM BERNARD” Public Service complies with Elizabeth Avenue Presbyterian beth, N. J., on Thursday, January 20, In the Musical Comedy Hit tains the temperature at any ! he' s p ee i f ie a l i o n s of the- Church, Rev. Arthur Northwood, pas­ 1927, at 2:30 p. m. “I TOLD YOU SO” degree desired - turns the heat, American Gas A ssocial io n down at bed-time, turns it on tor. 9:30 a. m. graded Sunday Director Meisel presiding. Twenty- GARRICK THEATRE—SB W . 80th St. Eves., 8.30 Mats., Tues. A 8at., S.80 Public Service maintains its b Tore rising time School. 10.45 a. m. worship with two members present, two absent. “IN ABRAHAM'S BOSOM” own laboratory for the. test­ Gas gives the m ost, luxurious sermon by the pastor, “ Faith First.” The minutes of the meetings of LOEW'S STATE—Broadway A 45th St. ing of electric appliances. form -of house heating, but it is 7 p. m. Intermediate and Senior January 3rd and 6th were approved. BUSTER KEATON la the “GENERAL** nol a luxury.” Public Service Christian Endeavor. 8 p. m. musical All bills presented were read and will send, a house heating re­ service on roll call ordered paid. Home-making is exacting The enamel finishes that are Toast Plays an work and Liie woman who is ••o much in demand these days presentative to the home of any An order from Judge A. A. Stein GIRLS customer to measure heating re: appointing John B. Walsh as special aide to .surround herself with make cleaning the range as easy Hillside Presbyterian Chprch, Rev. Patronize Your Homo Town quirements and give an approx! prosecutor was received and filed, j Important Part as wiping oft' a porcelain table Robert I. MacBride, pastor. 9:45 a. reliable labor-savers is for top. mate estimate oil co,;ts. There A copy o f a resolution passed by We have dresses in the latest On Lenten Menu tun ate. is. of course, no charge for this m. Bible School, lesson, “ The Chris­ mode. ‘ An excellent variety The gas ranges on sale at the Township of Union regarding The gas range with oven heat service. tian Community.” 11 a. m- morning from which to make your Toast seems to be a natural I’nbMc Service stores meet width of Burnet avenue and Vaux i'eg itIni or <-an 1 fiqxtnded np worship with sermon. 7 p. m.
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