&•* ^ Coletta, Ebert run for St. Johns City Commission ByRONKARLE needs the money—either the income tax or the millage. U.S. 27 and Sturgls. The group formed shortly after a Editor "I would be satisfied that either one would put the city 12-year-old boy lost his life in auto-bicycle accident at on its feet again," he added. the corner. At least two persons have filed petitions for the St. "To say which is best, well, there are arguments both Ebert said he thought the organization "was making Johns City Commission. ways," he said. good progress, but I think rerouting is the ultimate answer." They are incumbent Charles' Coletta, whose six-year "I think probably at this point, the most important He brings to the contest a background in "accounting term expires in November, and Roy Ebert, a newcomer to thing is to unify the voters," said Coletta noting that there and production control at Federal-Mogul andforthelast sixi city politics. are two opposing "camps" in the city—one favoring millage, years has worked as a loan officer-for.the Federal-Mogul Although the filing deadline was more than a week ago, the other for the income tax. Credit Union. He is also chairman of the credit union's no one at the Municipal Building could say for sure if "When both issues have come up, I have voted af­ building committee. there were any other candidates. firmatively," he said. "If elected to the City Commission, I promise to work The News was informed that City Clerk Tom Hundley for the continuing growth and welfare of the city but always was on vacation and apparently had taken the key to a locked: Other areas which need attention, according to Coletta, keeping in mind that we must operate within our economic file cabinet which contained the petitions. include a resumption of the city's road program, replacement bounds," said Ebert. Coletta, seeking his fourth term on the council, has of equipment for the fire department, relnstitutlonof a youth ^1 keep hearing the term 'austerity program'," he said. served continuously since 1946 and was elected mayor program with full use of the city park and its facilities "But if you live with what you have, that isn't austerity— twice, in 1957-58 and 1967-68. and a program for the replacement of water mains in the- that's practicality. ^ He has been employed at Sealed Power Corp. since city. "As far as the (idea of an) income tax is concerned, 1942 and is chief manufacturing engineer there. Coletta and his wife Velma, live at 111N, Morton. They at this point, I'm quite cold towards it," said Ebert. When asked to comment On the city's tight financial have two sons, Richard, a junior at Michigan State Univer­ "I would work toward equalization of property assess­ situation, Coletta said he was not opposed to either ad­ sity, and Edward, an engineer in Lawrence, Ohio. ments," he added. "So manypay too much,others too little." ditional millage or a personal income tax as means of Ebert,- 38, has been active in a group called "People He said he thought property assessments should be raising revenue. Who Care," which has been seeking installation of a traffic CHARLESCOLETTA . *My feeling has always been this," he said. "The city signal or some other safety device at the intersection of Continued on Page SA ROY EBERT Commission hears U.S. 27-Sturgis study By RON KARLE accelerate to make the green Editor light, thus causing a new safety hazard. After analyzing a. traffic study He also forecasts that the in­ at a special meeting of the St. stallation of a traffic light would Johns City Commission last result In a considerable jump In week, Ralph Shoemaker, of the traffic accidents at the corner. State Highway Department rec­ Shoemaker recommended that ommended that the city, install 115th Year, No. 15 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1970 2 SECTIONS —32 PAGES 15 CENTS a pedestrian overpass at the the 45 m.p.h. speed limit be corner of U.S. 27 and Sturgls moved further outside of town Street. and that oversized speed limit sign's be installed on both sides The study, prompted by the of the road. death of a 12-year-old boy at "The only real solution is to Three from Clinton • mBtfjraiiflfaiXnl, the intersection earlier this sum- ' get the highway rerouted," said mer showed 3,524 cars travel­ Dr. James Grost, commissioner. killed in weekend ing north on U.S. 27 through the The State Highways Depart­ intersection during an eight-hour ment says it plans to reroute period and 2,865 going south. the highway around the city, but traffic accidents A total of 1,670 cars travel­ limited funds will delay such a ing east on Sturgls approached project for several years. By TIM YOUNKMAN ture Farmers of America, was j&e Intersection as did 536 trav­ . As far as more rigid enforce­ ' News Staff Writer bqni May 31, lds2 in Westphalia. eling west. ment Is'-concerned, Shoemaker He is- survived by three sis­ "You have a probletn," said said, "People drive as conditions Two Cilnlon County womehahd ters, J4he, Marlene and Linda, Shoemaker,. "I'm not trying to appear to them. You can't force a; teenage boy* died' over the his parents, and. a grandmother, hide .from it. I'm trying to point the American people, to do any­ weekend in ttire^separate auto Dora Schafer of Fowler* , out the pros and cons. thing. • ; accidents* •*•.;--.--:,,. ,•' ~ - > A rosary will be said dally Lawrence J. Fedewi, 18, 233[ at " Geller Funeral Home from He. said the "best solution" At this week's regular com­ mission meeting Monday night, Price Road, Westphalia, was 3' p.m. .to-8 p.m., with funeral is to Install a pedestrian over­ killed Sunday afternoon when he services Thursday at 10 a.m. pass. the commissioners said they had Extras:;qre/ met with Shoemaker after the drove his motorcycle onto St-St/ Mary's Church in West­ "There's no way you can mix Grange Road into the path of an phalia. Burial will be. at St. cars and children," he said. previous meeting and had agreed : to take no action until he returned oncoming, vehicle operated by 'Mary's Cem'etery. dyaijable; , He estimated the cost of an Gary Lee Bengel, 22, R-'l. David y* A'21-year-old woman died in overpass at $20,000. with data from additional studies. If you woufd like extra cop­ Highway, Pewamo. - c * ^ a single-rear accident Saturday He was expected back within two ies of this year's Salute to *A pedestrian overpass is. weeks. According to State Police .rei on Price. Road one-half mile east of Wright Road. Servicemen published 'in last classed as a sidewalk and the The commission did decide to ports, Fedewa .started onto the, week's edition of the Clinton State Highway Department can't install a yellow flashing speed highway without seeing the.aiito Jeanne Dora Schafer, 7311 W. Parks Road, St. Johns, was killed County News, they are avail­ build sidewalks," he added. limit sign at the corner of U.S, and was struck and killed in­ able for'25 cents apiece. stantly. ' ' *,,.*' when she apparently went off the In reply to a suggestion that 27 and Swegles Street for the w Because of ^the large/num-. The accident occurred at 6499 roadway on the north side and the speed limits on the highway •benefit of school children. ; ber of rcquests.Iast year, the S. Grange Road., . • > .crossed the road striking the be lowered In the area, Shoe­ Also at "this week's meeting ; banks on the road's south side. News printed'Several hundred j maker said, "If you lower the the commission was informed He was^the son of Mr. arid extras so families "majrsendl - According to sheriff depart­ 4 speed limit to 35 m.p.h,, you're by the General Services Adminis­ Mrsi Roman Fedewa ancUhad copies*- to -friends and Jtftelr ", attended- P.ewamo^Wes'tphana ment ; reports^ she then spun going to have a 'speed trap' tration that there will be no around in the ditch and ovor- meninthe^seryice.-,; ^ reputation within a week." further effort to purchase the. HigK; School where he 'W&S'to be municipal parking lot adjacent a senior this year, .*, He also did not encourage the .Fedewa, a member of.the Fu­ /' Continued on page 5A installation of a traffic light at to the post office in St. Johns. in this section^maVba'p'ic^ed"^ the intersection as urged earlier In other action Monday, the f lup »ai_ the ^oriCc'e^Monday,"1 by the commission and a group commission decided to install In DeWitt through TliuVsday Irom 8^. of citizens called People Who signs on E. Gibbs Street between J**- a.m.f-5 p.m^and^ onfFrfday * 1 Care. U.S. 27 and Clinton Avenue for­ *from'+8:^0v)'atn?. *tev«6jp. m. He said most trucks would bidding heavy through trucking., TNe'ws'*bffices* are-closed Sat­ Mediators to join urday arid Sunday./* «>. V* , Teacher negotiations teacher negotiations "READY FOR4^H FAIR By TIM YOUNKMAN. '* the negotiations would not remain 1 News Staff Writer^. deadlocked Friday when two Sales tax These five 4-H'ers show some of their entries in the county fair next *i- members of the DEA bargaining slow in St. Johns week. They are, from left, Colleen Wood/ weather, Oliye 4TH Projects; The DeWitt Education Associ­ committee announced agree- ments in 18 minor areas, the Contract negotiations between Kathy Haviland, passport project, Olive 4-H Projects; Snaron Wood, foods ation and the DeWiit Board of diversons Education will go into third-party first such agreement in six ^eeks the St.
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