î>« he!I before h« is On the to nur« that he wiuheg ELECTION NOTICE Screen ; marry you? Leatric« Joy is still "a ELECTION NOTICE ELECTION NOTICE íoy for eve r.** ELECTION NOTICE ELECTION NOTICE ELECTION NOTICE «The Sin Flood" « ! ,Th* .overture is the "Merry Wives BOAB» OF ELECTIONS OF TU» CTTT OF NEW TOBE. SOCIALIST ttelightf«! W Windsor." "Danny Deever" is PARTY PROHIBITION FABTT "The Man Who Saw ; staged and «»cnpr.iJ Office«, Boom 1M0. Mnntalpal Bolldliif. Cornedy; the Rivoli tung hy Ford Palmer »nd Borough of Maniinffum, October SO, 1032. To-morrow** at Rivoli Dance ensemble. There ia a TO TB» VOTKK8 OF NEW YORK COUNTY: Intermezzo by Rose and Francis Pursuant to tht provlBlon« of Section 11«, Chapter Ell, Law» of nnd a M" Chapter 17 of tho Consolidated Law» (The Election 1IÏ2. conatltuttnr ' eMnVri)L Fleischer comedy the la a true Law) nette« la hereby airen that Harriette called "Pay Day." following and correct Hat of ail nominations of a&ndtdatee for office« By Underhiîl to bo fllied at the »eneral election to he held November 7, «'»¡led ft!ed In our office pursuant to the provlalona of the 1S22, certified to us and A picture "Tho Sin Flood" [s At the Strand Jackie is the Kiecttoa Law. the Theater. It. in Coogan «t Capitol was made ffatnrethe "Oliver Twiet," 7«Queen o£ * calicd Moulin iB »t the from P^í" "The Deluge," which nies« will beKong«" Cameo. twice in the reviewed to-morrow. At BOKOUOH OF ¦teti. weighed balance and ! the Rutilo "The impossible Mrs. Bel- MANHATTAN.BEFÜBLICAN FABTY EMBLEM.FOUNTAIN faono teanting here in New York. We ! lew' is the feature. rever saw that play, but the fact that OFFICB NAME OF CANDI¬ RESIDENCE. BUSINESS ADDRESS :t ran for soeh a «hi rt time .-. ; TO BE FILLED DATE. smfl t Lénora »MBU3M~ARM AND that it eoold not Sparkes Pleases TORCH prove vi.ii-e been near- Governor . George K. Hinds..... 92 Riverside Drive, K. 11S2 B'way, N. Y. C. a* the pistare. Krank Hearers in Recital OFFICE! I Lieutenant Gov¬ Y. C. *à;flOC00<5 Lloyd NAM ti OF ernor . Song TO BE FILLED CANDIDAT« William C. Bamsdeit. 8 Llndnn av., Mlddle-81 North st.. îsldôI-- directed the picture tsnd he has seised RESIDENCE PLACHJ OF BUSINESS town, N. Y. town. N. Y. Secretary of O. H. the materia] offeicd ,. ¡,. Provide» Diversion With s- Governor ..Edward StateiH-ien Estelle.,'í37 Academy st., Poügh-jI37 Academy »t., Pou,-.i spots hiw Nur F. C&Ssldy. »3I1W. 123d St., N. Y. C. 530 W. 123« st.,N. Y. C. keepsi«, N. Y. S keepfti«. N. Y. it into a Lieutenant Oov Theroaa B. Wiley. .. 40-1 sutdc fascinating «creen com¬ ery Rhymes; Frances. Cuce ernur Lenox rd., Seheneo- 404 Lenox rd., Schenoc- Comptroller.Edwin fl. Dean. Walnut at.. Batavia. 63 Main at., Batavia, edy. No», .»overs i people have told us A. tarty, N. Y. tady, N. Y. N, T. N, Y. Gives Secretary of State Philip Randolph.. I AS \V. 14 2d Treasurer ....... til »boot "The Delu«...-. which was Brief Program James C. «t.. N. Y. C. 3307 Tth ave., N. Y. C. Albert W. Pleraon. J728 Seventh at., Niagara 788 Seventh at-, Nlaga i oriçi- \'o vocal feats were Comptroller. Sheahan., 45 Sparkhlll av., Al¬ 46 Sparkhlll eve., Al¬ Fails. N. Y. Falls, N. Y. mfa Banning Berger'« "Syudaflodcñ," performed by bany, X. Y. bany. N. Y. Attorney General. Franklin E. Baldwin. 670 Euclid av.. Elmfra. 108 State at.. Blmlr* . Morris wo are quite rare Lonora Treasurer Bermnn . L. L. Cedarhurst, L. I. State Engineer «sj that while tho Sparkes yesterday at the Town EMBLEM.BAQLB STANDINQ, Oeneral. Hejioklah WIIcok. Cedarnurtt, N. Y. i N. Y train of events was much the same WIN08 OPEN. Attorney D. If.4 W. 3d tit,. Etmlra, 320 E, Water «t., Bl- and Surveyor.. John Q. Passage... Darrow rd., rd.. Saherte.1- aa Hall, but the Metropolitan N. Y. mlra, N. Y. United States N. 8ohenee-¡Darrow N. Y. those narrated in "The Sin Flood" soprano State Engineer Charles P. Steinmetz 108 Wendell tady. Y. tady. the jrnve her hearers a OFFICE Ti) BE NAME OF 10.9 Wendell av.. Gche- ave., Schen- Senator ., Coleridge A. Hart.. 23Î Washington st.,; 25 Nassau st., N of the ig and . mood story quite different. generally agreeable FILLED CANDIDATE RESIDENCE Surveyor. nectadv, N. Y. ectady, N. Y. Peekaklll. N. Y. Again and again the spectators burst nftcrnoon with a program of the PLACE OF BUSINESS United States Algernon Lee .... USfi Madison av., N. Y. 7 B. 16th st.. N. T. C, Surrogate . Horace Greeley Sonator . C. r'.o gala» oí men ¡mont at the ¦familiar composition and order: Ital- Nathan L. Miller CU" Knapp.,. 6«3 W. 147th at, N. Y. C.j 33S B'way, N. Y. C of the predica- san, Jomes St.. Syra¬ Capitol. Albany, N. Y. Justice« of the Harry "Weinberger 400 st. Nloholas av., 32 Union sq., N. Y. C Judges of the people trapped in the cafe French, German and English Lieutenant Got- cuse, N. T. Huprem« Court, N. Y. C. Court of Gen¬ :,y the flood; it was, song«; butWolf-Ferrari took the 1st Judicial Istiac M Sackln.. £01 Hfcond «v., N. Y. C. 162 W. 42d st., N. Y. C. eral Sessions.., George K. Hinds. 92 Riverside Drive. 1182 N. Y. C assuredly, played place of eruor . William J. Donovan 7 51; 1480 N. Y. C. B'way. ¦'or laughs and yet the actors [the usual older Italian Delaware Ave.. Buf¬ Merino Trust Eul'.dtng, District . Maurlco Leffcrt 860 Fox st., Bronx, N. Broadway, Y. C. appeared initial numbers. falo, n. y. Buffalo, N. Y. REPRESENTA¬ 'm be frightfully serious ovar it all. At limes, In the French Andre Secretary of State Samuel .1. Joseph.. 233 director songs by 137 Beck St., Bronx. 2!0 Broadway. N. Y. C. Justice of the Tacob Bernstein 7S7 Cretona Park, N., Broadway, Vf, Y. C. TIVES IN tie truck j-jst the right not». Caplet and Rayelt for instance, her N. Y.> Cfty Court.. Bronx, N. Y. c. CONGRESS. lower Comptroller . Wilüain J. Malar.... 320 N. Y. C. D. «61 W. «61 W. et .jsustained the interest without ai&k* tonca seemed her 60 Cayuga St., Seneca is« sttto St.. Surrogate .... Alexander Kuhn 185 W. 16th st., N. Y. C Broadway, 11th District.... Leigh Col vin_ 173th et., N. Y.C. 179th ,N. Y C veiled; higher Albany, of the Robert ISO B. ISSd st., N. Y. 165 Broadway, N. Y. C. 12th District_ Albert T. Hull. ¿the aceites in the least [noten were generally better and camo Treasurer .'. N. Munroe Fall«, N. Y. N. Y. Judges Ferrari C. llfl Nassau the harrowing, out Marshall. 9 Prospect 81., Malone, People Trust Co.. Ma¬ Court of Gen¬ Leon A. Malicie I. 047 W. 123d st., X. Y. C st., N. Y. C. 14th District_ Kenneth S. Guthrle 282 Henry st.. N. Y. C. 2S2 Henry st., N. Y. ( «J result is a delightful picture well in Wolf-Ferrari's "O si che N. Y. lón«. N. Y. eral Sessions.. 16th District_ Aaron B. Lewis.... 201 W. 81st st., N. Y. C 201 W. ?lst st., N. Y. C non Attorney General Ersktne ' »toy. sapeva sospirare" and the Brabms C. Rogers.. 26 Maple St.. Hudson 101 Main st., Hudson 3 6th Diatrlct_ Henry W. Llvlngeton!l24 E. 30th st., N. Y 124 E. ;i0th st.. N. T. 17th District_ Robert J. McAusland 945 Columbua av.. 824 Columbus av., N.'i'.1: The Story uongs. Slate Engineer Falls, N\ Y. Falls, N. Y. REPRESENTA¬ Y. C. A diversion was TIVES IN 18th Helene Chadwici: is a provided in four and Surveyor. Charles L. Cadle_ 985 CONGRESS. District.¡Herbert D, Burnhami242 Lenox av.. N. Y. 2 42 Lenox av., N. T. C. flippant chorus parodies Herbert Harvard St., Roch¬ Capitol, Albany, N. Y. 19th District George B. Youngs.. 78 W. 103d st.. N. Y. C 78 W. 10«d st.. N. Y. C who loves one by Hughes, nursery ester, N. Y. 11th District_ Waiter Bearing 2:: 21st District sincerely, Billy rhymes with an elaborate United State."» Stuyvesant PI., New 22 Stuyvesant pi., New Mam!» Colvin. 681 W. 179th at., N. Y. C. 661 W. 17Sth st., N. Y. C fir!,ear, which seems* an excellent name incongruous, Senator . William M. Calder. 13th nrlghton, 8. I. Brighton, S. I. 22J District. George W. White... 1883 White Plains rd.. setting; in which the gt- Brooklyn. 164S Eleventh District. Meyer London . 508 W. |£2d N. {or a rising young broker. Billy loves composer ad- E6?. 1?* Ave., ISth District. Abraham Lofkowttz, st.. Y. C 302 Broadway, N. Y. C. N. Y. C. h«r, too. and all milted "certain quotations hardly dis- Justices of the Brooklyn, N. Y. Grand av., East Elm- High School of Com¬ STATE probably would have cruised," the mort Supremo Court, hurst. N. Y. merce, N. Y. C. SENATOR. b«*n well if obvious being a near- Uth District. Jacob Panken .... IBB Sd Billy hadn't offered to re¬ 1st Judicial Robert McC. Marsh. av., N. Y. C. 264 Madison st., N. Y. C. ' . Lodian Lodien 94 Market at.. N. Y. C. 94 Market N. Y. <¦. the Bach fugue as a prelude to a Mother 42 E. 91 h St., N. Y. C. '¦¡1 Chambers st.. N. Y. C. lóth District.. Leonard .... »50 £ 1st «t., N. Y. C. 550 W. ïlst st.. ÎUÎÎ?18th 5!"îric!'- I at., lieve switchboard girl one District . Edward J. McGold- lOtli Jessie W.Kaye W.
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