— 207 — MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANTINABLE DISEASES Zones infectées à la date du 12 avril 1958 — Infected areas on 12 April 1958 (Selon les informations reçues au 24 avril 1958 — According to information received up to 24 April 1958) Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire Notifications received under the International Sanitary international concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou Regulations relating to infected local areas and to areas les territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was a été signalée pendant ta période indiquée. reported during periods as specified. * = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 • — Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5, 7 et 9 a)1 : notified under Articles 4, 5, 7 and 9 (a)1: A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each maladie. disease. 1 La date indiquée est celle de la fin de la semaine pendant laquelle est 1 The date shown is that of the end of the week in which the last notified survenu le dernier cas notifié. case occurred. PESTE — PLAGUE Amérique — America Narsingbpur, District . ■ 22.XI.57 Jessore, District................. ■ 18.V.57 30.in-12.IV ÉTATS-UNIS — UNITED STATES Nimar, District........ ■ 25.V.57 Khulna, District .... ■ 18.V.57 Raigarb, District .... ■ 17.Vin.56 Mymensingh, District . ■ 18.V.57 Oregon, State Raipur, District........ ■ 4.VI.56 Noakhali, District. ■ 18.V.57 Afrique — Africa Klamath, County .... B 6.i n Rajgarh, District .... ■ 7.XI.56 Pabna, District................ ■ 18.V.57 Océanie — Oceania Rewa, D istrict........ ■ 25.V.57 Rangpur, District .... ■ 18.V.57 KENYA Sagar, D is tric t........ ■ 11.XII.57 Sylhet, D istric t................. ■ I8.V.57 Central, Prov. HAWAÏ — HAW AU Mathurai, District. ■ 11.XH.57 Tiperra, District .... ■ 18.V.57 Hamakua. District . ■ 14.V.57 North Arcot, District . ■ 30.X.57 Fort Hall, District. B 19.IU Salem, D istric t........ ■ 30.IX.55 CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA South Arcot, District . ■ 11.XII.57 FIÈVRE JAUNE MADAGASCAR 30.ni-12.IV Tanjore, District .... ■ ll.Xn.57 YELLOW FEVER Tananarive, Prov. Asie — Asia Tiruchirappalli, District . ■ 11.XII.57 Tirunelveli, District . ■ ll.X n.57 19.I-12.IV A m b o a n an a ..................... A 12.IV INDE — INDIA Afrique — Africa Calcutta (PA)1 ................ ■ 17.HI.S6 Mysore, State Madras (PA).................... ■ 29.VI.57 Amérique — America Belgaum, District .... ■ 25.UI.57 CONGO BELGE Andhra Pradesh, State BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Bellary, District.................... ■ 28.1.57 BELGIAN CONGO Anantapur, District . ■ 17.11 Bijapur, District .... ■ 21.1V.57 Pernambuco, State Territoire situé au nord du Chittooc, District .... B ll.x n .5 7 Chitaldrug, District . ■ 7.IV Panelas, Mun...........................B 23.XII.57 Cuddappah, District. B lt.XII.57 Dharwar, District .... ■ 2.VII.57 10° S. — Territory North of 10° S............................... ■ 11.XII.56 East Godavari, District . B 17.IX.57 Kolar, D istrict........ ■ 21.XI.56 ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Guntur, District .... B 27.XH.56 Mysore, District .... ■ 27.1 GAMBIE — GAMBIA . * 1.X.56 1 Hyderabad, District . B i9.n North Kanara, District . ■ 22.XI.57 Chimborazo, Prov. GHANA..................... ■ 1.X.56 1 Krishna, District .... B 17.IX.56 Raichur, District .... ■ 19.XU.57 Guano, Cantàn Kurnool, District .... B 11.XU.57 NIGERIA ................. ■ 1.X.56 1 Sta. Teresita, Parr. B 22.11 Mahbubnagar, District. B 8.n Orissa, State Nalgonda, District . B 22.11 SIERRA LEONE. ■ 1.X.56 1 Loja, Prov. Balasore, District .... ■ 21.IV.56 Nellore, District .... B 30.X.57 Cuttack, District .... ■ 8.U SOUDAN — SUDAN Celica, Cantàn B 6.XI.56 West Godavari, District . Dhenkanal, District . ■ 25.1 Territoire situé au sud du Pindal Parr......................... B 8.II Bihar, State Ganjam, District .... ■ 7.VIU.56 du 12° N. — Territory B l.III Mayurbhanj, District . ■ 7.IV South of 12° N .................. ■ 17.XU.56 Asie — Asia Dhanbad, District . Puri, District............ ■ 7.VUI.56 B 27.IV.56 Patna, D istrict................ Sambalpur, District . B l.UI B 7,TV BIRMANIE — BURMA Shahabad, District . Sundergarh, District . ■ 7.m B 7.IV Amériquo — America Rangoon ( P A ) ................. ■ 20.11 Singhbhum, District . Bombay, State Pondicherry, State . ■ 23.Xn.57 BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Mandalay, Division East Khandesh, District . B 30.VH.56 Tripura, State. ■ 30.XI.56 Goias, State Kaira, D istrict................ a 29.m Meiktila, District .... A 5.IV Rio Verde, Mun................ B 9.1 Kolhapur, District . B 27.VI.57 West Bengal, State Nasik, District................ 8 16.VII.57 VIET-NAM Burdwan, District . a 6.11 Mato Grosso, State Baria, Prov. Kerala, State Hooghly, District .... B 22.III Campo Grande, Mun. A 4.H Howrah, District .... B 8.UI Long-Diem, District . B 22.HI Kottayam, District . B 12.IV Malda, District................... B l.III Trivandrum, District . B 25.1 COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Midnapur, District . B 22.IH PESTE DES RONGEURS Madhya Pradesh, State Nadia, District................... ■ 7.IV Antioquia, Dpto. RODENT PLAGUE Balaghat, District .... B 1.VI.57 24-Parganas....................... B 15.UI Sonson, Mun................. A 26.1 16.ni-12.1V Betul, D is tr ic t................ a 7.IX.56 Caldas, Dpto. Bhopal (Raisen & Sehore PAKISTAN La Dorada, Mun. , . A 24.1 Afrique — Africa Districts)......................... B ll.x n .5 7 East Pakistan. A 12.IV Chhindwara, District . fl 29.V.57 Samana, Mun................ A 21.11 Victoria, Mun................ A 20.1 CONGO BELGE Drug, D istrict................ fl 30.V.56 Chaîna (?) ............................ ■ 18.V.57 BELGIAN CONGO Jabalpur, District .... B 1.VIII.56 Chittagong (PA) .... ■ 18.V.57 Mandla, District .... B U.VU.56 Dacca ( A ) ........................... ■ 18.V.57 1 Territoire non lié par le Règlemeni Orientale, Prov. Bakarganj, District . ■ 18.V.57 additionnel du 26 mai 1955 et qui éta.t Madras, State Chittagong, District . ■ 18.V.57 compris dans la zone d ’endémicité amn- Nord-est de Blukwa . A 29.ni Chingleput, District . B n .x n .5 7 Chittagong Hill Tracts, rile. — Territory not bound by Addi­ Coimbatore, District. B 13.XII.57 D is tric t........................... B 4.1 tional Regulations of 26 May 1955 and KENYA Dacca, District................... ■ 18.V.57 previously within the yellow-fever ende­ Central Prov.......................B 22.UI 1 Excl.: Airport Area. Faridpur, District. ■ 18.V.57 mic zone. — 208;— VARIOLE — SMALLPOX ANGOLA RHODÉSIE ET NYASSALAND, Belen de Umbria, Mun. B 2.IU 16.m -12.IV Cuanza Norte, District. A 8.IV Fédération de C a la r c a ............................. B 2.IU RHODESIA AND NYASALAND, Manizales, Mun........... A 16.IU Afrique — Africa Huila, District Federation of Neira. Mun.................... B 23.11 Pijao, M un.................... A 16.IU AFRIQUE ÉQUATORIALE Vila General Roçadas . B 8.UI Northern Rhodesia Quinchia, Mun.................. B 9.IU FRANÇAISE CAMEROUN (Adm. française) Barotse, Prov..................... A 12.IV Salamina, Mun.................. B 2.UI FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA Samana, M un..................... B 16.11 CAMEROONS (French Adm.) Northern, Prov.................. A 22.UI Tchad Western, Prov.................... A 12.IV Santuario, Mun................. A 16.III Bénoué, Région.......................A 1LIU Virginia, Mun.................... A 16.IH Chari-Baguirmi Region . A 17.ID Nyasaland Mayo-Kebbi Region . A 8.IV CONGO BELGE Central, Prov...................... A 12.IV Caqueta, Intendencia BELGIAN CONGO AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE Southern Rhodesia Belen, M un......................... B 9.III FRANÇAISE Equateur, Prov.................. A 29.HI Northern, Region .... B 8.IH San Vicente, Mun. A 16.m FRENCH WEST AFRICA Kasaï, Prov..............................A 22.IH D akar ( P A ) ................ A 8.IV Kivu, Prov.......................... A 22.IH SIERRA LEONE Cauca, Dpto. Léopoldville, Prov. A 29.III Ouagadougou (A). A 24.HI Bonthe ( P ) .....................A 22.HI Rosas, M un........................ B 16.H Orientale, Prov.................. A 29.i n Freetown ( P A ) ................. ■ 7.VUI.56 Côte d ’ivoire .... A 8.IV Ruanda-Urundi................. A 22.IU Cordoba, Dpto. Abidjan, Cercle .... A 31.IH Rest of Colony................. ■ 11.VIII.56 Northern, Prov........... ■ 9.U.57 Aboisso, Cercle .... A 31.HI ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 Cerete, Mun....................... B 9.IH Agboville, Cercle .... A 31.HI South-Eastern, Prov. ■ 9.U.57 South-Westem, Prov. ■ 9.H.57 Cundinamarca, Dpto. Bondoukou, Cercle . A 31.HI GHANA B o u a flé ........................ A 31.m Engativa, Mun........................ B 9.HI Bouaké, Cercle............ A 31.IH Ashanti, Adm. Area SOUDAN — SUDAN Pasca, M un................... B 16.11 Dalao, Cercle..................... A 24.IH Akrokeri, District . A 28.UI Port-Soudan, Zone . ■ 2.VH.57 Puli, M un............................ B 9.IU Dimbokro, Cercle . A 3 LUI Kumasi, District .... ■ 29.1 Gagnoa, C ercle............ A 31.IH Swasarekrom ................. ■ 29.EH Blue Nile, Prov. ■ 13.VUI.57 Huila, Dpto. Pitalito, Mun........................... B QTTT Grand-Bassam, Cercle . A 24.IH Northern Region Grand-Lahou, Cercle . A 3 LUI
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