Officer Report on Planning Application: 15/03373/FUL Proposal : The erection of solar photovoltaic panels and associated works and infrastructure, including switchgear, inverter stations, access tracks, security fencing, security cameras, grid connection, together with temporary construction access, compound and unloading area (GR:375703/128694) Site Address: Land West of Tinkers Lane, Southeast of B3081 Cucklington Wincanton Parish: Cucklington TOWER Ward (SSDC Cllr Mike Beech Member) Recommending Case Lee Walton Officer: Tel: (01935) 462324 Email: [email protected] Target date : 21st October 2015 Applicant : Clapton Farm Solar Farm Limited Agent: Andrew Mann Wessex House (no agent if blank) Priors Walk East Borough Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1PB Application Type : Major Other f/space 1,000 sq.m or 1 ha+ REASON FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE This application relates to a 'large scale' major development which, due to its size, must be referred to committee for determination if the officer is recommending approval of the application, which is the case in this instance. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSAL SITE The application is located within open countryside, a little less than 1km north of Cucklington and 1km south of the A303's interchange with the B3081. The application site comprises a single agricultural field under arable production with its eastern boundary adjacent to Tinker's Lane. The site's north eastern corner is close to Tinker's Lane junction with the B3081. The site's western boundary aligns with a Restricted Byway, an historic drove way. The actual extent of the solar panels is contained within the eastern half of the field. The site is enclosed by established hedgerow and located on a plateau falling in a west to east direction. The land to the west beyond the site slopes steeply down, whereat there are extensive views out over the Blackmore Vale, whereas to the east and south is undulating with a gradual slope eastward and again, extensive views. The proposal seeks consent for the erection of a 5 MW solar photovoltaic array and associated works and infrastructure for a temporary period of 25 years. Site access during the construction period would be via the B3081 from the A303. For the duration of the construction period a temporary compound and unloading area together with construction access point, involving widening of the existing field access, will be provided. The works include: Framework and solar panels 0.5m to 2.8m in height with up-right piled supports to a depth of 1.2m. 4(no.) inverter stations comprising several different structures having an overall area extending to 14.7m by4.6 and height of 2.3m 2(no.) switchgear 6m by 3m and 3.27 above ground level. Spares container 2.3m by 1.2m and 2.9m high. Access arrangements off the existing field access 2m high security fencing CCTV on 6m high pole mounted. The grid connection is local to the site, to the south, to be finalised with the landowner, still to be confirmed. The cable will be underground with no disruption to the landscape. The site that is outlined in red extends to 13.3 hectares of which 6.3 hectares will be enclosed wherein the solar array is located. The majority of the site is classed Grade 3b agricultural land while 2 hectares (out of 6.3 hectares on which the solar array will be erected) is classed 3a agricultural land. The application is supported by the Planning and Environmental Report. This includes assessments and the consideration of the following: Site Selection Planning Statement Agricultural Land Classification Report Design Statement Access Statement Landscape and Visual Ecology Cultural Heritage Additional information was submitted during the application process and in response to consultation responses received. This includes: Vegetation management plan Revised landscape (mitigation) planting plan Construction transport management plan Glint and glare assessment Updated LVIA and photomontages to include additional hedgerow planning, additional viewpoints location plan and additional viewpoint panoramas Site Selection and Justification Report Archaeological Evaluation: Interim Report. RELEVANT HISTORY: 15/01091/EIASS - Proposed Installation of a photovoltaic array - EIA not required. POLICY Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004), and Paragraphs 2, 11, 12, and 14 of the NPPF states that applications are to be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. For the purposes of determining current applications the local planning authority considers that the adopted development plan comprises the policies of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 2028 (adopted March 2015). Policies of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) SD1 - Sustainable Development EQ1 - Addressing Climate Change in South Somerset EQ2 - General Development EQ3 - Historic Environment EQ4 - Biodiversity EQ5 - Green Infrastructure EQ7 - Pollution Control EP5 - Farm Diversification TA5 - Transport Impact of new development. National Planning Policy Framework - March 2012: Chapter 1 - Building a strong, competitive economy Chapter 3 - Supporting a prosperous rural economy Chapter 7 - Requiring good design Chapter 10 - Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change Chapter 11 - Conserving and enhancing the natural environment The NPPF advises that when determining planning applications, local planning authorities should: not require applicants for energy development to demonstrate the overall need for renewable or low carbon energy and also recognise that even small-scale projects provide a valuable contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions; and Approve the application if its impacts are (or can be made) acceptable. Once suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy have been identified in plans, local planning authorities should also expect subsequent applications for commercial scale projects outside these areas to demonstrate that the proposed location meets the criteria used in identifying suitable areas. Other Material Considerations: An EIASS application has been considered for the site. This determined that an EIA was not required and the overall scale of the site is subsequently reduced on receipt of the current application for planning permission. CONSULTATIONS CUCKINIGTON PARISH MEETING: The residents of Cucklington ask you to carefully consider and to appreciate the importance of the local heritage and the rural character of this area and allow all visitors to continue to enjoy the area without the imposition of the industrialisation of our countryside. We urge you to reject this inappropriate and damaging proposal. Our principal grounds for objection are:- Profound damage to the well-known visual amenity afforded by this unique and much treasured site which is totally inappropriate for such an industrial intrusion. The Restricted Byway (WN 11/11) immediately adjacent to the west of the proposed development is an historic Drovers road connecting the ancient settlements of Cucklington and Clapton with Penselwood. There is already a great local proliferation of solar developments which will, when completed, surround Cucklington. The boundary location of the site should not be ignored. There are a number of existing developments nearby in Dorset, such as Slaughtergate on the B3081, covering 4.5 hectares, and just over 2 km from Cucklington; Manor Farm (4.5 hectares, and less than 2 km), plus, of course the two sites in SSDC near Wincanton (Hook Valley and Higher Hatherleigh both about 4 km from Cucklington.) This application represents a gross misuse and loss of valuable "best and most versatile" agricultural land and is in a most inappropriate site. The photomontages in the application are grossly misleading as anyone familiar with the site would immediately see, and should not be relied upon. They do not even show the actual site but the photograph appended to this letter do. PEN SELWOOD PARISH COUNCIL (adjacent) objects and believes it may be visually damaging to the AONB. NORTH DORSET DISTRICT COUNCIL - The comments from the Cranborne and West Wilshire Downs AONB Partnership point to an inadequacy in long range views contained within the Landscape and Visual Assessment (LVA) provided by the applicant. There is the potential for solar arrays to be visible from long range views. To summarise, the Council would like to raise concern in relation to the following: The potential impact of the solar farm upon the setting of the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs AONB, The potential for there to be intervisibility between the application site and the existing solar farm at Manor Farm, Silton, The potential for there to be intervisibility between the listed heritage assets within the main settlement of Bourton and West Bourton, The impact of the proposals upon the settling of Bourton, particularly in relation to the right of way that runs immediately north of Bourton and boarders the AONB. BOURTON PARISH COUNCIL (adjacent) objects on the following grounds: 1. The profusion of existing solar arrays in the Wincanton / Silton / Gillingham area is such that any additional solar arrays would impose serious harm to the visual landscape in this area. 2. This solar array would be very visible from the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and from many dwellings within Bourton, West Bourton and Silton. 3. If this application was to be granted, it would embolden developers on the grounds that the landscape in
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