Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 11-25-1959 Herald of Holiness Volume 48 Number 39 (1959) Stephen S. White (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation White, Stephen S. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 48 Number 39 (1959)" (1959). Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today. 928. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/928 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOLINESSHerald of November 25, 1959 (Christ *3^6 the ^ JJ'eacl the (Church General Superintendent Williamson The realization that Christ is the Head of the Church is the secret of its vitality and progress. Implied in this figure is the truth that the Church is the body of Christ. Thus it is distinguished from organizations of men such as societies, associations, and clubs. The Church is a living organism like a body, with all its members and functions under the direction of the head. Head combines the thought of supremacy with that of origination and con­ veyance of life and energy. As its Head, the Son of God is the constant Cause and mighty Source of spiritual vitality to the Church. As the body of which Christ is the Head, the Church receives, expresses, and channels His spiritual life to the world. ‘‘Through it divine grace is pervaded everywhere by His spiritual omnipresence.” Without the Head the Church is a decapitated corpse. But without the body the Head has no medium of self-expression to the world. The Spirit of Christ fills the Church, His mystical body, with wisdom, goodness, truth, and holiness. Paul reminds us that “the body is not one member, but many. If they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body” (I Corinthians 12:14-19). There is diversity but unity. In the Church there is infinite variety among the members, but there is unity in Christ. He brings together the many members with their varied gifts and functions to make the Church a manifestation of the life of God among men. Each member with his consecrated powers contributes to the well-being and usefulness of the entire body. Glory upon one is shared by all. Injury to one calls for the sympathy of all. The health of one strength­ ens all. The sickness of one weakens all. Every member of the Church should be aware that a wound in the body causes Christ the Head to suffer. Christ “is the head of the body, the church: . that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18). The Truly Great 'ralirfftolm ess l\V\\%\V\VW V\\\\V\\\\V>\\\\\\\\\V\\YV\\\\\\\\W \\\\V\\\\V\\\V By ENOLA CHAMBERLIN November 25, 1959 Vol. 48, No. 39 If walking along the street you were Telegram . Whole Number 2483 to ask ten people who in their estima­ tion are the truly great, you would no Kankakee, Illinois—Marion, Ohio, 1 Christ Is the Head of the First Church with Rev. L. L. Zim­ Church, General Superintend­ doubt reccive ten different answers. merman, pastor, yesterday (Novem­ ent Williamson And these answers would vary so ber 8) pledged $8,800.00 on the 3 I Saw the Fire Fall! Evan­ widely that it would scarcely seem “Steps, Doors, and Windows” phase gelist G. Franklin Alice possible that they were replies to the of Olivet Nazarene College’s Develop­ -1 The Whole Armor of God, same Question. Presidents, statesmen, ment Program in response to the Evangelist II. It. Gar, 'in movie stars, kings, artists, singers might challenge of J. Harlan Milby, as­ An Unwritten Letter, Clar­ all get votes and, in many cases, the sistant to the president. This is the ence E. Flynn person named would be truly great but largest amount pledged to date by a 5 God's Light for Man’s Night, often nol for the thing named. For in single church. Nesbitt Hall, new 150- Paul Updike bed women’s residence, is now under 6 Heaven—the Home of the my mind, what one achieves does not roof and work on the interior in Redeemed, Evangelist Hugh necessarily make him great. His great­ progress; $388,651.61 pledged to date Slater ness lies in what he is. on this $450,000.00 project. God is Our God, Grace J. Meyer To be truly great, one must be able blessing Olivet in every way. Exactly 7 The Treasure of Content­ to meet adversity, sorrow, suffering and one thousand students are registered ment, Mrs. J. C. Wallace for the first semester. The autumn This Year I Plan to Give still retain his thankfulness to God. revival with Rev. Donald Snow and Again! George W. Sutton He must be able to endure a long Professor Paul McNutt, workers, was 8 The Abiding Guest, Clyde W. siege of prosperity, of happiness, and oiitstanding. A number of student Rather still continue to hold on to his hu­ applications are already being re­ Cause for Defeat, Walter E. mility. In fact he must meet whatever ceived for the 1960-61 school year.— Isenhour comes his way and not let the outside R. L. Lunsford, Department of Pub­ 0 News in Picture conditions change too greatly the basic lic Relations, Olivet Nazarene Col­ Why People Are Not Personal goodness that is his. lege. Workers, D. Edwin Doyle 10 Thank God for Spiritual Abraham Lincoln, fighting up Light, Bob Breedlove through failure after failure—from l\WVVVVV\V\V\VVV\V\VVV\V\\V\\\\VV\\\W\V\\\\\\VWV\W\\\WVW1 "Hi, l’urty Lady!” Jessie Whiteside Finks poverty to the highest station in Evangelist Charles E. Haden writes 11 If You Incline to Forget God! our country—remaining still just Hon­ that he has left the field to accept the K. Boyle est Abe, is an example of the truly pastorate of the church in Somerset, He Is Getting Us Ready! great. Helen Keller, living out her Kentucky. Alice Hansche Mortenson life in a dark, silent world and yet 12 Editorials, S. S. White being humbly thankful to God for each Pastor J. Donald Freese sends word day, is another. But we do not have from Orlando, Florida: "Greatest re­ Next Week . to go far afield, in either time or space vival in history of Orlando First Church, Holiness: the Heart of the Old to find these great ones; they are all October 28 to November 8. Evangelist and New Testaments, J. V. around us. Roy Vaughn and Singer Paul Qualls, Wilbanks A little girl, oncc asked to write an special workers. Capacity crowds, altars The Shepherd’s Coat, Jean essay on true greatness, wrote of a lined, God very near." Leathers Phillips woman who put out a big washing over a ribbed washboard, only to have her HERALD OF HOLINESS: Stephen S. White, Rev. J. G. Wells has resigned as pas­ Editor in Chief; Velma I. Knight, Office Ed- line break and drop her wet clothes into itor. Contributing Editors: Hardy C. Powers, the mud. Calmly she picked them up tor at First Church in Miamisburg, G. B. Williamson, Samuel Young, D. I. Van- Ohio, to accept a call to pastor the derpool, Hugh C. Benner, General Superin­ and washed them over again. This time tendents, Church of the Nazarene. Published she spread them on the grass to dry. East Broadway Church in Toledo, on every Wednesday by the NAZARENE PUB­ the Western Ohio District. LISHING HOUSE, M. Lunn, Manager, 2923 A dog came along and walked over all Troost Avenue, Box 527, Kansas City 41, but two pieces with his muddy feet. In Missouri. Subscription price, $1.50 per picking up her clothes to be washed After four years Rev. Wayman Davis year, in advance. Second-class postage paid has resigned as pastor at Arkadelphia, at Kansas City, Missouri. Printed In U.S.A. again, the woman stopped, bowed her Arkansas, to accept a unanimous call head, and said a little thank-you prayer to pastor Grace Church in San Antonio, for the two garments left unmuddied. Texas. If you have friends at any of sixth birthday on Friday, December 4. That, the essay said, was true greatness. the air force bases there, write him (310 Those wishing to send him greetings And it was. Any one of us who can l’reston, San Antonio 3), and he’ll be may address him, 1107 Shields Avenue, be truly thankful for two small bless­ glacl to contact them. Fresno, California. ings out of fifty or so that are a great deal less than blessings has achieved a Rev. Bob Lindley, pastor at Loving- measure of greatness. Such a person is ton, New Mexico, has been elected When we follow Christ we find that one of the truly great no matter where president of the Lovington Ministerial the way is narrow only at the beginning. he lives or under what conditions. Association; it represents about 15 co­ On the other side of the entrance the So even a few of those answering your operating churches, and 4,000 members, way broadens and enlarges all along the Question and naming someone of high in this city of 15,000 population.
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