10,000 Read This Page Daily. Put Your Wants Before Them I People -tr-rr 1 irftjgL, ssr .I'sssgsasssssr wml* LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT story of girls who over-evaluate KWWG Program their ability to master a soldier's SHERIFF'S SALE I bankrupt and transact such other business as come be- job. Miss Fazenda reveals that a THE STATE OF TEXAS may properly Tuesday Afternoon trench-rat is as terrifying to her | fore such meeting. 3 COUNTY OF CAMERON 30 Musical Personalities. as a curtain barrage. Dated May 9. 1932. 17 Business for Sale ~." 3:45 p. m.—News A Weather Re- The picture will show at the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IRA WEBSTER, Referee In port. Queen Theatre today and tomorrow. that by virtue if a certain Alias Bankruptcy. 5-10-lt—4361. FOR SALE: Small restaurant good 4:00 location p. m.—Salon Recordings. Execution Issued out of the Hon- and business. Sacrifice lor 4:15-4:30-Old Timer* Club. CAPITOL | \r- quick sale. Write A68 Herald. orable 103rd District Court of Cam- 4:46 p. m.—Birthday A Anni- Cary Grant, young Parision busi- versaries. eron on the 6th day of I Ann: cements FOR SALE—Moonlight Inn. San to his County 5:00-5:15 Sunshine and Shadows ness jnan, returns suddenly | Juan. Excellent location, good busi- J. J. Clerk of blonde May J032 by Bishop. ness. 5*30-5:45 p. m—Valley Jooatera home to find his beautiful Call lor particulars. A41 said for the sum of 31263 91. 6:00-6:15 Dinner Music ‘Guest Court, wife, Thelma Todd, entertaining Us the Best Test Artists’’ with interest :.t 10 per cent and by FOR SALE: Highway lunch and Roland Young, gay bachelor friend 6:25 GRISHAM'S ICE CREAM cold drink stand. Selling account p. m.—Baseball A Sports. of her girlhood days. costs of suit, under a Judgment, 6:30 We Serve It sickness. Address A62 Herald. Kree Mee Girl. Charlie Rugglcs, Young's wine- in favor of Texas Bank & Trust Co.. 6 45-7:15 Recorded Oaitlea. to smooth Store imbibing pal. attempts of Brownsville In a certain catue Port-Way Drug 19 Business Wanted 7:30-7:45 Evening Reveries. out the difficulty by starting an 8:00-8:30 Dance Record- in said Court, No. 10967 and styled: Request enthusiastic conversation about I WANT TO RENT or lease good ings The Texas Bank Sc Trust Co. of Home Made Bread Young's charming "wife.” tourist camp somewhere in Valley. 8:45 Beckons You San Francisco Ruggles engages Lily Damlta, Brownsville, Texas vs. A. A- Tre- Write box 884, Donna, Texas. 9 00 Sign Off Till 9 30 Wednes- beautiful Parisian actress, to pose vino and Mariano Trevino, placod in 1 B A69 day Morning. as wife. While is Young’s Young my hands for service. I. W. F. Hot every afternoon. Complete as demonstration of kissing Lily a Brown as Sheriff of Cameron line of quality cakes and pastries. 24 Dressmaking Wednesday Morning his "love” in the presence of Grant, County, Texas, did on the 6th day Whether it’s or farm 8 he finds that the kiss is giving him poultry animals, 30 Po; ular Recording#. of May, 1932, levy on certain Fnl Gateway 8 45 a m—Life Insurance Trans- a great big thrill. Lily get* the Bakery Estate situated in Cameron In New Location—*31 Elizabeth DRESSMAKING find one BEST same reaction. After many more you’ll your market cription. County, Texas, described as follows, To Measure — compli- Designing 10:00-10:15 Shop with Sally A parlor-bedroom-and-bath to-wit: Lot 7 Block 91 City of Any kind dresses made—Guaran- is in the cations. wins over place Bujv’ Young finally Brownsville. Cameron County, Tex- teed fit. Men and Boys’ Shirts the winsome Lily, who agrees to a m —Popular Song Re- as. and levied upon as the property Osteopathic Physician and Underwear JM.,0 "This is the commgfc. a real marriage Night” of Trevino and Mariano G. Leather Goods A. A. and Repaired 10:45 a m— Williams— La showing at the Capitol Tuesday. Sherwin Trevino and that c '. the first Tues- E. & O. Karthauser Brownsville Herald's Transcrpitions. day in June, 1932. the same being Foot Specialist 1250 E. Elizabeth Phone 10*R 11:00 a. m.—“Gus” the 7th day of said month, at the 11:15-11 30 Salcn Recording# WEATHER Court House door of Cameron Dr. Amorette Bledsoe 28 11:45 World Book Man-Market Moving, Trucks, Storage j County, 1.. the City of Brownsville, 5 Cromack Bldg. Phone 1540 tod Weather. between the hours of 10 a. Texas, AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, 800 11:00 Noon —Organ Recordings For East Texas: Cloudy Tuesday and m virtue of said m. 4 p. by Washington. Moving and crating. ‘Saving Sue .nd Husband and Wednesday with local of will KODAK Films, and don't forget night levy and said Order Sale. I Phone 421. CM WANT we serve Grisham’s lee cream. ADS |^13:15 thundershowers. sell said above described Real Es- 12:30 p. m -Off until 3 30 p m Light to fresh southerly to east- tate at public vendue, for cash to PORT-WAY DRCG STORE 28 Victoria Moving, Trucks, Storage erly winds on the coast. the highest bidder, as the property Heights read what one our ad- ! Just of of said A- A- Trevino and Mariano regular RIVER 7 Professional FORECAST O. Trevino. vertisers has to about their Movie will be no material Moving Packing say pulling Sidelights There change And In compliance with law, I in the river the next 24 to Dependable Prompt during give this notice by publication, in BENITO 36 hours. Phone S5S STORAGE power. RIVOLY—SAN the English language, once a we?* Due to the large crowds that at- Flood Present ?t-Hr. Il-Hr Bonded Warehouse Stas'* Stage Chang. Ua<t for th-ee consecutive weeks im- Fidelity tended the Rivoli Sunday and Mon- Eagle Pjuss 16 3 5 il.3 .16 mediately preceding said day of and Storage Co. day to see Howard Hughes* dra- Brownsville Title Dears Sirs: Laredo 27 -03 00 .00 sale, in the Brownsville Herald, a Los Ebanos Addition—Phone 103i matic thunderbolt "Scarfac*”, wo Rio Grande 21 2 0 -0.2 .05 newspaper published in Cameron We ran an ad in your paper several are thia over one Company holding plctude Hidalgo 22 .00 County. more day. weeks ago on baby friers. The ad stated Mercedes 20 5.1 -03 .00 Witness my hand this 9th day of _Rentals Paul Court Howe that were 10c each Muni. Osgood Perkins, Ka- Brownsville 18 3.7 -0.7 .00 May. 1932. Opposite they while they lasted. rrn head _a Brownsville Morley and Ann Dvorak W. P. BROWN, Sheriff, Cameron Well, they didn’t last very long after that 63 the cast this Apartments of super producticn TIDE TABLE County, Texas. MOVING ad in We them appeared your paper. sold *8rarface.” and low tide at Point Isabel J. R. Abstracts of Title High By snoeberger. Deputy. JONES TRANSFER & ALONSO APARTMENTS, well fur- It is a searing expose of gang- Wednesday, under normal meteor- all the way from McAllen to Brownsville. 5-10-17-24-3t—4360. Title Insurance nished. close in. Coiner 0th and land methods, climaxed by a cine- ological conditions: STORAGE CO., INC. After such results we are getting good Levee, phone 839. V190 matic account of what might have 01 a. m. IN THE DISTRICT COt RT OF Van High.10 Complete abstracts of title Service—Machinery Moving going to put another lot of these friers on happened to A1 Cop°ne If the gov- Low . 12:32 a. m. THE I NITED STATES FOR THE to all lands in Cameron Bonded and insured MAY-DAY —- ernment had not imprisoned him SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEX- the market through your paper. Am en- Furnished, moderrv Harlingen—Phone 3 o!, clean, hot for income tax evasion. MISCELLANEOUS DATA AS DIVISION. Texas water, Zerozone, BROWNSVILLE County, Edinburg—Phone 3 closing ad for same, arage. $30 00 to -- $40.00. service Sunaet 7 06 In the Matter of Trad bank- --—— today Diego Brownsville—Phone 787 to the same o.ils 139 5:46 Hoping get good results, paid. Washington. Phone QUEEN Sunrise tomorrow rupt No. 440. In Bankruptcy. McAllen—Phone 491 711 "The Mad Parade" cast includes To the Creditors of Said Bank- I am Y104 Dr. H. D. Ruthven _ Evelyn Brent, Louise Fazenda. Irene Though the Netherlands produces ! rupt: Yours very truly, APARTMENT FOlt RENT. Call Rich, Lilyan Tashman. Marceline about 3.000.000 pairs of wooden Notice is hat on hereby given Announces the removal of his E. Oetzel. 1354 after 4 p. Day, Fritzi June shoes an Ralph pi. 2100 Ridgeway, Clyde annually, nearly equal I the 9th day of May. 1932, the said offices from 209 State National and Elizabeth and Helen Is u> meet do- 4 Keating. q lantity Imparted Diego Trad of McAllen. Hidalgo Bank Bldg., to 306 Merchants SETHMAN Loe In this APARTMENTS, dramatic and thrilling mestic demand. Count, Texas, was duly adjudged a National Bank STORAGE Lbanos Bldg. Beautifully furnished, ga- bankrupt, and the first meeting of Phone 612 There is one sure market for all your rage. Very desirable location and his creditors will be held at the exposure, large porches. Reduced office of Ira Webster. Referee in live stock—a market where buyers look summer rates. Phone 72a Apart- Bankruptcy, in the stegman Build- Employment | ment 7.
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