I , BEGD. GOA· II I Panaji, 27th January, 1986 (Magha 7, 19071 SERies I·' No. 43 OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DI\] EXTRftORDI N'f\RY GOVERNM6NT . OF GOA, DAMAN column (3) of the said Schedule for the purpose.of establishment "f Village Panchayat under the said AND DIU Regulation and direct that the Village Panchayat shan have such number of members as are indicated Forest and Agriculture Department in the corresponding entry in column (5)cif'the said Schedule and further direct that the number of the ward' in which a seat for women is reserved shall be Notification the one .indicated in the corresponding entry in 1/15(19)/85-FA column (6) of the said Schedule. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 (i), Tllis Notification shall have effect for the purpose .7 and 9 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Village Pan· of the ensuing General Election to the Village Pan· chayats Regulation, 1962 (9 of 1962), read with the chayats an.d the existing constitution of Village shall . Government Notification No.. 1/15 (6)84-LAWD continue till the date of the said elections on which dated 9-1-1986, I, Denghnuna; Secretary (Co.,opera. date all earlier Notifications under which the Village tion and Social Welfare), Government of Goa, Daman Panchayats had been constituted shall cease to have and Diu, hereby declare that the local areas compri· effect. sed in the village or the group of villages shown in the colUinn (4) of .the Schedule appended hereto to be Denghnuna, Secretary (Co-Op. & Soc. Welfare). the 'Village' shown in the corresponding entry in Panaji, 27th January, 1986. SCHEDULE No. ot the Name ot the Village: declared Total number ward reser- Sr. No. Name of the tOr the establishment of Local area COmprised in Village in terms block of mell:lbers- 'ved fCTr the . Village Panchayat of .Revenue Village/Villages of Pancliayats women 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Tiswadi 1. Goltim-Navelim 1. Goltiin; 2. Navelim 7 5 2. Sao Matias 1. Sao Matias (Malar); "2. Capao; 3. Naroa 5 I) 3. CWnbarjua 1. Cumbarjua; 2. Gandaulim 9 I) 4. St. Estevam 1. Jua (St. Estevam) 9 5 5. Merces 1. Murda; 2. Part of Morombi 0 Grande consists " 'Of waddo Bairo Waddi; 3. Morombi 0 Pequeno; 4. Renowadi .' 9 I) 6. Carambolim 1. Carambolini 9 5 7. Corlim 1. Corlim 7 5 8. Azossim~Mandur 1. AzossiJ;ll'; 2. Mandur 9 I) 9. Batim 1. Batim; 2. Gancim 5 5 10. Chodan Madel 1. Chorao; 2. Ambarlm; 3~ Caraim 9 5 \"" -II. Sao (Agacaim) 1. Sao Lourenco (Agacalm Mercurim). 9 I) 12. St. Andre (Goavelha) 1. Goa Velha 9 1\ 13. Siridao-Palem 1. Siridao-Palem 7 1\ 14. Se-Old Goa 1. 'Panellm; 2. Ela; 3. Bainguinim '0 0 15. Neura 1. Neura 5 I) :2. Bardez 1. Camurlim 1. Camurlim 5 0 2. Colvale 1. Colvale 7 I) 3. Revora.-Nadora 1. Revora; 2. _Nadora 7 I) 4. Pima 1. Pirna 5 I) 5. Assonora 1. Assonora; 2. Moitem 7 I) 6. Tivim-SifSaim 1. Tivim: 2. Sirsaim 9 I) 7. Molra-Nachlnola 1. ·.Molra; 2; Nachinola 9 I) 8,' Aldona 1. Aldpna; 2. Corjuem; 3. Calvim;' 4. Ponolem 9. :; 9. Pomburpa-Olaulim 1. Pomburpa; 2. Olaulim and part of Ecoxim con- sists of house NoS. 1.1 to 1.169 7 5 10. Ucasaun-Paliem-Punola 1. Ucasaim; 2. Paliem; 3. Punola 5 5 ~ lL Nerul 1. Nerul 7 5 .. 12. Saligao 1. Saligao 9 0 13. Guirim 1. Guirim 9 5. 580 SERIES I No. 43·· 1 2 3 4 6 9 2. Bardez 14. Bastora l,"Bastora 7 5 ·15. Parra 1. Parra 7 5 16. Arpora-Nagoa 1. Arpora; 2. Nagoa 7 5 17. Anjuna-0aisua 1. -Anjuna-Caisua 9 5 18,. Assagao 1. Assagao 1 {) 19. Verla-Canca 1. Verla;' 2. Canca 7 5 20~ Oxel 1. Oxel 7 5 21. Siolim-8odiem 1. Sodiem; 2. Gaunsavado; 3. Tropa;' 4. Matna; 5. Pilimbi (Wards of Siollm Revenue Village) 7 5 1. Siolim excluding above wards included in Village Panchayat Siolim':Sodiem; 2. Marna 9 5 1. Dargalim 1. Dargalim; 2. - Sirgal; 3. Arabo; 4 .. Mahacazan 9 5 2. Corgao 1. Corga-o; 2. Deusso; 3. Kanad 9 ·5 3. Arambol 1. Arambol 9 5 4. Paliem 1. Paliem ~ 2; Kiranpani {) 5 5, Morjlm· 1. Morjim 9 5 6. Mandrem" 1. Mandrem 9 5 7. Qerim-TIracol 1.' Querim; 2. Timcol 5. 5 8. Alorna 1.· Part of Revenue Village of Alorna comprising Talan, Khutval, Hassapur 5 5 9. Ibratppur 1. Ibrampur and part of Revenue Village of. Alorna comprising .wado Hankhanem I) 5 10. Torxem 1. Torxein . 5 {) 11. Tamboxem-Mopa-Uguem 1. Tamboxem; 2~ Mopa; 3. Uguem o {) 12. Parcem 1: Parcem 9 5 13. Agarwado-Chopdem 1. Agarwado; 2. Chopdem 5 I; 4. Blcholim 1. Mayem-Vainguinim 1. Mayem; 2. Vainguinim; 3. Aturllm 9 & 2. Naroa 1. Naroa I> {) 3. PlUgao 1. Plligao 5 5 4. Arnone 1. Amone 7 5 5. Cudnem 1. Cudnem 5 5 6. Navelim 1. Navelim I) 5· 7. SUrla 1. Suria (Tarwada, Deulwada, Bhilewada, Joshiw bhat, Kodginim, Barazan, .Kadsalwada, Bha· vifal, Vailem Bayem, Sakailefu. Bayem, MIlaM regalwada, Dergunwada, Ghadtwada, GhodM kaied) 7 5 8. Velguem 1. Velguem (Savribhat, Vandamal, Rumdawada, Bhatwadi, Bandodkar Colony, Goanwada, ValM lowarui, Gaonkarwada, Velguem) 5 9. Pale-Cotombi 1. Pale; 2. Cotombi; 3. Part of Revenue Village Suria consists of Rumod, and Chadvi 9 1o.. Salem 1. Salem: I) 11. Mencmrem-Dwnacem 1. Mencurem; 2. Dumacem 5 12. Latambarcem 1. Latambarcem 9 13. Advalpale 1. Advalpale 5 14. carapur-8arvana 1. Carapur; 2. Sarvaha 9 15. Mulgao· 1. Mulgao 5 16. Sirigao 1. Sirigao {) 17. Maulinguem-CUrchirem 1. Maulinguem North; 2. Curchirem; 3. Van. 5 5,·· Satan -1. Cotorcm 1. 'Cbtorem; 2. Codqui; 3. Velguem; .4.' Sirsodem; 5. Assodem; ·6. 'Siranguli; 7.· Xelpo·Curdo; 8. Malpona; 9. Gaunem; 10. Ambelim {) I). 2. Pissurlem 1. Pissurlem; 2. Cumarconda; 3. Codiem; 4. YaM gurem;' 5. Ponocem; 6. Advoi 7 5 3. Mauzi 1.' Dabem'; 2; Compor-adem; 3. Mauzi-; 4. Naguem; 5. Zorne 5 5 4. Sanvordem '1. Caramol; 2 •. Codvol; 3. Sanvordem; .4. Caram.:. " bolim-Buzruco; 5. Cudsem; 6. Sonal; 7. Pen~ dral 5 5· 5. Dongurli-Thane 1. Dongurli~Thane; ·2. Pale; 3. Naneli;. 4. Suda; 5. Ivrem Curdo; 6. Golauli; 7. Riv'em; 8. Ivrem Buzruco; 9. Choraundem. 7 5· 6. Gule)i 1. Guleli; 2. Dhamshem; 3. Malauli; 4. Conqui- rem I) 5 7. Honda 1. Honda; 2. Sonus·Voivoliem; 3. Saleli; 4. Buipal 7· 5 6 .. Fonda 1. Panchavadi 1. Ponchawadi 7 o· 2. Siroda 1. Siroda 9 I) 3. Borim 1. Borim 9 5 4. Vadi-Talaulim. 1. Vadi; 2. Talaulim 5 I) 5. Durbhat 1. Durbhat; 2. Adpol; 3. Agapur 7 I) 6. Veling-Priol-CUncolim 1. Velinga.; 2. Priol; 3. Cuncolim I) o· 7. Marcalm 1. Marcaim I) 5 8. Cundalm· 1. Cundain;l 7 5 9. Boma-Adcolna 1. Boma; 2. Adcolna 5 5· 10. Tivrem-Orgao 1. Tivrem; 2. Orgao 7 5· 11. Betqui-Candola 1 .. Betqui; 2. Candola 7 I; 12. Volvoi 1. V.olvoi; 2. Part of Revenue Village of Verem . consists o( House N:o. 1 to 57 5 5 13. Verem-Vagurbem 1. Vagurbem; 2. Verem excluding part of Revenue Village' in Volvoi V. P. 7 I) 14. Querim 1. Querim 7 5 15. Betora-Nirancal 1. Betora; 2. Nirancal; 3. Codar; 4. Conxem 7 1;. 16. CUrti-Candepar 1. Curti; 2. Candepar 7. I; 17. Usgao-Gangem 1. Usgao; 2. Gangem 9 5· 27TH JANUARY, 1986 (MAGHA '1,190'1) 581 1 2 4 5 9 7. Salce!e-Mor­ 1. Ambclim 1. Ambellm 5 5 mugao 2. Assolna 1. A.ssolua 7 5 3. Aquem Baixo 1. Aquem Baixo 5 5 4. Betalbatlm 1. Betalbatim; 2. Consua . 5 5 5. cana-Benaulim 1. Benaul!m; 2. Gana; 3. Adsurllm 9 5 6. Cavelossim· 1. Cavelossim . 5 5 7; Carmona 1. Carmona 5 5 8. Chlnchinim-Deussua 1. Chlncblnlm; 2. Deussua 9 5 9. Curtorim 1. Curtorlm 9 5 10. Colva . 1. Colva; 2. Vanellm; 8. Gaudaullm; 4. Sernaba- tim 9 5 11. Seraullm 1. Duncolim; 2. Perseraulim; 3. Seraullm (). 5 12. Chandor-Cavorim 1. Candor; 2. cavorim 5 5 13. Gulrdollm 1. Guirdolim' 5 5 1:4. Dramapur-Sirllm ·1. Dramapur; 2. Sirlim including. the ward of' Odli Modi (Including Forsulam) and Fradilem 5 5 15.. Varca 1. Varca (Chadvaddo. Novangully, Calvado; Raj-­ vode:r:n. Reprovaddo, Laxette, Guneavaddo. Langottem, Primeiro Fatrade, Segundo Fa­ trade, Cobia Pedda, Pedda Dumottem, Ped.da do Meio. Pedda Utordoxl) 7 5 16. Davorlim-Dicarpale 1. Davorlim; 2. Dlcarpale 5 5 17. Loutollm 1. Loutolim 9 5 18. camurllm 1. Camurllm 7 5 19. Macazana 1. Macazana 5 5 20. Majorda-Utorda-Qalata 1. Majorda; 2. Calata; 3. Utorda 9 . 5 21. Navelim 1. Navellm. excludIng vaddos of Odll Modi (in- cluding Forsulem) and Fradilem 9 5 22. Telaulim 1. Telaullm 5 5 23. Nuvem 1. Nuvem 9 5 24. Parada 1. Paroda; 2. Mulem 5 5 25. Raja 1. Rala 9 5 . 26. Rachol 1. Rachol 5 ·5 27. Sao Jose de Areal 1. Sao Jose de Areal 9 5 28. Sarzora 1. Sarzora {) 5 29. Verna-Nagoa 1. Verna; 2. Naroa 9 5 30. VeUm 1. Velim 5 5 31. CorteUm .1. Cortallm; 2. Quelosslm 9 5 32. Cansaulim 1. Cansaullm; 2. Ar~; 3. Quelim 9 5 33. Velsal-Pale 1. Velsao; 2. IssorGim; 3. Pale 5 5 34.0rlim 1. Orlim (Udguelim; Candolem; Palcutta, Demo­ naique, Dessa-Naique, Bironaique, Gulley.

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