ii i i , Vol. 4 No. 7 Publishedevery two weeks by studentsst UC San Diego Jan. 23--Feb.4, 1979 Commentary MayorDeclares War on Crime.... Bro wne &_Nas_hSay More Cops MoreCrooks Letthis evidence of ourcomittment to "No Nukes" publicsafety give assurance both to the Jackson Browne and Graham Nash A Rallyfor a Non-nuclearfuture ~’ill officersand to our peopleand give takeplace Sunday. January 28 at noof: warningto criminals. willbe performingin a benefitconcert in BalboaPark’s Organ Pavillion. ]hat thisMonday, January 29th at 8pm.The --MayorPete Wilsoncongratulating concertis to benefitthe Stop Diablo and rally will featurespeakers Helen 7imselffor his hard-line law andorder San Onofremovements. That No Nukes Caldicottand Daniel EIIsberg and music stanceon localtelevision. by the OatsBluegrass Band and Bread& benefitis at theSports Arena. Roses. PeteWilson,da mayor, exposed what must be ~n extremely paranoid UCSD_Supports_DaA:car e.says St’sc o. personalitylast week on localtelevison, nn theannual State of theCity Address. His reactionarypropaganda, thinly disguisedas neighborlysmaltz, was at Childcare Conference times comic,at times repulsively UCSDwasthe site last Fridayof a Presidentand three members of the If( provincial,and overall,frighteningly systemwideUC ChildcareConference StudentLobby. unawarefor theoffice of themayor. BernardSisco, a top aide to UCSD Tm’roriststands guard concerningthe presentsituation and city,"to compensatefor the predicted futureprospects of childcareon UC ChancellorWilliam McEIroy, addressed PeteWilson adroitly observed that populationgrowth of San Diego.What campuses.Despite threats to chiidcareat the conference. Sisco said the "There was no looting during our Mayor Pete proposesfor his newly UCSD,the outlookappears generally administrationstrongly supports blackout."He also stated that "A declared"War on Crime","would effect hopefulon thesystemwide level daycareand has done a lotfor it here. productivitymeasurement of the a manpower increase of some 79 In attendanceat the conference, held The presidentof the UC Student department’s by an independent positionsbeyond the 26 approvedin at the International~Center, were Lobby indicatedfirm support for consultantdiscovered it to be operating October’78 at an increasedcost of directorsfrom all UC daycarecenters, daycare. The Lobby recently sent ata levelof efficiency higher than the rest almost$5 million. representativesfrom President Saxon’s PresidentSaxon a letterof supportfor of thecountry." He alsoproposes the construction of office, the State Departmentof daycarecenters unanimously endorsed Even so, Mayor Wilson’sprimary new policefacilities at a costof $22 Education,State Universityand by UC StudentBody Presidents. concernfor San Diegoin ’79 is to million,even though the bond issue for Community College systems, UC’s It wasannounced that the Trustees of "substantiallyincrease our commitment theconstruction of new police facilities systemwidechildcare consultant and the continuedon page3... wasdefeated. He alsoplans to "adjust" of resourcesfor police protection of our Report & Commentary ArmiiazeInterview part two... continuedon page3... communications Program A rmitage Speaks The CEP (Committee on Educational revised program. TheCEPfeltthat, Policy)met last week, Tuesday January becauseof the scarcityof resources This is the secondsegment of the 16, to discussthe Communications availableto the Communications Program.The facultydemanded that no Program,it mightnot be prudentto add interviewconducted by new indicatdr’ new areas of study. Accordingto stafferslast month. This issue concludes videotaping be done and threatened Barry Hyman, AS Commissionerof Hyman, at that point "Professor Vice Chancellorof StudentAffairs MichaelCole emphasizedhisneed to RichardArmitage’s remarks on the StudentWelfare that, if he didnot turn reorganizationof the StudentAffairs offhis video equipment, this would have teachin the CommunicationsProgram a detrimental effect upon the andthus he foundit importantto include departmentand presentshis comments his researchin the Communications on hisposition-- what he does,and what Communications Program. Hyman continuedon page3... he is expectedto do.In additionwe are finallyturned off the equipment at Bob Rubinyi’s(CSU Co-chair) request. printinghis official/oh description. O A t theconclusion of the series we ,’ill ProfessorMichael Cole, Christy CSU Meets be printinga news analysis placing Dr. Draleand Bob Rubinyiwere pleased Theprospects for the survi,,al of the Apmitage’sremarks in the contextof workwith this person. That’s the way it with the outcome of the meeting, CommunicationsProgram sl’zrted UCSD’shistory and politicalreality. oughtto be. because the CEP did not focus looking better after a long. and Armitage’s remarks are printed discussionof the viability of the program sometimestense, meeting for being verabatimthroughout the interview. How was yourjob’s duties, powers. butrather on wheproblem of integrating "divisive"and "counter-productive." Lastissue, we endedwith a question etc.described to youb.v those doing the two new paradigms(Communication BeforeCole left, however, he didagree to on thereorganization of Student Affairs, hiring? and HumanInformation Processing and holda meetingof the Communications and,specifically, what was happening in Merelythe descriptionthat’s on the Communicationand Culture)into Students Union. The meeting was termsof the StudentCenter Director job description.I, otherwise,people and the StudentOrganizations Advisor have frequently said ’what did positions,to which A rmitagestated that ChancellorMcEiroy, what conditions it wasstill tentative. This statement is did he set downwith youT Actually he interestingin light of therecent Triton didn’t,i said what kind of persondo you Daycare ?s Out Times/Guardianarticle in whichthe want,he saysI wantsomeone who can new StudentOrganizations Advisor workwell with students and who is alsoa manager,who willmanage the funds,in (I) Whatlevel of RegistrationFee shouldbe spentto maintainthe current positionwas described. In his answer to size (34 childslots) and serviceof the CampusDay Care Center? thatquestion A rmitage stated that "no the sensethat, apparently, there’s a actionhas been taken by me...without historyhere of overspendingbudgets (Choose One) consultingwith the AS president,and andthat sort of, in thepast. A. 0% of total Reg Fee Budget($0) frequentlyother leaders of student So the t’hancelh~rhad no .wet’(/~c B. Presentlevel of support--.6%of totalReg Fee Budget(currently opinion,SA A C committee,"prompting expectationsfrom you except tl~o.~e? $25,000) thefollowing question. We didn’tdiscuss any particular issue, C. Not to exceedi% of total Reg Fee Budget(Currently $42,000) ni: Have you consultedthe Graduate exceptthe issue of retentionand creating D. Not to exceed2% of total Reg Fee Budget(Currently $84,000) StudentCouncil and the Graduate a betterclimate where students would be (2) If thereis a facilityfor an expandedDay Care Center, what shout’d be the StudentUnionrepsin that regard? happierhere in their out-of-class, out-of- maximumamount of Reg Fee money spent to operateit? Armitale:Don Strebeland I, Carlos library life--becausehe’s quite (Choose One) Segre,are frequentlyin consultation concernedabout the retentionhere on about--we--thejob descriptionof the campusand ways of finding,of getting A. 0% of totalReg Fee Budget($0) .new,what I ’considerto be theprinciple at, why-~ifthey are non-academic B. 1.6% of totalReg Fee Budget(Currently $68,000) coordinatorof studentprograms and reasons-students are not as happyhcrc C. 2% of totalReg Fee Budget(Currently $84,000) activitiescampus-wide, was heldup 6 to as theymight be. Designingprograms D. 3% of totalReg Fee Budget(currently $126,000) 8 weeksbefore we couldget concurrence withtheir help. (3)Should staff and facultychildren be alloweda certainnumber of slots betweenthe Graduate Students. the AS, Are you looking into po~.~ihh, academicreasons? the DaycareCenter in proportionto the non-studentcontribution to the the StudentCenter Board, and this Day Care CenterBudget? (For example,this year federalC.E.T.A. funds office.And we finallysigned onto the Yes,the provostsare doingsuch a made up approximately19% of the Day Care Budget.Under the aboverule, versionthat they, the student groups, studyright now, in whichthey do point broughttogether. They are involved outhat surveys we do haveindicated that this would have meant 19% or 6 slots of the 34 slots could have been centrallyin, as now,and will be in the perhapsthose are overriding. Butthere is availablefor staff or facultychildren.) searchcommittee and hiring procedures. a question,a general question, of r, oclal yes no And,I pledgedthat I willnot, just as I environment.As a numberof graduates The referendumis currentlyscheduled to takeplace during seventh week would hope that they would not, I havepointed out which is verydiflicult of thisquarter. The abovequestions were released to us lastweek as thefinai willnot offer the position to someone to put your fingeron. What do they versionof the questions. who will not be acceptableto the meanby socialenvironment" thelack ,~t udentswho are involvedand haveto <.ontinuedon page4 2 F-Commentary... A Letterto Paul... Wilson Day Care 3 continuedfrom page i... The L_ te rs Continuedfrom page one Thisletter was sentto Dr. Paul theState University and College system Sahmanto aid him in his attemptto AS Frolics San Diego’s capital improvement haveallocated administratve funding to Graduate
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