
Scholars International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Abbreviated Key Title: Sch Int J Tradit Complement Med ISSN 2616-8634 (Print) |ISSN 2617-3891 (Online) Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Journal homepage: https://scholarsmepub.com/sijtcm/ Review Article Medicinal Flowers- An Ayurvedic Review Dr. Umakant N. Rabb* Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Acharya Deshbhushan Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Shamanewadi-Bedkihal, Tal: Chikkodi, Dist: Belagavi, Karnataka, India DOI: 10.36348/sijtcm.2019.v02i10.002 | Received: 02.12.2019 | Accepted: 11.12.2019 | Published: 20.12.2019 *Corresponding author: Dr. Umakant N. Rabb Abstract Flower is the reproductive structure of the plant, which contains the active molecules called phyto-chemicals. These phyto-chemicals have potential biological activities when administered in the body, which help to eradicate the diseases and to attain health. Flower is the symbol of love and consciousness. It is one of the ultimate sources of happiness. In the yogic science each our bodily Chakra (Plexus) resembles the symbol of flower. Since Vedic period the flowers were used in the form of Pushabhisheka, Garland, and decorative purposes. The flowers too have spiritual aspects. For example Lord Bramha, Goddess Laxmi is sitting on lotus flower. Lord Buddha holds a lotus flower in his hand symbolises the Mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM”. Lord Shiva likes the Dhattura (Datura metal Linn), Dronapushpi flowers for Abhisheka. Lord Vishnu likes Tulasi flowers. Lord Ganesha likes Japa Pushpa; likewise flowers are being used since Vedic period not only for ritual but also for therapeutic purpose. Here an attempt is made to explore the various types of medicinal flowers, their therapeutic actions which were dealt in Ayurvedic classical texts. Further scope of study is to cultivate such medicinal flowers and evaluate the pharmacological actions by experimentally as well as clinical trials. Keywords: Ayurveda, Pushpa, Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Astanga Hridaya, Nighantu etc. Copyright @ 2019: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use (NonCommercial, or CC-BY-NC) provided the original author and source are credited. INTRODUCTION Nalina, Kumuda, Saugandhika, Pundarika, Flower is the reproductive structure of the Shatapatra, Madhuka, Priyangu, and Dhataki. plant, which contains the active molecules called phyto- 2. Purishasangrahaniya Gana- The drugs which chemicals. These phyto-chemicals have potential retains the stool called as anti diarrhoeal. This biological activities when administered in the body and group contains Dhataki Pushpa and Stamens of the also help to eradicate the diseases and to attain health. Kamala. Flower is the symbol of love, beauty and consciousness. 3. Purishavirajaniya Gana- The drugs which It is most attractive part of the plant and also liked by eliminates the abnormal colour of the stool. The animal beings. Since Vedic period flowers were using flowers in this group are Madhuka and Utpala. for various health ailments, various rituals and also for 4. Dahaprashamana Gana- The drugs which pacifies cosmetic purposes. The Charaka Samhita explains the the heat and burning sensation. The flowers are group of drugs which mainly contain flowers and which Madhuka and Neelotpala are used for eliminating the abnormal colours of the urine, stool, retaining stools i.e anti-diarrhoeal, flowers In Sushruta Samhita [2] the flowers are eliminating Daha (Burning sensation). Acharya included in these groups. Viz Sushruta also mentioned some group of drugs. In these 1. Utpaladi Gana- The drugs are similar to the groups the flowers are being used for various diseases. Mutravirajananiya of Charaka Samhita. This Viz; Utpaladi Gana –This group is similar to the group group subsides Daha(Burning senation), Rakta- of Mutravirajaniya Gana of Charaka Samhita. Pitta diseases, Thrishna(Thirst), Visha(Poison effects), Hrit(Heart diseases), Chardi(Vomiting), DISCUSSION Murcha(Fainting). In Charaka Samhita [1] the therapeutic uses of 2. Anjanadi Gana- The flowers of this group are flowers are described in the following groups. Nagapushpa, Priyangu, Neelotpala, stamens of 1. Mutravirajaniya Gana- The drugs which Kamala. eliminates the abnormal colour of the urine. This 3. Priyangwadi Gana- Tis group includes Dhataki, group contains flowers such as Padma, Utpala, Punnaga, Nagapushpa, stamens of Kamala. © 2019 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 166 Umakant N. Rabb., Sch Int J Tradit Complement Med, Dec 2019; 2(10): 166-174 4. Ambasthadi Gana- This group contains Dhataki Praseka(Exess salivation), Arsha(Haemorrhoids), and stamens of Kamala. Kasa(Cough), Shwasa(Dyspnoea). ASHOKA PUSHPA (Saraca asoca roxb. De The Priyangwadi and the Ambasthadi Ganas Wilde) [16] - The Ashoka Pushpa is are alleviates Atisara(diarrhoea), Sandhanakara(Heals Kashaya(Astringent), Hima(Cold) in potency, the fractures.). Tikta(Bitter), Grahi(Absorbent), Varnya(Improves 5. Sarivadi Gana- It includes Madhuka flowers. This complexion), It subsides Trisha(Thirst), particular group alleviates Thrishna (Thirst), Daha(Burning sensation), Rakta-Pitta (Heamorrhage), Pittaja Jwara (Fever Raktapitta(Haemorrhage). due to Pitta Dosha) associated with Daha (Burning ASANA PUSHPA (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb) sensation). [17, 18] - The Asana Pushpa is Tikta (Bitter) in 6. Eladi Gana- This group includes Keshara and taste, Madhura Vipaka (Sweet) in post digestive stamens of Punnaga. This group alleviates Vata- effect, Kapha-Pittahara (Subsides Kapha and Pitta Kapha Dosha, Visha (Poison effects), Kantiprada Doshas). (Improves complexion), Kusthagna (Skin AMRA PUSHPA (Mangifera indica Linn) [19] - diseases), Kandu (Itching sensation), Sheetapitta The Amra Pushpa is Kashaya (Astringent), Grahi (Urticaria). (Absorbent), Rochana (Promotes taste), Kapha- 7. Pittasamshamana Gana [3] - This group includes Pittahara (Subsides Kapha and Pitta Dosha). It is Padma, Utpala, Nalina, Kumuda, Saugandhika, used in Prameha (Urinary diseases including Pundarika, Shatapatra, Madhuka, Priyangu and diabetes), Atisara (Diarrhea), Asrag (Blood Dhataki. diseases). ARAGWADHA PUSHPA (Cassia fistula Linn) Therapeutic uses of Pushpa (Flowers)- [20, 21] - The Aragwadha Pushpa is Kashaya AGASTYA PUSHPA (Sesbenia grandiflora Pers) (Astringent), Hima (Cold in potency), Swadu [4-6] - The Agastya Pushpa is Tuvara (Astringent), (Tasty), Sangrahi (Absorbent), Tikta (Bitter) in Tikta(Bitter), Sheeta(Cold) in potency, Pitta- taste, Manojnya (Charming/ Beautiful). Kapha-Asr Shantikrit(Subsides Pitta, Kapha and AVARTAKI PUSHPA (Cassia auriculata Linn) Rakta Doshas). [22] -The Avartaki Pushpa is Kashaya AGNIMANTHA PUSHPA(Premna mucranata (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter) in taste, possess yellow [7],[8],[9] Roxb) - The Angimantha Pushpa is colour flower, Alleviates Prameha (Urinary Hridya(Good for heart), Sara(Laxative), Tridosha diseases including diabetes), Krimi (Worms), shaman(Subsides all the three Doshas), Alleviates Kustha(Skin diseases). Adhmana(Flatulence), Chardi(Vomiting), INGUDI PUSHPA (Balanites aegyptiaca (Linn) Shotha(Edema), Chakshuroga(Eye diseases), Delile) [23] -The Ingudi Pushpa is Ushna(Hot in Vishapaha(Poisonous effects). potency), Snigdha(Demulcent), Swadu(Sweet), MADHAVI PUSHPA(Hiptage benghalensis Kurz) Tikta(Bitter) in taste, Subsides Vataja diseases, [10, 11] - The Madhavi Pushpa is Krimi(Worms), Shleshma(Kapha Doshas), Vrina Kashaya(Astringent) in taste, Hima(Cold) in Ropana(Heals the wounds and ulcers). potency, Subsides Pitta, Daha(Burning sensation), Jwara(Fever), Unmada(Euphoria), UTPALA- Hikka(Hiccough), Chardi(Vomiting), 1. Kumuda (Nymphaea nouchali Burm.f) [24] - Shrama(Lethargy). Kumuda is Swadu (Sweet), Tikta (Bitter) in taste, AMLIKA PUSHPA (Tamarindus indica Linn) [12] Sheetala(Cold in potency), Swadu Paka(Sweet in - The Amlika Pushpa is Swadu (Sweet) in taste, post digestive effect). Subsides Kapha and Pitta Kashaya (Astringent), Amla(Sour), diseases, Rakta Dosha (Blood diseases), Daha Ruchiprada(Promotes taste), Mehagna (Cures (Burning sensation), and Shrama (Exertion). urinary diseases including diabetes), 2. Neelotpala (Nymphaea stellata Willd) [25-27] - Agnijanana(Appetizer), Laghu(Light), subsides Neelotpala Pushpa is Swadu(Sweet), Tikta(Bitter) Vata and Kapha Doshas. in taste, Madhura Viapaka(Sweet in post digestive ARKA PUSHPA(Calotropis procera(Ait) R.Br) effect), Surabhi(Aromatic), Sheeta(Cold in [13],[14] - Arka Pushpa is Madhura(Sweet) , potency), Vishada(Non-slimy), Hridya(Cardio Tikta(Bitter) in taste , Subsides Kustha(Skin tonic), alleviates Raktapitta(Haemorrhage), diseases), Krimi(Worms), Kapha, Akhorvisha(Rat- Daha(Burning sensation). Poisoning), Raktapitta(Haemorrhage), Shopha (Edema), Gulma(Visceral organ diseases). ERANDA PUSHPA (Ricinus communis Linn) [28] ALARKA PUSHPA (Calotropis gigantean(Linn), - The Eranda Pushpa is Ushna (Hot in potency), R.Br.exAit) [15] - The Alarka Pushpa is Vatagna(Subsides Vata), Katu (Pungent), Laghu(Light), Vrishya(Aphrodisiac), Tikta(Bitter in taste). Alleviates Vata and Kapha Deepana(Appetizer), Pachana(Digestive), Doshas, Mutragada (Urinary diseases). Aggravates Alleviates Arochaka(Loss of appetite), Rakta and Pitta Dosha. © 2019 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 167 Umakant N. Rabb., Sch Int
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