
T.... Series, Vel XXIII, No. F~y,J~'30, 1993 Sra\'3O:ol M, 1915 ,Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Seventh Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXIII contains Nos. Ito 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Pri~ : Rs. 6.00 Ia..-w. ENGusH IMJCJ!I!LWfGIJRI . • EM_ V__ AND ~ ...,: ..... ; ,....... '~ • Haa V_ ............. AS AlllftlCJMl'A"I'MI"" ... _ .................J Corri genda to Lok Sabha Debates (English Versi on) Friday, July 3:>, 1993!Sravana 8, 1915( Saka) ~ol _"' ••. _.1"r. ~U..a. Line . No. Read 5 14t f ran below) -a- ASIM 19 18 CHOJOIliRY CHOJll-URY 25 4( fran he low) RAJES! RAJESH to 12 GJL#I1 GHJLJ#. 165 IS( fran below) ~ND T ARM CH':'ND 184 11 SURfSHAHAND SURESHANJ1Nl) -d~ 13 SANDIPA SANDI PAN 3)1 4 &:!NTNA· RATNA 3:>9 13( fran below) KUM.t1R K;JJR 311 ~ fran b81ow) Keep EPF 312 1:( fran below} PUDAR PATIDAR 313 ~ fran helo", RSHJEOER SURENrER 814 9( fran helem) PRTIBHAIEV PRAll BHADEVI 327 1( fran below} BARlRH< BALRAJ 33) 12( fran "below)· VSJNI1iRA VAS] NIl1AHA 341 14 KAZHWAN KASHWAN 351 3 VI HAY VI NAY 38J 8( fran below) CHIMAYANAND CHI M~AYANAND 436 3( frem below) Dr. DiV PAS! NIHJ Dr. KHJ PAS.! NIH1 475 16 SHRI GEORGE PEa;- SHlU GEGlGE NANrES FERNANrES 555 5( frem bel~ Mini Mint 558 11( fran below) Can 01: ai: nt s JCanpl ai nts 564 6( fran bolo~ Bounded about . Bonded Labour CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vol XXIII Seventh Session, 199311915 (Saka) NO.5 Friday, July 30, 19931Saran 8,1915 (Saka) COLUMNS )bill J Reference 1 -2 Iral Answers to Questions: 2 - 40 'Starred Question Nos. 81 to 86 Written Answers to Questions: 40 - 604 Starred Question Nos. 87·to 100 40 - 65 Unstarred Question Nos. 924 to 1031, 1033, 1034 66 -'602 1036 to 1038, 1040 to 1123. 1125 to 1155 ..;:jtatement By Minister 604 - 630 Alleged improiety ot using the information Re :establishment of an industrial township in .India combining Japanese high technology all India's skilled manpower Shri Manmohan Singh 604-607 =>apers laid on the Table 630-635 'Jsiness of the House 635 - 638 ·,)l1servation of Foreign Exchange 639 'nrevention of Smuggling Activities .r::ndment) Bill - Introduced' . t'" he Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (II) GCI liMNS Explanatory Statment giving reasons for immediate 639 legislation by the consesvation of foreign exchange <lnd Prevention of Smuggling Activities (Amendement) Ordinance 1993 Oil and Natural Gas Commission 640 (Transfer of Undertaking and repeal) Bill - Introduced Explanatory Statement giving reasons for 640 - 641 immediate Legislation by the Oil and Natural Gas Commission (Transfer of undertaking and repeal) Ordinance. 1993 Delhi Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Bill 641 - 659 Motion to consider Shri Madan Lal Khurana 642 - 649 Shri SaiJan Kumar 649 - 656 Shri Mohan Singh (Deona) 656 - 658 Committee on Private Members' Bills and resolutions 659 Twenty second Report- adopted Bills Introduced 659 - 662 708 - '110 Special Marriage (Amendment) Bill 659-660 (Amendment of Section 4) by Silri Syed Shahabuddin Constitution (Scheduied Castes) Order 660 Amendment) Bill (Amendment of paragraph 3) by Shri Syed Shahabuddin Old Age Pension and Rehabilitation Bill 660 - 661 by Shri Ram Naik State of Uttarakhand Bill by Shri Indrajit Gupta 661 Unrganised Artists Welfare Bill by Shrimati Girija Devi 662 (III) Constitution (Amendment) Bill 662 (Amendment of Articles 94 and 179) Shri Anna Joshi High Court Allahabad (Establishment of a Pennanent Bench at Ghaziabad) Bill 708 - 708 by Dr. Rameshchand Tomar Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Bill 709·710 (Amendment of Section 13) Agricultural Workers (Minimum Wages and Welfare) Bill 662 - 681 682 - 693 Motion to consider Shri Oscar Femandes 663 - 666 Shri Laxminarain Mani Tirpathi 666 - 667 Shri Thayil John Anjalose 667 - 668 Shri Virender Singh 669 - 675 Shri Kamla Mishra Madhukar 675·6n Dr. G. L. Kanaujia 6n - 680 Dr. S. P. Yadav 682 - 684 Shri Uddhab Bannan 684 - 685 Shri Taj Narayan Singh 685 - 687 Shri P. A. Sangma 687 - 692 Constitution (Eightieth Amendment) Bill 681 - 682 Re: motion Referring the BiD to Joint Committees) the MiniSter of Home Affairs as Constitution (Amendment) Bill 693 -708 (Amendment of article 107, etc.) by Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeya Motion to consider Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeya 693 -700 Shri Rameshwar Patidar 700 -704 Shri Syed Masudal Hossain 704 -708 lOKSABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA Lok Sabha has passed away . last week. FridayJuly30, 19931SravanaB, 1915(Saka) MR. SPEAKERL: We have to collect the information. TheLokSabha Sabhametat Eleven ofthe Clock 11.04hrs [MR. SPEAKER in the Chai~ ORAL ANSWER TO QUESTIONS [E~ [English] OBITUARY REFERENCE Joint Ventures with Bangladesh MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform the House of thesad demise of one of our former colleague, 81' SHRI SUDHIR GIRl: Will the Minister Shri Nihal Singh. of COMMERCE be pleased to state: Shri Nihal Singh was a Member of Fourth (a) whether the Indo-Bangladesh joint and Seventh Lok Sabha during 1967-70 and BusIness Council has identified some specific 19B8-84representingChandualiconstituencyof areas for technical collaboration and joint ven- UttarPradesh. tures between the two countries; Shri NihalSingh, and agriculturist by periu- (b) if so, the details thereof, area-wise; and sion. was a well-known socialist leader. He actively participated in the social and political (c) the terms and conditions for such col· activities. laboration and ventures? Hepassedawayon5JuIy,1993attheseage THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE of63atVaranasi. MINISTRYOFCIVILSUPPLIES.CONSUM- ERS AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC DISTRIBU- We deeply moum the loss ofourfriend and TION A"ND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE I am surethe House will join me in conveying our MINISTRY OF COMMERCE (SHRI condolencetothebereav~family. KAMALUDDIN AHMED): (a) to (c). A state- n)!;nt is laid on the table of the House. The House may now stand in silence for a shortwhileas a mark of respect of the deceased STATEMENT 11.002hrs. (eli Yes Sir. (b) Inthefirstmeetingofthe Indo-Bangladesh The Members then stood in silence for a shOt! Joint Business Council held in New Delhi on 5th while· July. 1993. both sides, linter-alia. decided that the areas for greater co-operation by way of SHRI M KRISHNASWAMY (Vandavasi): investment and jOint ventures with buy-back Shri S.K. Sambantham. Member of the Fourth arrangement should be explored and steps taken 3 Oral AnsW81S JUly 30,1993 OralAnsW81S 4 in this regard, so thatthe adverse balance of Bangladesh; andtheotherfor NationaICentre tradepositiondBangladeshoouidberect"e SBed canbeCXIII8ider8d, Regarting National Centre, as far as possible. The areas identified bybolh IwilhaYemloakinloitastowhethersofor,such the sides were: information is available and at what Composite Textile Mills, SHRISUDHIRGIRI:Mysecondsupple- rnentary is, may I know from the hon. Minister Electronic Goods, as to what are the guidelines on the basis of whichjoinhentu,es,. whoIlyownedsubsidiar- l.eaIher. ies are establishedabroad'? The-part (b) of my question is about the cpII"IIUnoftradeintarmsof l\4)ElEISeffecledwilh Software, .BaI iQIadaIhcUWlgthe last three yearsandthe main items oftrade Dairy Products, Part (c) In view ofth8 fairly large demand . FinanciaJServicesSector. fort.-safilh in India, particulartyWestBengal, ......GovemrnentconsiderimportdhilBa (c) Approvals for Joint Ventureslwholly fillhfromBangladesh? ownedStb6iclarieseslablshed~ on the basis of guidelines laid down by the SHRI KAMALUDDIN AHEMED: Sir, the Government. It was also agreed in the above lnIt"",*,"thaI1hehon. Memberhasa.kedis mentioned meeting, thattheCowdiaanidaal abcU"guidaIines. The guidelines are com- forumforinter-action among ..buIira8cam- montar.... jDinI~abroad.itisabUky . munities of bolh the countieawhet8 probIerns ~ lwilpassonacopyoftheguidelines relatedto bilateral trade andflowclirweetnl8nt mthe hon. Member. can be meaningfully addu •• ad. About volume of trade and the nurnberof SHRISUOHIRGlFI:SIr.lheraply.itseems IemswhichhaYebeenonthe inport and export tlattheGovernmerl*a.tyUlidalstoodthe lItofthetwoCOUl1tries,theimportsoflndafrom imporancecl resortingtocounler-tradewltgh B819adashhawtnotbeenvery~Last Banglesh on a such more higheracate in view ,.,.,the~fromBangladeshwereRs.3, ofthefactthelBangladeahilcu~ 589.279Ia1chs.in 1991-92, itwasonlyRs. 14.6 country and a rnembercl the leis developing latch. and nonaligned nations. In viewclthis. may I know from thehon. Minister ..towhelherJhe TheeIcpodsmBangladeshin 1992-93were number of itemS of trade. asagreedupon, may mocelhanRs. 1,OOOcrore.lnthepreviousyear, be increasE!d?ThIs is apart (a) of the question, itwasRs. 798aore'. So,there isbiggapbelween part (b) of the question is, mayl know whether impor1s and exports. nationaiCentreforTracleWonnationistobeset up for the purpose of dissemination of relevant The Joint Business Council had met in the information to the exporters aOdtracJersof Incia firstweek. They have discussed various mea- and Bangladesh? sures that have to be taken for improving the situation. SHRI KAMALUDDIN AHMED: Sir, these two suggestions· for increasing the number of Aboutlhehilsafish, thehon. Finance Min· items fort trade 8(ld enhancing the tade with isterin his budget speech has a1readysaidlhat 5 Oral Answers SRAVANA 8,1915 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 there is going to be a considerable quantity (d) the manner in which the Govern- of hills a fish being imported from ment propose to deal with the situation? Bangladesh. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SHRI OSCAR FERNANDES (Udupi): MINISTRY OF CIVIL SUPPLIES AND CON- Sir. recently,
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