J1T - First Qualifying Competition - Team

J1T - First Qualifying Competition - Team

J1T - First Qualifying Competition - Team European Championship Jumping Table C, FEI Art. 239, 263 and 325 Begin: Wednesday, 23rd August 2017, 8.45 hrs S T A R T I N G O R D E R C- O RM OP UE TN ID T I1 O N - 1 R O U N D 1 compt. 1 compt.2 1 HUNGARY (HUN) - Chef d'Equipe: Istvan Nemeth time round 1 round 2 758 Chacco Boy Mariann Hugyecz bay / 12j / G / Chacco-Blue / Pit I / OS / 102ZC11 / Intertrio Bt. 757 Zordon Balazs Horvath chest / 14j / S / 3866 Ginus / 2533 Goliath / HSH / 103PY22 / Országos Mg. Minosíto Intézet 760 Timpex Bolcsesz Gabor Szabo jr. chest / 12j / M / Timpex Cabale / Hargita / HSH / 104EF14 / Timpex Kft Tárbály István 759 Chacco Blue II Szabolcs Krucso bay / 10j / S / Chacco-Blue / Cincaba Rouge / OS / 104KA08 / Kórusz Attila TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 2 PORTUGAL (POR) - Chef d'Equipe: Francisco Louro time round 1 round 2 797 Epicor da Gandarinha António Matos Almeida bay / 8j / S / Lupicor / Quincajou III / KWPN / 104VA40 / Joao M. Batista 799 Antonio Joao Chuva bay / 12j / S / Vancouver / Iroko / KWPN / 103DA05 / Qp Equitação,Lda 801 Acheo di San Patrignano Luis Sabino Gonçalves bay / 12j / G / Ephebe For Ever / Nadir di San Patrignano / SI / 104FR92 / M.I.V. Events 800 Fit For Fun 13 Luciana Diniz chest / 13j / M / For Pleasure / Fabriano / HANN / 103IB23 / Diniz,Luciana & Jünger,Ralf TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 3 NETHERLANDS (NED) - Chef d'Equipe: Rob Ehrens time round 1 round 2 786 Don VHP Z Harrie Smolders 13j / S / Diamant de Semilly / Voltaire / ZANG / 102SO78 / Copernicus Stables LLC 784 Audi's Teavanta II C Z Ruben Romp bay / 12j / M / Treasure / Ahorn / ZANG / 103ZZ96 / P. Coppes & Eric Berkhof Paarden BV 782 Sterrehof's Calimero Marc Houtzager bay / 10j / G / Quidam de Revel / Achill / Libero H / KWPN / 104DD35 / Stoeterij Sterrehof 788 VDL Glasgow v. Merelsnest Jur Vrieling dbay / 11j / S / Nabab de Reve / Darco / BWP / 104EX52 / Vdl Stud TEAM TOTAL print time: 17:43 page 1 of 5 compt. 1 compt.2 4 ITALY (ITA) - Chef d'Equipe: Roberto Arioldi time round 1 round 2 774 Tokyo du Soleil Luca Marziani bay / 10j / S / Montender / Papillon Rouge / SF / 103WQ13 / Lm Srl 771 Sassicaia Ares Emilio Bicocchi bay / 11j / G / Ephebe For Ever / Optiebeurs Rebel Z / HOLST / 104CN25 / Sc. Emilio Bicocchi S.r.l. 777 Cornetto K Alberto Zorzi grey / 11j / G / Cornet Obolensky / Calido / HANN / 103XT16 / Victory Equestrian Sport BV 772 Armitages Boy Lorenzo de Luca bay / 15j / S / Armitage / Feo / OLDBG / 102MY33 / Stephex Stables, Guillaume Canet, G TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 5 SWEDEN (SWE) - Chef d'Equipe: Henrik Ankacrona time round 1 round 2 828 Mary Lou 194 Henrik von Eckermann bay / 11j / M / Montendro / Portland L / WESTF / 103IM17 / Schneider,Karl 822 H&M Cue Channa Malin Baryard-Johnsson grey / 11j / M / Cardento 933 / Robin Z / SWB / 103IY32 / Stuteri Arch & Malin Baryard AB 825 Zacramento Douglas Lindelöw bay / 12j / G / Cardento / Cortus / SWB / 104NW30 / Håkansson Häst AB 823 H&M All In Peder Fredricson bay / 11j / G / Kashmir van Schuttershof / Andiamo Z / SBS / 103RU78 / Stuteri Arch TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 6 RUSSIA (RUS) - Chef d'Equipe: Boris Kuzmin time round 1 round 2 811 Suspens Floreval Vladimir Tuganov grey / 11j / S / Clinton / SF / 103AJ93 / Vladimir Tuganov 807 Klen Natalia Simonia grey / 11j / G / Kwazimodo / Libertas / 104AJ34 / Simonia,Kharlam 805 KS Coradina Maria Madenova grey / 10j / M / Corlensky G / Cardento 933 / 104BF98 / Andis Varna,SIA Kurzemes seklas 803 Bivaldi Alexandr Belekhov bay / 11j / G / Cantos / Lennard / KWPN / 103RC60 / Vorobyev,Alexander TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 7 UKRAINE (UKR) - Chef d'Equipe: Najib Chami time round 1 round 2 832 Dinero de laubry Alisa Danilova chest / 14j / G / Nabab de Reve / Skippy II / BWP / 102SX55 / Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung Gmb 835 Carthagena 6 Ferenc Szentirmai grey / 11j / M / Cornet Obolensky / Landor S / OLDBG / 103LL36 / Paul Schockemöhle Pferdehaltung Gmb 833 Ferrero van Overis Ulrich Kirchhoff bay / 12j / G / Darco / Calvados/sable Rose / BWP / 102VP45 / Alonso Valdez Prado 836 Cosun René Tebbel grey / 10j / S / Up To Date / Cavalier / KWPN / 103TU42 / V. Tuganov TEAM TOTAL print time: 17:43 page 2 of 5 compt. 1 compt.2 8 DENMARK (DEN) - Chef d'Equipe: Lars Pedersen time round 1 round 2 727 Chopin van het Moleneind Thomas Velin bay / 15j / S / Quick Star / Darco / BWP / BEL41791 / Velin 722 Tailormade Chaloubet Sören Pedersen chest / 12j / S / Chacco-Blue / Baloubet du Rouet / OS / 103DB99 / Tailormade Horses Aps 723 Amarone Thomas Sandgaard black / 15j / S / Arpeggio / Potsdam / WESTF / 102TV10 / Ditte Mørup 726 Hazel BS Andreas Schou bay / 11j / M / Heartbeat / Candillo / DWB / 104LX01 / Juul Thorup Family TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 9 IRELAND (IRL) - Chef d'Equipe: Rodrigo Pessoa time round 1 round 2 762 Hector van d'Abdijhoeve Bertram Allen grey / 10j / S / Cabrio van de Heffinck / Utrillo van de Heffinck / BWP / 103TD99 / Noel Delahunty Connaught Bloodstock 766 Good Luck Cian O'Connor bay / 11j / S / Canturo / Furioso II / BWP / 103WK66 / Adena Springs & Ronnoco Jump Ltd 763 All Star 5 Denis Lynch bay / 14j / S / Argentinus / Alme / HANN / 102UL65 / Thomas Straumann 767 Chaqui Z Shane Sweetnam bay / 11j / S / Chacco-Blue / Quinar Z / ZANG / 103JI82 / Spy Coast Farm,Llc & Shane Sweetnam TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 10 FRANCE (FRA) - Chef d'Equipe: Philippe Guerdat time round 1 round 2 740 Shiva d'Amaury Mathieu Billot bay / 11j / S / For Pleasure / Lando / SF / 103VX63 / Monsieur Serge Batailler 744 Reveur de Hurtebise HDC Kevin Staut chest / 16j / G / Kashmir van Schuttershof / Capricieux Des 6 Censes / SBS / SWE40272 / Haras Des Coudrettes 741 Sangria du Coty Roger Yves Bost bay / 11j / M / Quaprice Bois Margot / Muguet du Manoir / SF / 103TM85 / Equiblue Et Eurl Bosty Jump 743 Vagabond de la Pomme Pénélope Leprevost bay / 12j / S / Vigo D Arsouilles Stx / For Pleasure / SBS / 103IL63 / Madame Genevieve Megret TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 11 GERMANY (GER) - Chef d'Equipe: Otto Becker time round 1 round 2 754 Chaccos' Son Maurice Tebbel bay / 10j / S / Chacco-Blue / Lancer III / WESTF / 103TL74 / Tebbel,Rene 752 Catch Me If You Can Laura Klaphake bay / 9j / M / Catoki / Acordplus / OLDBG / 104OO78 / Schockemöhle,Paul 751 Pret A Tout Marcus Ehning chest / 14j / G / Hiram Chambertin / Stew Boy / SF / 102WO46 / Krech Ruth & Ehning,Marcus 756 LB Convall Philipp Weishaupt grey / 10j / S / Colman / Cascavelle / HOLST / 103LE91 / Liebherr,Hans TEAM TOTAL print time: 17:43 page 3 of 5 compt. 1 compt.2 12 SWITZERLAND (SUI) - Chef d'Equipe: Andy Kistler time round 1 round 2 818 Saura de Fondcombe Nadja Peter Steiner chest / 11j / M / Balou du Rouet / Paladin Des Ifs / SF / 103CM83 / Peter Katharina 812 Twentytwo des Biches Romain Duguet chest / 10j / M / Mylord Carthago / Kalor du Bocage / SF / 103YL87 / Duguet Christiana 813 Clooney 51 Martin Fuchs grey / 11j / G / Cornet Obolensky / Ferragamo / WESTF / 103YD87 / Baleri Luigi&C.H.C. Horses SA 815 Bianca Steve Guerdat bay / 11j / M / Balou du Rouet / Cardento / SWB / 103DA22 / Elias Stud Farm TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 13 AUSTRIA (AUT) - Chef d'Equipe: Marcus Wallishauser time round 1 round 2 701 Chambery Roland Englbrecht grey / 10j / G / Berlin / Lux / KWPN / 103SI69 / Verena Wagner 702 Sterrehof's Cayetano Z Julia Houtzager-Kayser bay / 13j / S / Caretano Z / Cor de la Bruyere / ZANG / 102SM64 / Stoeterij Sterrehof 707 Saphyr Des Lacs Christian Rhomberg grey / 11j / G / Mr. Blue / First Bride / SF / 103SR10 / Lehner Carola 704 Chardonnay 79 Max Kühner grey / 10j / S / Clarimo / Corrado I / HOLST / 103VM45 / Kuehner,Max TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 14 BELGIUM (BEL) - Chef d'Equipe: Peter Weinberg time round 1 round 2 712 Coree Gregory Wathelet grey / 11j / M / Cornet Obolensky / Liberty Life / WESTF / 103VE38 / Nybor Pferde GmbH&Co.KG & Wathelet, 708 Cas de Liberte Niels Bruynseels bay / 11j / M / Cracky Z / Chellano Z / ZANG / 103JH94 / Malisart Wim 710 Grand Cru van de Rozenberg Jérome Guery chest / 11j / G / Malito de Reve / Heartbreaker / BWP / 104QT79 / Guery Jérome & Oancea Alexandru 709 Espoir Pieter Devos bay / 13j / G / Surcouf de Revel / Laudanum XX / BWP / 102WM86 / Euro Equitation Bvba - Devos Stable TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 15 NORWAY (NOR) - Chef d'Equipe: Mikael Kolind time round 1 round 2 789 Skjerabergs Larkin Pal Flam bay / 14j / G / Ladiesdream / Centauer Z / NWB / 103JX22 / Stall Gp As 793 Algorhythem Marie Longem chest / 12j / G / Tampa / Calvados / Sable Rose / KWPN / 103VO51 / Gregory Wathelet & AN Breeding LTD 795 Nicole Marit Haarr Skollerud grey / 10j / M / Unknown / 104EG56 / Cox Karel & Goossens Frank 790 Edesa S Banjan Geir Gulliksen bay / 16j / G / Toulon / Lys de Darmen / BWP / 102PP72 / Stall Gullik AS TEAM TOTAL print time: 17:43 page 4 of 5 compt. 1 compt.2 16 SPAIN (ESP) - Chef d'Equipe: Marco Fuste time round 1 round 2 733 Cassino DC Gerardo Menendez Mieres grey / 12j / S / Cassini I / 103PF83 / Inverpor,S.L. 732 U Watch Manuel Fernandez Saro chest / 13j / G / President / Nabab de Reve / SBS / 102OO77 / Nafedann Explotaciones S.L. 728 Rokfeller de Pleville Bois Mar Eduardo Alvarez Aznar bay / 12j / G / l'Arc de Triomphe / Apache d'Adriers / SF / 103AU24 / Kaliyuga S.L 729 G&C Arrayan Sergio Alvarez Moya bay / 12j / G / Baloubet du Rouet / Grannus / KWPN / 103FW92 / Alvarez Moya Horse - Gustavo Miraba TEAM TOTAL compt. 1 compt.2 17 CZECH REPUBLIC (CZE) - Chef d'Equipe: Marketa Svenkova time round 1 round 2 714 Diva Emma Augier de Moussac bay / 9j / M / No Limit / Ticallux Verte / KWPN / 104NX61 / E.A.M. Sporthorses BV 717 Caleri II Zuzana Zelinkova bay / 14j / S / Calido I / Leonid / HOLST / 103EO76 / Ing. Olga Plachá 715 Centisimo Kamil Papousek bay / 10j / G / Centadel / Stakkato / OLDBG / 103ZX27 / Zach Lukas 719 Cento Lano Ondrej Zvara grey / 13j / S / Cento Lano / Eoghan du Mervaux / SBS / 102YD48 / Hana Rechova TEAM TOTAL print time: 17:43 page 5 of 5.

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