BLUE CUIP INDIA LIMITEI) 10, PFIINCEP STREET, 2ND FLOOR, KOLKATA - 7OO 072 Phone : 2225-6851 + FAX : (033) 2232-9053 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.bluechipindia.net CtN : 165991W81993p1C060597 Dated: 1i.0L.Z0lg The Secretary The ,\sst. General Manager _ The Calcutta Stock Exchange Listing Ltd, The Natronal Stock 7, Lyons Range Erctnge of InEia Ltd. Plot No. C/1, Block_G I(olkata 700 001 - Bandra [.,urla Complex Bandra (E) Murnl;ai - 400 051 The Asst. General Manager Deparunent of Corporate Services BSE, Ltd. phuozJeejeeboy 1t'i Towers Dalal1t."" Street, Mumbai_ +OO OOi Dear SirlMadarn, Requirements) Regulations,iOl5, unaudited pinur.iaifresults quarter and9 months of the company for the year ended 3rth D:^c9yu., iojs, *rri"r, the Board of Directors were taken Jr r..ora uy on I tth reiruary , pr[iirhed ,,Business (English) and ,,Su-Kh ?gl?,*.r. in the Standard,, abar,,lBengalij ; n 8"02.2019 This is for your information and record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully" For BIue Chip India Ltd. arh 6rt^ Jyoti Gupta (Company Secretary) KOLKATA I WEDNEsDAY ,nilaa,,o,, BU#fStANdATd BL1'E CHTP INDIA LIMITED One Share CIN : 165991W81993PIC06O597 76468 F/No. 0006513, Dist. SecFetary wanted Regd Office : 10, Princep Street, 2nd Floor , Kolkata- 700072 No. : 98046-98245 of Universal Company Secretary wanted Company Phone No. 033- 40022880, Fax - 033-22379053 Cables Ltd. ln the Name of Late having 2/3 year's experience having 2/3 year's experience Email : [email protected], Website : www.bluechipind.net Kedar Nath Mohta .Has Lost, at Kolkata. at Kolkata. Statement of Standalone Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter please and 9 months ended 31st Dec€mber, 2018 (Rs. ln Lacs) any one found inform to SHUBH SUPPLIERS LTD. BAKRA PRATISTHAN LIMITED MOTI LAL MUNDHRA, 5, e-mail: e:mail: Chaitan Seth Street, Kolkata- s u pp lie rssh u b h @g ma il.com [email protected] 700007, M :9163075255 Profit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax, xceptional and/or Extraordinary itemsf ) Company Secretary wanted Company Secretary wanted Company Secretary wanted Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax having 2/3 year's experience having 213 year's experience having 2/3 year's'experience Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items#) Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax at Kolkata. at Kolkata. at Kolkata. ' Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items#) ELEGANCE TRADE & ELGIN SALES PROMOTION LTD GALORE SUPPLIERS PVT LTD Comprehensive lncome for the period HOLDINGS PVT. LTD, e-mail: e-mail: Profit (Loss) for the period (after e-mail: / [email protected] [email protected] and Other Comprehensive lncome (after tax)l [email protected] Reserues (excluding Revaluation Reserve) as in the.Audited Balance Sheet of the previous year Earnings Per Share (of Rs. J- each) (for continuing and discontinued operations) - 1. Basic: Note : The above is an extract ofthe detailed format of Quarterly Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclousre Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the quarterly Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchanges website i.e. www.nseindia.com, wwwbseindia.com and www.cse-india.com and on the company's Websitel lnnoyation and Customer Centricity- lhys to Comhat www.bluechipind.net, b) The impact on net profit / loss, total comprehensive income or any other relevant financial item(s) due to change(s) in accounting policies shall be disclosed by means of a footnote. c) # - Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items adjusted [|UCA', say business leaders at [|GSo[lI, llT lftaragpur in the Statement of Profit and Loss in accordance with lnd-AS Rules /As Rules, whichever !+e Leaderchio Summit was held on exclaimed that the westem wodd gave isapplicable. By order of the Board zno as part of the him a bird's eye view whereas the east- FoT BLUE CHIP INDIA [tMITED I r.rrr.ry a Place : Kolkata Sd/- ARIHANT JAIN, Managing Director I Annual Business Fest - Purvodaya ern grams of Bangladesh gave him the Date:11th February,2O1g DIN NO.00174557 of VG50M.The lopic of the summitwas worm's eye view Speaking about equal Remodelling lndia lnc. - Leading busi- opportunitieq Dr.Yunus sighted an inter- nesses in the VUCA Age. The panel con- esting example, if we take the seeds of sisted of Mr. Amogh Dusad (Head - the tallest tree from the forest and plant Content, Sony Pictures Networks lndia) it in a flower pot, its growth is stunled. OM LIMITED Mr. Mayank Bansal (Business Head - Similarly, we have created Social Bonsais Lcor zu so oEM, Hafele lndia Pvt. Ltd.), Mr. amongst us by not giving space to the (Director - less privileged growth. The of Honour for the ALI NAGAR, JAIPUR-302021, RAJASTHAN, INDIA Animesh Kumar and CEO PDP Shipping and for Guest Projecs Ltd.), Mr. Arnab Roy (CFO - Schneider Electric eyent Mr. Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, MD and CEO of rea Phase-'l , New Delhi-1 10028 Infiastructure Ltd.), Mr. Gautam Borah and Ms. lndrani Bandhan Bank stated, as change is the only constant in :investors@shy'amtelecom.com Chatterjee, the moderator for the panel discussion {ol- the uncertain world, the only way to succeed is to be a e Months ended 31" December,.2018 (<TNLAKH9 lowed up with a question and answer session. Nobel part of this change and contribute to it. 0ptimum Laureate, Dr. Muhammad Yunus, the founder of matching of employees, customers and businesses is a Quarter Nine Months Conesponding Grameen Bank and an acclaimed revolutionary in the must for a company to sustain. ln a highly engaging graced as session, Mr. Balaji Vishwanathan, CEO of lnvento Ended Ended Quarter Ended domain of Financial lnclusion the occasion the Chief Guest for the inaugural ceremony. Speaking Robotics aptly stated passion. and craziness are among 31/142U8 iln42018 31/1U2017 about how villages have taught him more about life the essential ingredients for succ?sAnukshan than his experiences in the western world, Dr. Yunus Ghosh 39d.29 882,{0 471.17 ms) 53.28 (539.2s) 32.06 lC[!.Tax Research Department & $erampore Chapter orgattizes s) 56.50 (1,540.361 32.06 $eminar 0rr GST fiudit and Compliance:300 degree deus 56.50 (1,5f0.361 31.{3 l.tre program organized on 2nd February atJ N Bose rl 57.20 (1,542.231 31.61 ! Auditorium, Kolkata to commemorate the platinum I iubilee year of the lnstitute and Silver Jubilee year of Serampore Chapter. Shri Debojit Bose, lRt Addl. - 1,127.00 1,127.00 Commissioner C.G.S.T & Customt Kolkata, CMAAsim Mukhopadhyay, Vice President & Head - Business Planning & Controlling, Tata Motors Ltd. and Former Chairman EIRC, Shri V Pandiyaraj, lRt Asst. persons Commissioner - C.G.S.T. - Kolkata and CMA Shyamal seminar. Eminent National repute resource such Chairman, |CA|-EIRC graced the as CMA Shiba Prasad Padhi, Regional Council Member 0.51 (13.68) 0.28 Kumar Bhattacharjee, occasion. During the inaugural session CMA Prabir & Former Chairman, lCAl -ElRC, KolkAta, CMA 0.51 (13.68) 0.28 Kumar Datta, Chairman - Serampore Chapter delivered Mrityunjay Acharjeq Sr. Vice President - Audit & welcome address & CMArNiranjan lMishra, Council Taxation, M/s Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd., Kolkata, CMA $rrq-t.cqtsi firl erc<-t +-<t -q-m< lfrftcatrcqqql<ifr"r'tfrst1 fuc+< +nqsIt<FW'qc< r SIlq qtts p16ryCq\€li K frRq err <-Tesr eR{c{ qarc<qfrq (qqtr qlt+rq+st i \8 ffifi d ccq d-q.<nR r wl wn5fib oMerilrs C qmT.rsst TNTrc crF"tftq'tft<q$mblrql-qm Tqufr i "Ifrn<'ls cctrsq'tql(4lq{, et6rt$mnffisr( 0i$qst iP RqrHcr<eR$e Eq14fiFs i >tr sa tqrs ri"m eq qrqBT tfur{tcq<wstftmrmrs qqfusl<],fr"$tftw<aqm qlfirvR{, ffi<lfiq q4 qd?{t R lIq 1vvv s Wft xqlt 8t, c<rs {t qr c{qll fiq r RE qWfire <tiet q<r(' ll<ift-s qrm q-<rrq "tfisr< mx <ttc< i r*r ffi1Eq6ag 6sfr cer+t ilvF {FMl tfttt rwqlfrcsefr{ curqtaE ce6q 4ftils5grl qq qffi ! ga1-6E-.8 q{iFj s :.oq fr I fix-qr"t <lcEl +-fl qc-rcqr Ere fl<lfrs €st ffisrm tfimt c+r.s tfrfi tRfl< fiffcE <-:rcq qt<ifr-s {iEt qtrl ffiift cat<EE E<-q< vt{< 'fu I 66a qft".fr-o< <r-{El $-fl ql r tfts.t ru<< affiftm{EgottEmqq< stc't 6cl-cs rR+ <rs]r{.t'{fi a5q{. 'q<Fr q{lr-{ &-fletl <Nl{C-{CqI{StE >"?tqqft {t<lfr-$ tftrtfiffcEuqrsr K Cs {dIZtu-g-I16 ${l1T.S qTlfi-< qt'ffi61 c{-t*r "iftrfl< cc$r< eE vff,{r <tnD-11=T< qR E-q, Tfietfreq.i Er{t-c.n{t r ErE< <T1rg d'k qRX_q, <lfr{tfr E{flT FFF$ rk{iffi +teil 6fl D-s frqnfr5, ffi x<-<<n o-rao I sftqil i <tctr{ Vsq1{ q<k< ffi"1 qg <r-qq, 9]l.rcq< ErE ,at efi+rflrqt R q?D sr a<r< {tF csrrdrcrr€[oa i ** crot{ ffiE "ffisrfi 6T"fi1-T{ cst rffslfr srq- nlsft-$ ftqtqr, uellF {.{<-{rqs<-6e=qt_tn< qq-qftq< q-{ tM I {-c(j s-rft tft< {i?|]j b.cs I ras q{ T6{l{qq qQ x-q, qRqs'tst qT<I<rvr< <l-CT{{1{ ql-qck3 "r3mt i "mqfi1q3 {(ail {ffstfirs <cl-trK Gf{l soF TTfi-ft eR E-q, ffi"f+ il_fi-c{ 6rffi gsrm il$ (rfi T6< i ffi I lt$fr-s Ftt-t {t33T <KEtT<t CmIqt flGE ft"mft ffi qEE-d {cls c c*ext<Ocryt"tfu;Gr qic[ "rftq i cr6s c{ffi-d'tth6t dr< t qd t{slqc{E-{ ftWE< mF cvs wrt<jfr-s wdrFrc,rlryfr-s€ttdkq< ifl$rq{ qf{I i<*= oR 6rktm{ <-a I' 6'rC% {SlE > ) "Jflttfie<tr< curqrqRXram frfl"rcq <rg.t qar qrnre, qeF iR 'ff{t'lrc< i "ffis] **'t "Ifrwt rer-r< qra< etB "ffi$r c+-"q 5e1-54 qt<Ifr$ cECIInEi< <tVtrffi is-{ CIE c<]6 fi{\s,= "|.{c<ss UIE crs{t qs "ffimlfim< 'ffisl frcqr' qq&l ffiscr{Stfrs i qpr6q{ q_{ 1fu13frfu | affi {13 9 1M x{ir "mtt mtrc< qr+ ffir-a<mi<, I33lT{, {Hffi, sorffiT.tTflr 6r<'i .ffiet?ffl Is.-{<R lcqr{.{t (I]-{EE c+T{, frrs< fit crc{ EG;il,Bfu, rq<rqb, {a16q$itfri<HffsqEl-$tn '[q< i TrlETEqb.<, &q tr* taqr m r rftql m.tm cqrzo fr-o v.lmsqTf,{<qlrcq-{"Rs't qil 'iflstfrcr< <tg.I '|]-flefc< i r+cg 6tr1fl <t< 'rfftt rs]dt llr-s >> tsm €q< 'Iq cc-tt<e(qks Et<Ifr-$'ift$I {l{l{i+-cr+ r r+z"s rirfl 6tcr< q_{ t:i "Mcqr$ aqK sltq vr{ 6qsTI I uqcqfifrrEr ,*TTnng$;li,?,llt**i LrirrrED BLLTE GHIP IHDTA'LiffiITEE JATN J .
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