Library, Public The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar BOTH CtfHXHK Vol. XXV. No. 27, Whole No. 1981. BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1917. Single Copy Three Cents BOOMING BELMAR F. P. Philbrick FAMOUS MUSICIAN HERE Guests at Belmar’s COUNTY BANKS ISSUE STATEMENTS Work Being Done by the Miller- Eugene Bernstein is a Summer Res­ Margerum Co., Trenton. Passes Away ident of Belmar. Ever Popular Hotels Thirty Institutions in Monmouth County Show Increase of The tract of land that belonged to One of the distinguished summer the David H. Wilson estate, located HAD BEEN IN DRUG BUSINESS IN residents of Belmar is a famous mu­ HOLIDAY BRINGS MANY PEOPLE on our Main street at the corner of BELMAR 40 YEARS sician, Eugene Bernstein. Mr. Bern­ TO THE SHORE $3,700,000 in a Year. New Bedford road, Belmar, was re­ stein and his family came to Belmar cently purchased by that enterpris­ One of New Jersey’s Best Known last week for their second season Columbia Hotel Opening Dinner is 1916, but on that date this year the During the past week the thirty ing land development firm, the Mil- Pharmacists—Had Wide Circle of and are occupying .the Sanford Attended by About Two Hundred banks of Monmouth county have pub­ deposits had increased to an amount ler-Margerum Company, 150 East house, Twelfth avenue and River exceeding that of a year ago. Acquaintances. People. lished linancial statements. These State street, Trenton. road. Mr. Bernstein is very much E. F. Lyman, Jr., who assumed the They are now grading through please with Belmar and says that statements were called for on June Frank P. Philbrick, Belmar’s pio­ The weather all the spring was cashiership of the Belmar bank last what will be 18th, 19th and 20th av­ he enjoys his stays here greatly. neer druggist, passed away last Fri­ very unfavorable to the shore resorts 20 by the comptroller of currency. February at the time Mayor Robert enues, also a street to run parallel Mr. Bernstein, who is a pianist, day evening at his home, F street and while many of the old summer They show that at the close of bus­ G. Poole resigned to take the cashier­ with F street to be known as Mar- teacher and vocal coach, is director and Ninth avenue. Death was due residents returned early to their iness on that date there was a total ship of tlie Merchants’ National bank gerum avenue. The tract is being of the Bernstein Conservatory of to heart trouble with which he had homes in Belmar, others lingered in of $18,995,897.67 on deposit or an of Asbury Park, is an efficient cashier sub-divided into building lots which Music, New York city and at the been afflicted for some time and the cities. increase of $454,641.71 since the time and has the confidence of the many will be 25 feet wide with an average head of the piano department. He is which had confined him to his room Early renting was brisk but many of the last report on May 1, and $3,- who do business with this bank. depth of 125 feet. Granolithic side­ a graduate of the Moscow Conserva­ most of the time since last fall. who had rented paid their rentals 715,503.34 more than was on deposit Mayor Poole, as cashier of the Mer­ walks are now being laid all through tory and is thus a product of the In the passing of Mr. Philbrick but did not take possession until very at the time of the corresponding chants’ bank is making a name for the tract and we compliment this Russian school which has given the Belmar loses one of its oldest bus­ recently. The last two weeks, how­ statement last year which was called this bank and as in the brief period firm on the beautiful appearance world some of the greatest musicians. iness men in point of years in trade, ever have seen a big influx of people for on June 30. of its existence it has attained a which F street already shows. It is He has studies with pupils of Chopin, and a good citizen. He was born in and the houses are now pretty well On another page is printed the remarkable growth, having on de­ worth the wiiile of any of our town Czerny, Kullak and Liszt and there­ Manchester, N. H., sixty-five years filled up. statement of the First National Bank posit June 20 $178,340.30, or an in­ people to visit this property and see fore carries with him the rich heri­ ago and came to Ocean Grove in On account of the severe rain Tues­ of Belmar which stands sixteenth crease of $33,569.31 since May 1. what this hustling firm is doing as it tage of the past masters. 1876. One year later he came to day prospects of a big crowd in town in rank. This statement shows the As usual the Asbury Park and Ocean is surely a big help and bound to While very young, he had the good Belmar, then Ocean Beach, and es­ on the Fourth were poor but Old Sol deposits to be $493,025.18 which is Grove bank heads the list of Mon­ bring the attention of the outsiders fortune of playing before Anton tablished the drug business which burned away the mist early Wednes­ a gain of $18,144.28 since the May 1 mouth county banks. The following to Belmar and the future prosperity. Rubinstein, and on that occasion, the he conducted in the same location day and every train into Belmar statement. This is, however $3,234,- table shows the deposits, loans and This property is all high and dry great composer was so impressed by continually until the beginning of brought a crowd and the hotels en­ 65 less than the deposits on June 30, discounts of the thirty banks: and an ideal all-the-year round loca­ the lad’s performance that he became this year when on account of his joyed a good business. tion. his admirer and friend thereafter. Loans and failing health, the business was in­ The opening dinner at the New Deposits Dicountss Lots on this tract are going to be Mr. Bernstein prizes among his corporated as the Philbrick Drug Columbia hotel last Saturday evening Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank. 2.528.491.02 $ 2,067,118.52 offered at auction and the first sale good friends, wdio pay tribute to his Red Bank Trust Co............................. 2,275,308.99 1,003,788.64 company with Mr. Philbrick as its was a big success, covers being laid days will be held July 12th, 13th and attainments, the late Rimsky-Korsa Second National, Red Bank......... 2.016.940.02 1,398,831.82 president. Mr. Philbrick was one of for 200 persons. Among the guests llth , each afternoon at 2 o’clock on koff, Arensky and Tschaikowsky; be­ Seacoast Trust Co......................... 1,250,990.33 1,075,391.95 the oldest pharmacists in the state were Governor Walter E. Edge and Long Branch Trust Co....................... 1,090,700.46 482.074.30 the property. During the sales, the sides such living composers and ar­ and during his active years had a his entire staff consisting of Col. Farmers National, Allentown........... 791.838.72 223,250.35 Miller-Margerum company will give tists as Glazounoff, Scriabine Rach Citizens National, Long Branch....... 759.427.01 688,181.45 wide circle of acquaintances Myron Robinson, Col. Mahlon Mar- away a line of very costly presents, maninoff, Josef Lhevinne, Mark Ham- Farmers and Merchants, Matawan... 720,131.26 261,732.02 throughout the country. He was for gerum, Col. W illiam T. Read, Lieut. a few of which are now on display in bourg, a classmate of Mr. Bernstein’s, Keyport Banking Co........................... 718,347.25 435.834.32 many years Borough collector and Fiegenspar, Maj. James Hayes, Col. Asbury Park Trust Co........................ 576.535.73 368,483.40 the windows at their office at 701 Chaliapine, Enrico Caruso and Bonci at some time during his career had Schaufller and Adjutant-General Bar­ Freehold Banking Co......................... 520,744.50 323.578.31 Ninth avenue. The giving away of and in the chamber music field he 506,259.41 310,647.29 filled nearly all public offices in Bel­ ber. Ex-Governor Stokes, State Freehold Trust Co............................. these presents is an advertising fea­ has been associated with every play­ Long Branch Banking Co.................. 495,017.93 451.769.65 mar either through election or ap­ Comptroller Newton A. K. Bugbee ture which is the usual custom of er of note in this country, among First National, Spring Lake............... 480.927.16 460,996.80 pointment, and many other distinguished per­ First National, Freehold.................... 465.188.16 258,236.91 this firm, wherever they sell land, them Henry Sehradieck, Leo Schultz, Mr. Philbrick leave a wife, a son, sons were also present. The elegant First National, Belmar...................... 493.025.18 501.470.76 and it might be well to mention that Modest Altschuller and Arnold Volpe William F. Philbrick of Roanoke, Va., dining room was handsomely deco­ Atlantic Highlands National............. 409,141.07 331,607.99 they sell land all over the United During the summer the Bernsteins Peoples National, Keyport................ 402,776.64 197,500.04 a daughter, Miss Sarah Philbrick of rated with palms and cut flowers States, one of their places being a number among their guests many dis­ N.
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