Grand Valley State University ScholarWorks@GVSU 1998-1999, Volume 23 Grand Valley Forum, 1976- 9-14-1998 Grand Valley Forum, volume 023, number 07, September 14, 1998 Grand Valley State University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/forum23 Part of the Archival Science Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Grand Valley State University, "Grand Valley Forum, volume 023, number 07, September 14, 1998" (1998). 1998-1999, Volume 23. 7. http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/forum23/7 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Grand Valley Forum, 1976- at ScholarWorks@GVSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1998-1999, Volume 23 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@GVSU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A News letter for the GRANDVALLEY STAT E U N I VE R S IT Y Co mmunity Monday, September 14, 1998 Vo lu me 23 , umber 7 Nursing Profs Tie in to National 'Better Bones Tour' When the dean and several fac ul ty test using the latest ultrasound members of the Kirkhof School of technology. Nursing saw an opportunity to Lorraine Rodrigues-Fisher, dean advance their on-going study of of the Kirkhof School of Nursing, osteoporosis, they decided to mil k it and Nursir;ig facu lty members Phyllis for all it was worth. Gendler, Cynthia Coviak, and Jean The researchers are taking advan­ Manin, will be on hand to coll ect tage of a stop by the Mil k Mustache data for their ongoing osteoporosis Mobil e this Thursday, which features study. The prima1y purpose of the the faces of various celebrities study is to evaluate the va lidity and wearing "mil k mustaches." The mobile reliabi lity of osteoporosis tests used is on a 100-city "Better Bones" tour to with women aged 18 years and teach people about the importance of older. A second purpose of the milk and other calcium products to study is to identify potentia l prevent osteoporosis. The mobile will paiticipants fo r future studies of be at the GVSU Fieldhouse from osteoporosis risk factors, including 11 a.m.-6 p.m. as part of the GVSU d iet, exercise, fam il y histo1y , and Well ness Fair. The Better Bones Tour health status. is sponsored by the Na ti onal Dai1y The GVSU researchers w ill ask Council, the Milk Processor Education adult women participating in the Program and the ational Osteoporo­ Better Bones Tour bone density sis Association. screening to fi ll out questionnaires At each stop on the tour, con­ to coll ect data. Fisher and her sumers can ta lk to health experts and coll eagues will also recruit women assess their risk fo r osteoporosis, a and men for future studies on GVSU researchers, clockwise, are Cynthia Coviak, disease characteri zed by porous osteoporosis risk and prevention. Lorraine Rodrigues-Pisbei; Phyllis Gendlei; and bones, and take a free bone density Jean Marlin. David Frey to Be Executive in Residence At Seidman School of Business David Frey, senio r vice president campuses and stude nts at the Kirk hof Cente r. of NBD Bank, N.A. and offi cer-in ­ through­ Frey will receive an honorary Doctor charge of its West Michigan Divi­ o ut the of Business Administration Degree at a sion, w ill serve as "executive in cl ay o n special convocati on planned fo r Septem­ residence" during the annual Thursday, ber 24, at 4 p.m., at the Eberhard Center. Seidman School of Busin ess Week. September The GVSU community is invited to attend Busin ess students w ill benefit 24. He the ceremony and the reception foll ow­ fr o m Frey's experience whe n he will have ing. lunch with visits classes at the All e n­ The Seidman School of Business is dale and Grand Rapids facu lty members honoring Frey because of his exem­ plary servi ce to the university and continued on page 3 2 Across Campus More Eyes Opened to Laker fu l alternative for those who need a Satu r­ day football fix." Football The remaining Laker home games, which In the wake of the successful Laker w ill be played in Lubbers Stadium, will be Football season opener in Grand Rapids, September 12, 1 p.m., against Northwood; Athletics officials are looking fo1ward to September 26, 1 p.m., against Findlay; future downtown games. October 3, 1 p.m. against St. Francis; A near-sellout crowd at Houseman Field October 24, 12:30 p.m., against Northern saw Grand Va ll ey to p Ashland University Michigan; and October 31, 1 p.m. , against 42-35 on September 3, the team's first Ca lifornia-Davis. Thursday night game . Women, Gender Studies Names "We wanted to make an impact in Grand Rapids, so people w ho might not normally New Coordinator see us play could watch Laker Football and Linda Chown, associate professor of English, has been appointed the new coordinator for the Women and Gender Studies Program at GVSU . The GVSU Forum is published by the Office of Formerly University Communica tions named the every Monday w hen classes are Women's in sess ion and biweekly during Studies the summer. The submission Program, the deadline is Tuesday noon. Send program wi ll publication items to Kathleen Adams, edito r, c/o the FORUM refl ect more cc:Mail box. From off ca mpus, than just a email [email protected]. change in Telephone: 616-895-2221. Fax: then come out to All endale for other name and leadership this year, says Chown. 616-895-2250. Visit FO RUM games," said Athletics Director Tim Selgo. "The Women and Gender Studies ONLINE on the World Wide Web GVSU has booked Houseman Field for next at: www.gvsu .edu/ Program (WGS) currently is at optimal stage season's opener against South Dakota State. for development and growth," she says. "Its Faculty and staff members ca n find an online "Sketches" Grand Rapids Press Sports Editor Bob potential contributions to the university in submission form on the Web Site. Becker noted that the Grand Rapids game terms of academic programs, individual would show area fans that they "won't find student learning - both male and female - a better value for [their] entertainment and its interdisciplinary potentials make dollar," and that "the Lakers offer a wonder- WGS a new field for Grand Va lley." Chown, who joined the GVSU facul ty in 1989, hopes to graduall y introduce the entire campus to the concept and value of the program. Her plans include an all-day conference at Grand Va ll ey, scheduled for Monday, October 5, involvi ng participants from all disciplines and professional levels to explain and investigate the nature and role of Women and Gender Studies now and in the future. The conference is titled "New Dimensions in Women and Gender Studies." continued on page 3 3 Across Campus continuedji·om page 2 Music Professor Wins as recent performances of those works," ASCAP Award said Maril yn Bergman, President and Chown also plans to distri bute a Chairman o f the Board of ASCAP. monthly newsletter on campus, whi ch Robert Shechtman, associate profes­ About 1,500 composers receive will include announcements of activities sor of music at Gra nd Va ll ey State ASCAP awards each year in varying pertinent to WGS, short articles and University , has been chosen as a dollar amounts. reviews of current books, medica l recipient of a 1998-99 ASCAP Awa rd. d iscoveri es, anthropological, historical, The cash awards, from the American Shechtman has written compositions scientific and sociological find ings of Society of Composers , Au thors, and fo r orchestras, cho irs, chamber music, note and interest to the community . films, theatre , dance, multimedia and The Women and Gender Studies electronic sound. A professor at GVSU minor offers an interdisciplinary curricu­ since 1971 , he also directs the ja zz lu m based on the scholarshi p of the orchestra and performs jazz locall y in study of women, men, gays, lesbians, west Michigan. and bisexuals. Students who earn the Professor Produces Second CD minor take a three-course core and four electives. Of Organ Music Phil Pratt, professor of Mathe matics The Women and Gender Stud ies and Statistics, has produced his second minor is intended to acquaint students CD of organ music, titled "Music from with the scholarship on women and the Heart: The Tenth Anniversary gender; to raise awareness of how Concert," a recording of the concert he ca tegori es of gender and sexuality affect gave last December at LaGrave Chris­ and are affected by our everyday lives, tian Reformed Church . The p rogram histo rical currents, social institutions, included several o rgan selecti o ns as science, art, and literature; and to Bob Shechtman rebearses with tbe jazz well as soprano solos performed by prepare students for graduate school orchestra. Susan Heartwell. and/ or careers where knowledge of and Publishers, are granted by an indepen­ sensitivity to gender issues are relevant. The CD is available free of charge. dent panel to encourage writers of To obtain a copy o f the CD o r his first "I think achieving a WGS minor will serious music. CD, titl ed "O rgan Music from the help students look at how people are "The awards are based on the Heart " contact Heartside Ministry, perceived," says Chown, "and how unique prestige va lue of each writer's 54 S. 'Divisio n, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, gender plays an important role in the catalog of o ri ginal compositions as well or contact Pratt through cc:Ma il.
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