THE NUOAZINI Or SUBSTANCE VOL. XIX SUMMER 1991 $2.95 FOR PROGRESSIVE WOMEN SUPPORT OF (EARTH) HOOD A Conversation with Earth First! Activist Judi Bari • The Uncommon Women of Greenham • Critiques W'a of New Contraceptives • • — m WmBK -It I •in I =00 =^ I =b I -•* --* New Books for Women on Women's Concerns! JEWISH WOMEN IN WOMEN AND DIVORCE/ THERAPY MEN AND DIVORCE Seen But Not Heard Gender Differences in Edited by Rachel Josefowitz Siegel, MSW, Separation, Divorce, and Ellen Cole, PhD and Remarriage "The [chapters] in this volume are marked by WOMAN-DEFINED compassion, intimacy, and a feminist willing- Edited by Sandra S. Volgy, PhD MOTHERHOOD ness to explore the terrain where the personal, "Solid research based data for gender issues in the mythical, the historical, the pathological, separation, divorce, and remarriage.... It is a Edited by Jane Price Knowles, MD, and the therapeutic all intersect."—Susan very valuable resource for the clinician who takes and Ellen Cole, PhD Weidman Schneider, Editor, Lilith Magazine; seriously the need for substantive date analysis "An intellectually and emotionally riveting Author of Jewish and Female and results. It is also a book which could be very book. The contributions from these talented au- Here is the first volume ever to focus on the helpful to an individual or couple who want to thors expose the unidimensional myths of issues of Jewish women in the context of coun- have more cognitive data and a deeper under- motherhood and delineate the multifaceted na- seling and psychotherapy. The authors convey standing of both men and women and divorce is- ture of being a mother.... The complex reali- the richness and variety of Jewish women's sues."—Ralph H. Earle, PhD, Psychological Coun- ties that these authors affirm have never been experiences and the Jewishness and female- seling Services, Ltd, Scottsdale, Arizona so clearly articulated until now. Whether you ness of the concerns, issues, values, and atti- This is one of the few books in the field dealing come to this book as a clinician, mother, father, tudes that Jewish women—both clients and with gender issues in divorce in a research con- daughter, or son, it will expand your under- therapists—bring into the therapy room. text. This important book presents the most re- standing of being, having, or loving a $9.95 paper. ISBN: 0-918393-93-0. cent research available in the area of gender is- mother."—Barbara Swain, PhD, Clinical Psy- Spring 1991. sues as they relate to divorce and personal ad- chologist, Prescott, Arizona; Adjunct Faculty, justment to divorce. Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona $14.95 paper. ISBN: 1-56024-114-4. Spring 1991. Feminist authors examine some of women's FEMINIST APPROACHES full, rich, and varied thoughts and experiences about motherhood. In contrast to the too often FOR MEN WOMEN'S MENTAL accepted male notions of what constitutes a IN FAMILY THERAPY HEALTH IN AFRICA "good' mother or a "normal" family, this impor- tant book presents a comprehensive and bal- Edited by Michele Bograd, PhD Edited by Esther Rothblum, PhD, anced view of motherhood—as women have ob- "A wide and rich variety of material that both and Ellen Cole, PhD served and experienced it. educators and practitioners will find fills this "An important and interesting book since it ad- $14.95 paper. ISBN: 0-918393-87-6. gap. Michele Bograd and her contributors dresses the problems associated with women's present many of the sociopolitical issues that mental health in Africa apart from those of men, men bring to therapy. Looking at the social which has not been done before in one volume. It WAITING construction of the male gender through a should be read by all those involved in medical feminist perspective, the reader will find this and paramedical fields and by concerned A Diary of Loss and Pregnancy text rich with stories, personal reflections, and laypeople."—Georgina Buijs, PhD, Lecturer, Ellen Judith Reich, JD clinical vignettes that brings the theoretical Department of Anthropology, Rhodes University, Waiting is an honest, in-depth examination of material to life. "—Richard L. Meth, CISW, Grahamslown, South Africa one woman's experiences of pregnancy and Director, Center for Marital and Family This landmark volume looks closely at the mental miscarriage. This journal, kept by author Therapy, Marital and Family Therapy health of women in Africa, a topic that has been Ellen Judith Reich through her third preg- Program; Lecturer, School of Family Studies, virtually unexplored until now. Replete with nancy, reflects upon two previous miscar- University of Connecticut some of the most provocative feminist issues of riages. She explores not only the terror that This collection of is the first of its kind to ad- the day, this unique book examines various fac- can accompany the prospect of becoming a dress the treatment of men in marital and tors that have a major impact on the psychologi- mother, but the loss of innocence and fear of family therapy from a political or feminist cal well-being of women in African countries. future loss that haunt any woman who has perspective. Feminist Approaches for Men $9.95 paper. ISBN: 0-918393-86-8. Winter 1990. miscarried. Reich focuses on grief and hope in Family Therapy is also the first book in and on learning to cope with change and loss the field of family therapy to systematically of control. apply the insights of feminist and gender-sen- HIPPOCRATES' $14.95 paper. 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XIX SUMMER 1991 PUBLISHER/EDITOR IN CHIEF Merle Hoffman MANAGING EDITOR Beverly Lowy ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eleanor J. Bader ASSISTANT EDITOR Karen Aisenberg EDITOR AT LARGE Phyllis Chesler CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Charlotte Bunch Vinie Burrows Naomi Feigelson Chase Irene Davall Toi Derricotte Roberta Kalechofsky Flo Kennedy Fred Pelka Helen M. Stummer ART DIRECTORS Michael Dowdy Julia Gran EARTH FIRST! activist, Judi ADVERTISING AND SALES Bari, (top right), with her DIRECTOR WHEN TERROR STRIKES: New Age family: (top to Carolyn Handel The Six-Week War bottom) Lisa Henry, Jessica By Patricia Golan Bari, Lisa Bari, and Mo, the ON THE ISSUES: A feminist, humanist pub- A frontline report on the effects of the watchdog in a rare quiet lication dedicated to promoting political ac- Gulf war on Israelis 7 moment at home after Judi's tion through awareness and education; work- narrow escape. ing toward a global political consciousness; IN SUPPORT OF fostering a spirit of collective responsibility for Cover by Julia Gran positive social change; eradicating racism, MOTHER(EARTH)HOOD homophobia, classism, sexism, ageism, A Conversation with Earth First! speciesism; and supporting the struggle of Activist Judi Bari "OUT OF THE CARING CLOSET" historically disenfranchised groups to protect By Christine Keyser By Eleanor Bader and defend themselves. Commitment is Judi Bari's life. It was A Profile of Feminist Writer /Critic nearly her death 10 Suzanne Gordon 28 UNSOLICITED MANUSCRIPTS All unsolicited material will be read by the editors. P'nr return, enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope with ROBERT BLY AND IRON JOHN THE UNCOMMON WOMEN OF proper postage Articles should be not more than 10 double By Fred Pelka GREENHAM spaced, typewritten pages on health, social or political issues by people with hands-on experience in their fields. Macho poet Robert Bly has the answer Told by Leslie Webster, Written by Professional papers are acceptable. All editing decisions to men's inadequacies: Blame women 16 Ginna D. Rose are at the discretion of the editors. Feminist cartoons are also acceptable under the same provisions Since 1981, a small band of women has ON THE ISSUES does not accept fiction or poetry. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? braved the elements — and the U.S. Critiques of the new contraceptives military 30 Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher. Acceptance does not necessarily imply endorsement. After Norplant, What's Next? 20 By Jill Benderly TALKING FEMINIST PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The opinions expressed by contributors to our publication and by those we Ru Angry? 22 Animal Experimentation — A interview are not necessarily those of the editors.
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