Zhang Shu chun lieutenant-colonel Chinese People's Liberation Army The armed forces of the People's Republic of China The armed forces of the People's Republic of Chi- the Headquarters of the General Staff, the General na consist of the Chinese People's Liberation Ar- Political Department, and the General Logistics my, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and Department, responsible for directing military ope- the militia. They make it their main task to build a rations, military training, political and ideological strong national defence system, fïght against fo- work, organizational affairs and logistics support. reign aggression, protect the people in their peace- ful work, take part in the construction in the coun- To meet the needs of its national defence, China is try and work hard to serve the people. divided into a certain number of strategie areas The field armies and regional forces make up the (greater military areas), in which all the stationary regular army: the Chinese People's Liberation Ar- troops of the land, sea and air forces and the militia my (PLA). The backbone of the armed forces, the are put under a unified command. The military is field armies, have the responsibility in time of war further divided territorially into military regions to carry out mobile operations to defend the nation and subregions, corresponding to the provincial as a whole. Fighting in coordination with the field and prefectural levels of government, which are re- armies and the militia in counter-attacking and wi- sponsible for commanding regional forces, militia ping out the invading enemy, regional forces have and reserves. the direct responsibility of protecting local areas. In addition there are separate headquarters respect- The militia is an armed organization of the people, ively in charge of the operations of the navy, air who are engaged in productive labour beside their force, and other troops. military responsibilities. While undertaking pro- duction in time of war it assumes the responsibility Organizational set-up of carrying out armed struggle in protecting the rear, giving support to the front and fighting as a The principal units of the PLA are army, division, reserve force ready to reinforce the field armies regiment, batallion and company. The land force and regional forces. has infantry armies, infantry divisions, tank divi- sions, artillery divisions, engineering units, signal Leadership and command system units and anti-chemical warfare units. Each infan- try division has several infantry regiments, varying As stipulated by the Constitution, the Central Mili- numbers of tank and artillery units, as well as engi- tary Commission commands the armed forces of neering, signal, reconnaissance, anti-chemical war- the country, and the State Council of the people's fare, medical, transportation, mechanical repair and Republic of China has under it a Ministry of Na- supply units. tional Defence. The chief agencies of the PLA are: Army day Lkol Zhang is plaatsvervangend militair, mari- August Ist is the birthday of the PLA. On that date ne- en luchtmachtattaché van de Chinese am- bassade in Nederland. In 1969 trad hij toe tot de in 1927, an uprising at Nanchang in Jiangxi Pro- Chinese People's Liberation Army en deed vince marked the beginning of the Chinese Com- achtereenvolgens dienst als pelotonscomman- munist Party's independent leadership in armed dant, staf-officier en bataljonscommandant. struggles. > MS162(1993)(3) 101 Helping industrial construction... Army flag The Chinese People's Liberation Army The red background of the flag of the PLA symbo- After the victory over Japan in 1945, Chiang Kai- lizes the land, and the golden five-pointed star with shek, backed by the United States, tore to scraps its 'August Ist' on it means that through long hard peace agreements with the Communist Party, and struggles since August l, 1927, the PLA is like a launched an all-out offensive against the liberated shining star illuminating all of China. areas, held by the Communist Party at the end of June and early July of 1946, starting a full-scale na- Army emblem tional civil war. The residents and armed forces of A golden-edged five-pointed red star with the gol- the liberated areas had no alternative but to wage a den words 'August Ist' in the middle. national liberation war. With the change in their strategie task, the Eighth Route Army and the New The Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Fourth Army were renamed the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Following more than three years The PLA, founded on August l, 1927, was then of bitter struggle, the PLA liberated the whole called the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Ar- country except for Taiwan province and several my. By 1933 the number of soldiers in the Red Ar- other small islands. my had risen to 300.000. In October 1934, the Red On october l, 1949, the People's Republic of China Army was forced to leave the Central Base Area to was founded, and the task of the PLA, now the na- embark on a strategie shift and begin the world-fa- tional army, changed from that of taking the nation- mous Long March after failling to beatback the al power to that of consolidating the power, defend- fifth onslaught of the Kuomintang troops, and it fi- ing and building a socialist country, realizing the nally arrived in northern Shaanxi in October 1935 unification of the country and safeguarding world and October 1936. peace. To fulfil these tasks and duties, the PLA has worked hard to build itself into a regularized and Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army modernized revolutionary army. From its start as a single land force, it has developed into a combined On July 7, 1937, the War of Resistance Against Ja- army including the air force, navy, artillery, and pan broke out. The Red Army was reorganized re- other services armed, not only with conventional spectively into the Eighth Route Army and the New weaponry but also guided missiles, nuclear weap- Fourth Army. After that, the Eight Route Army and ons and missile carriers. the New Fourth Army threw themselves into the battle. Adhering to independent guerrilla warfare The Chinese People's Armed Police Force tactics, they set up many anti-Japanese areas with a population of over 100 million, engaging over 60 The Chinese People's Armed Police Force is a mer- percent of the total Japanese force in China and 95 ger of the former domestic security units of the percent of the puppet troops. The fighting forces in PLA and the armed police, fire fighters and border these base areas grew to some 1,2 million men who guards previously under the Ministry of Public Se- over a period of eight years played a decisive role curity. An armed force charged with keeping social in the final victory by wiping out some l ,71 million order and public security, the Armed Police Force Japanese aggressors and puppet soldiers. follows the regulations and rules of the Chinese Peo- 102 MS162(1993)(3) ple's Liberation Army and receives equal treatment Now there are militia organizations in all the grass- as the PLA. roots units in rural and urban areas. All citizens that Following the principle of division of labour, diffe- are between eighteen and thirty-five in age and con- rent units of the Armed Police Force have specifi- form to requirements for joining the army can be- cally prescribed functions and responsibilities such come members of militia organizations. There are as maintaining public order, guarding the frontiers, two kinds of membership in the militia, core mem- fire fighting. In time of war, it is duty bound to fight bers and ordinary members. Former soldiers who a war of national defence against foreign aggres- have returned to civilian life and people who have sion in cooperation with the Chinese People's Libe- gone through military training and those who have ration Army. been specially selected for military training can join the militia as core members to form the first- Militia class reserve force at the age of less than twenty- eight, while all others are ordinary members to China's militia grew in size during the long years form the second-class reserve force. When proven of revolutionary war. After the founding of the Peo- qualified, female citizens can also be selected to ple's Republic of China the militia system, regar- join the militia as core members. ded as an important part of the military system, was written into the Common programme of the Chi- Training officers and technicians nese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Constitution of the People's Republic of Chi- Building the army into a modernized revolutionary na. As a subsidiary force to the PLA and public secu- armed force demands a large group of well-educa- rity agencies, the militia has not only played an ac- ted officers and technical personnel. Officers are tive role in economie construction but also made educated at military institutes and schools and great contributions to safeguarding the frontiers, through in-service training. Special emphasis is maintaining public order and defending the coun- placed on training officers and technicians above try. With more and more advanced weaponry, the the platoon level. Now there are officer-training militia has developed into an armed force with academies as well as political, technical and med- many military and political capabilities. ical academies. Officer-training academies and Rescuing the people trom f lood.. MS162(1993)(3) 103 Vegetable base of an army unit... schools are instituted at three levels, designed for and different magnitudes in order to increase its ca- training officers of high, medium and low ranks; pability for operations by combined army units and political academies and schools are set up at two for quick response and combat capability in using levels for training high- and medium-ranking and electronics as well as the capabilities for logistic grass-roots-level political officers; technical aca- support and preservation of its effective force in demies and schools offer college and secondary field operations under conditions of modern war.
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