FJVE RUPEES AFFIDAVIT I, N. RAMESH KUMAR, son of NATESAN, aged 29 years, Indian, Hindu, residing at No.18, Anthoniyar Koil Street, Mathalangudy, Kurumbagaram, Nedungadu Commune, Karaikal District, do hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely state on oath as follows:­ 1. That I am going to contest for Member ofLegislative Assembly Election at Thiruanaller and no case is pending against me. 2. That I am making this affidavit in lieu ofNo case is pending against me. 3. That I shall abide by the rules and regulations ofthe concerned Department. 4.That I further declare and confirm that the above deposed statements are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge and beliefand nothing has been concealed therefrom. Solemnly affirmed and signed DEPONENT before the Notary Public at Karaikal on 23-03-2011 ._ , - ~ . ')) . ........ .-· :- - J . ,; 1\il. SFtVAR AJl]. R. A B.1. NOT A~Y "gARAIKAl. ',09 60' LJ §91 8= CZ a= rfi ' (r;:::__cvL~ Affidavit Affdavit furnished by the candidate along with nomination paper before the Returning Qffic~r for election to Puducherry Legislative Assembly from 24-Nedungadu (SC) ~onst1tuency ~RAMESHKUMAR, son of NATESAN Aged 29 years, resident of 18 ,Anthoniar Koil Street, Mathafankmly, Kurumbagaram candidate at the above Election, do hereby tiemnly affirm and state on oath as under:­ R (1) lam a candidate set up by Independent. ~ ~ J\.TiL -Nil­ ,>' etails of PAN and status of filing oflncome tax return : 51. No. Names Permanent The financial year for Total income Account Number which the last shown In Income (PAN) Income-tax return has Tax Return (in been filed Rupees) t. Self - RAMESHKUMAR AXDPR5455J -Nil­ -Nil­ ~. Spouse - KOK.ILAVANI -N il - -Ni l­ -Nil­ -· (3) The following case(s) is/ are pending against me in which cognizance has been taken by the court:- NIL SL Offence Description No. (a) The details of cases where the court has taken - cognizance, Sections of the Act and description of the offence for which cognizance taken : -Not Applicable­ (b) Name of the court, Case No. and Date of order -Not Applicable taking cognizance : Il. ..__ 11,-\ 1\'-/ I Details of Appeal (s) I Application(s) for revision ! \ (ifany) filed against the above order(s): -Not Applicable ! c 4. Cases in which I have been convicted by a court of law(other those referred to in Form 26): NIL \Ca) The details of cases, Sections ofthe Act and description of the offence for I which convicted : -Not Applicable- (b) Name of the Court(s), Case No. and - -Not Applicable­ Date(s) of order(s): I I(c) Punishment imposed : -Not Applicable- l_ ~', Tr.at I give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself, my .pm.me and all dependents: I s. Self Spouse Description Dependent-1 No. RAMESHKUMAR KOKILAVANI (i) Cash in hand ~.32,00 0/ - z.2s,0001­ -Nil­ Details of Deposits in Bank accounts (FDRs, Term Deposits and all other types of Deposits iPuduvai Bharathiar including saving accounts), Grama Bank, (ii) Deposits with Financial INedungadu Branch, -N il- -Nil- Institutions, Non Banking SB Ale N o.90932027 Financial Companies and Cooperative societies and the ~ ~.1 , 000 / - i amount in each such deposit i Details of investment in I,. ...I \ I. 1~ -Nil- -Nil­ -Nil­ ' ") ' Mutual Funds. Details of investment in lnsurmtce I (iv) Poiicies -Nil- -Nil­ -Nil­ .~ ·"•'·~~, 1-1..f( :N ; i I / ,./ ....~=, . -I ! .., .. ,_;/ . .'\ .,, I . ... ', \ \ i .... f ·'> .\., '• . ~ Personal loans/advance given to any person or entity including I (v) firm, Company, Trust etc. and -Nil- I -N il- -Nil­ other receivables from debtors and the amount. Motor Vehicles/Aircrafts/ TVS SPORT I 2009 I Yachts/Ships (details of Make, ! \vi) PY02-581 7/ -N il­ -Nil­ I Registration No. etc, Year of ' ! Purchase and amount ) R s.3 3,000/­ !-( vii) Jewelry, bullion and valuable i Gold 16G Gold 32G I thing (give details ofweight and -Nil­ value) R s.30,000/­ Rs.60,000/­ I viii) Any other assets such as value of Claims/interest -Nil- I -N il- -Nil­ I I (ix) Gross Total value '{.96,000/- I ~.88,000 /- -Nil­ I B. Details of Immovable. asseJ;s: Self Spouse r1 ·~~\ Description Dependent-1 ··~,.,Tu RAMESHKUMAR KOKILA V ANI Agrk11ltural Land Location(s) Survey number(s) -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Area (Total measurement in acres) -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Whether inherited property (Yes or NO) -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Date of purchase in case of self acquired property -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Cost ofLand (in case of purchase)atthe time of -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil­ purchase 1· Any Investment on the land by 1 way of development, -Nil­ I -N il­ -Nil­ 1 ~- - ---,i1-c_o_1_1s_t1_·u_c_ti_o_n_e_tc_. ______-----l-­-­- --­-+l---­-­f-­-­- - ----; Approximate Current market value -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Nun-Agrirn!tu.rnl .L.and I (ii) Location(s) I Survey number(s) -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Area (Total measurement in sq. ft.) · -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Whether inherited property (Yes or NO) -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ Date of purchase in case of self -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil­ acquired property Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil- purchase Any Investment on the land by I -Nil­ Iway ofdevelopment, -N il­ I -Nil­ construction etc. ! Approximate Current market -Nil­ I -Nil­ -Nil­ Value -Nil­ -Nil­ Built up Area (Total -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil­ measurement in sq. ft.) Whether inherited property -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ (Yes or NO) Date of purchase in case of self -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ acquired property i Cost of property (in case of I purchase) at the time of -N il- I -Nil­ -Nil- l-J'.urchase j Any Investment on the I property by way of -N il­ -Nil­ -Nil­ development, construction etc. Approximate Current market -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil- Value (iv) R~:1id~mial ~Yildh.1g11 (including apartments,) -N il­ -N il­ -Nil­ -Location(s) - - Survey number(s) I Area (Total measurement in -Nil­ -Nil- sq. ft.) -N il- I Built up Area (Total -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ measurement in sq. ft.) Whether inherited property ! -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ ; , (Yes or NO) Date of purchase in case of self -Nil­ -Nil­ acquired property -Nil­ Cost of property (in case of purchase) at the time of -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ purchase Any Investment on the land by : way of development, -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ construction etc. Approximate Current market -Nil­ -Nil- Value -Nil­ - (v) Others (such as interest in -Nil- -Nil­ -Nil­ i property) I (vi) Tota! of Current Market i -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ i Value of (i) to (v) above (6) I give herein below the details of liabilities/ dues to public financial institutions and government:­ I I s. Self Spouse Description Dependent-I No. RAMESHKUMAR KOKILAVANI (i) Loan or dues to Bank/Financial Puduvai Bharathiar Ins.titu..ti.Qn(s.l Grama Bank, Loan Name of Bank or FI - Amount - ~.25 , 00 0/ - -Nil- -Nil- Amount outstanding Nature of loan Loan or dues to any individuals/ Entity other than I mentioned in (i) above. I -Nil­ i -N il­ -Nil­ Name(s) ! Amount outstanding l Natureofloan I Any other liability I -N il- i -Nil- -Nil- i I I i I Grand total of liabilities I ~ . 2 5 ,000/- -Nil- -Nil­ I ( (ii) G~n:: ~ rnm~n 1 llu~:1; !, Dues to departments deaiing I - with government I -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ I accommodation I \ ~---- Dues to departments dealing with supply of water -Nil­ -Nil­ - -Nil­ I Dues to departments dealing with I supply of electricity -Nil­ -N il­ -Nil- Dues to departments dealing i with supply of -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ elephones/mobiles Dues to departments dealing \with government transport (including aircrafts and -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ I helicopters) Income Tax Dues I -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil- Wealth Tax Dues -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil- Service Tax Dues -Nil­ -Nil­ - -Nil­ Municipal /Property Tax Dues -Nil- I -Nil­ -Nil- Sales Tax Dues -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil- Any other dues -Nil­ -N il­ -Nil­ I !' r--·--­ I i' Grand total of ail Govt. dues -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ 'L (7) Details of profession oir occupation: a. Self: Teacher b. Spouse: Lab Technician (8) My educational qualification is as under: M .A. B.Ed., (Social Studies) , Batch~2004-05, Pondicherry University (9). ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (8) ABOVE: 1. Name of the candidate RAMESHKUMAR 2. Fu.11 postal address 18 ,Anthoniar Koil Street, Mathalankudy, I Kurumbagaram 3. Number and Name ofthe constituency and state 24-Nedungadu (SC) 3. Name ofthe Political party which set up the candidate (otherwise write 'Independent') Independent 4. (a) Number of cases in which conviction order --Nil- passed (other than those referred to in Form 26) ( c) Total number ofPending cases where the -Nil- court ( s) have taken cognizance 5. PA.1'1' of Year for which last Total Income Shown Income Tax Return filed Self: RAMESHKUMAR-AXDPR5455J -N il- -N il- \ \ 1Spouse: KOKILA V ANI I -Nil- -Nil- ' loependent-1 -Nil- -Nil- l Dependent-2 I -N il- -Nil- 6. Details of Assets and Liabilities in rupees IDescription \ Self \ Spouse Dependent-I Dependent-II , .,;. ·. '.. ' ~MESHKUMAR KOKILA V ANI ) I '· ._ . ~\ - iA.T Moveable t .96,000/- t.88,000/­ -Nil­ -Nil­ i I Asset (Total value) ; B.I I Immovable Asset Purchase Price and Development Cost of -Nil­ -Nil- -Nil­ -Nil­ Immovable Property (Tota! Value) Itii) Approximate Current Market Price of -Nil­ -Nil- --Nil­ -Nil­ Asset (Total Value) 7 Liabiiities (i) Government -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil­ dues (Total) (ii) Loans from Bank, 1 \ Fi nancial Institutions and ~ . 25, 000/- -Nil­ -Nil­ -Nil- i others (Total) 8. Highest educational qualifi cation: M.A. B.Ed., (Social Studies) , Batch:2004-05, Pondicherry University. VERIFICATION l. the deponent, above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, no part of it is fa lse and nothi ng material has been concealed there from.
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