January 9, 1909

January 9, 1909

Published every Saturday by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY. Front, Pine and VOL. 88. JANUARY 9, 1909. NO. 2272. I Deneystec Sts., N. Y. C. WIDIam B. Dana Frost.: Jacob :Seibert Jr.. VIce-Prest. and 9ec., Arnold G. Dana, Treas. Ad,tresses of ail, Office or the Company. CLEARINGS-FOR DECEMBER,SINCE AN U ARY A N D FOR WEEK EN DIN.G JANUARY 2 December. Twelve Months. Week ending January Clearings al- 2. Inc. or Inc. or Inc. cr 1903. 1907. Dec. 1908. 1907. De'. 1909. 1903. Dec. 1907. 1906. 8 90 S New York 9,266,286,510 5,349,926,947 +i3.2 79,275,890,256 87,132,168,381 -9.1 1,730.143,393 1,335.387,844 +33.3 2,125,942,186 2,392,770,430 Philadelphia 571.340.183 492,894,433 +15.9 5,937,754,106 7,161,060,440 -17.1 129,505,632 117.181,435 +10.5 156.237,758 158,398;541: Pittsburgh 182,525,761 203,043,736 -10.1 2,064,632,960 2,743,570.484 -24.8 :35,836,473 47,410,102 -24.4 52,448,316 55,028,930. Baltimore 120,620,1)31 104,208,601 +15.8 1,240,904,390 1,472.911,207 -15.7 29,341,094 24,433,998 Buffalo +20.1 32,013,695 30.1319,555 36,480,529 31,494,577 +15.8 409,086,607 434,689,13'15 -5.9 6,716,576 6,772,569 -0.8 8,521,209 7,982,586 Albany 25,902,931 19,646,527 +31.8 278,976,213 338.582,960 -17.6 5.078,322 4,278,701 +18.7 67201,817 5,714,940• Washington 26,766,731 20,736,729 +29.1 278,079,235 :302,108,404 -9.0 5,125,018 4,689,377 +9.3 +10.8 6,597,799 5,876;453. Rochester 16,370,602 14,770,637 175,959,356 187,462,394 -6.1 3,827,202 4.967.709 -22.9 5,082,703 5.398,834 Scranton 11,586.675 9,335,614 +24.1 116,268,804 118,079,523 -1.5 2,495,502 2,460,198 +1.5 +7.5 103,732.686 2,488,115 2,460,776 Syracuse 8,767,549 8,152,982 110,225;483 -5.4 1,955,998 2,163,796 --14.2 2,344,671 2,446,061 Reading (4,095,375 5,364,323 +13.6 64,652,121 71,002.252 -10.1 1,208,026 1,429,482 --I5.5 5,254,594 +4.0 1,679,667 1;268,4;75 Wilmington 5,464,:316 61,727,836 69,531.238 -11.1 1,087,461 1,228,475 --II.5 1.387,633 1,416..591 Wilkes-Barre 0,539,210 4,859,695 +34.6 61,699,409 62,028.660 -0.5 1.108,229 1,028,063 +7.8 6.489,740 5,658,164 1,058,442 1,270,906 Wheeling +14.7 72,000,600 57,445,312 +25.3 1,235,483 1,134,743 +8.9 992,725 920,239 Harrisburg 4,825,960 4,217,035 +14.4 54.330,443 53.744.093 +1.1 941,544 1,165,078 --19.2 1,404,005 Erie :4,276,823 2.749.844 +19.2 :31,496;175 36,058,525 -12.7 557,227 612,361 -79.0 754,468 622,271 Chester 2,130,694 2,165.276 --1.6 23,560,542 27,016,113 -12.8 434,466 556,640 -21.9 ",419,756 2,020,837 610,522 59:3,218 Greensburg +19.7 25,977,626 28,816,179 -10.0 407,898 500,000 --I8.4 525,000 497,733 Binghamton '2,119,600 1,889,300 +12.2 23,836,900 27,075,600 -12.0 374,600 430,900 --13.1 1,166,308 596,200 548.900 Franklin '- 1,0:30,313 +13.2 13,725,683 14,103,293 --2.7 247,500 225,000 +10.0 280,924 288,912 Frederick 950,504 916.552 +3.7 11,399.728 10.650,539 +7.0 10,308.125.927 Total Middle 6,290,3:36,710 +63.9 90,325,681,676 100,509,231.110 -10.1 2,007,529.548 1,558,757,771 +28.8 2,407,157,850 2,674,124,306 Boston 719,724.930 517.190,97, +39.2 7,338.0:35,825 8,135,210,165 --9.8 168,195,616 146,852,410 +14.5, 199,483,560 207,431.834 Providence 32,867,700 28,031,700 +17.3 337,473,600 389,689,600 --13.4 6,329,200 7,471.900 -15.3 9,474,200 9,355,800 Hartford 15,051,707 12,576,093 +19.7 166,006,324 184,478,474 -9.6 3,135.636 3,917,726 -20.0 4,476,201 4.718,123 New sloven 10,585.173 9,533.790 +11.0 122,823,744 128.709,695 -4.6 2,282,614 2,686.771 -15.0 2,890,183 3,161,643 Springfield 3,726,183 5,898,171 +47.9 92,490,213 103,911,957 -11.0 1,970,106 2,268,310 -13.1 2,289,525 2,562,935 Portland 7;606,0:31 7,576,810 +6.4 91,908,65:1 101,478,830 --9.4 1,899,940 2,336,173 -18.7 Worcester 2,526,487 2,260,274 7,311.564 5,796,812 +26.1 76,189,380 8:3.472,403 --8.7 1,622.357 1,586,134 +22.7 1,747,321 1,802,890 Fall River 5,538.798 4.221,357 +:31.2 50,737,025 55,188,311 --8.0 1,228,163 1.069.905 New Bedford +13.9 1,265,846 1,023,936, 4.200,144 3,099.209 +35.5 40,876,795 39,409,443 +3.7 892,105 638,129 +39.9 937,421 709,053 Lowell 2,097,359 2,111,32:1 -0.7 24,180,450 27,121.255 -10.8 Holyoke 469,937 486,944 -3.5 578,555 560.059 2,056.236 2,062,060 -0.3 22.515.992 25.1)14.014 -13.1 507.280 533,650 -4.9 646,621 616.797 Total New England 815,765,830 598,098;376 +36.4 8,364,197,001 9,274,583,137 -9.8 188,532,954 169,848,752 +11.0 226,315,920 234,253,394, Chicago 1,133,575,802 814,801,056 +39.1 11,85:3,814,943 12,087,647,870 -1.9 Cincinnati 227,763,731 178,957,073 +27.3 231,635,188 223,255,686 113,788,600 90,995,000 +25,0 1,2:30,180,300 1,361,879,950 ---9.7 22,479,800 23,853,500 -5.8 26,851,150 29,395,750 Cleveiand 67,495.851 63,784,626 +5.8 749,840,710 Detroit 897,170,784 --16.4 13.597,654 14,458,511 -6.0 20,540,116 17,838,551 59,907,914 54,867,940 +8.2 668.047,524 711,610,404 --6.1 11,185,851 12,498,747 -10.5 14,51)0,385 12,213„510 Milwaukee 52,205.114 44,364.56-1 +17.7 547,569,295 562,34:3,848 --2.6 9,099,609 10,171,846 -10.6 10,752,248 9,362,804 Indianapolis 37,926,872 25,224,324 +50.4 :180,372,085 399,269,144 -4.7 Columbus 7,000,000 6,550.546 +6.9 8,707.451 7,773,912 2:1,071,200 19,045,500 +21.1 255,028,000 284,637,600 -10.4 4,500,000 4,150,31)0 +8.0 5,584,000 5,944300 Toledo 17,031.770 17.113,12:3 -03.2 180,169,934 216,000,756 -13.3 Peoria 3,538,253 3,444,771 +27.3 3,997,242 :3,887,883 13,975,859 9,457,641) +47.8 134.689,658 141,233,540 -4.6 2,415,141 2,159,569 +11.9 2,873,233 3,292,211 Grand Rapids 9,622.213 8,522,400 +12.9 106,903,258 121,943,343 -12.4 1,864,919 1,897,584 ---1.7 2,418,342 2,365,451 Dayton 7,854,953 6,059,51)5 +29.6 81,2:35,277 100,460,444 -19.1 1,445,454 1,225,078 +18.0 2,006,957 2,040,994 Evansville 9.050,273 6,561,694 +37.9 93,965,446 105,436.094 -10.9 1,812,555 2,540,746 -28.7 1,859,454 1,612.151 Kalamazoo 4,944,834 3,675,888 +34.9 50,520,060 52,31:3,83:3 -3.4 998,394 844,046 +18.3 1,146,870 909,836 Springfield, Ill 4,163,221 3,498,005 +19.0 43,082,990 43,082,357 +0.0 950,000 874,366 +8.7 901,674 932,446 Youngstown 3,300,331 2.710,0:36 +21.8 34,791,42:3 40.724,730 -14.6 Fort 510,898 406,778 +25.6 931,412 ' 941,925 kVavne 3,596,617 2,74:1,131 +31.1 41,215,519 40,343,080 +2.2 900,832 694,572 +29.7 825,750 850,389 Lexington 2,973;433 2,925,786 +54.2 32,354.298 33,622.661 -3.8 568,358 733.712 813,837 752,973 Akron 2.748,769 1,923,450 +42.9 30,629,234 34,364,297 -10.9 500,000 350,000 +42.9 715,716 ' 559,100 noel:Cord :3,173,054 2,562,245 +23.9 10,576,274 33,427,799 -8.5 570,836 478,687 +19.2 542,184 ' .451,063 Canton 3,121.151 2,280,144 +36.9 24,458,954 27,896,197 -12.3 565,000 472,263 +19.7 533,322 "506,509 Bloomington 2,069,7110 1.798,9:33 +15.1 24,784,427 24,462,290 +1.3 409.386 470,981 -13.1 545,632 r 538,942 South Bend 1.767,938 1.424,231 +24.8 21.171,045 25,241,429 -16.1 306,844 381,294 -19.5 594,251 - 1)583,538 Quincy 2,275.718 2.121,153 +7.3 25,696,054 24,102,246 +6.6 493.780 421,701 +17.1 636,344 t.

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