NOVEMBER,NOVEMBER, 2020NOVEMBER, 2020 2020 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF RICHMOND REGION ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA. It’s Not a Dodge, It’s a Dodge Brothers .............................. Inside Front Cover, pg. 8-9 From the President, Debbie Nolen .............................................................................. 3 Upcoming 2021 National Activities ............................................................................. 4 Best In Show, 1933 LaSalle owned by Jim Wilson ....................................................... 5 ODMA Show and Tour Schedule Moves Forward to 2021 .......................................... 5 A World of Rumble Seats, Carburetors & Pin Stripping ............................................ 6-7 See a small Beautiful Old Gas Stations Were A Neighborhood Gathering Point..................... 10-11 sample of Reggie Nash’s The Automotive Gold Rush ................................................................................... 12-13 Auto Picture Card Collection from Minutes of October Meeting ..................................................................................... 14 1950’s bubble gum packets. Pg. 16 Cars and Corks at Maymont ...................................................................................... 15 - NOVEMBER, 2020 - OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF RICHMOND REGION, AACA It’s a Dodge Brothers, page 8-9 Raylene & Mike Harton 2 - NOVEMBER, 2020 Halloween will of these being DPC vehicles. I am sure this will be a probably have come very successful event and National AACA deserves and gone by the huge kudos for going the extra mile to make it hap- time you read this, pen once again! Because the site is contained, it was after 8o degree easy to put effective COVID controls in place. I have weather, the leaves heard it called “Hersheyburg” and it will truly be a are falling and the air special occasion for all – I can’t wait! RV Region OD- has taken a sudden MA Meet at Natural Bridge has been tentatively turn colder straight into scheduled for June 12. Pencil the date in your calen- the season of Thanksgiv- dars! More information to come. Debbie Nolen ing! Despite COVID 19, a few Our next club meeting is scheduled for Thurs- club functions and other local events have been suc- day, November 5th, 7:30 pm at Belmont Recreation cessfully happening. We had a strong turnout on Center. The highlight of this meeting is the annual Thursday, October 1 for our club meeting at Bel- election of our officers and board. Brian Munsey, mont Recreation Center. Around 25 masked mem- Chair of the nomination committee and fellow team bers were present in the socially distanced ball- members Jim Wilson and George Duke, will present room, enjoyed masked conversation and just being the slate and conduct the election. As with the Na- present. After status reports, we enjoyed each oth- tional Elections, please attend and make your vote er’s company and a Sunday Afternoon with the count to select and show support for your Richmond Classics presentation on the Corvette – An Ameri- Region leadership moving forward into the future can Icon! and 2021! We look forward to seeing you all then! Brian and Lisa Munsey and Tommy and I par- November brings to us reasons to be thankful ticipated on October 3 in the first Classic Car and to take time count our blessings. Every day Cruise 'Round sponsored by Hanover, Henrico, when we think reports of sickness, event cancella- Chesterfield and Colonial Heights Recreation De- tions have stopped, they pick up yet again. Frustra- partments. 42 classic car owners traveled the morn- tion abounds, but stop! “Think Happy Thoughts” – ing through each jurisdiction receiving cool swag/ you make the choice every day on what kind of day goodie bags at each location. Some present were your day will be. Is it positive or is it doom and even lucky enough to win nice door prizes at the gloom? Someone once said “Train yourself to find a end of the run. Well done and lots of fun! An excel- blessing in everything” and throughout this COVID lent fun run hosted by Brian and Lisa Munsey ex- time these thoughts have proven true. Realign your plored Powhatan County on October 17. An inter- thoughts – think of something that you are grateful esting mix of 8 vehicles from the Nash’s a '34 Pierce for, stay busy, work on your cars, talk with a friend, Arrow Limousine to The Munsey’s 1994 Mustang practice safe distancing with PPE and enjoy a safe made the tour and we finished with lunch at the meal in a restaurant. I truly believe that we are not River City Diner. On October 18, the Dinwiddie put into a situation that we cannot overcome. Seeing Virginia Motorsports Park hosted the East Coast the light in the midst of darkness is a lesson we all Chevy Show (The former Super Chevy organiza- should learn, not only during this difficult time, but tion) a well-attended two-day event that was open all the time. Stay focused on the good and making it to all GM vehicles. We went on Sunday with our better. It can only go up from here! 1961 Pontiac, enjoyed the day of drag racing, show I for one am grateful for all my blessings, includ- cars with some spectacular customs and were even ing all of you within our Richmond Region family! lucky enough to win the Best Pontiac award. Stay safe and enjoy this season of thanksgiving no It’s my understanding that the Special AACA matter what presentation it may have for you in Fall Meet on November 7 in Gettysburg, PA will 2020!! Debbie have around 600 cars in the show, with about 175 - NOVEMBER, 2020 - 3 2021 National Activities For obvious and understandable reasons, the this will still mark the 75th anni- 2020 car season has been a bust. Restrictions imposed versary of the revival of the Glid- across the country to combat the coronavirus pan- den Tour and include special activ- demic resulted in the cancellation of most public activ- ities to commemorate the occasion. Mark McAlpine ities including car shows and tours held by the AACA Our host regions and chapters Vice Presdent and other local and national car clubs. have worked hard to plan and organize some fun The AACA still has two national activities activities for us to enjoy. planned for the remainder of 2020—the Grand Na- tionals in Gettysburg, PA, on August 21-22, and the Feb 11-13 ......... AACA Annual Convention .........................Philadelphia Eastern Fall Nationals in Hershey, PA, on October 9- Mar 17-20 ......... Special Winter Nationals ......................... San Juan, PR 10. Each of these shows has been tailored to ensure Mar 19 ................ Special Grand Nationals ........................... San Juan PR the safety of our members. (While I’m looking forward Apr 8-10 ........ Southeastern Spring Nationals .................... Concord, NC to the car show in Hershey, it will seem strange with- Apr 20-23 ....... Southeastern Divisional Tour ...... Howey in the Hills, FL out the swap meet.) 2021 will be better. The coronavirus should be beaten into submission May 6-8 .............. Central Spring Natoinals ............................ Auburn, IN by then, and things will begin to return to “normal”— May 20-25 .................. Founders Tour ...................................... Davis, WV whatever that may look like. The 2021 AACA nation- Jun 2-5 .................. Eastern Divisional Tour............ Eastern Shore of MD al activities calendar is very robust with 10 Nationals/ Jun 12-19 ........... Eastern Spring Nationals ........... Saratoga Springs, NY Grand Nationals scheduled and 6, possibly 7 tours Jul 11-16 ........................ Vintage Tour .......... Lock Haven/Wellsboro, PA (depending on whether the cancelled 2020 Central Jul 22-24 ..................... Grand Nationals ............................ New Ulm, MN Divisional Tour is rescheduled to 2021). Aug 20-21 ............ Western Fall Nationals .......................... Loveland, CO The Vintage Motor Car Club of America Sep 9-11 ........... Southeastern Fall Nationals .................... Greenville, SC (VMCCA) has rescheduled the cancelled 2020 Revival Sep 12-17 ......... Revival AAA Glidden Tour .......... Saratoga Springs, NY AAA Glidden Tour to September 12-17, 2021, in the Oct. 6-9 ................. Eastern Fall Nationals ............................. Hershey, PA same originally planned location of Saratoga Springs, Nov 4-6 ............. Special Western Nationals ........................ Phoenix, AZ NY. Although it now won’t be 75 consecutive years, Nov 7-10 ............. Western Divisional Tour .......................... Phoenix, AZ DOUBLE EAGLES Cole and Clay Fuhrman became Eagle Scouts with Troop 736 back in February. A certain virus got in the way of conducting their Court of Honor, where they receive their medals and certificates, until September 26. Two additional Eagles were also recognized. Members of the Richmond Region AACA have been a great help along their trails. In the early days many purchased popcorn and Christmas wreaths that supported camping trips and equipment. Mor- ris Cameron supplied trucks, trailers and teepees on numerous occasions. Dayton Leadbetter volun- teered his shops for Pinewood Derby car produc- tion and later served as Project Coach for Cole’s and Clay’s Eagle Projects. Reggie Nash received an Eagle Mentor pin from Clay for skills development, working on restoration projects. Becoming an Eagle Scout is a rigorous process, only a small percentage of Boy Scouts achieve this High- est Rank. Both Fuhrman boys are also Order of The Arrow members, (the National Scout Honor Socie-
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