NO 'C a t j sOle C ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETT EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Metropolitan Boston - Northeast Regional Office ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI Governor TRUDY COXE Secretary DAVID B. STRUHS Commissioner October 30, 1998 Dr. Sandra Korrick RE: Air Data Channing Laboratory RTN 3-0277 W. R. Grace and MBTA Brigham & Women's Hospital 181 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Dear Dr. Korrick: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of October 5, 1998, please find enclosed the materials which you requested. Included is air sampling data and a risk characterization related to air in the MBTA Alewife Station tunnel, and ambient air monitoring data for the adjacent W. R. Grace site in Cambridge. If I can provide additional information which might benefit your investigation, please contact me at (978) 661-7730. VeYtruly yours, triciaM. Donahue Chief, Audit Section Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup cc: Data Entry/Files This information is available in alternate format by calling our ADA Coordinator at (617) 574-6872. 205a Lowell St. Wilmington, MA 01887 @Phone (978) 661-7600 * Fax (978) 661-7615 * TDD # (978) 661-7679 1) Printed on Recycled Paper t -it 43or MBTA ALEWIFE STATION HEALTH RISK CHARACTERIZATION STUDY DRAFT FINAL April 1992 prepared for Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Boston. Massachusetts prepared by Stone & Webster Civil and Transportation Services. Inc. Boston. Massachusetts Arfher 0. LMie. Inc ;:fl Part - ~.r' r-eve. Mass: -:e ~ :c e ' 5 ~- Sepremherj11, 1990 Mn Ravnad Apkariza Facibne En.neering Manager Massacnuseas Bay Transpornuun Ad'arity Baiding #2 '1 Arlinga Avenue Chariestown, MA 02129 Re: 64891 Dear Rav- En response w the rcuesr of tie MBTA Gxneral Manager. Thomas Gen. .ta D. Lric, - - Inc.. is alesed to subtr the foUowing inrem reort of our oingOu enrronmeMi oacr wMestganon a: AewWin Saion. Program Status To dar, the Athur D. Lie project team has coipleted five odor survevs ar Alewife Stot The wre couductd on Apii 2, April 5, April 24. May 25 and July L. 1990 diring both nora1 operating hors and off-hoam Samples of air and war we cancnred dnring several of thee sr-veys and remmed to ou labormones for both scensry and - - chariel analysis. A smmnary of samples collected and me pi-pose or which they were colected is provided as Table 1. As a rzesit of these efforts, we have: (1) charctetized the types of odors present -Eini the Station Comle- (2) associated a subsr of these odors with dhe workers' - .- desmpdons of complint odors; (3) identified isopropyl sulfide as the pacipal oarooond assomed with the "crpLait odorz nd (4) deerined that his cxocand is present in both the waer inflranng the anoe wall and that conmined in the mnnel drainage system. Subsequent rddirinnal efforn andertaken at your request have icludad the following:. - The coilecion and analysis of the tap water from the employee lunch --c to help the MBTA kddress the Cnen's Union's coner regrting possible contminadon of the staon's poable water supply. - A compur-idni serh of the chemical limrat reports about the propctas, cccaurce and halth effects of isopropyl sulfide to determine wheter or cot this compond, by iself, reprmes a potad ttat to the health of the MBTA cmployces and ridexs - A nrg was held ax Arthur D. Lnit on May 30, 1990 to discuss our progress inrrim ndimngs and progrm direno This rrding was requested by the MBTA on behalf of the Commonwealth of Masmchnsem, Deparunent of Labor & ndnties, Division of Occupaional Hygine, Mr. Joel Weddig. an Industial Ju -2 / -9 3: 21 P UorcionA I r-Jua i I ty buLA o/U Iz.)a GORDON AIR QI JALrTY CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 5239 - 6 Minton Road Billerica, Massachusetts 01821-5239 Tel (978) 663-9213* Fax (978) 670-1332 December 17, 1997 Project No. Boston Carmen-01 Mr. Frank Madden Boston Carmen's Union Local Division 589 295 Devonshire Street Boston, MA 02110 Dear Mr. Madden: On November 19, 1997, representatives of Gordon Air Quality Consultants, Inc. performed a series of air, water and sludge tests in selected locations of the MBTA/Alewife subway. Co- located testing was performed alongside with Rizzo Associates who are the MBTA industrial hygiene representatives. The purpose of the testing was to determine the presence and the concentrations of a list of target compounds in the air, the water and the sludge. The following sections of this report outline the scope of work, the methodologies used to sample and analyze the air, water and sludge and presents the results of the tests along with our comments and general recommendations. I. scope Of Work The scope of work was well defined. Specifically it involved performing the following tasks: 1. Test the air in 2 locations to determine the presence and concentration of the following compounds: Acetone Benzene Chloroform Ethyl acetate Hydrogen sulfide Methylethyl ketone Naphthalene Trans,1,2-dichloroethylene Trichloroethylene Toluene Vinyl chloride I- -- --a.-:.7 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority SAFETY DEPARTMENT 21 ARLINGTON A VENUE BUILDING 2 CHARLESTOWN, MA 02129 FAX #617-222-5127 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL TO: AI T bMi Ht-u: COMPANY/DEPARTMENT: -be--P/ 6 kJ Q FAX PHONE: 0c7y ) WC 7 6S FROM: F I CY y,ke13mzO TELEPHONE #: (K n-) 2ZU- S 'K / .C - \ COMMENTS: IwY~ SVqGLQy PAGE / OF L DA TE: / T Y~tqr~o~c Q,-. rrr7rr,? J,,r '-' To P,r W-2..t Ptrtn fnS 7t9C_ 7J juN ItM DEP/NC;THEAST v2 GION WWUYIURN, MASS. RESULTS OF THE AMBIENT AIR SAMPLING AT THE ALEWIFE PROPERTY Prepared for W. R. GRACE & COMPANY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS TRC Project No. 3816-F31-00 Prepared by: Richard T. DeCesar, Ph.D. Walter A. Klinger Project Manager Eric A. Pearson Senior Consulting Engineer February 1988 TC Environmental Consultants 800 Connecticut Boulevard East Hartford, CT 06108 (203) 289-8631 A TX Company I DEP/NORTHEAST VEGIY WOSURN, MASS, AMBIENT MONITORING AT W.R. GRACE ALEWIFE PROPERTY Prepared For: Haley & Aldrich, Inc. 58 Charles Street Cambridge, MA 02141 Prepared By: Samuel Cha Project Manager Greg Taylor Field Engineer TRC Project No. 5248-C31 TC February 1, 1989 Environmental Consultants 800 Connecticut Boulevard East Hartford, CT 06108 (203) 289-8631 A TX Company 3u1-'27-98 03:23P GordonAirQuali ty 508 670 1332 P. 01 11 1 gORDON AIR QUAUTY CONSULTANTS, INC PO. Box 5239 - 6 Minton Road Billerica, Massachusetts 01821-5239 Tel. (978) 663-9213 - Fax (978) 670-1332 FAX C O V E R S H E E T DATE: MONDAY, 7127/98 TIME: TO: Pat Donahue PHONE: DEP/BWSC FAX: (978) 661-7615 FROM: David Gordon PHONE: (978) 663-9213 GAQCI FAX: (978) 670-1332 RE: REPORT Number of pages including cover sheet: 16 Message Dear Pat: Attached, please find the report from November 19, 1997 tests performed by Gordon Air Quality Consultants. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, David Gordon P.E., ClH. QEP *Jul-27-98 03:23P GorconAirfQuality 508 670 1332 P.02 GOR DON AIR QUALITY CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 5239' 6 Minton Road Billerica, Massachusetts 01821-5239 Tel (978) 663-9213 - Fax (978) 670-1332 December 17, 1997 Project No. Boston Carmen-01 Mr. Frank Madden Boston Carmen's Union Local Division 589 295 Devonshire Street Boston, MA 02110 Dear Mr. Madden: On November 19, 1997, representatives of Gordon Air Quality Consultants, Inc. performed a series of air, water and sludge tests in selected locations of the MBTA/Alewife subway. Co- located testing was performed alongside with Rizzo Associates who are the MBTA industrial hygiene representatives. The purpose of the testing was to determine the presence and the concentrations of a list of target compounds in the air, the water and the sludge. The following sections of this report outline the scope of work, the methodologies used to sample and analyze the air, water and sludge and presents the results of the tests along with our comments and general recommendations. I. scope of Work The scope of work was well defined. Specifically it involved performing the following tasks: 1. Test the air in 2 locations to determine the presence and concentration of the following compounds: Acetone Benzene Chloroform Ethyl acetate Hydrogen sulijde Methylethyl ketone Naphthalene Trans,1,2-dichloroethylene Trichloroethylene Toluene Vinyl chloride 1 ul-2'-98 03:23P GordonAir-Quality 508 670 1332 P.03 2. Take 2 water samples and analyze the samples for the following target list: Acetone Benzene Chloroform Ethyl acetate Total Sulf ides Methylethyl ketone Naphthalene Trans,1,2-dichloroethylene Trichloroethylene Toluene vinyl chloride 3. Take 3 sludge samples and analyze the samples for the following target list: Acetone Benzene Chloroform Ethyl acetate Total Sulfides Methylethyl ketone Naphthalene Trans,1,2-dichloroethylene Trichloroethylene Toluene Vinyl chloride 4. Take swab samples from selected surfaces inside the tunnel to determine the presence and identity of microorganisms. In addition to the target listed compounds, we asked the laboratories performing the analyses to identify and quantify all of the organic compounds present in the samples. Also, we were authorized to take swab samples from selected locations to determine the presence and identity of mold. II. Methodology i. Airborne Volatile organic compound (VOC) Identification and Quantification The identity and concentration of airborne Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs) was determined by drawing a sample of the air to be tested through a tube filled with a specially purified tri-matrix media which efficiently collects VOCs. The samples were thermally desorbed into a gas chromatograph which separates the compounds and 2 GORDON A IR QUALITY CONSULTA NTS, INC, *Jul-E7r-98 03:24P GordonAirQuality 508 670 1332 P.04 passes them Into a mass spectrograph which breaks down the VOCs into their individual components.
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