the MMTLET University of Victoria "if nonews is good 'news , then bad ttews'II do" . Vol. 12 No. 12 November 16, 1972 (today is tho first annirorsary of my rosianation as prosldont of tho unirorsityof victoria) .. .- . ." "" 1 Page two the martlet thursday, november 16, 1972 Ali insertions in the Coming Dr. A. Forsyth of the are welcome. moreFor Scene must be received in the University ofNew Hampshire information phone 384-5639. Bacteriology The & Martlet bynoon Monday. Any willspeak on the topic of &n NOV. 19 Biochemistry Club will hold copy receivedafterthis “Selected Attention: a RI their meeting at 7:30 p.m. in deadline will not be included. Psychophysical Approach.” at The UVic Square Dance Club Craigdarroch 206-7. Dr. S.A. 3:30 p.m. in COR 170. is having its weekly dance from Berry will bespeaking on 2:OOp.m. to 5:OO p.m. this week “Clinical Electrophoresis and Membrane Separation,” Mr. only. Members who wish to TheDepartment of Biology contribute food for the Nov. 25 Wai Man Poon will be speaking presents “BAREFOOT ACROSS on “Acupuncture,” and Mr. Nov. 18 Singles Dance are askedto THE WATER”, a photographic contact Brian Hertenas soon as Byron Yashuk will be speaking The UVic Eckankar Campus The UVASC presents an trip toremote places, with on “Renal Dialysis.” possible. remote biological associations. Society presents a special guest instructional Rally starting out I It will be shown in Cunningham lecture by Gary Foster on the at 1:OO p.m. from the Commons The Lansdowne Film Society Subject: “ECKANKAR - THE parkinglot. furtherFor 1018 at 4:30 p.m. is presenting is THE Nov. 22 ANCIENT SCIENCE OF TOTAL information phone 598-1987. COLLECTOR starring wen$ AWARENESS,”today at 8:OO Samantha Eggar and Terrance History students and p.m. inELL168.Forinformation Cine-Centa will showtwo I1 y aura un Reunion du Club Stamp tonight in MAC 144at 7 & 9 professors are invited to attend phone 592-0230. films inMAC 144 tonight. First p.m. Admission is 75 cents. Francais chaque mecredi soira is TAKING OFFat 7:30 p.m. a meetingin COR375 at an 1930 MAC 109.Bienvenue a tous. onlyandat 9:15 THE NIGHT OF unspecified time today. The THEFOLLOWING DAY with purpose of the meeting if to form an association thatwould handle Nov. 17 Marlon.Brando and Richard f%il Nov. 20 field trips,the possibility of Boone will be shown. Admission toone or both films is 75 cents O.F.Y. grants, social activities Cine-Noon presents The Baha’i Faith will be and other aspectsof history not UNIVERSE andALOUETTE in forstudents and$1.00 for general admission. holding informal discussions in currently handledby the ELL 168. the Boardroom at 2:30 p.m. All Department administration. Now In Paperbaek /I Venturesome quest 1400 Blanshard St. 382-0525 for the Good’Life $5 per day, 5c per mile Once Upon An Island I I Weekend Rate $7.50 + 5c permi. - $1 .so by DavidConover, Ganges SUMMER 1973 I EMPLOYMENT qPPDRTUNlTlES ThisCompetition is open to Both IJunction Books1 Also: One Man’s Island Mer, and Women. 581 Johnson 38310633 SPECIAL YOUTH .CONCERT: It -:NA.QCBSOY EPES World Famous Spanish Guitarist ’ withthe Victoria Symphony Orchestra LASZLO .GAT1 conducting . TuesdayNovember 21st 7.30 p.m. Admission $1.50’ CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Programme: Aria and Allegro for Strings and Brass Zador Concerto for Gui.tar Vivaldi Fantasia para un Gentilhombre. Rodrigo Symphony No. 9’ Shostakovitch’ .Bring your friends - rap with t soloistthe musicians!and I martlet thursday, the martlet 16, nokember 1972 ’ page three The AMS finally managed to Freethy, when contacted discussion, the academic pass its budget Tuesday night Wednesday morning for guidebook managed to obtain a third as did both the without either jeapordizing comment, was not pleased, either with the decision to defeat Activities Department and the existing studentprogrammes or Martlet. supporting new ones. allocation of $2000 theto After a tiringAfter six-houra guidebook or with the budget as a Freethy, in additionto the session and a delay of almost whole. $2000hehad askedfor to two weeks since themeeting was produce a guidebook, had scheduled to havebeen held, “I can’t believethe priorities attempted toget supplementary council spentmore than re-affirmedlast night ware grants of $2000 for Activities $100,000 on twelve different those of the students we and $1250 fbr the Martlet(to departments. represent”, he said. cover production cost Topping the listwas a grantof “If the budget were togo to the increases). more than $26,000 to operation student body to vote on . I’m At a summerquorum meeting of the SUB. Othermajor it sure would change of the RA last July a motion had recipients wereClubs’ Council. substantially”,Freethy been passed to guarantee4 Publications and remarked. ActivitiesCo-Ordinator Rick the General Manager’s Office. Pattersona $4000 subsidy to There was little support for costcoverthe of his the AMS President’sattitude Remembertbe student theatre boycott? Effective Funds of $27,260 earmarked programmes. fromthe RA. His special Patterson ended up getting for the AthleticCouncil were not motions all failed by substantial isn’t it? So much so that prices have been biked up dealt with by the RA. Athletics: less than $800. margins andhe refused to One motion which surprised receives itsmoney bygettingsix sponsor any amendments. dollarsfrom each student’s couhcil was one by Freethy to for twsecond time in three months. The council went through the cut $2000 fromthe Clubs’ AMs fees in September. budget a first time,making cuts budget. as they went along and In contrast to previous budget It was a tough night for him. establishing afund from which, That attempt to find funds for an II meetingstherewere no at the end of this part of the attempts to severelyrestrict academic guidebook went down meeting they granted money to tooverwhelmingdefeat as well. the functioning of the Martlet. motions that arose. NSU Rejects In an explanatory statement The paper managed tocome I away with $9600, a decrease oi Although Freethy was attachedtheto budgethe $250 from last year. presented,Treasurer Paul unsuccessful in gathering Malnarich had sais that “the Threespecialmotions support for his proposals , all budget itself is political. I have proposed by President Russell three of them were moved and Social attempted to create a verynon- Freethy, one of whichwould passed by other council political document, but the have ensured the production of members in modified form. allocation of resources is the an academic guidebook this Of $1450 made available by mostpolitical decision any year, failed. the RA for this partof the budget organization can make.” by dave todd AMS PresidentRussell mood now is not that of the early Freethy,treasurer of the sixties. Wewill be dealing with recently-formedNational Union bread and butter issues”, of Students, said Mondayhe Freethv said. would resign from NUS office if He dismissed as unlikely the Federal Loan Formula UVic studentsrejected possibilitythethat new membership in the organization would become OTTAWA (CUP) -- The federal government has offered secondary education, or be married. organization. involved in political struggles federal student loan regulations no figures tojustify the changes. The new body was established as did itspredecessor the came under fire Nov. 9 as It says any extracosts could It wouldtherefore be possible forsomeone to be declared in Toronto Nov.on 5 by Canadian Unionof Students representatives of the British result only frominterest delegatesfrom about 40 (CUS). The CUS was disbanded Columbia Association of Student payment on the portion of loans dependent on his parents if he was 35and had been living Canadian universities and in 1969 following manymonths of Unions (BCASU) presenteda gained by thesubmission of community colleges. A three- independently for 15 years but internal and external brief to the steering committee false information; by the extra day conference was marked by a difficulties. of student loan officialsfrom the administrativecost involved; had never worked afor consecutive 12:month period. dispute which thesaw “The object ofNUS is not to provincial and federal arid by unpaid loans originally representatives from Maritime become a political mouthpiece by - The BCASU brief suggests governments. gained thesubmission of adQuebec schoolswalk out in for organizations expressing a’ The brief attacks the recent false information. the provincial ageof majority be the sole factor for dtermining protest over the termsof union minority viewpoint”, he.said. changes in the loan regulations, Thebrief alsosays the membership. independence, because it is the He arguedthat issues the ’ as well as some of the original reference to the 75 percent is Potential members will have student who is liablefor union was likely. to concern regulations. irrelevant because it refers to to hold referendums on their itself with were bound to be , Therecent changes include a Quebec whichdoes not fall under repayment of the loan. The brief also suggests the campuses before being allowed political in one sense,. inasmuch demand that studentssave a the Canada Student Loan Act. tojoin. So far, onlySimon as there would be de‘alxngs with certain amount of money over Because the CanadaStudent elimination of thesummer earning chartin favor of the old Fraser- Universitvhas done the Federal Government. the summer,the and the Loan application is legala this. Some student councils “The whole question of compulsoryinclusion of dgeument and can be used as method of requestjng applicants to specify theirexisting authorizedtheir delegates to student financing and student aid photostats of the student’s T-1 evidenceunder theCanada join the new union but UVic was is very much a political issue,” tax returnform, birth Evidence Act, therequired financial support. The number of student loan not among them. he said. Another matter of certificate, and social photostated material is QuebecThe delegates concern to the union is student insurance number with a loan unnecessary, theBCASU says.
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