AVANCES 1012 de PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS 18 de noviembre de 2010 www.porticolibrerias.es Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo ORIENTE ANTIGUO 34 01 Adamthwaite, M. R.: Late Hittite Emar: The Chronology, Synchronisms, and Socio-political Aspects of a Late Bronze Age Fortress Town 2001 – xxiv + 294 pp. € 74,50 02 Aperghis, G. G.: The Seleukid Royal Economy. The Finances and Financial Administration of the Seleukid Empire 2009 – 380 pp., 5 tabl., 1 map. € 28,70 03 Avidov, A.: Not Reckoned among Nations. The Origins of the So-Called Jewish Question in Roman Antiquity 2009 – xii + 226 pp. € 82,20 04 Azara, P.: La reconstrucción del Edén. Mito y arquitectura en Oriente 2010 – 255 pp., fig. € 35,00 ÍNDICE: Presentación: ¿Por qué Enki? — Ki-en-gi, o Sumer o el Edén — Uru-ul-la, o la ciudad de los inicios — Nammu, la diosa-madre de los albañiles — Abzu, o las aguas primordiales — Enki, el buen pastor — E-engurra, o una casa sobre las aguas — Conclusión: Enki y la ciudad durmiente. 05 Barceló, P.: Aníbal. Estratega y estadista 2010 – 334 pp. € 23,00 06 Bar-Kochva, B.: The Image of the Jews in Greek Literature. The Hellenistic Period 2010 – xiv + 608 pp., 4 fig. € 81,00 ÍNDICE: 1. From Alexander and the Successors to the Religious Persecutions of Antiochus PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1012 — Oriente antiguo 34 2 Epiphanes (333-168 B.C.E.): Theophrastus on jewish sacrificial practices and the jews as a community of philosophers — Aristotle, the learned jew, and the indian kalanoi in Clearchus — The jewish ethnographic excursus by Hecataeus of Abdera — Megasthenes on the «Physics» of the greeks, brahmans, and jews — Hermippus of Smyrna on Pythagoras, the jews, and the thracians — The diachronic libels and accusations (A): Mnaseas of Patara and the origins and development of the ass libel — 2. The Hasmonaean Period: from the Jewish Revolt to the Roman Conquest (167-63 B.C.E.): The diachronic libels and accusations (B): the seleucid court scribe(s) and the blood libel — Agatharchides of Cnidus on the Sabbath as a superstition — The diachronic libels and accusations (C): Lysimachus of Alexandria and the hostile accounts of the Exodus — Posidonius of Apamea (A): The man and his writings — Posidonius of Apamea (B): The jewish ethnography in Strabo’s Geographica - Mosaic judaism versus Second Temple judaism — Posidonius of Apamea (C): Josephus on the siege of Jerusalem by Antiochus VII Sidetes (132/1 B.C.E.) - Antiochus the Pious and Hyrcanus the Tyrant — Posidonius of Apamea (D): The anti-jewish libels and accusations in Diodorus and Apion — The geographical description of Jerusalem by Timochares, the siege, and the libels — The anti-jewish ethnographic treatise by Apollonius Molon — Conclusion. 07 Benz, F. L.: Personal Names in the Phoenician and Punic Inscriptions. A Catalog, Grammatical Study and Glossary of Elements 1972 – xxiii + 511 pp. € 39,50 08 Berlejung, A.: Die Theologie der Bilder. Herstellung und Einweihung von Kultbildern in Mesopotamien und die alttestamentliche Bilderpolemik 1998 – xii + 547 pp. € 123,30 09 Bienkowski, P. / C. Mee / E. Slater, eds.: Writing and Ancient Near East Society. Papers in Honor of Alan R. Millard 2005 – 319 pp. € 114,00 10 Bienkowski, P., ed.: Studies on Iron Age Moab and Neighbouring Areas in Honour of Michele Daviau 2009 – xiii + 273 pp., fig. € 93,10 ÍNDICE: O. S. LaBianca: The poly-centric nature of social order in the middle east: preliminary reflections from anthropological archaeology — P. Bienkowski: ‘Tribalism’ and ‘segmentary society’ in iron age Transjordan — T. P. Harrison: ‘The land of Medeba’ and early iron age Mâdabâ — U. Worschech: Environment and settlements in the Ard al-Karak: remarks on the socioecological and socio-economic conditions in the iron age — B. Routledge / C. Routledge: The Balu‘a stela revisited — J. A. Dearman: Moab and Ammon: some observations on their relationship in light of a new moabite inscription — E. J. van der Steen: Nelson Glueck’s ‘string of fortresse’ revisited — A. Dolan: Defining sacred space in ancient Moab — M. L. Steiner: Khirbat al-Mudayna and moabite pottery production — D. Homès-Fredericq: The iron age II fortress of al-Lahun (Moab) — R. Chadwick: Changing forms of gate architecture in bronze and iron age Transjordan — P. M. Fischer: The sphinx handle from Tall Abu al-Kharaz: further evidence — J. Ferguson: Rediscovering az-Za‘faran and az-Zuna: the Wâdîath- Thamad project regional survey — M. Judd: Bioarchaeology east of the Jordan. PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1012 — Oriente antiguo 34 3 11 Biffi, N.: L’Anatolia meridionale in Strabone. Libro XIV della Geografía. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento 2009 – 373 pp., 1 map. € 33,00 12 Boiy, T.: Late Achaemenid and Hellenistic Babylon 2004 – xx + 397 pp., 11 lám. € 77,00 13 Bolger, D., ed.: Gender through Time in the Ancient Near East 2008 – xviii + 373 pp., fig. € 65,00 ÍNDICE: D. Bolger: Introduction: Temporal dimensions of gender in ancient near eastern archaeology — K. Croucher: Ambiguous genders? Alternative interpretations: a discussion of case studies from the pre-pottery neolithic and Halaf periods — S. Campbell: Feasting and dancing: gendered representation and pottery in later mesopotamian prehistory — A. Daems: Evaluating patterns of gender through mesopotamian and iranian human figurines: a reassessment of the neolithic and chalcolithic period industries — J. M. Asher-Greve: Images of men, gender regimes, and social stratification in the late Uruk period — K. McCaffrey: The female kings of Ur — D. Bolger: Complex identities: gender, age, and status in the early bronze age of the middle Euphrates valley — R. P. Wright: Gendered relations and the Ur III dynasty: kinship, property, and labor — K. Lorentz: From life course to longue durée: headshaping as gendered capital? — N. Serwint: Gender in the sanctuary: votive offerings and deity at ancient Marion — D. Bolger: Gendered fields in near eastern archaeology: past, present, future. 14 Bombardieri, L.: Pietre da macina, macine per mulini. Definizione e sviluppo delle tecniche per la macinazione nell’area del Vicino Oriente e del Mediterraneo orientale antico 2010 – 426 pp., fig., 166 lám. € 78,00 15 Bosch i Veciana, A.: Judaïsme alexandrí i filosofia 2010 – 136 pp. € 10,00 16 Bottero, J.: La cocina más antigua del mundo. La gastronomía en la antigua Mesopotamia 2005 – 245 pp. € 17,00 17 Bretschneider, J. / K. van Lerberghe, eds.: In Search of Gibala. An Archaeological and Historical Study Based on Eight Seasons of Excavations at Tell Tweini (Syria) in the A and C Fields (1999-2007) 2008 – viii + 149 pp., fig. € 40,00 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS AVANCES 1012 — Oriente antiguo 34 4 18 Carrasco Serrano, G. / J. C. Oliva Mompean, eds.: El Mediterráneo antiguo: lenguas y escrituras 2010 – 463 pp., fig. € 25,00 ÍNDICE: J. Untermann: Prólogo — G. Carrasco Serrano: Introducción — E. Martínez Borobio: La lengua aramea en el contexto de las lenguas del Próximo Oriente antiguo — J. Llop Raduà: En torno a la lengua asiria. MARV 3,16: un manjar para los grandes dioses de la ciudad de Asur — J. A. Zamora López: La epigrafía fenicia: historia, situación y algunas perspectivas — J. A. Belmonte Marín: Documentación epigráfica fenicio-púnica en la Península Ibérica: estado de la cuestión — M. Gómez Aranda: El hebreo clásico en el ámbito de las lenguas semíticas — J. Signes Codoñer: Nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de los orígenes de la escritura en la Grecia arcaica (siglos IX-VIII a.C.) — A. Piñero: El griego en un mundo globalizado: el griego helenístico — J. Untermann: La aportación de la toponimia a la definición de las lenguas ibérica y tartesia — B. M. Prósper: La lengua lusitana en el marco de las lenguas indoeuropeas occidentales y su relación con las lenguas itálicas — J. Gorrochategui: El aquitano y el vascón ante la escritura — I. Velázquez: En torno a la problemática de lengua hablada y escrita en la Hispania de la antigüedad tardía. Unos ejemplos sobre las vestimentas. 19 Cavalier, L. / J. des Courtils, eds.: Civilisations oubliées de l’Anatolie antique. Catalogue de l’exposition présentée au Musée d’Aquitaine, Bordeaux, 19 février-16 mai 2010 2010 – 132 pp., lám.col. € 20,00 20 Congiu, M. & al., eds.: Greci e punici in Sicilia tra V e IV secolo a.C. 2008 – 239 pp., fig. € 25,00 ÍNDICE: F. Raviola: Lo scontro greco-punico in Sicilia alla fine del V secolo e l’opinione pubblica ellenica di madrepatria — R. De Simone: Tradizioni figurative greche nella «Selinunte punica»: le cretule del tempio C — M. L. Famà: Mozia tra il V e il IV sec. a.C. — P. Xella: I fenici e gli «Altri». Dinamiche di identità cultuale — P. Anello: Punici e greci dal 405/4 a.C. all’età timoleontea — G. Sfameni Gasparro: Demetra al confine tra greci e Punici: osservazioni sul culto della Malophoros a Selinunte — C. Miccichè: Tra Siracusa e Cartagine. La realtà sicula fra il 405 e il 392 a.C. — L. Sole: Un ripostiglio di monete puniche dall’abitato di Capo Soprano a Gela — G. Guzzetta: Prototipi monetali sicelioti e interpretazioni puniche — C. Raccuia: Pirati e barbari. Rappresentazioni di fenicio-punici nella Sicilia greca — S. Vassallo: L’area centro-settentrionale della Sicilia tra greci e punici nel V e IV sec. a.C. — R. Panvini: Le importazioni di alcuni beni di lusso a Gela e nella Sikania — G. Di Stefano: Indizi punici nella Sicilia orientale? Il caso di Scornavacche. 21 Cotton, H. M. & al., eds.: From Hellenism to Islam. Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East 2009 – xxx + 481 pp., 6 fig. € 84,90 ÍNDICE: F. Millar: Introduction: documentary evidence, social realities and the history of language — 1. The Language of Power: Latin in the Roman Near East: W. Eck: The presence, role and significance of latin in the epigraphy and culture of the roman Near East — B.
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