Oklahoma Vs. Devils-In Miami! • ••• . • * • • .See Story On Page 8 JEfjt JEotoer of Campus TOlousijt ani) Action ®fje 9ttbiflkC(irotiide Volume 53, Number 21 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Tuesday, November 26, 1957 Honor Code Fate Determined In Vote Today Music Of Five Centuries Polls Will Remain Open Until 7 Tonight Who's Who Names N.Y. Pro Musica Antiq ua In Lounges Of East, West Campus Unions Fifty-Three Men, By TOM BEST To Appear Here Tonight Voting on the honor code continues this evening in the Women For '57'58 East Campus Union and in the West Campus Student Union Tonight at 8:15 p.m., the New York Pro Musica Antiqua, a combined vocal and instrumental group under the direction of Thirty senior men and twenty- lounge. The polls will remain open until 7 p.m. Noah Greenberg, will bring the music of five centuries to Page three senior women will repre­ MSGA and WSGA urge every student to vote. Vice- Auditorium. sent the University in the 1957- 58 edition of Who's Who Among President of MSGA Winter Wright, who disapproves of The program is sponsored by the Student Forum and East Students in American Univer­ the proposed code, has issued the following statement: Campus coeds may use their Student Forum tickets. Individual sities and Colleges. "Regardless of whether one favors or disapproves of the tickets for this performance will be $1.50. The coeds selected are Bar­ Pieces will include, late medieval Burgundian and English bara Ann Barksdale, Sue Mar- honor system that has been presented, I think he owes it to -*music, French chansons of the Iene Bevans, Ellen Bradley, Ju­ himself and to the University to*— — Renaissance, early Italian Ba­ dith Elizabeth Brugh, Mary Irv­ vote according to his inclinations. 82 Trinity Men Fail roque music, Elizabethan Ayres. ing Carlyle, Elizabeth Bailey English instrumental music and "The MSGA SU To Bring Ferrall Davis, Clara Katheryne Hale, has presented Junior English ExamEnglis h madrigals. Mary Elizabeth Hanford, Alice this code in the Two years ago the New York Carol Herndon, Margaret Ann belief that the To Talk December 17 According to figures just tabu­ Pro Musica Antiqua was organ­ Hicks, Jennie Lee Holt, Eliza | students have lated by Dean Charles Johnson's ized to bring the music from beth Leigh Jordan, Constance the right to The controversial novelist and office, 202 Trinity College men 1200 to 1700 back into circula­ evaluate it and critic, James T. Ferrall, is sche­ McKnight Malmar, Dorothy duled to speak here on December passed and 82 failed the Junior tion. The group collects, veri­ Robbins McCall, Charlotte Ann declare the English Exam. One paper re­ fies, translates, and copies the selves once and 17, according to Jim Berteh, McDougal, C a r 1 e s e Carolyn HI I chairman of the Student Union mains to be graded. ancient works into modern no­ Mott, Frances Louise Page, Eli­ FERRALL tations. It also reconstructs and Educational Affairs committee. Students who failed the exam nor Jane Perry, Diana Lee for all. are assigned to English 33, a re­ restores ancient instruments. Ferrall's talk will be a com­ Risien, Anne Romberg, Marian "Therefore, regardless of mentary relating the social, li­ medial course meeting ten hours Greenberg, who founded the Carol Swartley, Ruth Elaine a week. The student must at­ group, is choral director at tho which way the vote goes, i' terary, and economic aspects of Szekely, and Mary Valliere the 1920's and the 1950's. tend at least three hours each Mannes College of Music in New Taylor. should include the firm convic­ York. He was awarded a Gug­ Ferrall has been the center week. The men who will be listed tion of every student on campus.' The results of last year's test genheim Fellowship for study in of controversy since the ap­ Medieval and Renaissance mu­ Who's Who are Lawrence An indication of campus-wide pearance of his Studs Lonigan were similar to the one taken Jacob Alster, Ralph Willet opinion on the honor code, made books in the 1930's. His honest this year. Out of 275 men who sic in 1955. This group of American mu­ Barnes, Jr., Barry Kent Blech­ in a Chronicle polling of a cross- naturalism has caused his writing took the test last year, 203 pass­ man, William Mercer Boyer, to be cited by differing critics as ed with 72 failing. sicians include harpsichordist section of East and West Cam­ "among the most significant con­ Paul Maynard and soprano Jean Richard Greene Burton, Clifton The exam is given to all stu­ Ranee Cleaveland, Donald Hayes puses, implies that the code will temporary works" and "the lava­ dents failing to make at least Hakes who studied with Paul be rejected on West Campus by tory side of literature." Hindemith at Yale University. Clement, Jr., Darryl Wade Cope­ a 'B* and 'C or the equivalent land, George William Domhoff, almost four votes to one but that of such in English 1-2. Students Russell Oberlin has the most un­ usual voice in the group as he Joseph Carr Eggleston, oh East the voting will be close. exempted from English 1 also do Thomas Russell Ferrall, John not take the test. The regulation is one of the very few counter­ Exam Changes tenors in the country. Most of the Edward Jenkins, Jr., Robert In the poll, The University has an­ does not apply to engineering Morrow Longsworth, Harold 247 women said students, who have special Eng­ other performers are graduates nounced three changes in the of the Julliard School of Music Norbert McElhaney, William that they fav­ final examination schedule. lish requirements in addition to Burke Mewborne, Richard Wood and professional musicians. ored the pro- The date for physical edu­ English 1. Morgan, Jerry William Neal, ' code, 170 Matthew Henry Patton, Jr,, Da­ cation examinations has been said that they changed from Saturday, Janu­ First Of Season vid Alonzo Quattlebaum, Jr., did not and 46 James Webb Redmond, Jr., Ed­ ary 11, at 7 p.m. to Friday, undecid- January 10, at 7 p.m. ward Watson Rushton, Fred Sixty-two HANFORD Roukos Sheheen, David William men favored the code; 239 did Engineering 58 has been Concert Band Presents Full Sime, Carl Jerome Stewart, Jr., not and 14 were undecided. changed from room 216 of the Michael Hart Temko, Henry Engineering Building to room Brown Turner, IV, Gene Lewis Tom Ferrall said last week 226 of the same building. VanCuren, Glenn Lambeth War­ about the honor code, "Now all Civil engineering 132 has Program In Page December 5 ren, Lyman Neil Williams, and that needs to be done is to get been changed from rooms 126 Stephen Grant Young. and 216 to room 226. The Duke University Concert The "Prelude and Fugue in them (the students) out to vote." Band will present its annual fall B flat Minor" by Bach will rep­ concert Thursday, December resent the old masters. "Concerto in Page Auditorium. Grosso," by Joseph Wagner, Under the direction of Dr. contemporary composer, employs Lilly Endowment Awards University the traditional form and rhythm Paul Bryan, the band will per­ with a modern treatment of har- form an interesting selection of money and tonal color. The form the music from the late eigh­ employs a small group of soloists $90,000 Grant For Research Projects teenth century to the present contrasted and supported by the day. large band. Soloists for "Concer­ The Lilly Endowment, Inc., The Lilly Endowment Fellows As provided in the grant, a to Grosso" will be William has awarded to the University a will pursue a course of study conference for the summer of Campbell, Patrick Williams, and grant of $90,000 for a number leading to the Ph.D. degree in 1958 is scheduled under the lead­ Martin Buehloj, trumpets; and of projects designed to promote political science and will take ership of Professors Hallowell Thanksgiving Holiday William Bayliss, euphonium. All research in the relationship be­ their minor work in Christian and ^each. The latter has recent­ are freshmen, except Campbell, tween Christianity and politics. ethics and theology. The fellow­ ly collaborated with Professor To Begin Wednesday ships are designed to attract stu­ a sophomore. John H. Hallowell, Professor Richard Niebuhr of the Yale Classes are officially over A section of the band will per- of Political Science, has been dents who have an interest in ex­ ploring the relationship between Divinity School in the publica­ for Thanksgiving vacation from Debussy's "Petite Suite." designated director of the pro­ tion of a book on Christian jects. Assisting him in an ad­ politics and the Judeo-Christian 12:30 p.m. Wednesday and The Italian impressionist Res- ethics. begin again 8:10 a.m. Monday, phigi's "The Pines of Rome" is visory capacity will be Profes­ tradition and to provide training December 1. the source of the concert's finale. sors Ralph Braibanti and Robert to make this exploration pos­ An annual lecture series on The band will play the selection Wilson of the department of sible. some aspect of the relationship Students are reminded that between religion and politics by they will lose two quality The Pines of the Appian Way" political science and Professors The summer research confer­ from this popular tonal poem. Waldo Beach, Robert Cushman ence will enable younger faculty a distinguished philosopher, po­ points for each class cut the litical scientist, theologian, day before or after vacation. The concert will begin at 8:15 and H. Shelton Smith of the grad­ members of the departments of p.m.
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