MTURDAY, OCTOBER 1% iw £ Ctf^ning l|tiralit . V A v u r Y * Ru need for dough, after all tbsae Parents Theme tuttA oooo mnr i n years, but, we share with an older Oat. IT, 1961 A b ^ t Tow n generation their exettamsat at see­ Bushey-Johnson Nuptials Hearji Along Main Street ing him ride again, and we wish Of Youth Panel U dm U iy Pellet wni n e tt tetner* o a 11,669 row « i • a.m. to fln lA week on tt t him well. A m w ' MtOitr.flrtploet it tkt' Plnlty St. “ Pareata A n Hunan” will bs And on Som e o f Manche$ter*$ Side Streele, Too Man’s Beet Friend? X4i N. Main N t riMOtliw n n g t. Thla wiU bt fot- ths thsms of a qussUon and an- HiL m -oottv M anehester^A City of ViUage Charm lewidlhr Uitet ptocOpt on tht Because we have lost track of awsr panal dtecusaion to bs hsld by a lot of .weeks (not weekends, if' The five Narees King, renovating or building a new ths Msthodlst Youth FsUowship of you please) this year, we feel it ths North Msthodlst Church to­ H u rtguUr nuntlily mttUnc o( In front of the Manchester Me-T'h'ifch edifice. appropriate at this time to catch morrow for fellowriilp Insmbsrs VOL. LX X m , NO. I I an Paus 16) MANCRB8TER, CONN^ MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 ^ 9 5 3 (SIXTEEN PAGES) tht Mancbtattr ItaUan-Amtnetn morial Hospital there is -a little up on one of them that bit the na­ and on OcL 35 for ths parants find Neste ‘Onttod’ tional scene about a month ago. Sodety win bt btM tottuxrow mt 3 sign with an afrow pointing in the We'vs all bsen tempted from BMmbsrs comUnMi. r n U M A M ^ p.n. at tht homt on Eldridgt fit. We hke the Idea of a national direction of the clinic rooms housed time to time, when faced with one A chairman will prealda ovtr An mtmbtra art rtqutattd to at­ deg week bedauae man's best teur pansi msihbsra as tbsy try to f PLASH BCIJW. OASES, HartiwI Un K H M tend tbte Important mtotinK. there. These clinics are sponsored of those annoying forms we have friend, eo-called, deserves more 0 Movnes, rAim to fill out, to kid the thing along answar qusstlona submlttsd to DiiUes Airs by the Public Health Nursing than passing notice simply beesuss Uism by ths audlsnes. a hit. he quite often can prove to be leaa H u Oonntetlcut Branch of tht Assn, and the work is carried on ; Pansi,members for ths discus­ Mational Women'! L ta fu t of tht The firomen in Roswell, N. M., than a friend and take a nip out by the nurses of the organization. | sion tomorrow will bs as follows: United fiynagoKut of Am trlca .wiU had some fun aith bne report of your leg or a huge bite out of Two Die, IQ Hurt W est Three Once a week on Mondays there | hold It! annual ten oonfertnet next form and if any local fire fighters your pocketbook. Ruth Gkylfrsy. chairman, Tom China Reds Take is a pre-natal clinic, on Tuesdays, I feel frisky, they can take a lead Fsnn. Boo Lewis. Marilyn Beebe Wednetday. Oct. 31, at the Adath tonsil and adenoid clinic, and on I If you don't get the Idea, you— Itrael Synacogue, In Middletown. from the western smoke eaters. and Sue Croasen. Hte worship ser­ PHONE Fridays, chest clinic. Twice a I not your dog—may end up need­ vice will he lead by Ruth God­ Peace Hope H u fiiaterhood of Temple Beth ' When making out a report on ing a lawyer, saya Saul Pett, AP WASHER ■ o - o - a n month on the first and third Wed- j a tree-top blaze, the Roswell de. frey. In Flaming Plano Bholom, which la affiliated with nesdays a tumor clinic is held, and': newsfeatures writer. Pett,writes; thla organlxatlon, would like aU partment entered the word “birds” As every year goea by, there are The purpose of this discussion is thoae Intereated in attending thla on the alternating Wednesdays a ' on the line calling for occupants. t« promots a batter iindsrstandtng Wfisbington, Oct. 19 well-baby clinic la in session at the more atate laws and more judicial REPAIRS all day. conference to contact Mra. And speaking of firemen, may­ decisions around the country to ot parants* dsclstona to ths youths Secretary of Stste Dullsa re­ Herbert U eb by Monday for reaer- Community Y. be the local departmenta should md also to ersaU harmony bs- turned today from the West There is also a well-baby con­ protect the 22 million dogs in this Crash at vatlona for tencheon and tranipor- get rid o f those poles they slid tween parents and children. For Korean Peace ference in the hospital clinic rooms country from people. Three Foreign Mioieters con­ taUon.' down to get to the ground floor. Almost every state, according to on the first and third Tuesdays of Out in Nevada City. Calif., the POT-LUCK SUPPER ference in I^ndon, and pre­ each month. Once a year a the Gaines Dog Research Center, New York, Oct. 19 (ffV--An Eaa^em^irlinea Conatellatkm dicted that reeultfi helpful to­ The Grand Temple, Pythian file- city council has voted to do away now makes it a criminal offense to Group C. Center Church women ---------» ---------------- --------- ■ terti win convene 'nietday. Oct. 20. diphtheria toxoid and vaccination with the bright' brass firehouse will opta the season with a pot- with 27 persons aboard crafihed in Tlamea after taking o ff ward world peace and securi­ clinic is held for pre-school chil­ ktlt a dog simply becausa ha tres­ Copgressman Dodd Addressiss Ixical Kiwaniaps at the Hotel Garde, Hartford. It pole and seal out the hole be­ passed on yhur pralierty. luck supper in tbs Robbins Room from fog-ahrouded Idlawild Airport at 12:66 a.m. (EST) ty will flow from the' talks win be the 08d annual aeaalon and dren who have no family doctor. cause: at 9:15 p.m. Tuesday. Talaphona today. Two of 22 paaaangert abdaiti the 4-«ngined craft were Information about any of these Just this year Arkansas Joined there. win open at 9 a. m. Mra. Carmen Firemen's feet are bruised upon committees have not yet been kilted. At least four others wej "We had a very aatiafactory rx- Insist on several other statea in making it POTTERTON'S Burleigh, of Center St., wUl repre- clinics may be had by calling the landing. formed, so this may be the only Manchester Public Health Nurses illegal to "dump” or abandon dogs t t e Otater Bt. Oar. ot Injured critically and six chsnge of views which, I think, aent Memorial Temple of thla Firemen bang their elbows as notification ot thla meeting. Assn., 71 Haynes St. along roads and other btecea. ' were treated for burns will produce come resutte of in- town, with Mra. Ethel Ltndaay aa they hurtle through the hole. In Maryland, you now can be leased, Karly reports tercet toward peace and aecurlty alternate. Hie convention will The work of these clinics plus Tito Silent the hundreds of nursing cases and Heat escapes through the hole fined up to (500 and aent to Jail passengers dead. in the future,” he told reporters at cloae with a banquet at 6:80 p. m., and is wasted. for a year for the "unlawful kill­ Two o f tha five crewmen w e re , the airport. Tuetday In the Hotel Garde baU> those of supervision keep the five To List Beaidea. says Fire Chief Ralph ing. maiming, or poisoning of the tejured. Dulles said he would report room. nurses literally “ on the run." In spite of their full days, they find Pierce, the boys get down faster dog of another person, or of ex­ DcndldfintUed On Trieste "firsC thing tomorrow morning" via the stairs. posing poison or grotmd glass with THE ARMY ond NAVY CLUB The dead ,«^«re identified a s ' Mra. Samuel Schora, o f Birch the time to avail themselves of to President Bteenhower. dUferent kinds of knowledge help­ the intent that It shall be taken by George Fiehef, o f Hertford. Corni., \ A new- Western note has been Tokyo, Tuesday,' Oct. 20 Communist China last night St., who with her huaband. apent and Dr. Jdsn Boyondoe. No ad-' ful in their work. dockey Earl Baade dogs.” sent to Moocow proposing that ths aeveral months in Europe during drees was available for Dr. Boyon- Parley Bid accepted a U. S. invitation to start planning the Korean Pence the lata spring and summer, win This month they attended a lec­ W e never were much o f a horse In Louisiana, not long ago, the Big Four Foreign Ministers meat Conference at Pnnmunjom next Monday but the Reds stub­ ture by Dr. Andrew Thomas on racing fan, not even in our college doe. to discuss the future of Germany ahow plcturea and tell of her ex- state court of appeals ruled that A t least four of the Injured were bornly insisted on the right to nettle there who will tnke part perltneea in the British Isles, Tues* fractures and their care. Each days, when it was considered de the owner of a dog who runs Into Belgrade, YugosUvi*, Oct. and Austria at Lugaine, Swltser- month one of the doctors in town riguer for all the campus sports pedestrians while answering his reported in serious condltioii and land, on Nov.
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