The Osteopathic Physician July 1902 Vol. 2, No. 2 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) and Michigan Auxiliary to the Macomb County Osteopathic Association May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine SM (formerly Still National Osteopathic Museum) © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO The Osteopathic Physician A MONTHLY NE~SPAPER FOR THE OSTEOPATHIC PROFESSION. VOLUME 2. CHICAGO, JULY, 1902. Editorial Chat. On receiving information from several osteo­ riving the main good from it. When that point paths in Ohio that Dr. Gordon is not entitled was reached it was the logical thing to sns­ Ho for Milwaukee! Hoch del' Pabst! Hoch to sign himself" D.O.," the editor has sup­ pend publication. It was up to the school to del' Schlitz! Hoch del' "Bone Doctors! ' Hoke pressed this ad. and acknowledges his thanks pay a continuous deficit and the trustees did Smith! Hoch everybody--eome and be with for the information. Such incidents go to show not care to continue the drain. us!! Hock your watch-heck your clothes­ the great and growing importance of making The future of all the school journals would hock any old thing, but be sure and be with and keeping a C01Tect and complete roster of seem, therefore, to be problematical. If the us!! ! all regula,r graduates and their addresses. Such schools are willing to pay the bills, their publi­ a'directory has never been compiled and the neg­ cations will live. If each school feels that it These thirty-day schools of osteopathy on the ligence of both schools and praditioners them­ gets enough advertising out of this expense correspondence plan are the greatest 'fa,kes of selves in assisting in this matter makes the task to justify it, these journal.s will continue with the age and are destine~ to bring our science all but hopeless. THE OS'l'EOPATHIC PHYSICIAN or without support from the field. If they are into great discredit if we cannot vanquish them. has prepared for itself by tedious effort and at not good advertising propositions' for the no small expense what we know to be the most schools ,,,hich issue them, it is self evident that First the New York Osteopathic Association, complete and accurate roster of D. O. 's ever they will be of less value to the practitioner, then the Califomia and Tennessee and now mos,t compiled-yet it is far from complete and ac­ and at length must be abandoned. everybody is demanding that the osteopathic curate; thel'e are scores who have dropped It is a question of grave importance to us colleges shall add a third full year to their out of sight and whose whereabouts are en­ all as to what would be the result of suspend­ courlles I Correct-let the good work of elevat­ tirely unknown, and it is not known even ing the SChOOl papers now having combined a ing the osteopathic standard go on! if they still practice osteopathy; while "ery respectable public circulation. Would it , almost every week, by one chance or an­ limit the propaganda work being done for Os­ other, we get letters from "lost" graduates teopathy~ Would the practitioners miss their Our venerable Founder says ·that if two years influence if these papers sho,uld gradually are not long enough to make good osteopaths of one college or another whose names we can not find in our own or any osteopathic directory metamorphose into journals limited to college better take ten than mix osteopathic education life and school interests having only the limited with the traditions of drug medicine. It will be published. This means there has been a great deal of carelessness in keeping up official records circulation of such papers ~ a cold day when the" Old Doctor" strikes his If the support now being scattered 'l.1Dong a colors for any sort of a compromise with the co­ ,and no one can be sure by an appeal to anyone authority whether each of the successive" new" half dozen pa,pers were concentrated upon W horts of Calomel, Quinine, Morphine and Whis­ single publication, which should be in everJ key. stars dawning on the osteopathic horizon are new stars, old stars long lost or pure fakes. respect worthy of circulating generously, en THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN will continue abling the entire profession to concentrate i A Nut to Crack at Milwaukee. its efforts to maintain a live cliredory of D. efforts for propaganda until the whole count It is rumoreil that an application for mem· O. 's and invites the co-operation of every e,ne should be flooded "ith this melimn-'-woulcl ­ bership in the A. O. A. will be made at Milwau­ to this end. Everybody can further this work both practitioners and schools derive ~ kee on the part of certain practitioners who by answering correspondence promptly and giv­ gl'eater benefit than is experienced to were graduated regularly by the Illinois Col­ ing us prompt information whene"er a wolf is the present disjointed effort' lege of :Medicine and Surgery during the life believed to have sneaked into the fold. We think this an unavoidable con of that institution. Some of these practition­ believe that a union of interests " ers have been conscientious stuclents and are to­ a better paper for all; would SCf',,1 day loyal practitioners of Osteopathy. A num­ Death or the Cosn.opolitan Osteo­ opathy a total circulation of -,' ber of them have pursued their work on to the path. ture many times greater than <­ point of graduating regularly in medicine and The Cosmopolitan Osteopath is no more. 1t journals combined now aggreg,." surgery since their two years in Osteopathy. "'as one of the best of the school papers and do fOl.· both schools and practitioners At the time they attended the defunct school will be missed, especially by the graduates of ureably greater good than is now accomplishe there were not less than four graduates of the Des Moines school, to whom it canied "ith prosent operations. A. S. O. iu the faculty, yet there were some ir­ monthly the news of Alma Mater. It was regularities about the school, and a number founded by the late Colonel Conger four years Let us Discuss Our Failures With of "half-bakes" were allowed to escape to dam­ ago and developed a corps of capable writers, Each Otherl age the name of the science. As to the per­ among them Dr. Arthur Still Craig, the la­ It has long been appreciated by the public, sonal worth of some of these graduates there is mented Dr. Wilfred L. Riggs, Colonel A. B. fully as well as by ourselves, that Osteopathic no reasonable doubt. They occupy a queer Sha,,-, Dr. S. S. Still, Mrs. S. S. Still and Dr. clinic reports in the true senM! of the word DO plact before the profession. Already the issue Blanche rrhoburn. NOT EXIST. What we call clinic rep0'J'ts and has arisen in California and elsewhere about The Cosmopolitan Osteopath was founded as print in our magazines are a hodge-podge of recognizing these practitioners. What will the a chool paper; it was designed first, last and "hot air," and personal ad\"ertising in which A. O. A. do about iH all the time to boom the S. S. Still ColJege; it we grant each other the right to advance clid its work exceedingly well; but the expense rhetoricalJy each his or her own personal l"Cpl<: Hard to Distinguish Wolves When and labor of maintaining a monthly organ is tation just as much as possible. :i\io~c of the They Break into the Fold. \"e1'Y great; and, presumably, at last the school time these are -vritten-not in the language of In the last number of THE OSTEOPA'l'HIC PHY­ felt it a relief to abandon the enterprise: clinical reports, but as testimonials, testi­ SICIAN appeared an advertisement for a book ::\lagazines can not be conducted for one's monials more oftcn of the physician as to bi<l entitled "I Suggest Suggestion and Osteopa­ health, or maintained on hopes, or wind. De­ o'vn skill than as regard any definite staterueut thy, " by "W. I. Gordon, M. D., D. 0." Sev­ spite the generous advertisement which the about the patient who is reported to be cured. eral practitioners have remonstrated against Des Moines School got out of its publication, Often they take the form of an "affidavit of the acceptance nf this ad. on the ground that it became too much of a financial burden to cu re" from the patients. ' Dr. Gordon i not a graduate of any reputable cany to justify a continuance; while the Cos­ As a profession have we not overdone this' osteopathic school. mopolit(m, Osteop(£th had enjoyed considerable proposition alld hurt our cause as much or Who this Dr. Gordon is and whether his book '-ogue among practitioners as a meclium for .more than we havl9 helped it by co~eting thus is the least account are not in any ,,-ay known to circulation among patients, it had been evi­ with the patent medicine advertisement writ­ the editor of this paper, and no responsibility dent for months that a school medium, adver­ ers~ When, issue after issue, our papers print is assumed in the matter. The ad. came to the tising mainly a school and infirmary practice, glowing repol'ts of what we have all done, and business department along with a copy of the does not produce the results for the pri"ate at that ovel' our own signatures, isn't it just a book; it looked to the advertising manager ].ike practitioner that a journal edited especially in little likely that the conscientious inquirer ,,~ll readable literature; he supposed that the work hi interests accomplishes.
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