BULK RATE U. S. P~slaq. PAID ALBANY. N. Y. 413 NORTH PEARL STREET Permit No. 1648 ALBANY 1, NEW YORK Form 3547 Requested This excellent Patient Education piece "Mr. Grimes is a Success" -a colorful 1 I" x 17" folder perfect for your office. Offered to you through the courtesy of your Ticonium Lab­ oratory listed on the inside. is sent to you with the compliments of your TICONIUM LABORATORY tic March 1959 of recent Committee Meetings .. "; however, in the minutes of the Senate hearings there are no re­ CHOOSING ports from Bristol-;\lyers.* The director also stated TIC ~ that their data in support of their claims are "quite A MAGAZINE FOR valid" and therefore they are loath to accept some of DENTISTS A PRACTICE-BUILDING the negative comments voiced by certain speakers. DENTAL HYGIENISTS Company: Lever Brothers Company. DENT AL ASSIST ANTS LOCATION Product: Pepsodent, Stripe. Ingre dients: Irium is the same foaming agent as Editor, Ipana's \VD-9-sodium lauryl sulfate. Joseph Strack in the public a greater awareness for dental care hy Advertising claims: "You'll wonder where the yellow Contributing Editors, their vast amount of ach·ertising. 00 0000 COal] went, when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent." Arthur H. Levine, D.D.S. Dentistry'S spokesmen recognize there is some o 0 D " Irium fi ghts tooth decay." "The best-tasting way Joseph Murray, D.D.S. II [j substance to this argument, but say that dentistry'S c to fi ght decay." "Stripe's Hexachlorophene seeks own program of dental health education should not Art Director, fJ iJ £J q out and destroys germs even in the tiny crevices be underestimated. They say the manufacturers Edward Kasper where no toothbrush can reach." could do a much more effective educational job by BY CHARLES P. FITZ-PATRICK ADA charges: There is "no evidence that supports emphasizing, not minimizing, the basic princi pIes of March 1959 Vol. XVIII No. 3 these claims." Once again the Association pointed the profession's educational program-proper use of CONTENTS out that the efIectiveness of a substance in a test the toothbrush, brushing immediately after meals, "vVhen a practitioner's temperamen t equips him to fit his oper­ tube, this time hexachlorophene, docs not mean it reducing carbohydrate intake, and so forth. CHOOSING A PRACTICE-BUILDING ations into an uncommon but above-average opportunity, he LOCATION will be effective in the mouth. The Association It would he of benefit to all if the government set A dentist explains how he benefits his patients and himself by accepting the challenge." commended the majority of ads for Pepsodent which up standard techniqu.~s for testing dentifrices tha t built a practice "more Sllccess­ Eighteen months ago the young eastern dentist who offered this fully and faster hy purposely played up the cleansing value rather than the cura­ "mild be acceptible to dentistry and, hopefully, the avoiding a 'plush' location .... " opinion had selected a ground-floor, former store property in tiYe properties. manufacturers. In that way the major point of con­ SCIENCE, THE NEWS, AND , rhich to es tablish his practice. Company 1'elmttal: Lever Brothers reported that in­ flict, evaluation and interpretation of various test­ THE PUBLIC The dentist's choice was based on the conviction he could build If you have ever wondered formation on Stripe's effectiveness would be included ing procedures, might be resolved. Then perhaps what the public l'eaction is to more successfully and faster by purposely avoiding a "plush" loca­ in an article describing their tes ting procedure to organized clentistry and the dentifrice manufactur­ dental and other health news, tion that, he feels, is uninviting to a certain type of prospective determine the reduction of oral bacteria. This arti­ ers, along " 'i th the National Institute of Dental R e­ you will find the answer here. 3 patient. During the year and a half since he opened his office door cle appeared in the Joumal of the American Pharma­ search, could develop a format of cooperation that THE NEW DEPRECIATION he has convinced himself of the soundness and profitableness of ALLOWANCE ceutical Association. might point the " 'ay toward a truly caries-preventive If you purchased any equip­ his theories. The flow of patients to the dentist's chair has in­ After thousands of v 'ords of testimony by the AD A den tifri ceo ment in 1958, read this-and creased steadily. sa ve tax dollars. 4 spokesmen alleging false and misleading advertising 446 Clinton Place His office, attractively styled to give it an interesting and pro­ Newark 12. :'\ . .1, LUNCH HOUR and by representatives of m anufacturers defending A dental wife makes a plea to fessional appearance, is surrounded by small retail stores on a their advertising-what conclusions can we draw keep the dental assistant's business street in a residential area. The section is populated by lunch hour inviolate. 5 from this controversy? The subcommittee recog­ those drawing incomes [rom mechanical trades, civil service, cleri­ nized the fact that lhe Federal Trade Commission A CENTURY OF PROGRESS: DENTAL EQUIPMENT cal and sal es employment. :\fost of the families to whom the dentist was not discharging its statutory responsibilities to A pictorial story of the devel­ has exposed his services have moved up considerably on the fi nan­ halt or prevent deception in the advertising of den­ opment of the dental instru­ ment case through the years. 6 cial scale within recent years. They are moderately well-educated, tih-ices. The commission pleaded lack of resources A FIRST IN THE MIDDLE EAST: A NEW although many still cling to the idea that the professional m an is to do the job properly. The ADA suggested that the SCHOOL OF DENTRISTY aloof and the fe es he charges are likely to be based on the exclusive­ jurisdiction over the advertising of dentifrices be A photo-story of the Dental ness of his working surroundings. "You must take dentistry to I School of the Hebrew Univer- transferred from the commission to the Food and I sity in Israel. 8 this segment of the population," the dentist insists. "These are Drug Administration. It was further recommended ~o~o$o Ti WHAT THE ADA MEANS TO YOU the men and women more inclined to procrastinate than to tele­ that scientific proof of claims made by dentifrice The story of what the Associa­ WE-- GIVE phone for a dental appointment." manufacturers be required, as proof of claim made tion does for the public and GREEN the dentist , . 10 These are challenging conditions, the dentist admits, but in by cigarette manufacturers is required. Finally, it STAMPS THE DENTIFRICE BATTLE numbers and in ability to pay for professional services this "native "'as recommencled that a code of fair advertising Q An account of the ADA's fight stock" portion of the population represents an almost untapped practices for dentifrices be established and that ap­ E) against misleading claims made by toothpaste manufac- source of high dental office r evenue. In his own case he is aware propriate legislative committees of Congress con­ turers. 13 of a reversal of some former conditions. His comings ancl goings sider "whether statutory changes are required for ~ PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY TICONIUM in the business area have made him known personally to many of more effective enforcement action in the field of 413 N. Pearl St., Albany L N. Y. '-'............. those who shop in the section. This has contributed to destroyi ng false and misleading advertising." COPYRIGHT, 1959 the "aloof" myth. His office is seen regularly by hundreds who J\'lanufacturers claim that they have awakened TICONlUM DIVISION CMP INDUSTRIES, INC. make purchases in the neighboring stores. The result is famili­ the public's need for oral hygiene and have instilled ALBANY. NEW YORK arity that generates more and more acceptance of the services the ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50 * These research reports were reviewed by the Association in _3='''- JOH. tJ dentist offers. Particularly satisfying to the young dentist is the preparing its testimony. Opinions expressed by contributors to TIC fact that many of his new patients have no history of regular visits magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. BY Page Sixteen TERSEY PRINTING CO .. BAYONNE. N, 1. Page One tic March 1959 March 1959 tic to other practitioners. He says, "The upward turn that might be supposed. With the first patient he for ten years by the Association in the ad with the ficed scientific integrity for the sake of commercial in my practice is not reflected unfavorably in the treated the dentist aimed at a pay-after-each-ap­ fluorides used in drinking water. It also stated that expediency." offices of fellow dentists." This, he argues, m eans pointment arrangement. There have been some ex­ studies made with toothpas tes containing fluoride As to Gleem, objection is made to the fact that that both he and the profession generally are bene­ ceptions, of course, but this is the policy on which showed no beneficial effect. Besides, the fluoride the ad makes a "direct attempt to discourage a fi ting. he continues to operate in all possible cases. "Credit used by dentists in the office, or as tested by the U.S. sound dental practice" -that is, the brushing after In commenting on the healthy growth of his prac­ men told me that those in what is sometimes called Public Health Service, was a greater percentage than every meal instead of once a day. Furthermore, tice the dentist points out how impulse decisions the lower middle class who are employed are among that used in Brisk and was applied in concentrated there is no evidence of the effectiveness of one brush­ have added several dozen families to his patient the best credit risks," the dentist explains.
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