.WIN A hKlb IKIP lU HOLLYWOOD! see page 32 $ MJ^rt fLO R. nother Hilarious AC K BENNY 'ACATION BROADCASr funny as his program w Beginning IGHWAY TO HAPPINESS LICE FAYE'S ROMANTIC LIFE LUKHF «Hn Ai.irf fAYi i: A U > ; / — — — Nearly 200 Styles and Sizes "Mail the Coupop! You'll get Approved by a real thrill out of this catalog Good — (I did). You'll find nearly HousekaepiiiK 200 styles and sizes of Heat- Institute ers, Ranges and Furnaces many illustrated in beautiful users for 37 years. Everybody has a good culating Heaters— Oil Heaters—Garage word for Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo ships all at pastel colors— actually more Heaters—Furnaces (free plans) — any product on 30 days trial. You make up Kalamazoo FACTORY PRICES. You'll bargains than in 20 big stores. your mind in your own home as I did. No see the 'Oven that Floats in Flame' As Little as 12c a Day urging ! Service is fast—24 hour shipments. porcelain enamel oven bottoms—cop- The Kalamazoo guarantee is — satisfac- per-lined reservoirs and dozens of other "You'll be amazed to find how tion or money back — and no red tape. features. You'll read about Kalamazoo far your pennies stretch. Some New Ranges—New Heaters Prize Winners. A whole bookful of inter- stoves cost as little as 12c a esting facts about cooking and heating. day at the FACTORY PRICE "In this new Kalamazoo Catalog you'll "My suggestion is:— mail the coupon —and 18 months to pay, if you see new modem stoves of sparkling beauty Porcelain Coal AT ONCE for free Catalog! Don't take wish.Termsallof us can afford. — Enamel and Wood Ranges in white and delicate my word — see it yourself. See what you Stoves Sent on Trial— pastel colors —new Combination Gas, save at FACTORY PRICES." 1,200,000 Users Coal and Wood Ranges —and something KALAMAZOO STOVE & FURNACE CO. altogether new, a Combination Electric 469 Rochester Ave. Kalamazoo, Mich. "You'll like the way Kalamazoo and Coal Range. Also new Gas Stoves Warehouses: Utica, N. Y.; Youngstown, Ohio; does business — friendly, liberal, Oil Stoves— New Coal and Wood Cir- Reading, Penn.; Springfield, Mass. fair, square — the same 'Fac- tory -to -You' way they have MAIL COUPON TODAY for FREE CATALOG dealt with 1,200,000 satisfied CLIP THIS COUPON Kalamazoo Stove and Furnace Co., Mfrs., 469 Rochester Avenue, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dear Sirs: Please send me your FREE FACTOR] CATALOG. Check articles in which you are interested Coal and Wood Ranges D Oil Heaters C Coal and Wood Heaters D Oil Ranges Cj Combination Electric and Coal Range n Gas Ranges Combination Gas and Coal Range D Furnaces C Name {Print name plainly) AKaiamazQfl i Trade Mark Registered FREE furnace plans Direct to You Address j I City I Stale | rROM time to time, the editor of Radio Mirror will, if there ore worthy candidates, select for inscribing on a roll of honor the names of radio artists whose contribution to the pleasure of listening has made them deserving of special tribute. To select a name to begin such a roll of honor, the editor's choice is Major Bowes. Major Bowes because, with a new season of radio entertainment under way, with sponsors signing new stars, re-signing old ones for new programs, buying new time, hiring new orchestras, his Thursday night amateur hour, a full sixty minutes of entertainment, swings merrily along ahead of ail the rest. ' Major Bowes, who started a craze that broke out in a rash from coast to coast, has lived beyond the amateur fad, has outlived the jokes, the stories, and the imitators—until now, when the announcement of an amateur show causes less than a ripple of excitement, he has the most consistently popular hour show in radio. Every week, for fifty-two weeks, he continues to be the master showman. Major Bowes began with a unique idea that caught the public's fancy with its novelty. He became the most talked about man in the country two years ago. He should have faded out following the pattern of other crazes. But, unlike mah jongg and clock golf. Major Bowes is still a favorite. He has developed his unique idea from a novelty appeal to a permanent program of solid listening values. Because he has thus proved himself radio's master showman, the name of Major Bowes is the first to be enscribed by the editor on Radio Mirror's roll of honor. To those who may follow, let the trail he blazed be inspiration. OCTOBER, 1937 VOL 8 NO. 6 ERNEST V. HEYN. EXECUTIVE EDITOR FRED R. SAMMIS. EDITOR WALLACE H. CAMPBELL, Art Editor BELLE LANDESMAN, Ass't Editor ^2«.^ "I Believe"—. Jack Sher 12 NEXT MONTH The amazing credo that guides Boalce Carter's broadcasts Highway to Happiness Pauline Swanson 14 Beginning the thrilling life of Alice Faye Jack Benny's "Vocation Broadcast" 18 Another readio-broadcast as funny as his progrann Behind The Hollywood Front Jimmie Fidler 22 More daring lowdown from our star reporter How About Haley? Kirtley Baskette 25 The new Show Boat star has surprised even himself The Akron Cop Killers 26 Another Sang Busters' broadcast you can't forget How Dorothy Lamour Found Love Kay Proctor 28 A unique marriage code brings her happiness Can You Swing It? 32 Win a free trip to Hollywood! Fall has a way of getting into our If To You Want Act— ; . Jack Smalley 34 blood, so expect a Novennber issue Radio helped make Olivia de Havilland's dreams come true brimming with exciting features. How To Beat Life Dan Wheeler 36 For instance, the story—one-part Lowell Thomas reveals his seven secrets of success hunger, one-part comradeship and one-part rivalry—starring Tyrone One Hour With You 38 Power and Don Ameche. If you're a Eddie Cantor's theme song free fan of theirs, you can't miss this. Radio Mirror Almanac 43 Or even if you aren't, because you Complete day by day program highlights are bound to be after reading this. Radio Mirror's Honor Roll I Personality Close-Ups 30 Prof. Quiz' Twenty Questions 3 vVf,^^ jj^jj ^enor? 34 Whot's New? Tony Seymour 4 Deanna Durbin Gallery 40 Facing The Music Ken Alden 6 *** *^^ '^'"^'' "'"°'*® Anderson 51 What Do You Want To Say? 8 ^^^ ^°y^® Coast-To-Coast Highlights Russ King 10 Wake Up and Live with Hot Cereals Mrs. Margaret Simpson 54 Wish You Were Here 17 While Bing's Away 20 What Do You Want To Know? The Oracle 77 Show Boat Sweetheart 24 Winners of America's Ten Favorite Songs Contest ... 84 •COVER DESIGN—DON AMECHE AND ALICE FAYE RAUIO MIRROR (Copyright, 1937, by Macfadden Publications, Inc.). The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted, either wholly or in part without permission. Published montnly by Macfadden Publications, Inc., Washington and South Avenues, Dunellen, New Jersey. General offices, 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Kditorial and advertising offices, Chanin Building, 122 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Bernarr Macfadden, President; Wesley K. Pape, .Secretary; Irene T. Kennedy, Treasurer; Walter Hanlon, Advertising Director. Entered as second-class matter September 14, 1933, at the Post Office at Dunellen, New Jersey, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price in United States $1.00 a year; 10c a copy. In U. S. Possessions, Canada, Newfoundland, (;uba. Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Spain and Posessions, and Central and South American countries excepting British Honduras, British, Dutch and French Guiana, $1.50 a year; all other countries $2.50 a year. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the owners' risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by 1st class postage. But we will not be responsible for any losses of such matter contributed. Con- tributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of their contributions; otherwise they are taking unnecessary risk. Printed in the U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Company, Dunellen, N. J. TWENTY QUESTIONS 1. What child star is a better actor, according to Fred Allen, than nine out of ten adults in radio? 2. What popular radio songstress is just beginning to reap the rewards of years of patient study of operatic technique? 3. What radio and movie star has converted part of her Connecticut estate into a refuge for wild life? 4. What pianist and orchestra leader once taught the wealthiest girl in the world to play the piano? 5. What radio star possesses the only copies in existence of the first two songs the late George Gershwin wrote? Consult a Doctor 6. What orchestra leader, recently winning fanrte as a radio comedian too, now finds himself cast in a instead of a Lawyer comedy part in a forthcoming movie? 7. What orchestra leader holds the The simple "Lysol" method of sions, for exacting antiseptic needs. There record for the greatest number of feminine hygiene has ended are many valuable personal and house- coast-to-coast broadcasts from a hotel hold uses for "Lysol", and every druggist dance floor? many a "misunderstanding" carries it. 8. Who plays Judge Hugo Straight MANT a neglected wife would get a hap- "LYSOI" on Milton Berle's program? pier solution of her problem, if she THE 6 SPECIAL FEATURES OF consulted a doctor instead of a lawyer. For 1. NON -CAUSTIC... "Lysol" in the proper 9. What radio co-stars and happily very often, a husband's neglect arises from dilution, is gentle and reliable. It contains married couple have established a a wife's failure to keep herself immacu- no harmful free caustic alkali.
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